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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Here again? [Mingo, Open]

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Male Posts : 527
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PostSubject: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptyTue Jun 03, 2014 5:59 am

Aha, yet again at this port. He seemed to end up here far more than he thought he would. It had actually been quite some time since his last visit, though. Yes, he was only a Chunin the last time, no? This was around the same place he met Semasu. Yes, Ms. Rankujo. A very exciting person. Perhaps too much so. He didn't know how her village even handled her, let alone a clan full of people just like her. The amount of construction workers ad bakers must be surprisingly high in the village in order to keep up with demands. It was fun to watch, though. Lots of explosives, pretty lights, blasts of heat. It was a different sensation. Not something one saw everyday. As always, the weather was also really nice, especially on the port. The ocean breeze reminded him of home right about now. Why did he leave home? It was very comforting back there. His own office and a bunch of little slaves, er servants, er, ninja, yes, ninja there to do his work for him. He really had no reason to come. He could've sent someone else, but coming out an soaking up some of the rays couldn't be that bad.

Hmm, maybe he'd run into someone he knew around here. He didn't really know that many people, though. There was Semasu, like he mentioned not so long ago, there was Ms. Shinoe, cute one, she was, and that was about it. He did know of the kage, but he had yet to meet the man himself. He actually sounded quite intimidating, but after coming by this particular village so many times, it seemed like he had to meet the man. Maybe not today, but some day he would get to it. When the time allowed. Today all he wanted to do was walk along the port and wave at the sailors. He could've chosen the sailor life. He loved their wear. He wouldn't be above wearing that back to the office. He didn't really care how his villagers saw him. He had already earned their respect after all. If he made himself look like a fool once or twice then they would stop treating him like such a celebrity and loosen up around him. He didn't like being such an important person. It just felt like too much work to maintain appearances like that. In this village, he was allowed to do whatever he wanted, though. He didn't think he would feel so free outside his village walls. "What a fine day to be alive."
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PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptyTue Jun 03, 2014 8:30 pm

Picking his nose the mighty beast that was Mingo walked around the port, with nothing to do. His reason being there was to hide from some women that chased his out of the local hot spring. His reasoning for being chased was that they were uncomfortable with their bodies, because if they like their bodies they shouldn't have a a problem with Mingo watching them relax naked in the hot springs. But Mingo would pull his finger out of his nose as he walked next to someone, Saizo, whipping the booger on to the guys back and then placing that had on his shoulder. Mingo did this because to him this guy didn't fit, he wasn't a sailor or seemed to work at the port, and also he for some reason wanted to talk to him after hearing what he had said about today. "Yea, today is a fine day to be a live friend." Mingo would should patting his back with his hand before returning it to the guys shoulder. Today was a lovely day and a good chat with strangers could be fun. Mingo would jump in front of the other man, and look him up in down. "Don't take it the wrong way be would you like to get a drink with me, and possibly be my wing man?" Mingo asked the guy. He honestly just wanted something to drink but well he had no money to pay for a drink and also he wanted to pick up some females so a wing man was always good to have. Hopefully the guy wouldn't become afraid from how Mingo acted around him, but he would understand since they where strangers, but hoped he was a cool guy and would just come and have a drink with him. Because really who wouldn't want to get a drink with Mingo?
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Male Posts : 527
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PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptyWed Jun 04, 2014 5:34 am

Someone else who wasn't a sailor. He had very interesting hair. It was very… creative. Saizo probably wouldn't be able to pull it off. Maybe the hair was a Tsuki thing. Pretty interesting life people must live in the village. Explosives going off, crazy hair styles, and whatever other strange cultural things they did. Wasn't really his business to judge any of them. He was the foreigner after all. Would be rude. Not as rude as having boogers flicked at him, though. Yes, he watched the mans movements. The booger missed him. Travelled right through him to be exact. Passed through his liquid body. He didn't care much for the mans antics. How uncouth. Almost made him angry enough to drown the man right here and there. Lucky for him, Saizo believed in second chances. Letting him put a hand on him. Of course, it was the same hand, which only annoyed him more, but he'd put up with it just a little more. He didn't really feel like flooding more than half the town. He didn't seem like a bad guy, though. Just a bit lacking in the manners department.

