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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 The Unexpected Subordinate - Private

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Posts : 160
Ryo : 19000

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The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue250/250The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 6:33 am

Tamashi sat on a high branch tree and used his ears to pay attention to footsteps, the movement of branches, the movement of grass, the hearing of soft whispers, faint tip toes, the slightest crunch of grass, Tamashi heard it within his post and 360 view all around him. The sudden change in wind pattern would also aide him if a person appeared behind him, in front of him, Tamashi would know the slightest change. Tamashi went from sitting on the high branch to actual standing. With his arms folded across his chest, he awaited for something interesting to come through this forest.

WC: 102
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The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue100/100The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 6:53 am

It had been a long day. Gin had only just now recovered his strength from his day of training. His white pants and black vest were now in tatters because of the different things that he put himself through earlier. He could still feel the rush of it, it was addictive somewhat to him. He threw his bag of extra clothing over his shoulder. He always brought extra clothes but never used them after a brutal training session such as one today. Maybe he was just to lazy to chance perhaps? Or there was a certain sense of accomplishment when he saw himself in his condition? Maybe subliminally it was the later, yes of course it was. Gin's red hair was being shifted in the gentle winds that passed through these trees and caressing everything that it ventured to. He took in a lungful of air and closed his eyes as he enjoyed he rustle his feet made among the leaf litter on the forest floor.
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Posts : 160
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Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue250/250The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 7:12 am

Tamashi heard footsteps coming his direction, they grew louder by the second and based on the way they were heard through his ears, he knew that the person was walking and not running. Tamashi also payed close attention to the noise of an object being held. The sound of it, being faint of course, told Tamashi that it was indeed an item of clothing. Tamashi didn't know and didn't think what object of clothing did the person carry. Tamashi shifted his body off this position and took his silent leap towards the person's now loud footsteps drawing closer to Tamashi with each step. Tamashi now landing on all fours and being within leg reach of this person. Tamashi using his left hand and leg to stay locked onto the ground, while sending a powerful side kick toward the person's stomach, if impacted, the person would go flying to a near by tree. Tamashi's speed in reality was quicker than this person's speed. Though he awaited for the results to take place and if it did. Tamashi would rise up to a strong and military like stance with his arms behind his back and using his ears to scout the area for sound.

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Posts : 88
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Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue100/100The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 7:30 am

Gin continued walking on his way when suddenly a figure appeared in front of him. The attack happened so fast, his eyes could 'see' the kick coming but his body could never keep up with the speed and sheer ferocity of the attack. Ass if in slow motion he saw the foot strike his body...saliva, the product of the trauma to his torso as he flew back towards a tree. There was only one thing he could do before he possibly broke his back against this tree. With no hand seals....BOOM! A loud he created an explosion behind him to cushion him, to save his body from being broken. The force pushed him upwards towards a tree where he hid behind a branch with some thick leaves.

What the hell? *cough cough* I nearly got my back broken. Who is he? thought Gin as he eyed the cloaked man from where he was hidden.
ooc: Jutsu used

Name: Fast Travel
Custom/Cannon: Custom
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Element: Bakuton
Rank: E
Cool down:2 posts
Duration: 2 posts
Effects: Used only for movement. It harmlessly pushes the user in whatever direction he chooses in one direction by the use of an explosion.
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Posts : 160
Ryo : 19000

Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue250/250The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 7:37 am

Tamashi heard the explosion, then heard some thick branch leafs being disturbed. Tamashi then pondering to himself as he knew the person must of hid within the trees to hide themselves. Though it served no purpose since Tamashi couldn't see anyways. Tamashi now noticing a small cough exiting the person's mouth, faint, yet still heard by his heightened ears. Tamashi didn't move his head or reacted to the cough but knew it was somewhat close to Tamashi's standing position. Tamashi proceeded to calculate where this man was based on the cough but couldn't go by just that alone since it was something continuous. Tamashi had no choice but to wait and see what this person would do next.
Tamashi now spoke out loud to the person.

"Come out from those trees... I am blind can't you see? I am not a man to be feared... State your name and age... So I can get a better description of what and who you are..."

Tamashi awaited for the response of this person.
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Posts : 88
Ryo : 28500

Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue100/100The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 8:06 am

This guy maybe thinks I am an idiot to think I would just come out to get myself killed. I felt the force of his blow....thought Gin as he held his stomach and remembered how he did it.

Based off how he angled his body just now I would say he has some skill in taijutsu. His power I cannot match so attacking him head on is not an option. Think Gin! Think!

Gin knew his chakra could be used for that jutsu one more time and if the man was telling the truth of being blind, then this might just work despite how formidable he is. He performed his other jutsu leaving the last hand seal, timing had to be good and BOOM! Another explosion rocked the area as Gin aimed his jutsu towards the ground. At the last instant, he performed the final hand seal and sank into the ground. To plan...to devise...to plot for his opponent.

ooc: Jutsu used second post of duration.

