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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Shinteki, Eden

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Female Posts : 2298
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PostSubject: Shinteki, Eden   Shinteki, Eden EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 3:26 am

Shinteki, Eden 4eeGex9

Shinteki, Eden Whoare14

First Name: Eden
Last Name: Shinteki
Alias: Masshō o Tōkatsu :: Oversee Obliteration / Muon Bitoku :: Soundless Virtue / Raijin-dono :: Thunder God

Gender: Male
Age: 29
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 185 pounds
Birthday: December 21st
Sexuality: Straight



- Shinteki, Massatsu :: Father :: 84 / Deceased
- Alexandria, Hiromi :: Mother :: 67 / Deceased
- Shinteki, Zen :: Brother :: 24 / Deceased
- Shinteki, Kaze :: Brother :: 23 / Deceased
- Alexandria, Luna :: Sister :: 23 / Deceased
- Alexandria, Yumiko :: Sister :: 20 / Deceased

Loved One:

Trying to bring her home.

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Oujoukage
Element: Raiton and Fuuton
Specialization: Nintaijutsu; Taijutsu and Ninjutsu

Shinteki, Eden Tellme11


Eden cannot be described in just a few sentences. He is indeed very complex and it is often too difficult for most anyone to understand who he is beneath his hardened exterior.

At a glance, he can be judged as “serious” or “proud,” as he has a very proper form of posture and always manages to keep a very seemingly strict facial expression. The way he walks indicates that she is very graceful, even though he does not take his appearance very seriously. This does not mean, though, that he does not express happiness, laughter or sadness. This general and common facial expression with him is not so much "strict" but more along the lines of "professional," or "experienced." He is by no means unfriendly, however.


In terms of speech, he is very fluid and calm in his speech, which would tell people around him that he holds education in very high regard. He speaks as though his voice has different musical tones and depth, which indicates that he is not boring to talk to and can manage to hold peoples’ attention. On the topic of speech, he does not often speak and only speaks when necessary. He always says very wise things so when he does speak to those around him, everyone always tends to listen.


To the average stranger he is taken in with an instant respect just by the air exuberating around him. However, some shy away due to this very feeling, leaving the man alone and unconnected with some of the society around him. This is because, due to his experience in his home, he has amassed a great amount of achievements throughout his time alive thus far. Because of said achievements, he is somewhat feared by the people he protects every day, though he is not hated. It could be compared to watching a lion tear apart its prey. Even though the sight of it sends a sense of fear deep into your heart, you can't help but still admire its power and ferocity.


Underneath his exterior lies a great many things. One such thing is that he is extremely depressed but never decides to show such emotions as it would bring undesirable attention to him. On that subject, he does not like getting too much attention. He would much rather keep to himself than talk to the people around him. Because of that, he is to a certain degree shy, though he doesn't show it to those around him.


Eden, by nature, is extremely loyal and trustworthy. Every one of his few friends knows this about him without a doubt and Eden is like this because he believes that if one cannot trust another, there can be no peace at all. The same goes for his loyalty, as he believes that those who cannot be loyal to one another can never find friendship. Eden is definitely someone you can count on in and out of battle, and he would make for the perfect kind of friend. Sort of.


Taking into consideration the stress his heart (emotions) places on him, he is usually very kind and for the most part happy. Those who know him well enough often get confused by this trait of his as it is unknown even to Eden how he manages still to be happy and composed while under so much emotional stress. This is most likely, to his knowledge, due to his experience in this time of war and strife around his home. Without the experience he has, he would have likely cracked a long time ago from all that he has gone through and seen.


