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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Sakigake Endoresu

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Special Jounin

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PostSubject: Sakigake Endoresu   Sakigake Endoresu EmptySun Jun 22, 2014 2:05 am

Sakigake Endoresu Minitokyo.Male.Scans.Zombie.Loan_342239

Sakigake Endoresu Whoare14

First Name:Sakigake
Last Name: Endoresu
Alias: Saki

Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 6'0”
Weight: 150lbs
Birthday: May 18th
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: N/A

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Special Jounin
Element(s): Katon, Raiton
Specialization(s): Ninjutsu, Fuuninjutsu

Sakigake Endoresu Tellme11

Personality: Sakigake is an overall shy person, who isn't very good at meeting new people. He is very self absorbed, not paying much attention to those he does not know. Though despite this once befriended Saki is a very kind and intelligent person, willing to offer his aid to his friends in need, or to anyone else for that matter, so long as one asks. He is often found reading, always from the same book. His book, one that never runs out of pages, nor ever finishes.

Saki has his alternate side, when he activates his clans power, the power of the book, and he changes into a more open, easier going guy. He visually changes as well, but the greatest change is his temper. He has none in his normal form, unable to become angry over anything, he is completely submissive. But once he has unleashed the power of his book he has a flare of a temper, rising quickly, and exploding just as quickly.

Though both forms of Saki are extremely helpful, willing to give assistance, though in different ways. Normal Saki offers wisdom, and helpful tips and intelligence, where as inversed Saki is more prone to violence, threatening and/or swearing/yelling. Inversed Saki is also much faster, and stronger than regular Saki, and still retains his intelligence. These two beings are truly just different versions of the same person. Inversed Saki is only the true inner version of Saki, what he wishes to be more like.

Likes: Saki likes many things, such as his book, his life, reading, literature in general. He also likes seclusion, being able to hide away from people, and be alone in nature. Inversed Saki likes fighting, training, talking to people, boasting about himself. He likes to be surrounded by large groups of people, talking and laughing and joking. He likes to be the center of attention.

Dislikes: Saki dislikes being yelled at, or looked at, or spoken to, or having any type of interaction with others that he does not consider friends. Inversed Saki dislikes quiet, being alone, or stood up. He can't stand it when others beat him at anything.

Motivation: Saki wishes to find his little sister, and rescue her from the men who took her. It is the only thing is his life that he wants, and he badly desires to save his young sister. He will do anything and everything in his power to bring her home.

Fears: Saki fears death above all else, except for someone stealing his book. He fears anyone seeing what is written in his book, or anyone touching it. Another prominent fear is that he won't be able to save Amelia, and that she will die at the hands of the men who took her.

Sakigake Endoresu Blood10


Bloodline Name: Mugen No Hanashi

Bloodline Ability: The ability of this bloodline is very odd. It is directly linked to the grimoires that each clan member has. Each grimoire was made the moment the member it was destined for was born. It has an odd connection to the chakra, and inner wishes of the person whom it was made for. The grimoire unlocks the potential that each person has locked within them, allowing them to accomplish great feats.

The grimoires also gives the reader the ability to change, at will, to their inversed selves. Basically they become their opposite, their inner self, what they wished they were more like, taken to an extreme. It turns the user into anything they are not normally. It gives the user a rank increase in both speed and strength though only for the first two posts after the change.

Location: Tsukigakure

Clan History: The Endoresu clan was founded nearly two hundred years ago, by a man named Thellian Endoresu. He was the man who created the first grimoires, his, his wife's,and their newborn daughters. This began the strange connection the clan has had with the grimoires, the strange powers it has given them as a result. Thellian first noticed his powers three days after he made his grimoire. He noticed it never seemed to run out of pages, and keep everything he ever wrote in it. He also felt it store his chakra in it, releasing something inside him.

That was when he first changed into his inversed self, an odd feeling he had, his body shifting to look completely different from his normal self, hair colour, height, muscle mass, width, weight, all changed. His wife would not have recognized him, if not for the fact that she had witnessed his transformation. Athena, their daughter began to be able to access the grimoires power at the age of one. When Thellian and his wife had a son, they seemed compelled to create him a grimoire. 

By this time the grimoires had bonded to the clan, and would cause every new generation to need one, or else they would not be able to live. The grimoires changed the mentality of the new clan, placing the thought, that they needed to continue to create the grimoires for their children, becoming nearly symbiotic in their relationship. The grimoires could not be used by any other than the one who they were made for, and would appear completely blank to any outside the clan, a fact that the clan is still to this day unaware of. Four generations ago the clan discovered other uses of the grimoires, other than the ability to change into their inverse selves. The grimoires actually could use the readers chakra, and given mental commands could create maps, radar scans of the area, weapons from it's pages, and various other jutsu utilizing the grimoire.

In the next generation rose a great user of this ability, the man was known to all as “Death's Librarian.” A title he himself would never have chosen, and he never heard it, as he was given it after his death in a pitched battle, where he defended against twenty men, just to save a small girl from rape and death. Althayus was a great man, a great warrior, a great scholar. He had perfected every jutsu of the clan, even making new discoveries of the grimoires. He was said to have been perfectly in tune with his grimoire, able to make it do whatever he wanted, without any difficulty.

