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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)

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Special Jounin

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PostSubject: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyMon May 26, 2014 4:23 am

The Port of Caerula was as busy as ever, not just with people, but ships of all shapes and builds. The newly promoted Chunnin, Yuri Onmyoton walked along the edge of the port and admired the calm and pecaeful waters, the ships out in the ocean caused occasional small waves that made a pleasant sound against the pier. The wind was moderate but cool in the hot sun and gave a very graceful feeling; it wasn't a hot day, but the sun's rays were quite bright today.  It seem as if this was going to be another peaceful afternoon. Merchants traveled to and fro, unloading their merchandise and loading up their bounties. Tsukigakure was considered the wealthy and neutralist  village at the moment, it was relatively safe to travel here and do business with little to no fear of robbery or death. Especially when you have a ninja nearby on patrol. Well Yuri wasn't on patrol she was stump on what to do toady. She didn't have any missions to completed at the moment, she wasn't require at her clan's compound for their usually training sessions. Finally she was given the day off by her sensei. Yuri didn't have any friends expect for her Sensei and Kage, not because she was a loner. This was due to the fact that her Clan, The Onmyotom clan was very secretive of their Jutsu and kept their clan members on a very short leash, this included Yuri too.

"Maybe I should have brought a pair of sunglass." Yuri place her left hand over eyes as she scanned out across the flat horizon of shimmering blue water that connected to Tsukikagure's harbor. Yuri let out a small sigh as pull out her orange little book from her pocket and smiled. "When was the last time I read you Icha Icha. Every since I became more busy with missions I had less time for myself? At least I can get away from the compound for awhile." Yuri walk towards the edge of the pier and sat down, letting her boots dangle over the edge of the pier as she leaned back, her hands supporting her head as she inhaled the fresh sea air deeply and began to read the last chapter of the her book, Icha Icha Book Nine, The Forbidden Romance of Missing Ninja and the Hunter Ninja. While at the same time, soaking up the rays of the sun. The book Yuri was reading about how a female hunter nin fell in love with the target she was assigned to kill, trying to get the man to turn over a new leaf. So they could have their happy ending. "You know I became a Chunnin and not a single person has even said good job Yuri or you making me proud. Well the elders of my clan did thank me but they really didn't mean it or even care." Yuri ran her left hand through her long black hair, as the breeze got slightly stronger. After pushing her the bangs out of her face, Yuri went back to reading her Adult novel, forgetting about the world around her, as she became focus on finding out what happens to the couple in her book.
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PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyWed May 28, 2014 1:32 am

Chloe was still getting used to being a gennin -- and with that, not being able to get away with causing as much trouble. She hadn't even been on a mission yet, and didn't even really have a team, to speak of yet. Another thing that was taking some getting used to was definitely the fact that she was one of the clan's higher-class nobles. It didn't mean she had any more money than anyone else, it was really just an honorary title, but it meant that she would have one of the more powerful forms of her clan's ability and that was getting her a bit of flak from the 'basic' clansmen who were quite jealous. Because of this jealousy and anger, she had taken to hanging out in random parts of the village each day, so as to avoid running into them back home or falling into a predictable pattern of movements.

Today, Chloe was hanging at Port Caerula. She didn't really have any business there, but it was the last place she would expect to find other Norimune, so here she was. It didn't take her long to get bored, though, and she started playing little tricks on the ships coming in and out of port; such as untying a rope or two, or even leaving little tacks on the captain's chair, in his quarters. She was careful to pick out ships that weren't well guarded though, and to play her tricks well before they would actually become dangerous to the crew. She wasn't malicious, just playful, and a tiny bit annoying at times. On her way to mess with one of the wealthier traders, who had gotten a bit cocky and decided he didn't need many guards for his trip, she came across a young lady laying on the very end of a pier, one of the more empty ones. She had been jumping from one pier to another up until now, which was why she had stumbled upon this young girl. She was reading some sort of book, and seemed totally entranced in it...