Name: Fast Travel
Custom/Cannon: Custom
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Element: Bakuton
Rank: E
Cool down:2 posts
Duration: 2 posts
Effects: Used only for movement. It harmlessly pushes the user in whatever direction he chooses in one direction by the use of an explosion.

Name: Doton: Dochuu Eigyo (Earth Release: Underground Submarine Voyage)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: D
Element: Doton
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: N/A
Description: After the required handseals, the user can sink into the ground and travel through the earth. After the jutsu is used, the user can freely move through the earth. The user must emerge again either the same post or the next one. The opponent can sense the user's location through normal chakra sensing, though it takes a sensor to pinpoint the exact location. The cooldown is one post after the technique is used.
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Posts : 160
Ryo : 19000

Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue250/250The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 8:24 am

Another explosion happened and Tamashi heard it within the distance and as the person was sinking into the ground. The faint sound is all it took for Tamashi to hear it come out. The explosion still having the majority of the sound, yet this other sound didn't go unnoticed. A man who has been using his hearing for over decades wasn't going to be tricked but such a cheap trick. Tamashi still had to confirm whether or not if the person really did enter the ground. Tamashi placed his ear within the ground and began to hear a loud heartbeat. This only confirmed that the person was within the ground and Tamashi leaped onto a lower branch tree and in fact being the same tree that he was previously was on. Tamashi paid closed attention to his surroundings once again and awaited for this person to come out. Tamashi moving his head from side to side, increasing his awareness of one side and another each time his moved to that direction for a brief moment.

Name: (Animal Kingdom Style) Dobutsu Okoku Sutairu - Hawk Heartbeat
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: E
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: 25 meters 360
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: 1
Cooldown: 2
Description: The user will place their ear on the ground. The user will then be able to hear the heartbeat of a person and depending how far the opponent is, the beat will be loud or faint. This technique only detects those on the ground.
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Posts : 88
Ryo : 28500

Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue100/100The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 9:10 am

What the hell did I get myself into?

Gin knew that no matter what, this man would somehow hear him so he hoped this next set of moves would work. He rose out of the ground and infused his three kunai with bakuton chakra and launched the first kunai which looked seemingly normal to the normal eye, at the man's torso to see how will be react to it then he shall move on from there.
ooc: Jutsu used
one of three kunai used....

Name: Sudden Noise
Canon/Custom: Custom
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Element: Bakuton
Rank: D
Type: Offensive
Duration: 1 post
Cool down: 2 post cool down, user can charge up to 3 objects before the cool down is initiated.
Effects: Allows the user to infuse an object the size of a kunai/shuriken with bakuton chakra. When an opponent tries to block or evade the projectile, the user activates the chakra in the object to cause the explosion. This has a 1st degree burn effect and can damage eardrums
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Posts : 160
Ryo : 19000

Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue250/250The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 9:38 am

Tamashi licked his lips as he got to work as he heard the person rising from the ground and Tamashi jumped off the high branch tree and began to take his sprint forward towards the person who pulled out what sounded like a weapon being pulled out. Tamashi didn't know how many this person had in his hand but he quickly sent chakra to his ears to get a better hearing and within distance as well. Tamashi heard that faint throw that it made when a person released a weapon from their own hand, that faint noise when chakra is released upon an object, most people aren't able to pay close attention to detail when it comes to sound but Tamashi did.  Tamashi quickly also felt the disturbed wind pattern changing as the kunai was within range of his arms. No hesitation and quick analyzation and perfect timing, Tamashi snatch this kunai, twirled his body 360 style and threw the kunai right back at the person's neck. Tamashi thought within his mind that maybe the kunai was laced with something which would harm him, after all, Tamashi is no fool when it comes to his intelligence. If that person could make things explode twice, Tamashi was very wary on what this person had in store with this infused chakra. Tamashi didn't think twice, in fact, it was a natural instinct about Tamashi that the organization will come to realize about him. Tamashi thinks a lot and spends his time calculating a lot of things in this world, since he does drink and smoke at times to cool off his brain. Tamashi is still a genius not to be messed with on the battle field. Tamashi hoping the kunai would impact the person's neck. Tamashi stopped his running forward and awaited for the person to make his move once more. Tamashi charging up his next move as he awaits for his opponent.

"We can go at this all day, the fact that you are still alive... well I am enjoying myself.."

Name: (Animal Kingdom Style)Dobutsu Okoku Sutairu - Vulcan Hearing
Canon/Custom:  Custom
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: 10 meters 360 degrees
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: 1
Cooldown: 4 post
A faint of a whisper, a tap of a toe, if a tree falls, does it make a sound. This technique can reach up to 10 meters 360. To start this technique, it doesn't require hand signs at all and all that requires is the user focusing there chakra to there ears, which will be invisible to the naked eye, but those with the sharingan and byuakugan will be able to spot it. This jutsu aides the user in hearing better and longer distance.

