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 Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano

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Kouri Ten'nou

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Character sheet
Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Left_bar_bleue810/810Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty_bar_bleue  (810/810)

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty
PostSubject: Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano   Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano EmptyTue Sep 04, 2012 5:45 pm

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano 5-63

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Whoare14

First Name: Aeneas
Last Name: Soriano
Alias: Nadare’s White Lion, Blood Moon Prince

Age: 27
Height: 6’4
Weight: 184 lb
Birthday: March 18
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: Widower, Nami Doragonhado, Synyster Kenshou, Finnik Soriano.

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Legendary Seinin
Element: Fuuton, Doton, Katon
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Tellme11

Personality:  Aeneas had always been a diehard fighter. He often fights for those who cannot defend themselves, and for the sake of peace. Years after his disappearance those who have claimed to have had dialogue with him, noted one thing specifically, that he has completely change. Aeneas has often said in the past that he has trained himself to incredible heights but still lacks the strength to kill. The closes Aeneas has ever come to killing a person was his fight with Dominic Edrick, which by fated luck, ended in stalemate. Some people say that Aeneas’s heart has become bigger and has grown in maturity, some say that Aeneas’s heart has become consumed by the darkness. Only time can tell the truth.

Likes: Through observation it is noted that Aeneas loves the thrill of battle. Though he is naturally a peaceful person and opposing to war, he considers fighting to be an art in itself. Aeneas also loves the company of women and anything to do with the drinking of rootbeer. Also Aeneas loves good people, he believes that a kind heart is rare, and should be rewarded any given chance.  

Dislikes:   Aeneas has been known to really dislike Dominic Edrick, but what he has personally disliked was the destructive nature behind it. He hates the thought of injustice and darkness and so he fights really hard to protect or restore balance to the world.

Motivation: Aeneas Soriano is a justice driven man, who has become more obsessed with the idea, since his war with the kages. He is often viewed as the biggest disappointment of the ninja world, due to his inability to liberate them of any corruption, and his disappearance. Aeneas has sworn to rain down the flames of true justice at all cost.

Fears:  Aeneas used to have a fear of rodents, a fear of dying , and a fear of being incapable of protecting. In some aspects in his life he has had to confront situations which has rid him of his fears. He had to deal with hedgehogs being Nadaregakure's secret messengers, he has had the most life and death battles of all shinobis on the site, and he has lost and protect many lives under his watch. Aeneas has earned his title amongst the world as The White Lion for being fearless.