With a short giggle, Chloe quickly reached out and snatched the book away from Yuri, flipping away and looking at it curiously. She stuck her tongue out at the girl who was just reading the book, giggling again and patting the book's cover. "Hey!~ What's this you're reading, huh?~ Oh, this is one of those pervy books isn't it?" Before waiting for any answer at all, Chloe quickly scampered back over to Yuri, speaking in a hushed whisper, as if talking about something dirty or illegal, "Hey, are you a pervert or something?~" Chloe teased, snickering to herself as she did so, holding the book out to Yuri in order to give it back. After all, she wasn't trying to steal it from the girl, she was just trying to get her attention in her own sort of way.
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Special Jounin

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PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyWed May 28, 2014 2:33 am

Being a Chunnin, Yuri should been more aware of her surroundings but when she reading her Adult novels, she tends to forgot or more like ignored everything else around her. Yuri was getting far along in her book, getting to the conclusion of story and having her questions answer. Was the missing ninja pardon for his crimes? Will he stay in the village? This and many more questions were about to be answer. Yuri even let out a perverted giggled as she turn the page in her novel. The newbie Chuunin was so engrossed into her novel she didn't even heard a woman approaching her or even heard her giggling until it was too late. "My Icha Icha Novel!  Icha Icha Book Nine, The Forbidden Romance of Missing Ninja and the Hunter Ninja. I had to wait three weeks for that novel!" Yuri quickly jumped up from the ground, one of the fast times she ever move in her entire life, Yuri eyes widen as she some stranger was patted her book, that wasn't a good sign to Yuri. If her novel was in trouble, Yuri would do anything to get it back, Her Icha Icha collection where her most prized processions at the moment. "Yes I was reading that...and its a adult novel. Perverted yes but entraining at the same time." The strange but attractive woman didn't even gave her chance to answer her question as she flip away from Yuri. Yuri was about to speak again until the woman deiced to scampered back over to her. This woman reminded her of a cat and cat were usually trouble. Yuri would have to keep her guard up around this person.

Once Chloe began to speak again, Yuri  look around the area and leaned closer towards Chole as she spoke in a whispered. "No I'm not a pervert...I'm a super prevent!" Yuri giggled as she quote one of the catchphrases from the author of her book. Yuri knew she was perverted, how perverted she is? That depends on the person getting to know her. When Chloe offered her book back to her, Yuri was a bit suspicious of her. She might try to run off with her novel but at the same Yuri really want her book back. So Yuri quickly grabbed the book from Chloe and hold the book tightly agasaint her chest. Lightly glaring at Chloe, Yuri check her book for any damages and sigh happily as she found the book was still in perfect condition.

Yuri decided to speak in hushed whisper to just as Chloe did. "I was serious about being a pervert, I'm a pervert but I see in no point in hiding that. After all everyone is pervert even you." Yuri was unsure of how the Chloe would respond to that statement but it didn't matter to Yuri, everyone was perverted, no expectations! Yuri was just open about it. "Anyway, so the more important question is who are?. You seem very familiar for some reason but I can't remember why. By the looks of you. You seem like a troublemaker. No wait don't tell me. I can figure it out." Yuri said in mixture of seriousness and playfulness. As Yuri stare at the women, she was going through all the clans that live in this village, trying to figure out who this woman was?
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Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyWed May 28, 2014 7:53 am

Chloe was understandably surprised by Yuri's odd response. She'd never read the Icha Icha series,  and knew nothing about it's author, so she didn't know that Yuri was just quoting the author. She laughed slightly at the quote, taking a step back as Yuri snatched the book back and checked it carefully for any damages. "Wow!~ You really care for that book, huh 'Su~per pervert'?~" Chloe was really entertained by the girl before her, finding herself thinking about challenging her to a friendly sparring match. She looked like she could hold her own... She was probably even better than Chloe, but that didn't matter to the cat-like gennin.

"Yes, I assumed you were being serious, cutie!~ And I suppose everyone has at least a little pervert in them, but you've got it bad!~" Chloe continued to tease the girl, laughing slightly to herself and sitting down on the pier, cross-legged. She was smiling happily at this point, glad that she had found someone interesting to chat with. Then, as Chloe heard Yuri asking about who she was, she got an excited look on her face. It wasn't often that she got to introduce herself, because everyone she got to talk to already knew who she was. Ignoring Yuri's claim that she could figure it out, Chloe leaned back and propped herself up with both arms, sticking her chest out boldly with a proud look on her face, "I'm Chloe!~ One of the seven born nobles of the Norimune family!~ So you'd better watch your tongue, calling me a trouble maker!~" Chloe said, but despite how serious she was trying to sound, she couldn't help but giggle under her breathe as she told Yuri to 'watch her tongue'.

