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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Seigi Ikazuchi [WIP]

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Seigi Ikazuchi [WIP] Empty
PostSubject: Seigi Ikazuchi [WIP]   Seigi Ikazuchi [WIP] EmptyThu Apr 24, 2014 6:39 am

Seigi Ikazuchi [WIP] 640px-REQUEST-_Uchiha_Akihiro_-in_progress-.png

Seigi Ikazuchi [WIP] Whoare14

First Name: Seigi
Last Name: Ikazuchi
Alias: Sei

Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 125 Lbs
Birthday: January 20th
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element(s): Raiton/Lightning
Specialization(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Seigi Ikazuchi [WIP] Tellme11

Personality: Seigi is a quiet kid, usually keeping his mouth shut until he only needs to say what needs to be said, unless enraged, which he will then gladly curse you and the ground you stand on. He doesn't like wasting his time, and if he isn't fighting, he isn't happy. But despite his attitude, he is a very moral person, understanding the difference between good and evil, and he is very much a good person. He hates those who wrong others, and though he may not say it often, he holds his friends in high regard and won't hesitate to take down anyone who bad mouths them. As a downside though, he is very driven by revenge.

Calm and collected, he is brutal in combat, even for a genin. Although he specializes in Ninjutsu, his taijutsu isn't far behind.

-People watching

-Those who wrong others
-The taste of fish

A mixture of revenge and refusing to let his peers surpass him.

Being left behind in terms of strength and losing his very few friends.

Seigi Ikazuchi [WIP] Blood10

Bloodline Name:

Bloodline Ability:


Clan History:

Seigi Ikazuchi [WIP] Histor11


Only told that his father had disappeared before he was born, Seigi was raised by his mother, Ayumi Ikazuchi in The Hidden Storm Village. His mother was a capable shinobi, a jounin under the order of the Kanetsukage, but having Seigi changed that and she gave being shinobi up in order to be a mother. "Her life was no longer her own and she had no right to put it in danger". She had once said. Seigi was a normal, rambunctious little boy, constantly wanting to explore as a child. He was walking by the age of one, and constantly getting out of his mother's sight.

He joined the academy at the age of 7, but his concentration was often elsewhere. He wanted to see what was outside of the village and explore the world, much larger aspirations than a 7 year old should have. Paying attention was definitely not one of his strong points, but he managed to crawl onward and advance the class. He was just a normal kid who wanted to explore. As a child, he often would play games with the other kids, playing ninja on the playground, and talk about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Seigi simply wanted to be strong. "Only the strong can see the world for how it really is." He often told himself. If he was weak, he wouldn't survive out there. Even at a young age, he acknowledged this.

When he was 12, tragedy struck in the form of death. A ninja by the name of Kazuya came to the village, the son of a shinobi who Ayumi had killed many years ago, before she had Seigi. He manged to track her down and wanted revenge for his father. Sneaking into their home in the middle of the night, Kazuya used a jutsu to hide the sounds of his footsteps and made his way to Ayumi's bedroom. Once there, he produced a dagger and struck Ayumi in the heart, in her sleep. Awoken by her screaming, Seigi rushed to his mother's room, only to find her lifeless eyes staring at him from her bed and Kazuya's name written on the walls with blood. Seigi didn't know if she had named her killer as her last act of life or if Kazuya was simply marking his accomplishment. Either way, it wasn't long before others arrived to help, only to see a boy clutching his mothers head, screaming for her to wake up. Covered in her blood, it took two jounin to get him away from her. He was taken to the Kanetsukage's office, where he was comforted while the body was removed.

For days, all Seigi did was stare at the wall. He was alone now. No father. No mother. No siblings. He was the last Ikazuchi. Seigi felt himself fall into a darkness that he didn't want to leave. A darkness in his heart. He vowed to track down this Kazuya guy and end his life, one way or another. He had taken the last thing that had belonged to Seigi and Seigi wouldn't forget that. Days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to months. Seigi was allowed to go back to his home, where it was just him now. He returned to the academy, but much more quiet. People had heard what had happened, and not knowing how to deal with something like that, simply left Seigi alone. He may have been sad, but he was still a kid. And even adults would avoid him. He felt so lonely at times, he would often go out and cause trouble just so that he would be noticed. He slowly started to become that happy-go-lucky kid again, but couldn't shake that feeling of sadness when he was alone. Then, one day, his teacher took him aside and gave him the idea to train. "In battle," he said ,"Your mind ignores those problems. You concentrate on the moment at hand and nothing else matters, except for the fight." Seigi seemed to understand what his teacher was trying to convey and went out and began to train in the mountains after school each day. He would go out and practice new moves that he learned in class until his arms or legs would give. And after doing this for awhile, his grades in school began to gradually improve as well. He truly excelled in his Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, lacking in the genjutsu department. He wasn't one to play mind games. He was very straight forward and direct, and his attacks proved so.