SPT - a term created by Eden and is abbreviated for "Stupid People Tolerance." This term was derived from the certain people he had encountered over the years who were exceptionally idiotic and annoying. He categorized this trait in terms of five levels, each level clearly defining how far up the tolerance meter he is. The first level is meant for people who were very easy to tolerate or had no true moments of utter stupidity and are on Eden's good list. The second level is meant for people who had their moments of stupidity but it was humorous and was acceptable stupidity as friends would when joking around. The third level is the neutral zone where people who Eden deemed right in the middle and were beginning to go into the bad area. These people still had a good chance of coming back to the good list. The fourth level is meant for people who were quite annoying and he could only take so much of them before he punched them. These people still had somewhat of a fighting chance to get onto Eden's good list eventually. The fifth level is meant to be reserved for the select few who were so annoying that he has put them on a death list. These few people have little to no chance of getting on Eden's good list.


He loves to get into fights. Even he does not understand why he does, considering his occupation leader, but he accepts it willingly. He loves fighting because for one, it allows him to forget about the outside world for a time and gets him unstressed about his...situation. Another reason, though strange, is that it is a very odd turn-on for him. Something about fighting and being in the moment gets his blood pumping; gets him riled up. Strange, but true.


Eden loves all kinds of sports. More so, he loves being active which is the main point of this "like." Being active makes him feel like he has purposes for getting up in the morning or getting dressed. It is motivation to keep himself healthy and strong. This is most likely his most important because he feels like his life has material meaning which is very good and it reminds him that being active will make him noticeable which means he won't feel lonely all the time.


He loves music. He grew a vast appreciation for it over so many years. Music for him is a way of expressing what lies beyond the surface of his being and that is what he loves most about it. He took up the instrument known as the violoncello and fell in love with it almost instantly. The deep tones, the very warm yet sad sound that resonates from it when played. Reminds him of himself.


He loves gaining knowledge, as well as gaining insight on the ninja world's history. When he wasn't sleeping or doing paperwork or going out on missions, he was reading and exploring the light and dark path's of this land's past. By traveling to the other villages and visiting their vast libraries, he learned much of the strife as well as the peaceful times that passed the baton back and forth across time. Learning new things in general excites him and it is a habit he received from his late father.


He dislikes boredom. The term "boredom" for him is more defined as not doing something that he would deem important to him or worthy of his time. Something like waiting for some type of results is not considered boredom for him. Boredom for him would be something like being at his own or someone's home, sitting around, not waiting for anything, and having nothing at all whatsoever to do. Anything outside of that is not considered "boredom."


Eden hates people who desire to harm or kill just for fun or without genuine cause. This kind of thing directly goes against his moral beliefs and his sense of justice. These kinds of people are the kind of people Eden hates most and they are those few he would truly enjoy killing for the sake of cleansing the world of their filth.


He hates being controlled by others. He does not take lightly to people who seek to try and control his actions and/or decisions, especially since he is a man who has seen and been through much history. Tried to control his actions and/or decisions, though the few times it did happen those people never were again able to see the light of life.


He dislikes people who do not desire to change themselves in order to make themselves better. To Eden, that is simply implying that they do not care about their lives or well-being, which irritates him because regardless of one’s issues in life, one should strive and work harder to change so that they no longer have to worry about trivial stress, suffering, and mental/emotional pain. What is the point of living if you cannot better yourself; make yourself stronger, is what he says often to people who are not willing to change.


Eden tends to dislike people who cannot relax. It gets on his nerves when others get tense all the time because then nagging begins and the atmosphere spreads to everyone else in the room, making things unbearable, which annoys him. Some who are like that find the short side of Eden's tolerance meter and get scolded often. Though, it is not scolding and is considered more along the lines of a "pep talk" to give those certain individuals the courage to want to try calming the hell down and relaxing. He finds himself to be someone who does not relax often, but he tries as hard as possible to just relax. Otherwise, it annoys the crap out of him.


True Peace - Though it may never be possible, Eden wishes that someday there may be coexistence between all of the villages. A high dream indeed, but he wants to believe that it can at some point come to fruition. Throughout his life, he had seen much war, strife, tears, and blood over so many different topics such as religion and ethnic background. So much grief and pain war brings and the younger generations cannot see it. Eden wishes for them grow up and learn that war does not always solve all problems between groups of people.