Not too long after Chloe said all this, she quickly un-folded her legs and leaped forward, attempting to tackle Yuri to the ground and lay on top of her, giggling mischievously. "Hey! You wanna spar with me?~ C'mon, it'll be fun!~"
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Special Jounin

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Ryo : 80000

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Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) Left_bar_bleue200/200Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) Empty_bar_bleue  (200/200)

Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyWed May 28, 2014 10:34 pm

Yuri pouted a little when Chloe introduce herself, she was on the verge of figuring it out, it was on the tip of her tongue. "Chloe Norimune of the Norimune Clan's. One of seven the legendary nobles. " Yuri had some information on the clan, she knew that the clan was branch of the Metarumasuta. The Metarumasuta clan are a group of people with the ability to turn their bodies into nearly indestructible metal who focus more on defense. Sure they had some offense ability but defense is where they Metarumasuta clan truly shine at. Yuri also knew that the Norimune clan focus on offense and that their abilities where far different from the Metarumasuta clan. The only problem Yuri had was that she had no idea on what clan members of the Norimune clan could do. It rumor that each noble had different abilities. "Am I a super cutie?" Your a sexy little minx. A Troublesome one but still sexy." Yuri teased the noble back as she watch her sit down. Yuri giggled a bit, Chloe was the most energetic person she ever met so far.

"Heh, You must really be a troublemaker then. What will happen if I keep calling you a troublemaker?" Yuri raised her eyebrow at Chloe, as if she was daring her to do something. "Anyway, since you told me who you are, its only fair if I do the same in return. I'm Yuri Onmyoton of the Onmyoton clan, I'm not a noble like you but I'm consider a prodigy of the clan." Yuri sated proudly as she place both of hands on her hips and look up towards the sky. "One day I planning on becoming the next clan head and lead my clan to glorious new age. Just as Yuri look back at Chloe and saw Chloe leaping at her! Sure, she could have dodge but instead she let Chloe tackled her to ground, with Chloe laying on top of her. Strangely enough it wasn't for a perverted reason, Yuri was trying to get a gauge on how strong Chloe was. "Spar with you? Sure I would love to spar with you but olny on one condition. What do I get in return for sparring with you?"Yuri had her own devilish grin as she patted Chloe on the head, or at least attempted to. Most people in Yuri's position would have told Chloe to get off by now but Yuri didn't mind this position one bit and it was something she could get use fairly quick. "You couldn't keep your hands off of me could you? As much I would love stay like this and as much as it pains me to said this. Can you kindly stand up? So we can start our spar?" Yuri said jokingly as she waited for Chloe to get off of her. Yuri was doing her best to keep her hands to herself but the perverted side of her was egging her on.
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Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyWed May 28, 2014 11:21 pm

Chloe was a bit surprised by the way Yuri had spoken to her, calling Chloe 'sexy', and asking if she was a 'super cutie'. Despite being caught off guard by the little speech, Chloe didn't falter for a moment, still smiling warmly and continuing to pounce on Yuri. "Hmm.. Well, I guess you are!~ But I wouldn't say I'm 'sexy'. I'm not bad looking, sure, but 'sexy'?~" Chloe was now feeling a bit entertained by the way Yuri acted and spoke. It was definitely cute, that's for sure.

Then, as Yuri teased her about being a troublemaker, Chloe gave her a bit of a glare. "I guess I'll just have to punish you!~ But I don't know how yet... I'll get back to you on that." Chloe stuck her tongue out at Yuri again, chuckling under her breathe and nodding along as Yuri spoke of her own clan.

