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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Gantetsu Shigura

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Gantetsu Shigura Empty
PostSubject: Gantetsu Shigura   Gantetsu Shigura EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 11:47 pm

Gantetsu Shigura 5N6xale

Gantetsu Shigura Whoare14

First Name: Gantetsu
Last Name: Shigura
Alias: None

Gender: M
Age: 15
Height: 4'5
Weight: 100 Lbs
Birthday: September 30th
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element(s): Suiton
Specialization(s): Genjutsu

Gantetsu Shigura Tellme11

Personality: Gantetsu is calm and serious person who believes that the only way to truly do something right is to do it oneself. A very level headed individual is what most people call him as he thinks problems through rather than rushing at them head on. Keep his emotions to himself even during the worst situations people have a tendency of assuming that he is cold hearted and does not care for others. This is just the opposite he cares deeply for his fellow shinobi and lets his emotions loose when he is alone. He will try to avoid conflict when he can and will only fight if he believes it is truly necessary. He trusts only in his own ability rather than others so he will often try to shoulder everything even if he cannot handle it.

Likes: Gantetsu likes to read books in his mind there is nothing more enjoyable than sitting down in a dimly lit room, with a cup of tea, and a good book. While he enjoys the quiet he isn't totally opposed to noise as long as he enjoys what causes the noise. Examples of noisy things which he enjoys are children, waterfalls, rivers, oceans, birds, dogs, and cats. While Gantetsu loves women he finds them to be difficult to deal with and he thinks they talk too much. He loves water in every form be it bodies of water, a glass of water, or a technique made of water he loves it all. Water is relaxed and moves along with whatever is happening but dangerous when not taken seriously, he thinks this matches his personality exactly. Genjutsu is Gantetsu's favourite type of jutsu because it is used to deceive the opponents senses and bend them to what you will.  

Dislikes:  Fire is one of the things Gantetsu dislikes most due to it's dangerous and volatile nature as well as the fact that it is the polar opposite of water. Nothing is created or advanced through fire. It does not construct it destroys, no good can come from playing with fire. Gantetsu finds all reptiles and amphibians grotesque and unpleasant with the exception of Chameleons. He does not like slimy or scaly things especially if they can move so quickly that he cannot track them. Big cities are too busy, loud, and filled with people for his liking personally he would prefer living in a small cabin out in the woods by a lake. Bugs are too small and unpredictable for Gantetsu to like not to mention the ones that buzz drive him insane (figuratively of course).  

Motivation:  He heard many stories growing up about the great ninja wars and how horrible they were. He also heard about how nation turned against nation trying to control the most power. The Bijuu were a topic he listened quite closely to, being told that they were treated like nothing but tools made him angry. He has pledged on his life that he will do everything he can to prevent another great ninja war even if it kills.

Fears:  While he loves to be alone he deathly afraid of being all alone; of being lonely. He fears that if another war were to break out that people would use the Bijuu as weapons to fight each other. He fears most about the death and destruction that would result if this were to happen.

Gantetsu Shigura Blood10

Place clan name here

Bloodline Name:

Bloodline Ability:


Clan History:  

Gantetsu Shigura Histor11

History:  Gantetsu was born in a cabin outside of a small village and was raised there by his mother and father until he was 6. When he was 6 his parents decided that it would be good for him to join the academy and learn to be a ninja, so they moved to Kusamuragakure and enrolled him in the academy. He showed an average amount of skill in ninjutsu but no skill at all when it came to taijutsu and seeing how the academy teaches very little genjutsu he never knew how skilled he was in it. He graduated the academy at the age of 12 and was assigned a team. As he grew older and more mature his mother would tell him stories about the great ninja wars, about the violence, hatred and death that it caused. She also told him about the Bijuu and what they were used for and how they were treated. She asked him to promise her that he would never pursue the power of the Bijuu as it would only lead to more death and hatred. He swore on his life that he would do anything possible to prevent another war from breaking out and to protect his village. While on one of his missions his sensei began to explain more about genjutsu to him and he found it astonishing and absolutely loved hearing about it. After hearing more about genjutsu he had decided that he was going to master as many genjutsu as he could. His training with his team was rigorous and difficult. He was expected to use taijutsu most of the team so that he could improve in it and he had to spar against his teammates who were allowed to use ninjutsu and genjutsu. While some may have considered it cruel or harsh Gantetsu knew that they were only doing this because they cared about him. His sensei treated all of her students as if they were her own children and cared for them deeply. At 14 his family was granted permission by the Sakurakage to move to a different village due to troubles they were having economically. After a heartfelt goodbye Gantetsu promised his old teammates and sensei that he would visit them whenever he was given permission and when he had missions in the area. A year passed of living in Boufuugakure and Gantetsu has finally been deemed trustworthy enough to be assigned to a team.

RP Sample: The darkness of night is nothing compared to the darkness of the world. So dark that not even light can escape, however for one quick second a flash of hope lights up the night sky. As long as the light of hope remains then eternal darkness shall never completely mask this land.