"Ha, be your wing man? Sounds interesting. Why not?" he wouldn't mind meeting new people. Although this guy wasn't the kind of man he expected to meet, he might still prove to be some fun. He didn;t have too much money on him, but certainly enough to have a good time in a local pub or wherever he might take them. This was surprisingly not the first time he met someone in a different village who ended up dragging him over to a bar. This was however the first one who wanted to bring him along to improve his chances with the lady. Also judging from experience, this guy was flat broke. Why was he always the first picked? He didn't look that rich, did he? He did carry a lot of money with him when he travelled, though. Perhaps while there he'd also meets a nice girl for himself after hooking up Mr.Whatshisname over here. That actually brought up a serious question. "And your name is?"
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PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptySat Jun 07, 2014 4:51 am

OOC: Sorry for late post....

Mingo hadn't notched his booger go through the man but if he did would have been amazed, but it can't be helped. The help part being him acting with proper manners a shinobi of any village should show, it just wasn't him. Sure he could be considered a outstanding man with up to pair manners, but today he wanted to relax and live for every moment. As that is what shinobi should do when not busy taking care of businesses, that meaning taking a mission or doing an important task. Looking over the man Mingo's first thought is that he is an average Joe who is visiting. A bright smile would come across Mingo's face as the man agreed to his request, this was truly going to be interesting.

Mingo would turn his back to the man before he would speak,"Follow me! I know the best place to grab a drink. And the women there are AH! to die for my man." Mingo would say, but before he would take another step the guy asked one of the best questions in the world, what his name was."Oh? You wanna know my name? Seems only logical for me to tell you since you are going to be my Mingo man for the day. Well my name is MINGO! yes Sato Mingo is my name. And what is you name friend?"Mingo would ask him turning his head so he could see the man's face.

Whenever the guy would say his name Mingo would begin walking to the bar, hoping the guy wouldn't be far behind. If he followed him they would come to a average looking place that sat at the port, not really showing that the place was a bar was the sign THE SEAHAG!. But if someone looked a drunken sailor would be laying next to the front door of the establishment. With his arms out Mingo would hug the drunken man,"Nice, they must be serving till you can't hang anymore!" Mingo would say as he would let the passed out guy go as he reeked of alcohol. He didn't want to smell bad before he met any women, as he double check by smelling his armpit to see if he was smelly."I'm good! You ready to go in"Mingo would say as he turned around and said if Saizo was behind him.
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Male Posts : 527
Ryo : 177003

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Here again? [Mingo, Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptySat Jun 07, 2014 11:13 pm

Saizo could really use a drink right about now. Maybe not something alcoholic, but then again, beers main ingredient was water. Any beverage with water was a good beverage to him. Any beverage with alcohol was a good beverage to him. It also helped him stand the whole, "everything is dead here" vibe. Yea, he couldn't live in a place where everything was gloomy, but the place had its good qualities. They were pretty friendly people for the most part. Just look at Mingo. Inviting a stranger like him off into a bar like that. Sure it was to mooch of him, but we can just ignore that part. At least they were talking. Maybe Saizo wouldn't be against spending everything he had at the Seahag and later being tossed out. Thats what life is all about after all. "My name is… Richard. Richard Rubbinuts." he said, borrowing the fake name from a pretty spunky man that used the name when they met near the same place. Yes, Saizo was suing a fake name. He wanted to stay anonymous. He didn't want someone recognizing his name. It could draw attention. "You might know my uncle, Jake Rubbinuts. He was a merchant who passed by here not so long ago." Yes, that man was pretty fun to say the least. He reminded him of a barrel of monkeys. Not like he'd ever seen a barrel of monkeys. That would be animal cruelty. Ye, PETA was pretty strict about no putting animals in barrels and if Saizo recalls correctly, there is a pretty big fine accompanying it.