Now laying on top of Yuri, Chloe was thinking to herself about what she would give Yuri if she fought with her. "Hmmm... I'll... I'll give you something special! To remember this day, when we're super good friends~ Or who knows.. Maybe more!~ The future holds many secrets..." As Chloe finished speaking, she rolled off of Yuri, quickly springing up to her feet and cartwheeling away from the girl. She was mostly teasing about being more than friends with the girl; after all, it was far too early to say such things, since they were still strangers. "Come on, now!~ You can take the first shot!~" Chloe said, taking up a fighting stance that looked like it was supposed to incorporate a staff of some sort, despite her not actually having one.
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Special Jounin

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Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyThu May 29, 2014 12:14 am

"Punish me. I highly doubt that. But when you think of way t punish me, I be waiting. I'm actually curious on how you would punish me." Yuri giggled as she held both of her hands Chloe glared at her. In the back Yuri mind, she pray to kami that Chloe never got the idea to destroy her collection of Icha Icha. That would be a punishment worse than death.

"Well I guess I have to become your super goof friend then to receive my special something." Yuri paused for bit before she continued speaking. "Consider this the start of a brand new friendship." Yuri said seriously as Chloe roll off of her and put some distance between them. When Chloe said she could have the first shot, Yuri simply nodded as she study Chloe stance. Unlike the majority of ninja, Yuri never argue about who gets to attack first, if your opponent was willing to let you have it, why not take it? One of the perks of being female was that her opponents often let Yuri attack first. How foolish especially when fighting a genjutsu user.

As Yuri examine Chloe Stance, it seem that she was weapon user and that usual meant she was a close range fighter but Yuri was a bit puzzled since Chloe lack a weapon. Yuri came up with two conclusions. First, Chloe left her weapon at different location or Two, she could summon or make a weapon of her. Since Yuri was always cautious she assumed the latter. As Chloe look at Yuri, Yuri remained silent and stared back at her as she attempt to place Chloe under a genjutsu she made. "Okay, Troublemaker lets get started!" Yuri clapped her hands and gave Chloe a thumbs up. When Yuri clapped her hands, she begin to start the genjutsu. The talking and the thumbs up was merely a way to distract Chloe. Yuri then did a backflip of her own and jump two feet away from Chloe. If Chloe was a close range fighter, Yuri had to keep her distance. Close range combat was troublesome for her.

If Chloe heard the clap, she would noticed that twenty five shuriken suddenly surrounded her they were two feet away from her, The shuriken would start to spin rapidly in their current position. Then all at once all twenty five of the shuriken would close the distance between them and Chloe in attempt to impale her, even if Chloe could figure out she was in genjutsu, Chole would quickly realized that unlike standard Genjutsu, this Genjutsu could actually hurt her. If any of the shuriken hit they would do much damage to her and if she have any amour on, the shuriken(s) would bounce off of them.

Charka: 140/150

Jutsu(s) Used:

Name: Shuriken Bombardment  
Canon/Custom:  Custom
Rank: D
Type: Offensive
Element: Yoton
Range: N/A
Specialty: Genjutsu
Duration: 1 Post
Cooldown: 2 Post
Description:  The user casts a type of genjutsu of where the opponent images themselves being surrounded by floating spinning shurikens but the illusion takes on physical matter in the form of a shadow shurikens. A maximum of twenty five shadow shurikens are made and each one will imbed one inch into the opponent's skin and will harmlessly bounce off of amour rank D or higher.

•Effect: All Genjutsu-based jutsu can either be pure genjutsu or genjutsu materialized. Materialized Genjutsus must have a 1 charge post. A Genjutsu that has already been cast can be materialized after 1 post of charge if the opponent does not dispel it. Genjutsus are cast on foes by a clap of the hands, snap of the fingers or eye contact.
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Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyMon Jun 09, 2014 6:08 am

Chloe smiled sweetly as she was told to 'consider this the start of a brand new friendship'. She liked making friends, especially ones that would be willing to spar with her. Plus, this Yuri person seemed pretty interesting. At least interesting enough to provide enough distraction from Chloe's family issues at the moment.

Chloe had heard little about the Onmyoton clan, though she did know that it's members tended towards Genjutsu. She'd have to rely on her physical ability and cleverness in order to put up a decent fight. Though she didn't know it, she was pretty much perfectly matched against Yuri, when it came down to the pure statistics of things, so that would make this even more difficult. Still, a pretty good plan was already starting to take form in her mind as she waited for Yuri's first move.