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Blood10


Bloodline Name: Furuburaddo- Konpurekkusu : Full Blood Complex

Bloodline Ability: Serurākonpurekkusu : Cellular Complex:
This ability derives from the primary capabilities of both SwordStalkers and members of the Satsujin clan.  This ability allows the user, supreme control over all cells in his/her body and the spiritually contaminated cells of his/her victim, so long as the victim isn’t a SwordStalker or a member of this clan. This bloodline’s full potential is realized when a user has an Alma Buscador present and ready for battle. Even without the use of the user’s soul seeker, he/she can contaminate all the cells in an open wound which has made contact with the user’s chakra.  Though this ability has never proven to be fatal, it is definitely effective and resourceful.  If the conditions are met, the spiritually contaminated wound will serve as an advantage to this user. This feat is best recognized as a SwordStalker’s primary ability, Spiritual Cellular Manipulation.  This ability implies that once chakra has made contact with a wound, all cells within the wound will slowly become infected by the parasitic chakra over time. This infection will cause the user’s wounds to worsen when healed through the user of chakra, uncontrollably leak small amounts of blood, and increase in size.  What the user gains from this ability may vary, but this ability is important for the user to use jutsus from this clan. As alluded to earlier, this technique mainly focuses on the blood cells of the user and the opponents, despite the control over other types of cells that it grants.  This ability uses the blood of the user or his/her victim(s) and turns it into what SwordStalkers know as blood offering, or blood chakra. This red chakra is different from the user’s natural chakra and is considered a conflicting chakra which does not cause harm to the user, due to the user using chakra and blood to create it.  Upon contaminating a wound, the wound will begin to bleed and emit 0.2 drams of blood per inch, and grow 0.3 inches in depth and length every post after the post of contamination(the post in which you performed the act of contaminating the wound). For every 0.2 drams of blood emitted the user will gain 5 points of blood chakra, which will be stored within the user’s Alma Buscador or as a red aura around his/her body. An example is if the user contaminates a wound which is 1inch in length, then by the post after contamination (which is usually the response post) the wound will be 1.3 inches in length. Out of that 1.3 inch wound , the victim will lose 2.6 drams of blood . Since 0.2 drams of blood would come out of 2.6 drams of blood, 6.5 times ( 2.6/0.2 = 6.5) ; the user will gain 32.5 points of blood chakra( 6.5 x 5 = 32.5). This blood chakra is important for clan techniques which involve the use of blood. The blood sacrifice can be met in two different ways, either through the way which was previously described or by means of bleeding oneself.  If done by means of bleeding oneself then the technique will just require 10% more chakra( ex: if the jutsu cost 40 points of chakra the user will use 44 because 10% of 40 is 4).  But if the blood chakra comes from the absorbed blood of the victim, then the user will be able to perform clan technique which blood chakra, without losing any of their own chakra. The cost will come from the amount of blood chakra stored.  Blood chakra is solely used for clan jutsu purposes and cannot be used for substitution of chakra for none clan related techniques.  The user of this technique is capable of absorbing from two people at a time and two wounds at a time. If the user absorbs from multiple wounds at a time then, the blood chakra gain will only be 3 points per 0.2 drams each.  This ability also allows the user to use blood chakra to form physical weapons/objects with thin coats of the user’s chakra.  These weapons/objects are transparent and red in color, and are as durable as carbonated steel. Though this ability allows control over all cells in a contaminated area, the user can not use any cells in any way unless explained in the description of this ability or clan related jutsu, which the user can create overtime.  Though the opponent loses blood, this technique has proven to be an advantage for most opponents for if contaminated by this technique the opponent will not be able to bleed to death no matter how deep the wound gets for as long as the wound is contaminated.  This technique doesn’t ignore the fact that the body has been penetrated, and so if a heart is punctured or a neck is sliced, this technique alone cannot prevent the victim from dying, unless used as a medical ninjutsu. Because the control those members of this clan have over their own cells, they also cannot bleed out. This technique also does not prevent members of this clan from dying. All contaminations last only 10 posts. The area may become contaminated again but the user must follow the same rules as last time. Members of this clan can’t get sick, and there body naturally heats up when cold, no matter how cold, in order to keep equilibrium.  Because of the control over their neural cells, members of this clan have a high tolerance against Genjutsu and all forms of manipulation and control. This means that they can overcome all control up to a rank higher than themselves.  Members of this clan can grow skin and repair punctured arteries, organs, and bones at a fair rate, assuming that the wound isn’t instantly fatal (like a punctured heart. Members regenerate after every 5 posts, but feels 3x the pain.)

Seishin-tekina keishō : Spiritual Inheritance:
This ability derives from the Blood Moon Dynasty’s belief of reaching the perfect understanding between the natural and the super natural.  SwordStalkers have always been known for being spiritually sensitive, which means that they can sense spirits of the dead, although they may not see them. This also gave them the uncanny ability to do what is known as swordstalking, and spiritual adaptaion.  SwordStalking is the act of communicating with weapons that have spiritual qualities (abilities) and having dominion over them.  Spiritual adaptation is the act of being able to adapt to physical situations, and perform physical activities in an unorthodox or supernatural way or form.   A prime example of this is that at the rank of chuunin, SwordStalkers can speak to objects with spiritual qualities and with their Alma Buskadors handy, they can surrender its use to force other weapons to temporarily lose, their spiritual power.  An example of adaptation would be how SwordStalkers do not need to use their hands to perform hand seals. They can use the eye patterns from their inherited eyes known as the Chishio Metsuki which can be activated at will or by the use of the cellular complex ability. Any jutsu which require the completion of hand signs/seals to be done by the shifting and rotating of the user’s eye patterns. Once these eyes start shifting it signifies the beginning of a hand sign/seal and once they stop it signifies the end of a hand seal. These patterns will continue shifting for as long as is needed for the seals to be complete. The shifting of the eye patterns does not hinder the user’s sight but does cost the user 3% more chakra than the jutsu would cost, every time he uses this means of performing seals. While eye patterns are shifting user will be unable to use hands to form jutsus that require hand signs, but can use his hands for other things and jutsus that don’t require hand signs. Because of their incredible sensibility they are able to adapt in physical ways such as matching speed. Members of this clan have been known to match the speed of the current fastest person in the area, regardless if they are fast by means of jutsu or teleportation. This technique makes it so that users with this ability are always on an even playing field in terms of speed. This technique is also adjustable, meaning it will match the user’s speed, agility, and reflexes if the fastest person in the area changes from the time this ability is initially activated. This ability will always take effect as long as the fastest person in the room isn’t the user, and the fastest person isn’t at most 2 ranks higher than the user, Ex: genin vs jounin. This technique can be activated at will, or becomes force activated if the user is in danger.