Saizo would follow Mingo to his little bar, not being real impressed by how it looked on the outside, but it was a bar. He wasn't expecting a five star restaurant. Bars didn't have to be pretty as long as the service was good and the products were enjoyable. Well, and the women of course. A bar with no women is like a tree without leaves. They suck. "Seahag, eh? I hope the bar is the only hag we see." he said. Even Saizo had standards. Worst case scenario, they just have to drink a little more than usual. Hopefully Mingo can hold his alcohol. He didn't want his job as his Mingo man to be dragging him back home in the middle of the night, just like the man in front of the bar. Maybe, he'll just leave him in an alley somewhere. Yea, that sounded good enough. "Yep, I'm ready to go in."
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Male Posts : 176
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PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 2:42 am

As Yuumaru sat in the corner of the bar, close to the netrance, drinking his chocolate milk, the manliest drink in the bar, he noticed two clowns about to enter the bar. Since Yuumaru's stay at the Hidden Moon, he had become fairly known, especially in Port Caerula where he spends most of his free time when he's not with his best friend, Yuri-chan. That is why even though he orders no alcohol (underage drinking is bad!), the men at the bar respected him. They have seen his womanizing powers. Out of nowhere, Yuumaru would just land on women accidentally and for some reason, the women didn’t seem to mind, except a few exceptions here and there in which Yuumaru was badly slapped or beaten by the woman. Our hero couldn’t help it. He was the King of Ecchi.

He was in a particularly good mood today, a playful mood. Maybe because the sun was not that hot today and the coastal breeze felt so good. He wanted to make new friends in a foreign village. Anyways, back to the two clowns. The first one, the taller one, was a sight for sore eyes. AHe had white spiky hair, and although he looked pretty cool and stylish, he didn’t fit in the sailor environment, and he didn’t seem to be a Tsuki villager. The second one looked like a barbarian. He had a silly hair style, like he just woke up from his sleep and didn’t bother fixing his hair. He listened to what they were saying. Richard? Richard Rubbernuts? That’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard! Yuumaru thought. And that guy with the silly morning hair looks like he has a smelly armpit! Yuumaru wanted to prank the two because he overheard them wanting to get women. And our hero was the defender of women.

He motioned to the bartender by stretching. He told the bartender to give the two the special drink if they ordered beer. If not, then they beat the prank and drink whatever they order. But if they order beer, which was the specialty of the Seahag, the bartender would give them a beer containing three drops of puke juice from the floor from drunks who vomited. He would also include another special ingredient which is his spit. The bartender had no teeth and his gums were rotting of gingivitis. He also hasn’t brushed his teeth in eighty years. He was eighty years old.

The bartender agreed to do Yuumaru’s prank for free because Yuumaru always gives the best stories of his adventures and battles. He is also a regular so he pays a lot of money to the bar. The bartender doesn’t want to lose a faithful customer.
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PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 4:41 am

"Well nice to met cha Richard!" Mingo would say as he put his hands behind his head and walked through the open entrance of the Seahag. A smile on his face as he didn't think anything could ruin this day. He didn't know who the man Richard was talking about so he didn't respond to the question. "Don't worry this place should have some beautiful women."Mingo said as he sat at the bar, next to Yuumaru. At first he didn't pay attention to the boy as he wanted to first order himself a drink."One beer please!" Mingo would say to the old and dirty bartender with a smile. "Richard as my wing man you don't get to drink yet...But you can pay for this can't cha?" Mingo would say to Richard as he sat with his back toward the bar. He would then look at the boy who he sat next to. Something was of about the kid as he didn't really fit in this type of environment, and Mingo believes children shouldn't belong in place like this."Aren't you a little bit to young to be here? Won't your mother be sad to see her young boy in such a place?"Mingo would ask him as he lean't closer to the boy.