Now the clan is quite prosperous, quite welcome in the ninja world, able to preform a wide variety of tasks; assassination, scouting, bodyguards, decoys, etc. They are well respected in their village, and are highly valued in any type of fight, due to their versatility. Most members of the clan now live very comfortable lives, their positions all but secured due to their link with the grimoires.

Sakigake Endoresu Histor11

Pre-Academy Arc

Saki began life as a nothing, with his simple black leather grimoire made before he was even born, bound to him in the way of every member of the clan. His grimoire was tame in comparison to those of his parents, and cousins, and basically every other member of the clan, not having the sytlized nature that any of theirs did, though no one knew why, nor did it particularly mean anything. He is the son of two relatively important members of the village. His father is a jounin, one of the teachers at the academy. His mother was the assistant to the Kage of the past three years before Saki's birth, however with his birth Saki's mother stepped down from the position, as she needed to care for her new child. From the moment Saki's book was made he had greatness thrust upon him, the expectations of the entire clan weighed down upon the infant. Not that he knew it then, nor would it effect him much in the early years of his life.

Saki grew up as most children do, loved by his caring parents, with plenty of toys, and chanced to make friends. But Saki had never once made a single true, permanent friend, one who would be there throughout his life, preferring the life of solitude and loneliness. He was never truly alone though, at least not in his mind, for he always had his grimoire in which went all his thoughts and dreams. Saki wrote in it often, and for long periods of time, he was well known to the rest of the clan to be quite the author, if only those outside their clan would recognize this fact. Saki himself did not mind that no one noticed his writing skills, as it would only bring attention to him, and he would rather avoid all of that. He was a child used to seclusion from everyone else, and planned on staying that way. In fact, he never wanted his life to change in any way, though of course, change is inevitable and immuteable.

Academy Arc

At the age of seven Saki's parents enrolled him in the ninja academy, hoping to open him up, make him realize that he needed human interaction. It didn't work in the slightest. He agreed to enter the academy, but he would not, under any circumstance interact with those around him. He made sure to sit as far away from the rest of the class as he could, striving to not make eye contact, nor acknowledge anyone around him, practically pretending to be the only one in the class. This of course gave him the label of nerd, and outcast, which he eagerly embraced as if these titles were shields against the masses. His parent's and teacher, who just happened to be his own father, could not complain about his behaviour, nor received any complaints from him about the names he was called, as he was still doing excellent in class. He was the smartest, and the best at any given assignment.

Then finally one day it happened. It was just before class, Saki was in his usual spot, and was reading from his grimoire, unaware of the four older boys nearby. They were grinning and laughing, all pointing at him calling him all manner of rude names. They slowly approached the boy, and surrounded him, giving him no chance to escape. Saki didn't notice the boys at first, then once they surrounded him he purposefully ignored them, hoping they would just go away, however, one of them cleared his throat, and moved his hand to block Saki's line of site to his grimoire. Saki looked up at the boys, and from each one of them to the next, completely terrified having understood the situation finally, he had no idea what to expect though, having never been directly bullied before, due to his father being the teacher.

Well the boys made one crucial mistake, they touched Saki's grimoire, ripping it free from his grip. Saki's entire body had begun to twitch, with what they all, including Saki, assumed was fear, until Saki's pitch black hair began to become bleached, getting whiter every second. Not only this but his frame stretched, his height increasing with every second, muscle growing before their eyes, changing the boy who stood between them. Eventually Saki stood about as tall as the older boys did, a pissed expression on his usual so fearful and submissive face.

Saki took back his grimoire chakra coursing through him forming into a jutsu,  and just before he could release it, and begin to beat the living daylights out of the four boys his father stepped into the classroom, and spotted the scene. Each one of them got into a heap of trouble, though not as much for Saki, since he was in fact merely defending himself. The rest of Saki's time in the academy was uneventful, and dull. He graduated his first try, but was never assigned to a squad, most likely thanks to a recommendation from his father.

Genin Arc

Saki had an uneventful first few months as a genin, barely going on any missions, those he did being nothing extreme or intense, as befitting a genin, such as finding some old ladies lost pet, helping some farmers harvest their crops, and the like. He did his missions without complaint, and flawlessly. No one complained about his lack of enthusiasm, or people skills, nor the fact that he always seemed lost in his book. Saki was just another nameless genin, trying to become some big shot, and doing a horrible job of it. Afterall, he didn't care about fame or fortune, or anything of the sort.

When Saki was out of the village doing a mission his mother became terminally ill. She was given approximately three days to live. Saki was four days away, to even get a message to him would be too late, so he never found out that she was ill, nor dieing, until he returned to the village. Saki never got to see his mother again, until the day she was buried. Saki became more depressed than he had before, and much less eager to be around people, not that he had been either before. He now tried to avoid completing missions wherever he could, not that he was very successful, he still went on many missions. And one day, without even knowing it, he entered the chuunin exams.