Location:  No specific location

Clan History:  
This clan derives from both The Blood Moon Dynasty and The Satsujin Clan. During the time of the first Takekage, the legendary mountain country was in alliance with the volcanic country. These nations were said to have been bound by fate, due to the heart and prime similarities of their first kages. Takekage, Aeneas Soriano and Atsusakage Haru Satsujins had more in common than their rise to power at a young age and their dark skin. Both kages were the only members at the time with the ability of utilizing the blood element, due to clan inheritance.  Though both members controlled the blood element at different levels, they both believed that their bloodlines were destined to intertwine at some point. A year after their alliance, Haru Satsujin had lost his life after a crushing defeat by the hands of Dominic Edrick, the first Umikage, which devastated Aeneas and changed the landscape of Kazangakure forever. A year after the death of Haru, and Aeneas’s battle with Dominic Edrick which ended in a stalemate; Aeneas and the shinobi of Nadaregakure gathered their forces and sought after Haru’s remains.  Aeneas believed that by obtaining Haru’s remains, that he could revive his cells and nearly absorb/adapt them enough to reach the full extent of both bloodlines. Sometime after Aeneas left Nadaregakure to pursue a life of peace with his wife Eliza, rumors began to surface. Rumor states that he has found the remains of Haru and buried him AFTER the completion of his bloodline mission. Those who claim to have interacted with Aeneas after his disappearance has said that Aeneas has completely matured in the body and in power. According to rumor Aeneas claims that once this feature has been obtained, that one has become a truly mature member of their clan in result entering another branch of the clan, which is a different clan in itself.  For being the first to accomplish such as feat, he has honored himself and his family by naming this clan; Soriano.