Mingo considered himself a role model and a person who should be listened to, even if he is completely wrong on how he says things. But this shouldn't be taken as something bad as Mingo wasn't a mean person, he just well did as he pleased. No real set of rules or morals when he wants to just live for the moment as such things would ruin that."Hey hurry up with the beer!" Mingo would say as he believed it was taking to long for just one beer. He didn't always drink beer but when he did it was always from the Seahag. After the bartender took his sweet time Mingo would get his beer, but wouldn't drink it yet.

Since Mingo didn't watch the bartender he wasn't able to notice the strange things the man did to his drink, but Richard might have been able to see it. But if the guy wanted to notify Mingo of what was in his drink was up to him as Mingo was about to drink the beer. And if no one stopped him he would drink it.
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Male Posts : 527
Ryo : 177003

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Here again? [Mingo, Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 6:43 am

Saizo followed Mingo into the bar. He couldn't help but laugh to himself after Mingo decided to ignore his question about Jake. Of course he didn't know Jake. Even if they had met, he probably had used a different name. What a funny man. Much more lively than he had first appeared to be. Saizo hadn't even suspected that the man was actually a kage like himself. Even to this day he still didn't know the truth. But enough about the past. He wanted to think about the present right now. "I'll believe you" He said, referring to the beautiful women remark. Saizo followed Mingo inside and sat on Mingo's other side, opposite of the young kid. The young kid was pretty out of place. He was surprised they even let people his age inside the bar. Then again, maybe the laws were different in this village. Through all his travels, it had never occurred to him that perhaps the other hidden ninja villages had there own set of rules and regulations. Perhaps this was one of those moments and that kid was actually a heavy drinker that could even put Saizo to shame. What a strange culture they had here.

Saizo was fine not drinking. After seeing Mingo's personality, he assumed that he was the kind of guy who will drink till he drops. Saizo being the nice guy that he is knew that it would help if he were still sober too to help the fool when it happened. "You're lucky that you caught me in such a good mood. Otherwise I'd have probably drowned you in a river by now. But I'll pay for your drink today." he said, being awful blunt about it. He was telling the truth, however. He was even more lucky that Saizo was the kind of person that he was. Saizo wasn't going to hold a grudge against Mingo. The bartender, on the other hand, seemed to have other things in mind. Saizo wouldn't mess with him, not yet anyways. He didn't want to put the old man out of business. Not at this very moment anyways.

"Don't harass the boy too much, Mingo. The last thing we need is him crying." he said to Mingo. To attract attention by making a young kid cry wasn't going to look good at all. Saizo wouldn't have been surprised if he did make a scene of some sort. He looked like that kind of guy. "Also, I wouldn't drink that beer even if the bar was paying me." he said to Mingo. Maybe he'd catch the hint, maybe he wouldn't. Wasn't Saizo's problem. He knew know that he definitely wasn't drinking today. Not here anyways. Rather disgusting, watching an old man spit into anthers drink. Probably smelled weird too. Saizo didn't know what Mingo did to deserve something like that, but Saizo probably wouldn't have be that surprised.

The young boy was a bit more interesting than the bartender, though. A good look at him was all he needed to tell that he wasn't from around this village. He seemed a tad too different. Of course, Saizo wasn't the right person to distinguish foreigners from regular villagers. Not here, where he was a foreigner himself. A young kid like that exploring the ninja villages, though. Well, Saizo was around the same age when he started doing that sort of things. Ninja were pretty young nowadays. He had no idea why. It wasn't like they were at war or anything. The villages actually were at a time of peace. There was no need to breed so many young soldiers anymore. Perhaps old habits just tend to die hard.
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Male Posts : 176
Ryo : 146000

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Here again? [Mingo, Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 10:07 pm

When our hero heard Mr. Morning Hair comment about women like they were toys, he became furious. Women shouldn’t be looked at that way...He thought to himself angrily. The bartender, sensing our hero’s anger, wanted to go ahead and beat the two people who just entered the bar. But Yuumaru looked at the bartender to stop him. Our hero was very gallant. When he heard them talk again, he thought to himself, Damn, the prank would have been better if both of these clowns drank my special drink. But alas, it looks like Mr. White Hair wouldn’t be drinking today. What a weakling, Yuumaru thought. Going to a bar without drinking. He went back to sipping his chocolate milk, the manliest drink of the Seahag’s menu.