Chuunin exams

Saki had never meant to enter the exams, as he had no team to back him up, nor did he have any real ambition to become anything higher than what he already was. Though the exams flew by rather easily for him, allowing him to quickly progress, making it to the finals. Saki blinked as he realized that he had yet to lose to anyone during the entirety of the exams, and was even more shocked to realize he actually planned on winning the next match as well, even despite his prior lack of enthusiasm.

He was fighting some genin from the Hidden Avalanche. He was still shy around anyone, especially girls. And his opponent was well, female. Saki didn't know what to do, and began to weave frantically as the girl moved in on him, attack ferociously. Saki would not fight back, he would only run away, never letting her land a single hit, though he did neither. Saki eventually ran out of places to run, and was cornered, and then, for the second time in his life, he changed into his inverse self.

Saki went through the change, much to the shock of many of those watching the match. They all cheered him on, as most of the people watching were from his own village, as the Chuunin exams had been held there this time. Saki had begun to take risks, fighting back, using the jutsu of his grimoire to overpower his opponent, the girl stood no chance against his relentless barrage. He won the match, becoming a chuunin. Saki was more amazed by the power he could now control than by the fact of his new rank.

Chuunin Arc

Saki was a good chuunin, he had the responsibility to make sure that the exams always rolled smoothly, making sure that no problems ever arose whenever they were to be held in the village. He did an excellent job, and everything always worked out how he wanted it to. Saki was a great adviser, a great planner, great at making things follow a schedule without flaws. He was an organizational genius.

Saki never thought of himself as that though, only a man doing the job he was paid to. He knew that he was depended on to make things run smoothly, but he never let that go to his head, though his inverted side did. He let his head fill with dreams of grandeur, but only when he was in this form, his regular self was still much to secluded, much to level headed and introspective to believe such things.

Saki spent three years of his life as a Chuunin, doing many more flawless missions, and tasks, becoming well known as the shy, intelligent boy with the book. Saki liked being known as this, as it kept unwanted people away from him, and allowed him to be by himself. Then one day his life took a strange turn, when his father remarried, and his new wife bore a daughter.

Saki was only ever able to bond with one person, and that was his half sister, whom he could not refuse. He loved her, and he did not know the reason for it. He loved his father, but he had never bonded with him, couldn't bond with him, but Amelia was different. Saki was able to open up to his sister, help her grow, teach her many things, like how to walk, how to talk, and many things about the grimoires they each possessed. He absolutely spoiled her, giveing her as much attention as she could handle, being what many considered overbearing and obsessive over his little sister.

Saki for once in his life was able to interact with other people, and he actually tried to make friends with others, his sister worming her way into his heart, and leaving the door open a crack behind her, leaving the path open to any who might come after her, though he still tended to avoid people whenever he wasn't with his sister. Saki was fifteen by this time, and his sister nearly three. He knew she would grow up to be better than him in pretty much every aspect, but it was up to him to make sure she did, and make sure she had a challenge when she got there. He wasn't just gonna roll over and play dead for her.

Saki devoted himself to becoming smarter, stronger, faster. He made himself better, made himself into a newer person, but then the worst happened, the thing that once again drove him away from mankind, into seclusion. His father was brutally assaulted, and his three year old sister kidnapped. Saki's sorrow on that day knew no bounds, his father lay bleeding at his feet, while his infant sister had been taken by these criminals. No one had seen the attack, and they could tell him nothing. So Saki disappeared.

Saki went to live alone, hidden within the village, yet in a place no one would look. He was very good at hiding, and the place he chose was excellent to do just that. No one ever found him. He still did his missions, and duties, but never once interacted with people, unless he absolutely had to. In time he was given more responsibility, and a new rank; Special Jounin.

Special Jounin Arc

This is where Saki is now, living in complete seclusion, still searching, as he has for the past six years, for his sister, without any clues to her whereabouts. Saki is more shy now than ever before, preventing human contact wherever possible, but since his sister had left the door open, people can worm their way in, it just may take them awhile. Saki is still as smart, devoted to his duties, and loyal as ever before, he just hides himself from all human contact. He hasn't really made any progress on finding his sister, and has almost lost all hope, though will never give up on finding her until the day he dies.

He believes deep down in his heart that she is still alive and out there, and he will always search, and keep hope alive that she's still out there. Though he knows as well that she won't be the same, sweet little girl he knew, no by now she would be far different, altered by the monsters who took her in the first place. Saki has devoted his life to becoming stronger in the hopes of finding Amelia, and those who took her, and exacting revenge upon them, saving her from their clutches. It is the sole ambition in his being, and the major thought that consumes his every waking moment.

RP Sample: Anything by Andeddo

Sakigake Endoresu Extra10

Source: Alt of Andeddo

Face Claim: Both Chika Akatsuki and Shito Tachibana of Z-Loan

Sakigake Endoresu Accept10
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PostSubject: Re: Sakigake Endoresu   Sakigake Endoresu EmptySun Jun 22, 2014 10:52 pm

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