Last edited by Tamashi* on Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Posts : 88
Ryo : 28500

Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue100/100The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 1:16 pm

Like an endless waltz, timing was everything for this next part as all opponents weather strong or weak sometimes would move predictable. They would always either dodge or block his kunai and then he would do it. Unless the man had some jutsu to stop chakra from a distance this should work. Even though fluent were his opponent's movements, as the kunai reached a mere centimeter from his opponent's finger tips he activated his jutsu and in an instant the chakra he laced with bakuton chakra activated and, BOOM! There was a loud explosion, much louder that his previous ones....
ooc: just to make it clear, the jutsu in the last post was the chakra infusion and this post was its activation so jutsu complete. if by some chance u manage to evade....
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Posts : 160
Ryo : 19000

Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue250/250The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 8:30 pm

Tamashi heard a slight thick the moment he released the kunai from his hand. The explosion happening and Tamashi was caught right in it. The smoke clearing and what stood there instead of any blood spilling, was a log which took his place and then him appearing behind the person from a few distance away. Tamashi traveling within a few feet of the explosive style user's behind and took his run straight towards him as he increased his speed to maximum that an A rank could do. Tamashi spinning around so fast around this person. This person wouldn't be able to see the person, just the smoke he left behind and the grass particles spinning with the speed and Tamashi then traveling in front of the person in what appeared to be a blur, but really was his speed that was much faster for this person to even witness, attempting to send a straight right hook to the person's face, if impacted, he would suffer from bone fractures from the left side of his face and being sent to a near by tree.

Tamashi awaited to see what the results would be and he had hope he struck this person.


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Posts : 88
Ryo : 28500

Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue100/100The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyWed Jan 28, 2015 7:01 pm

Gin could tell that the explosive jutsu he he used did not connect. All he saw were the charred remains of a just performed Kawarimi no jutsu leaving a log in replacement of where his body just stood. Before Gin could even formulate a battle strategy, his face, the pain was excruciating as the blind's man'a fist crashed into him and he in turn was pitched by the force of the hit as he skated on the ground. He could not see his opponent. He had lost this fight. He did his best but what disturbed him was the fact that he did not know his fate. This person surely had the power to kill him now. Although not unconscious, he was breathing heavily and closed to eyes to try to ease the pain. He knew there was a possibility he could die here.
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Ryo : 19000

Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue250/250The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyWed Jan 28, 2015 7:15 pm

Tamashi standing strong and powerful as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up and smoked it as the smoke exhaled through his mouth.
"an interesting individual indeed. What's your name and age and rank. Your explosive style technique is impressive. If you would like to work with ouraboros, an organization consisting over powerful A rank individuals and become my subordinate and give me Intel on this village. I will choose to spar your life and I will also protect you from those who wish to do you harm. I was once an Uchiha that possessed the sharingan. I may have lost my sight, but I gained much more over time. What do you say ?"
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The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue100/100The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyWed Jan 28, 2015 7:36 pm

Gin could barely speak. As a matter of fact his mouth was too swollen to speak. He slowly pulled himself up from where he was lying and once again stood on his two feet...barely. He looked at this man with tired eyes, tired from the fatigue of battle. He was breathing, a little less heavy now. He moved his tongue inside his mouth and the insides felt tender from the blow. He then spat out some blood and again returned his vision to the man before him. He first asked Gin what his name was and other things but did not await a reply and continued on about this organization full of powerful shinobi like him. This man wanted intel on his village. He could not yet speak to ask him or tell this man anything so he simply nodded his answer. He then spat more blood so his tongue would not be slippery in his mouth to speak.

"Gin...name...Gin...help me." said Gin as he hoped this man could heal him some how or at least know someone who did. He thought about his choice of nodding to join this group; he wondered if he made the right choice but his thoughts were suddenly cut with a spasm of pain which made him just put his hand over the side of his face.
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The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue250/250The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyWed Jan 28, 2015 7:47 pm

Tamashi even though he couldn't see or hear him nod, he got the right impression that he wanted to join and went up to him. "you don't need my help. If you can survive your wounds, you are that much worthy of joining us. I will be off now, will expect information in due time." Tamashi fled the village and left the same way he came and used his full A rank speed to get out of the village and left without leaving a trace behind. Tamashi knew this person had potential and would be back to see him. Tamashi already memorized his voice, so it wouldn't be a problem knowing who he was.

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Posts : 88
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Character sheet
The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Left_bar_bleue100/100The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private EmptyThu Jan 29, 2015 1:59 am

Already Gin knew when he joined this fellowship that there would be no kindness, no favoritism, no brotherhood of any sort. He got a taste of what it will be like among these people. He knew however that by the time he had contact with the blind man again, he would be stronger than before. He punched the nearby tree in frustration thinking of it all. What the hell was he doing all this time when there were people that strong in the world? He had to surpass not only his attacker but anyone that dares to step to him. Gin slowly walked away, forever remembering his first encounter with the dreaded Ouraboros.

ooc: Also exited.
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The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unexpected Subordinate - Private   The Unexpected Subordinate -  Private Empty

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