When a couple dozen shuriken suddenly appeared around Chloe, she had to force herself to take action immediately, knowing that there was no time to waste simply standing still. Thankfully, this first move played well enough into Chloe's hands, and she had already figured out a way to deal with one such attack, so it didn't take her long to spring forward, towards a few of the rapidly spinning blades. As she did so metal began to seep out of her body all over, deflecting the blades as she dove through them. Then, as she landed a few feet closer to Yuri, weapons suddenly shot out from her body, forming a wall that would block Chloe from Yuri's sight. The moment that this happened, Chloe quickly grasped a long bo staff from the wall and lept up and over the wall, directing an overhead attack with her staff at Yuri, trying to catch her off guard. Meanwhile, she began preparing a substitution jutsu, knowing that it could come in handy later.

After Chloe's attack, she would take up a defensive stance, ready to attack again, or block, whichever would become necessary. She had to be careful with Yuri, especially after that initial attack. Speaking of which, Chloe suddenly felt the need to speak up, a bit angry at the way Yuri had started what was meant to only be a sparring match, and the two friends' first one, at that. "Hey! I like you're enthusiasm, but do you have to try such deadly attacks in a sparring match? Let alone our first one!"

Jutsu Used And Chakra Remaining:

((OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post. Also, would you mind if we used your characters stats from last week? I was kinda relying on your character having lower intelligence to be able to put up a fight xD I understand if you'd rather not, though.))

Last edited by Chloe on Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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Special Jounin

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Ryo : 80000

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Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyMon Jun 09, 2014 11:21 pm

Yuri kept up her poker face as she saw Chloe spring forwards toward into her attack like a rampaging bull but unlike normal bulls, Yuri noticed as metal flow freely from Chloe's body, stopping her attack dead in its tracks. Yuri wasn't sure if she a justu in her arsenal that could bypass the defense of Chloe's metal, if she uses it to defend and block her attacks. "Troublesome Ability for a troublemaker." Yuri thought until she saw weapons shot out of Chole's body, following her basic instinct Yuri put her arms up in front of her, thinking that the weapons were fly towards her, when she didn't felt any pain, Yuri lower her arms slightly as she noticed that a wall of weapons was blocking her sight and more worrisome, hide Chloe from Yuri's view. Sadly Yuri didn't have time to think as she look around in attempt to find Chloe. When Yuri look upwards she saw Chloe's staff quickly closing the distance, with little time to dodge, Yuri put her arms above her to take the impact of the staff.  Yuri grunted a bit, as the attack landed, the attack didn't cause to much damage to Yuri, besides a some bruises. Her arms was still intact, sore and bruised but still usable.

After the attack, Yuri began to gather some of Inton element in preparation  for using one her materialized genjutsu for the following turn. She plan to have an numbers advantages over Chloe. Yuri didn't know how Chloe planned to when to spar but Yuri had a plan but she need to wait for the perfect opening. As Chloe began to talking to her, Instead of responding back, Yuri immediately started to go through handsigns as she prepared a normal genjutsu. After performing the necessary hand signs, Yuri clapped her hands together, in attempt to put Chloe in another genjutsu. Like before the if Chloe heard the clap, Yuri did the genjutsu would start. Soon Chloe would see a large harem of Yuri as twenty mist servant clones appear on the battlefield around the real Yuri. Once all twenty of the clones appear, the twenty Yuri would "attack" Chloe, charging at her from the front and her sides and throw some punches and jabs, maybe Chloe might waste some charka against them, who knows. The clones couldn't hurt Chloe at all but Yuri was merely using them as distraction to buy her some time as she start to retreat, jumping backwards a few of feet. Hopefully the clones would cover her movement, as a black flute was forming in the center of Yuri's right hand, cylinder like shape of black charka could be seen, with each passing moment it was become more detail. If Yuri wanted to win, she would have to fight Chloe at a distance and wear her down.