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Histor11

Aeneas Soriano was one of the world’s youngest kages. Aeneas became Takekage of Nadaregakure at age 15 and started making history ever since. Aeneas Soriano was raised as a child with his younger twin Shinji by a farmer at a farm located in a village hidden within the clouds. During that time there was great turmoil and struggles bestowed upon the village. Due to this village being just a minor village, main villages would use this village as hide outs for military forces. Because of this when other major villages caught words, it brought forth attacks, and bombings throughout the province. In efforts to evacuate all troops from the once peaceful province, Aeneas, lead a revolt with a group of young shinobi, and together they were known as " The Freedom Fighters". For months, these young Genin  would muster up their intelligence, and skill in order to defeat and cast out opposing forces from all shinobi nations, therefore gaining attention of leaders from these opposing  nations. Being in a time of war, no leader took initiative to seek out these Freedom Fighters, except for one. Leader of the cloud nation, also marked as the most powerful Kage in the world at the time , had personally  sought out Aeneas, and defeated him and his Freedom Fighters. After a valiant effort , young Aeneas was left in an excruciating defeat, but the Raikage had honored him, and granted an Alliance with the once free province. Because of this other nations stayed away knowing well that the sky village was now under the covering of the raikage.  After the great conflicted which resulted in the end of the freedom fighters and a force treety, he lived in the sky village peacefully for many years, dealing with the strange development of his eyes. Aeneas’s Chishio Metsuki development was much different than the common, and had left him incapable of withstanding light that would get into his eyes. This is why most people who know kid Aeneas remember him as the man who would wrap up his eyes with his head band. He leaved happily with his younger twin until the day the village was destroyed by men in red. Aeneas didn’t know much about those men, but had fought them to protect his land and failed. The battle had proven to be a tremendous loss for him, and even because not only did he lose his home, on that day his Shinji went missing. Aeneas had shed tears days after realizing that he will never see his brother again, and after reuniting with a few friends from the village, he swore that he will become a powerful shinobi and protect his village from ever being destroyed again. Since then Aeneas had trained hard and reached unimaginable heights in his strength, become the greatest shinobi in the world. Upon the development of his eyes he was able to train clan techniques more effectively, no longer having to deal with lack of vision, and with that Aeneas sky rocketed past his peers. It wasn’t long until Aeneas would stumble upon the mountainous village of Nadaregakure, who didn’t accept him at first. But after paying his dues, Aeneas earned enough respect from some of the citizens, giving him the option of fighting for the crown. Aeneas won the fight and after became known as the first Takekage. During his time as kage he has done great things such as build an alliance with Kazangakure, which resulted in Nadaregakure’s liberation from their alliance with the tyrant, Tenzou. During that small campaign, Aeneas had obtained his most famous title, Nadaregakure’s White Lion( NWL). Aeneas has always been a man of peace, but he would be forced to change after the death of his best friend Haru Satsujin and the destruction of the hidden volcano. These losses lead to a two year war with Shippugakure and their first Umikage Dominic Edrick. Aeneas has done many things since then that have earned him the reputation of a fearless leader, who was well known by the title of Nadregakure’s White Lion. From the invasion of shippugakure which lead to the kidnapping of their pop star, Eliza to the epic show down between Aeneas and Dominic Edrick; Aeneas has lead his village to glory and instilled fear in the hearts of darkness throughout the world including the former organization known as Akatsuki. Aeneas would later become known as one of the three most powerful ninja in the world, earning the rank of SS rank, which later was put to the test against the former kage of Arechigakure who would challenge Aeneas to a battle for the countries. Aeneas at the time already reigned over Nadaregakure and the ruins of Kazangakure had earned himself reign over the village of Arechigakure by defeating Rei in battle. This win made Aeneas the only kage ever to rule over an entire continent and three countries. Though Aeneas continued to mature in power, everything would become increasingly more difficult as the world began to grow more selfish, cruel or fearful of the relentless power of their kages. Aeneas began to lose faith in the world and fell into the realization that Nadaregakure has become a village that is war bred due to the village still being in an extended war against Shippugakure and now their increasing number of affiliates. As the protector that Aeneas came to be he had realized that traveling the world has become nearly impossible for anyone affiliated with him, due to the entire world wanting him eliminated. So to remedy this situation and grant his villagers a chance to establish peace through independence, Aeneas had decided to take his leave with the pop star of shippugakure and wife, Eliza. Aeneas had left his village well equipped and protected by his two apprentices, Nami Doragonhado and Synester Kenshou, along with his brother, Finnik Soriano. Aeneas left never to be seen again by familiar eyes, but unfortunately a year after his disappearance the other kages had caught on to this information, which lead way to Tenzou destroying Nadaregakure and leaving it as an Iceland. Rumor has it that Tenzou has been using it as a base for his evil organization. While gone, Aeneas had been training with the cells of Haru, in order to perfect his bloodline. Aeneas believed that by obtaining Haru’s remains, that he could revive his cells and nearly absorb/adapt them enough to reach the full extent of both bloodlines. Sometime after Aeneas left Nadaregakure to pursue a life of peace with his wife Eliza, rumors began to surface. Rumor states that he has found the remains of Haru and buried him AFTER the completion of his bloodline mission. Those who claim to have interacted with Aeneas after his disappearance has said that Aeneas has completely matured in the body and in power. According to rumor Aeneas claims that once this feature has been obtained, that one has become a truly mature member of their clan in result entering another branch of the clan, which is a different clan in itself. For being the first to accomplish such as feat, he has honored himself and his family by naming this clan; Soriano. Now the world’s savior has returned and rumor has it that he has matured, but eleven years has evidently changed this kind hearted boy. What has become of Aeneas’s heart? And what has lead to his return?

RP Sample:  

Shinku had successfully fled and Aiden was left to face this beast. Aiden would be successful with most of his attempts, but find himself puzzled when the head which he had placed the seal on, became useless for about half a minute and then regained full control. From that observation Aiden began to figure that his attacks do take effect on the beast but so long as one head remains, the fallen will return. Aiden needed a plan B if he is to survive this confrontation, but doing so would be difficult if he cannot buy himself enough time to think. By maneuvering and jumping about, Aiden would climb to the top of the head in the middle and use chidori stream to shock the entire body of the Hydra, buying him a few seconds to think of his next couple of moves.