Yuumaru, upon hearing the man with the morning hair comment about his age, simply looked at him with a scrutinizing look. A look that was so intimidating that one time Yuumaru looked at a giant bandit leader this way, and he peed his pants in fear. Again, this was Yuumaru, the Blue Beast of the Hidden Jungle Village, the greatest genin of the village. Many women have fallen prey to his sexy looks and tsundere personality. Finally, he couldn't hold his tongue and said, "I'm not a kid. I'm 15 years old, old man." Again, our hero wasn’t being hostile, he was just in a very "prankful" mood. His plan was to be friends with these guys afterwards. But now, his focus was to make Mr. Morning Hair drink his special drink. He was in a good mood until Mr. White Hair made a comment about him crying. “You’re both lucky I’m in a good mood today. I’m going to let your comments pass through my head.” He took another sip of chocolate milk. Then, Richard Rubbinuts told Morning Hair Man to not drink the special beer. He turned to Mr. Morning Hair. “You, drink your beer. Isn’t that what you came to the bar for? Or what are you, some kind of chicken like Mr. White Hair over here?” He said playfully, pointing at Dick Rubbinuts (Dick is short for Richard).

In truth, Yuumaru liked the two newcomers. They seemed rowdy and good people to hang with. They would be good “brothers” to him, while he was travelling in Hidden Moon. Whether Mr. Morning Hair drinks the drink or not, Yuumaru planned to ask their names and even tell stories of his adventure to them.
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Posts : 25
Ryo : 2500

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Here again? [Mingo, Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptyThu Jun 12, 2014 11:00 pm

"Drown me? You're to much Richard!" Mingo would say laughing at what the man said, thinking he was just joking. Mingo would nob at the next thing Richard would say as a child crying is just too much. As he was about to drink the beer whole he tosses it to the ground, how he did it made it seem like an accident. But he truly did this because of what Richard said. "O my it seems I spilled my drink. What a pity it looked good. May I have another? You know what!  Give me what the kid...err.... I mean young man is having!" Mingo would ask with a smile as he turned around to the bartender. Mingo planned on watching the bartender this time when he made his drink, because Richard probably saw the old man put something in Mingo's drink. Now that Mingo was watching the man it would be foolish of the old guy to try something like he did before.

As he waited Mingo decided he would chat with the kid,"Old man? Chicken? Why do you call us such things? I may be older then you but I am not an Old man." Mingo would say his smile still on his face. He would then point at Richard. "My buddy Richard though may be old! Like this bartender..." Mingo would say as he gave his attention back on the bartender. "And he may also be an chicken but! He has somethings good about him! But forget about us for a second! Someone of the age of fifteen shouldn't be in such a place. They should be umm playing outside with their friends or things like that..not in some bar." Mingo stopped as he didn't know what he was getting at from everything he was saying so he would quickly change the subject. The bartender, taking his time, finished Mingo's drink. Grabbing it Mingo would turn back around so his back was toward the bar, and he would scan the place. And what he say well didn't see disappointed him greatly as there wasn't any women he considered his type.