At the age of 13, he graduated the academy, immediately being put on a team. But after his first few missions, things got sour and he ended up being ambushed by a group of bandits. Seigi did his best to take them out, but in the end, numbers won against the genin's strength as his team mates got away. As punishment for knocking out their buddies, they crushed his left shoulder, broke the humerus in half and broke all of his fingers in his hand. It was excruciating, especially for such a young kid. Limping back to the village after being beaten excessively and spent two months in the hospital, then another 8 healing, in which time he wasn't allowed to train. Once he finally got the use of his arm and hand back though, he immediately went back into training, making up for lost time. Taking a year off took it's toll on him, but now, at the age of 15, he is stronger than he was before and ready for anything.

RP Sample:
Th dark night blanketed Boufuugakure in a thick cloud of mist, rolling in from the mountains behind the mountains. It came in, swift and silent, leaving just the tops of the buildings to be seen, reflected in the moonlight. It was a full moon tonight, perfect for meditation and training for the young ninja. Thoughts of hatred and revenge had filled his young mind all day as he kept reflecting back on that fateful night. Trying to get his thoughts together, he thought that perhaps climbing to the top of his home and mediating in the moonlight would help. So, here he was, sitting atop his home at just passed midnight. He still wore his clothes from earlier today, still covered in the dirt, blood and sweat from the training before. He was tired, yes, but not tired enough to meditate on what he had learned. But still, dark thoughts crept into his mind, as they often did. Holding his head, Seigi tried his best not to scream. Tears began to roll from his eyes, down his cheeks. He felt so alone.

His mind wandered back to that night. Back to when he found his mother, dead on the floor, her killer's name written on the wall with her own blood. Kazuya. Seigi wanted to spit at the name. He wanted to find this Kazuya and make him pay for his atrocities. He took his only family he had away from him, and for that, the man would not live once Seigi found him. Getting a hold of himself, Seigi concentrated his thoughts, retracing moments from that night. He had been lying in his bed, trying to sleep. That day, he had been made fun of at the academy for wanting to be the strongest ninja in the village. Why did they laugh at him? He just wanted to protect them. He wanted to be a hero. But his almost-slumber was interrupted by a blood curling scream. Seigi knew it was his mothers. He knew what he was going to find before he slipped out from under his covers and his feet hit the floor, but the entire time, he refused to believe it. As his footsteps echoed down the quiet hallway, he tried to deny that this was happening. That maybe it was just a dream. That maybe he was hearing things, although his heart, already heavy, knew otherwise.

As he slowly opened his mothers bedroom door, the first thing he saw was her, staring at him from the floor. Dropping to his knees, he began to sob. Her lifeless eyes pierced his soul, and he knew it was a face he'd never forget. The way there was a blood trail from her bed to half way to the door, as if the killer had left her alive, knowing she'd bleed out. Knowing that she would try to get help before she died. Crawling to his mother, he picked up her head and cradled it in his lap, and screamed. Seigi couldn't remember for how long, but he screamed at the top of his lungs, for as long as he could. He wanted to release all of his fury with his vocal chords, hoping that this was a dream and screaming would wake him up. Seigi was in tears again at this point, but trying to control it. He concentrated on his chakra, and letting it flow freely instead of obstructed by his emotion.

He remembered when the jounin came rushing into his mother's room, to see a crying boy holding his mother's lifeless body. He remembered it took 2 jounin to pry him from her. But most of all, he remembered her killer's name.


The name that struck a nerve every time he heard it. The name he called out in his sleep. The name of the man that he would murder, in revenge. Shaking, Seigi concentrated his chakra to his center, not wanting to let it explode. If he were to track this man down and face him, he would need better chakra control. And that meant no outbursts like this. The emotions within Seigi were not too much to handle, he just let them explode, a tidal wave of emotion. Channeling those emotions into a single, killing thought would be the key to controlling his chakra if he were to face this man.

Deeply breathing, Seigi let his emotions calm down, then he opened his eyes, now crusty from tears. He stared at the moon. He had so much hate built up inside of him, he didn't know what to do with it. But it wasn't hate for no reason. He hated evil. He hated people who hurt others. The fact that someone out there would try to hurt the people he loved made him furious, and with that notion, he made a vow. Standing up, he looked to the moon and raised his hand up to it, almost as if he was grabbing towards it, it's radiating glow outlining the spaces between his index finger and middle finger.

"I will claim vengeance for myself and my mother. I will not let another person that I love fall to darkness." He grinned, clenching his fist, the moon in his grasp. A cold breeze blew, waving his dark hair in front of his eyes. He stood there for a moment, his fist still in the air, before letting it drop slowly, but still looking up into the sky.

Reflecting back on himself, he hated that he was driven by revenge so much. But that helped him grow stronger. It wasn't the best way, but it was one way. And with good intentions, it couldn't be too bad, right? As much as Seigi told himself that, he knew it not to be true. But he didn't care. It was the only thing that drove him for the longest time and he refused to let it stop him now. Even if revenge helped him rid the world of evil, it was beneficial. Staring into the abyss of the mist, he sometimes wondered if whatever else was inside of the abyss was staring back at him.

Seigi Ikazuchi [WIP] Extra10


Face Claim:

Seigi Ikazuchi [WIP] Accept10
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