Yuri's Charka Level and Justu Information:

OOC: (There no need to say sorry, its fine. Also I don't mind using my character stats from last week, ^^.  Also C-rank Jutsu take -20 Charka, D-Rank Jutsu take -10 Charka. ^^)

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Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyWed Jun 11, 2014 2:46 am

Chloe was glad that the attack at least landed, even if it only hit the girl's arms. It was something, at least. Getting the first hit meant nothing if she didn't keep up her momentum though. Plus, now that there was distance between Chloe and Yuri there would undoubtedly be some problems in the future for Chloe, since she wouldn't be able to use the same tactic again. Before long, Chloe noticed Yuri doing some sort of handseals, and at first she had no idea what to expect. Still, when she saw Yuri about to clap, she knew that she should avoid hearing it somehow, since last time Yuri clapped it had put Chloe into a rather dangerous genjutsu. It was a simple task to channel some seion into her ear cannals in order to block incoming sounds, filling her ears with the metal as if putting in earplugs. Of course, it would be impossible to tell she had done this simply by watching her,s ince it required no hand seals to do so and she hadn't touched her ears at all.. She was going to rely on surprising Yuri somehow, but how? She didn't know what type of genjutsu she was supposed to be in, so it would be a hard bluff to pull off.

Instead of focusing too much on how to react to what she thought would be an impending genjutsu assault, Chloe decided to go back on the offensive, channeling her chakra into a nearby battle axe from her original seion shell technique. The axe would start to hover slightly into the air, but not too noticeably. Still, since Yuri was a genjutsu ninja, she'd no doubt be observant enough to notice the sudden shift. No matter what, however, Chloe was smiling now... Apparently Yuri had played right into her hands again, by backing up even further. Chloe glanced at the edge of the pier, which Yuri would be standing dangerously close to now; it was the perfect time to act. With surprising grace, Chloe tucked and rolled forward, pushing herself along the ground a bit further by jabbing it repeatedly with her staff. In mid-roll, however, she seemed to drop her staff on accident, and as she did so it became apparent that the axe she had floated earlier was now about five feet in the air, swinging towards Yuri. This was another distraction though, to hide Chloe's handseals that she was making as she stood up. With a great heave inwards, Chloe's chest would expand, filling with fire. "Fire style! Great fireball jutsu!" She announced as she let out a massive torrent of flames, 50 feet wide and tall, too large to avoid on such a small pier. No doubt, Yuri's only choice to avoid the attack would be to jump into the water. Expecting her to do so, Chloe followed her fireball up by executing her substitution jutsu that she had prepared earlier, substituting herself with her axe as the fireball passed it, doing a few more handseals and releasing another technique. "And now! Lightning style! Electromagnetic murder!~" She shouted, having a great deal of fun now. She had abandoned the idea of pretending she really was in a genjutsu. She wasn't sure if she hoped her gambit would succeed or fail, really. She'd like to win against the girl, and she was running low on chakra by now, but the fight she was having was more fun than she'd had in a while.

Chakra And Jutsu Information:
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PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyWed Jun 11, 2014 3:41 am

"Genjutsu Success" Yuri mentally patted herself on the back as saw the Chloe didn't show any signs of breaking her genjutsu. Chloe didn't hurt herself, Yuri didn't noticed any build up of charka that was the usual sign of a genjutsu kai, no handsigns, no nothing. "Foolish Troublemaker. You defeat is coming at an end" Now that she didn't have to worried about Chloe for a few moments, Yuri went to the black object that was forming in her hands, annoying her foe at the moment, a silly mistake for someone of her rank and experience but Yuri was confident in her plan so she was willing to take the risk. As Yuri finally stop her retreat she fail to notice that position she put herself in. The pier off her little room to maneuver and her back was against the ocean but at the same time the water did offer an quick escape if she need it.