Mingo would look at the boy, looking him up and down.This kid was obliviously different in many ways compared with Mingo. From his looks and the way he talked, this also could be said about Richard. Mingo knew nothing about these two characters but he wanted that to change as they both seemed really interesting. Mingo also knew that theses two weren't from this village and also wanted to know a bit of their origin, but he would ask all his question after he let them speak on what he has already said.
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Male Posts : 527
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Here again? [Mingo, Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 7:30 am

The kid was really quite amusing. It almost sounded as if he thought he could take them both on. Of course, the kid didn't know any better. He had no idea of who either of them were. Actually, Saizo had no idea of who Mingo really was and vice versa. Guess they were all a bunch of strangers inside a bar together. Wouldn't be the first time he had gotten himself in this kind of situation, but this time he hoped he wouldn't have to burn his shoes. Oh alcohol. How can something so good be so bad. Perhaps they should all just have some chocolate milk. Mmm, now that he thought about it, Saizo perferred strawberry.

Now, the kids cute nickname was quite funny as well. Mr. White hair. It really did make him sound old, but Saizo always believed his hair was far more grey than it was white. It didn't really matter to him, though. It was close enough. Mingk was also amusing but in a different way. So carefree. Perhaps he was just ignoring all these hostile remarks. What was even more amusing was how he chose to dispose of his drink. "What a waste." he said with a smile as he watched it all trickle down. He also gave a little glance and smile to the bartender. What a devious old man. Surely he must have had a good reason, though. He'd never seen an old man such as that just spit into someones drink just for fun. Sure, young men did all the time but... young men, though.

As the two continued their... debate, Saizo would simply stay off to the side. "I'm not that old." he said to himself in an almost annoyed way, kind of like a child. "I'm also not a chicken. I'm just a bit hesitant, that's all." he said to himself, again. "Wait, why am I the one being attacked?" This would probably be around the time where he would be getting weird looks from other around the bar, if there even were others, because he was talking to himself, again. He wasn't loud per se. More of just how his facial expression kept changing as he continued his complaining. He really should've been contributing to the conversation next to him, but to be honest, he didn't really want to kick a kid out of a bar. It wasn't his jurisdiction, but that of the bartender and if this bartender wanted to serve chocolate milk then by God, let him. Whether Saizo stayed in the bar, well, I guess Mingo is allowed to decide that.
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PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 10:53 pm

Yuumaru was quite impressed at these two men. They were brighter than they looked. He couldn’t believe that his devious prank had been foiled! He smiled at Mr. Morning Hair, and then turned to Mr. White Hair, not paying attention to both of their what they were saying. Instead, our hero let out a friendly laugh. “I have to say, I’m very, very impressed! This is the first time ever that my Special Drink no Jutsu has been defeated. Might I ask your names?” Yuumaru would look at them both, but then follow up to what he just said before the two would get the chance to talk. “Oh, I am Senju Yuumaru, by the way, the greatest Genin of the Hidden Jungle. You can also call me by the nickname Blue Beast.” Our hero would then reply to Mr. Morning Hair’s and Saizo’s comments. “Haha! Sorry about being mean earlier… It’s just part of the prank I was pulling earlier. Well then, let’s forget about that! Let’s just enjoy our chocolate milks and strawberry milk!”

Our hero felt happy to have met new friends. “So, any of you guys want to tell me about your adventures? I’d like to know more about you guys. I’m still pretty new to Hidden Moon, since it’s my first night here, and I’d like new friends here.” Our hero then took a sip from the best chocolate milk in the world, Seahag’s Cocoa Milk. He turned to Mr. Morning Hair. “You first. I‘d like to ask you, what are your dreams, and goals? Every ninja has one. A ninja way…” As our hero would listen to Mr. Morning Hair, he himself would contemplate his ninja way. Of course, he already knew what it was, but he as just reaffirming it with himself, to make sure he still wasn’t corrupted by this dark ninja world. After a second of daydreaming, our hero shook off his thoughts and paid complete attention to his new friends. He really wanted to know more about them, to gain their trust, and hopefully become their nakama one day.
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Here again? [Mingo, Open] Left_bar_bleue250/250Here again? [Mingo, Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

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PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 4:17 am

Mingo would slowly drink his drink and after hearing the boy's on asking there names he would place it down on the bar's counter. "I am Mingo! and that is........Rich. " Mingo would say as he had forgotten the rest of Rich's name. This was because of how strong his drink was, he was never know to be able to handle his chocolate milk.  Mingo would stumble to his feet and lean against Rich," This kid doesn't look like he is blue....why is he called the blue beast?" Mingo would ask Rich. But how he did it wasn't how he thought he did as instead of whispering it to Rich he said it loud enough for Yuu to hear him. But what could you do Mingo was weird and did weird things, and on why he was acting like this was a mystery as he might be joking or not.