The Wisest and Strongest - Though a feat like this is close to impossible, Eden still has this goal set so that he has always something to strive for, no matter what may come to pass in the future. Perhaps wisdom, true knowledge, is something he has already achieved, considering all the troubles he had faced and still managed to change himself to be all the better as a human being and not a monster. However, in terms of strength, perhaps he is not the very strongest; he is, however one of the smartest when it comes to battle and war tactics for he had seen more war than most of the younger generations ever had seen. Still, this duo goal stands firm in his mind.


Renowned Leader - Currently, he is the leader of the village he lives in. He is well-known throughout the lands for his prowess in battle and her collected composure in tense situations when important decisions had to be made. Though he may be good in combat and may be strategically intelligent, he still believes that he needs to improve more in order to be known as a great leader especially since he has only begun his duties as the Ojoukage.


Failure - Failure is always a sign of weakness for those who do not often experience it. Eden is a man who has thrice seen failure throughout his time alive thus far. Failure to him is being unable to complete a task to the degree that the task should be completed. There has not yet been such a task where he has failed to complete to the highest degree that it should be completed. However, he has failed three times in protecting those dear to him.


Loss - Perhaps the only fear he has is of losing whatever friend or friends he makes in the future. It would crush him all the more to lose another person who became close to him. He hopes that such a thing will not happen again, though he will not let his guard down on this fact as he knows better than anyone that things change as quickly as thoughts do. It is because of this that he wants to become stronger. Strong enough to protect his village and the people who are closest to him.

Shinteki, Eden Histor11


In a time of war, a boy was born. That boy’s name was Eden Shinteki, and though he had only just been born, his not-so-distant future was already set in stone. Tragedy would befall him repeatedly, because of war. Born in such a period, he had no room to live as a normal child would have, and was rather forced to grow up mentally at a very young age. Luckily, he was born into a family with others. Siblings. There were two elder brothers and two elder sisters. They found comfort in each other’s company as they trained in the arts of the shinobi early on in their lives. Eden was only four years of age when his studies began, and though it was harsh at first, it slowly but surely became routine after a couple of years. Until the age of ten years, Eden was put through intense physical training and jutsu, as well as scholarly aptitudes such as writing, reading, and mathematics. Exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and wall sitting were commonplace and became a daily, three-time-a-day routine. On top of that, he had a knack for taijutsu from the beginning and his father realized it rather quickly so he decided to begin teaching him the art of hand-to-hand combat when he had only turned six, though such training was very elementary. However, he wasn’t just trained to throw punches and kicks. He was put through grueling endurance tests in order to harden his body later on. These "tests" included but was not limited to hitting trees with different parts of his body, sparring with his elder brothers, getting hit to different parts of his body by his father and mother, as well as taking beatings from his father again only to harden his body more. He was always nursed back to health, and his family was always just that. Family. They all always managed to remain together, at least for a while, and that was the happiness they looked forward to every day. Out of all his siblings, Eden grew to mastery of taijutsu much faster and his body was constantly being toughened day after day after day. He knew nothing of giving up as it was instilled by his own parents that being strong not only in body but in mind as well, will keep him alive and being headstrong will allow him to persevere in the ninja world. Little did he know his true suffering was about to unfold...



















Last edited by Eden Shinteki on Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:32 am; edited 47 times in total
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Shinteki, Eden Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shinteki, Eden   Shinteki, Eden EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 2:55 pm

Completion bump.
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Shinteki, Eden Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shinteki, Eden   Shinteki, Eden EmptySat Dec 15, 2012 9:03 am

Shinteki, Eden Approv10
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Shinteki, Eden Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shinteki, Eden   Shinteki, Eden EmptyWed Apr 17, 2013 7:17 pm

Okay. Completion bump.
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Shinteki, Eden Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shinteki, Eden   Shinteki, Eden EmptyWed Nov 13, 2013 7:58 pm

Revamped everything except for my history which will take me a while.
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