Once Yuri's flute was fully form and function, she turned her attention back to Chloe as she was about to play Chloe a song and she her charged genjutsu. Just as Yuri lips where on the flute, she noticed as Chloe dropped her staff, Yuri simply thought the Chloe was clumsy until she saw an flying axe coming straight towards her! How in is that even possible. Yuri thought of way to counter unaware of the hand sighs Chloe was performing until it was too late. Once she heard Chloe call out the name of her fireball jutsu, Yuri narrowed her eyes and she look at the small pier around her. There was no way she could avoid that attack, it was too massive unless she.... Yuri then mentally smirked as she jump into the water and started swimming downwards, the water would provide more than enough protection from the fireball, as Yuri held her breath and wait for the duration of the fireball end. Yuri thought she was safe until she her Chloe shou out another name of a jutsu. "Crap Lighting! This is bad. I'm underwater. I can't counter this!" Yuri eyes widen as she saw a few of the currents in the water just as they shock her entire body instantly causing first degree burns on the exposed parts of Yuri skin. , Yuri scream couldn't be heard as she quickly cover her mouth in attempt to hold her breath in. Yuri tried to move, but the attack stun her, as Yuri start to sink deeper into the water. "I can't lose like this, I still have pently of charka left, if I can just get out of here I can use my genjutsu. If she truly a ninja I doubt she would let her opponent drown." As Yuri was formulating another plan of attack. During the attack, her flute was destroy by Chloe's lighting jutsu which got rid of Yuri primary plan. As time passed, Chloe might have noticed that Yuri hasn't resurface and it didn't seem Yuri would be coming up anytime soon.

Charka: 115/150

*1 Post Charge for Materizled Genjutsu still active.
* Shuriken Bombardment Justu Cooldown: 1 Post Remaining

Justu used:
Name: Melody Flute  
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: Onmyoton
Range: Self / 1000 Feet (When Playing Flute)
Specialty: Kekkai Genkai (Onmyoton), Genjutsu
Duration: 1 Post (Maintain for -5 charka after the 1 post duration)
Cooldown: 2 Post
Description: Yuri makes a black flute using her bloodline ability, Onmyoton or yin-yang release. The flute is use to increase the range (See Range above) of genjutsu by using sound.  This allows Yuri to cast genjutsu on targets that are out of her visual range. The flute when materialized, it can withstand attacks that are Rank-D and lower. ANy attack rank higher than D will break the flute.

•Effect: All Genjutsu-based jutsu can either be pure genjutsu or genjutsu materialized. Materialized Genjutsus must have a 1 charge post. A Genjutsu that has already been cast can be materialized after 1 post of charge if the opponent does not dispel it. Genjutsus are cast on foes by a clap of the hands, snap of the fingers or eye contact.
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PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyFri Jun 13, 2014 11:27 pm

Chloe started to celebrate almost immediately as she saw that her plan worked. She felt a little bad for using such a painful technique, and while Yuri was underwater no less, but in her mind Yuri had asked for it when she used a potentially deadly shuriken jutsu on her as a first move. As she was smiling happily to herself and patting herself on the back for being so clever, she removed her earplugs and stretched out a bit, diving into the water after Yuri. She thought herself the winner of this battle, and in a normal situation she might have been correct, but unfortunately she was fighting a genjutsu ninja, and the only way to ensure a victory against that kind of person is to kill them or render them unconscious, which she had done neither of. She was too sure of herself, though, and rather than try to finish Yuri off underwater, she simply grabbed hold of her and swam back up to the surface, creating a ladder for herself that would hook onto the edge of the pier.

Once she had climbed up onto the pier and laid Yuri down on the wooden planks that formed a sort of ground underneath the girls, Chloe administered some light, commonly known CPR, just to make sure to get all the water out of the cute girl's lungs. She was being so nice and careful with Yuri, not knowing their battle was not yet over. Some time would pass, where Chloe simply sat next to Yuri, smiling to herself in total silence. (Yuri may bypass the stun effect's duration on her next post, as time has passed). Chloe had no idea what was in store for her, now that she had foolishly let her guard down against a genjutsu ninja, let alone one who knew such debilitating (and a bit humiliating) 'BDSM' jutsus and various other deadly or very dangerous genjutsu.
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PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 12:09 am

Just as expected, As Yuri was sinking even closer to the bottom of the sea, ocean? Yuri saw Chloe coming to her aid, it was a honorable trait that Chloe had. Coming to the aid of their fellow ninja in their time of need but sadly for Chloe, she seem to have forgotten that she was in spar[color=#ffffff]. "You should have took the time to finished me off when you have the chance. I will have to teach you a lesson. You foolish troublemaker." So as Yuri remained stunned from the aftermath of the lighting justu, she could fell Chloe grabbed hold of her and swam them back up to the surface. Yuri could feel the stun effects starting to wear off but for now, she would keep up the ruse that she was still under the shock effects.