Wake up. A voice so familiar yet so foreign rings in my ears I wonder who it is. Wake up. There it is again yet I don't recognize it but know I have met it before. Gantetsu, wake up. I guess I'll open my eyes. As the young man with turquoise hair opened his eyes he saw who was telling him to wake up, as he regained conscious he realized that the voice telling him to wake up was that of his sensei. As he stared at the young woman with emerald green eyes and jet black hair he realized that she was in his room watching him. "Ahh! What are you doing in my room?!" he yelled in shock as he tried to grasp the situation. "What I'm your sensei, I teach you things remember so I thought I would come get you." the young woman said kindly. As he began to collect his thoughts he looked at her and said "You could have waited until I woke up and besides it's weird having a woman who isn't my mom in here." As he said this the woman stood crossed her arms and declared, "Time for your next lesson! Now up and at em get dressed and we can begin!", the boy stood up and walked over to his bureau and started to pick out what clothes he would wear. When he finally decided he looked at his sensei, "Well?" she asked, "Well what?", he retorted grumpily. "Strip down and get dressed!", she said impatiently, "No way not while you are looking at me!", the young man yelled. "Oh you're one of those types, fine I'll cover my eyes." she said covering her eyes. After he had gotten dressed and kissed his mother goodbye his sensei took him to some training grounds. "Now it's time to train you in taijutsu!", she declared loudly. "What! I am terrible at taijutsu!", he yelled in surprise. "That's precisely why you need to work on it! Now no arguments Gantetsu!", she yelled clearly irritated. "Fine but you owe me at least another two hours of genjustsu lectures." Gantetsu said as he took a stance. "Fine by me, oh by the way no chakra allowed in this battle." she said as she lunged at Gantetsu. "Woah already!" he said trying to block the attack. As he tried to block the punch she suddenly stopped the punch and switched to a kick hitting him right in the gut. Having had the wind knocked out of him he had no time to react to her next attack, a punch to the jaw. "Come on I thought you were going to try this time." she said with disappointment in her voice. "I am trying I told you I have no talent when it comes to taijutsu." Gantetsu said through pants. "Listen up, cause this is the only tip I am going to give you." she said helping him up, "when you are facing an enemy don't look directly at them look at something close beside or behind them, allow them to be in your peripherals this will allow you to react more quickly to their attacks, now let's begin again", before she fully finished here sentence she lunged at him again. "Look past her, past her, past her." He thought when suddenly her punch connected right to his stomach, "OOOOF!", he let out a puff of air, "Don't think about just do it!" she said scolding him. A kick flies toward his head, "Don't think do" he is interrupted with her foot hitting his head, "What did I just say!" she yelled, "maybe today wasn't a good day let's stop you clearly aren't ready." as she began to walk away Gantetsu weakly stood up, "I can do it, I just need one more try." he said as he charged her. He tried to punch her three times in face but she dodged all of them then ducked down and tried to jab his stomach. "That won't work this time.", he yelled as he grabbed her hand. Suddenly she exploded in puff of smoke and as the smoke cleared up Gantetsu could hear clapping. "I knew you could do it you are my student after all." she said as she walked out from behind a tree. "You said this was taijutsu and yet you used a shadow clone against me. I can't help but feel a little cheated." Gantetsu said clenching his stomach, "why are you always so rough with me I could get really hurt you know." He began to walk toward her and was met in her embrace. "Listen little one I treat all my beloved students like this I want you to become tough so you can survive this world, it's my way of showing you I care.", said softly as Gantetsu blushed, "now let's go have some breakfast and I'll teach you more about genjutsu." The two entered a small shop, ordered some food, and sat down at a table and began to eat. After their meal she looked at Gantetsu and said "Now I am going to tell various ways to break a genjutsu if you are ever caught in one." She took a sip of her tea, "The first is to stop the flow of chakra in their body, and then apply an even stronger power to disrupt the flow of the caster's chakra; this is called Genjutsu Dissipation. This can also be done by an unaffected ninja by applying a sudden surge of chakra into the affected person. In addition Bijuu can break their Jinchuriki out of genjutsu in a similar fashion if they have a good enough cooperation. However you probably will never have a Bijuu but it is still good to know." Gantetsu is now staring at her intently looking extremely interested. "Now the second way is not as pleasant, you can break a genjutsu   through intense pain not caused by the genjutsu and utilising the resulting pain to bring their senses back in order. Of the two this is the easiest way to break it but like I said it isn't pleasant." she leans back in her seat looking at Gantetsu who is thoroughly invested in what she is saying. "There are other ways to break genjutsu but it's not important for you to know right now." She stands up and pays the bill then looks back at Gantetsu, "That's all for today train hard and study hard. I'll see you later.", she says as she disappears.


Gantetsu Shigura Extra10

Source: I spent hours on Google looking for a Naruto roleplay forum that I liked and I finally found this one.

Face Claim: Katekyoushi Hitman Reborn!

Gantetsu Shigura Accept10

Last edited by DanzoCheats on Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Gantetsu Shigura Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gantetsu Shigura   Gantetsu Shigura EmptyMon Jan 06, 2014 6:43 am

Your application looks good to go, except two things.

1) Your history must be 400 words in length as a minimum.

2) How did you find out about Mirage? Put that in the "source" section.

Once this has been done, post a bump and then I shall approve it. :)
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Gantetsu Shigura Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gantetsu Shigura   Gantetsu Shigura EmptyMon Jan 06, 2014 3:46 pm

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Gantetsu Shigura Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gantetsu Shigura   Gantetsu Shigura EmptyMon Jan 06, 2014 5:31 pm

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