Mingo would spin from Rich and stand in front of Yuu now,"All is forgiven! I actually like those who do pranks. It reminds me of when I was young and did such things..." Mingo would say even though he prank still as an adult. Mingo was in a really go mood as he continued to talk to the boy and mess with Rich, as he felt they were already friends."Tell you about an adventure?" Mingo would be back in his seat now as he thought if he had any good adventures."I actually live a boring shinobi life so I don't have any good adventures to share...But I can tell you I have lived in the Hidden Moon all my life." Mingo would say to the boy. Then the boy asked Mingo a question directly instead of asking him and Rich." My goals? My dreams? I would happily tell you those things as you are right...all ninja have a ninja way. But! at this moment I can't say I remember mines..." Mingo would tell him as he rubs the back of his head, a little embarrassed that he had forgotten such an important thing. But this was normal as Mingo forgot most things when he was just trying to have a good time and relax, as serious things would ruin that relaxation.
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Here again? [Mingo, Open] Left_bar_bleue490/490Here again? [Mingo, Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (490/490)

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PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptyThu Jun 19, 2014 8:36 pm

Special Drink no jutsu... that name is so damn AWESOME. Millions of ideas came to his mind from the name alone. Oh, but there were so many twists and turns he could take with it. He could make it a legitimate technique, not that Yuu's version wasn't legitimate or anything. Perhaps a bit gross and unconventional, but he was just a kid, after all. A cute kid, though. Saizo usually didn't chase after younger people, or really chase at all, but he had some sort of force around him that screamed "Pinch my cheecks". Lucky for Yuu, Saizo had a strong will and great self-control. A good thing too. Saizo pinched hard.

Now, he hadn't actually ordered his milk, in fact he wasn't planning on ordering it at all, so he wasn't going to enjoy anything besides the company of  two men, or rather a man and a half. Or perhaps a man and half a beast? Although the nickname rung no bells, Saizo immediately recognized his family name. The wood style of the Senju was quite famous after all. Wood style and sealing jutsu kind of went hand and hand. Kinda like peanut butter and waffles. "Hmm, never been to the Hidden Jungle." he said. He'd been to just about every hidden village except the jungle. Did he really care about it that much to go, though? Meh, not really. Saizo shrugged off Mingo and his silly question. It was obvious that he was called the blue beast because of his beautiful black eyes and on that note, did he just get tipsy off milk? Saizo did say that this guy was probably going to drop tonight. Not the way he thought it was going to happen, but can't be right all the time. Now other than that, Mingo seemed pretty boring. Yuu asking all these personal questions and Mingo being such a bore with the questions. Well, Saizo was going to do the exact same. "My ninja goal? You could very well say that I've already achieved mine. too bad I'm no ninja, though." Yes he was lying, but neither of them knew anything about him. "Even though I'm not a ninja, I do have quite a few stories. But to just pick one? Oh, that'd be difficult. Is there any sort of story you'd like to hear about in particular? Perhaps one about my many exploits?" Saizo raised his eyebrow and gave a bit of a chuckle. Oh god, maybe he was old. He should retire. It was never to early to pass on his kage hat.
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Here again? [Mingo, Open] Left_bar_bleue105/105Here again? [Mingo, Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (105/105)

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PostSubject: Re: Here again? [Mingo, Open]   Here again? [Mingo, Open] EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 2:02 pm

I will now collect my EXP. {EXIT}
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