"Despite my earlier attacks, she handling my 'stunned' body quite gently." Yuri remained silent as she was laid down on the docks and given some light CPR, if only Yuri wasn't in a spar at the moment, her perverted side might have taken advantage of the situation.  Yuri would cough up some water, as took in some much need air. Yuri then look over towards Chloe and saw her sitting there without a care in the world, it seem like she had dropped her guard, it wasn't shocking (more lighting puns yay), the battle seem to favor her. Yuri mentally smirked as she began to said something. Yuri didn't move much, she still want Chloe to think she was still unable to move around. Yuri still was able to hold a charge for her genjutsu and now it was time to use it. Yuri move her head slowly towards Chloe and cough to get her attention if she wasn't looking at her already. In false tone of weakness, Yuri muttered two simple words as she snapped her fingers. "Holy Cross" Once and if Chloe heard Yuri utter those two simple words,  Chloe would found herself bound on a white X shaped cross by her ankles, wrists, and waist in leather cuffs. The Cross would restrained Chloe in a spread eagle position. This was another genjutsu that Yuri would attempt to put Chloe in but just like Yuri's first attack, Chloe would noticed that the cross was actually real. The leather cuffs that bound her were actual leather and the cross was made out of cool white metal like material. If the Genjutsu worked, Chloe would noticed that Yuri was beginning to stand up and smiled as she look at the position Chloe was in.

Charka: 95/150

*1 Post Charge for Materizled Genjutsu has been used for this Post.
* Shuriken Bombardment Justu Cooldown: Had ended.

Jutsu Used:

Name: B.D.S.M Genjutsu: Holy Cross of Sinful Pleasures
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Element: Inton
Range: Short
Specialty: Genjutsu, Kekkai Genkai(Onmyoton Clan)
Duration: 3 Post
Cooldown: 4 Post
Description: Yuri starts the Genjutsu by making eye contact, snapping her fingers and then Yuri will said the words "Holy Cross". After that is said, the opponent fill finds their selves bound on a X cross by their ankles, wrists, and waist in leather cuffs. The opponent is restrained in a spread eagle position. If the genjutsu is materialized, the X-cross becomes real and the cuffs have C-Rank Soul Strength.  If the opponent STR is equal or less than the cuffs, it will take 2 post to break free. If the opponent STR is higher than the cuffs, then it will only take 1 post to break free. (Note this is based on pure physical strength alone.)

•Effect: All Genjutsu-based jutsu can either be pure genjutsu or genjutsu materialized. Materialized Genjutsus must have a 1 charge post. A Genjutsu that has already been cast can be materialized after 1 post of charge if the opponent does not dispel it. Genjutsus are cast on foes by a clap of the hands, snap of the fingers or eye contact.
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PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 12:55 am

Slight Content Warning. Final Paragraph Has Lewd References:
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PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 2:12 am

Mature Warning I guess. :

Charka: 95/150
Holy Cross: 2 Post Remaining
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PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyTue Jun 17, 2014 5:13 am

Definite Mature Content:
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PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri)   Visiting the Port (Chloe and Yuri) EmptyTue Jun 17, 2014 9:16 am

This is Mature:

Charka: 90/150

Holy Cross Duration: 1 Post Remaining

Jutsu used:

Name: Oiroke no Jutsu (Sexy Technique)
Canon/Custom: Canon (With slight change.)
Rank: E-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Element: None
Range: Self
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 4 (Same as Henge no Jutsu)
Cooldown: 2 Post Cooldown (Same a Henge no Jutsu)
Description:Requires using the ram handsign.  A variant of the Transformation Technique, the Sexy Technique transforms the user into a naked woman or man usually surrounded by clouds of mist at private areas, or in a bikini* (*only if changing into a woman!) , typically with seductive posture. The user uses this technique to distract or win over men and women , with all successful attempts causing an exaggerated nosebleed by the victim. Typically, the more perverted the victim, the greater their reaction will be.
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