By the end of the stream of electricity he would stand there as the heads bow from shock and become distracted by the sight of Shinku’s ship sailing off in the distance. A smile would slightly come up but fade just as quickly when he came to grips with the reality of being stuck on this island. Just as he made the realization the hydra and its entire group of heads would wake up and overcome their shock, without Aiden even realizing that the heads were in motion. When Aiden finally snapped back into his current situation four of the heads were facing him and with a thunderous roar, Aiden was caught in between four extreme blasts of air. The intense blasts would completely cause the fifth head to explode, and for a few of Aiden’s bones to break. From a high; Aiden came crashing to the snow, as the Hydra sets its eyes out towards the boat in the distance. The Hydra could not move because of its lower half being submerged in snow. The Hydra would attempt to blasts waves and bijuu bombs towards the ship, but every time would be a miss. Meanwhile the unconscious Aiden would be covered in blood, merely three feet away from the Hydra. While unconscious, Aiden would dream of the life he had before he made the biggest mistake of his life. He remembered being one of the best warriors in his father’s militia at age 16; along with his best friend, Zaseraf. Things were simpler then, but as a trouble maker he found a way to screw it all up. It seems as his trouble making has put him in one bad situation after another, and it wouldn’t take much for him to back track and find how he deserved this. If it wasn’t for the attack on his own village, shinku wouldn’t have to save anyone, and if shinku didn’t save the village, he wouldn’t have been a hero, and this festival wouldn’t have to happen, and no one would have had to be on this island. This wouldn’t have been the case if Aiden would have stuck to one side of the fence, being both a hero and a trouble maker couldn’t possibly end well.

Aiden regains consciousness and finds the hydra desperately trying to hit the ship, Aiden managed to pull himself onto his feet, despite the pain and began to load an intense amount of raiton chakra into his right hand. Once again it seemed as if Aiden’s bloodline kept him well equipped to withstand such a powerful attack, making his body as hard as diamonds. It didn’t take long for the whistling of Aiden’s signature chidori frost to catch the attention of the Hydra beast. Aiden had a plan and was more than ready to see this through; the hydra would now turn its rage and attention towards Aiden who is loading his chidori frost a bit more than he usually does. Aiden would stop holding his right wrist and allow the right hand to wield the chidori frost while imitating his left hand which is now stretched out like the wings of an eagle. The hydra would notice a surge of electricity going throughout Aiden’s body. While becoming impatient and uninterested in the outcome of Aiden’s preparations the hydra would prepare itself to load a bijuu bomb but just as it started its preparations 5 ice sculptured demons, the same ones from the attack on hyozangakure would attack the hydra along with a barrage of floating ice weapons aiming for the hydras eye. The hydra would be thrown off by the incoming attacks and release miniature bijuu bombs at one of the actively moving Ice sculptures. Upon impact that one would explode as the hydra would attempt hit the others and some of the incoming projectiles with sonic waves. The hydra would succeed on destroying the other four ice sculptures which were about B rank in strength but fail to remember the incoming weapons, which would gauge the beast’s eyes out. By this time Aiden had completed his move and was now engulved in what appeared to be a lightning bird. Within the lightning bird a shadow of a man, with his right hand looking claw like could be seen. The Hydra would scream in pain of its eyes being gauged out, but that would be nothing compared to what was going to happen next. Aiden made his move, running towards the beast as fast as he can screaming, “Chidori.. Legacy!” .

As he says this he runs up the hydra, freezing and incinerating its entire lower body, and as its lower body came crashing down; while in mid air Aiden would be seen holding his chidori frost in his right hand as he attempts to penetrate and freeze the heart area of the beast, and with his left hand place a sinister seal on its wound. By then the hydra had restored its eyes only to see Aiden’s final blow to cause its entire body to turn into ice. It took only seconds for the four heads to become purely ice and smash against the snow below. Aiden too would land, being unable to move much due to yet another massive output of chakra. Aiden found that he could barely even maintain his third stage for any longer. Being forced to reduce to the second stage of his bloodline, he was more than grateful that he had killed the hydra. He would laugh a bit, which would only cause him more pain as he starts to feel more pain from his broken bones. He would speak to himself out loud as if the person he is speaking to could hear him, “ Hey dad… I did something that you never could. I beat a god and lived.” As Aiden spoke to himself the forest which he had created would quickly vanish, causing the waters from about 6 feet away from Aiden to return. The hydra was soo heavy that it would break away some of the ice platform that Aiden was on and sank to the bottom of the ocean. At this point Aiden could not swim and he is about 7 meters away from shore, so he calculated that as long as he can keep his second stage on, that he will not drown, due to every drop of water about five feet from him turning into ice. Aiden would close his eyes a bit, trying to rest and regain some chakra, but as he closed his eyes he would think about the last couple of moves. It didn’t take long for Aiden to realize the flaw; His first move was to blind the hydra so that he could finish his preparations, and surprise the hydra with the attack, which was a success. The second part was eliminating the lower half of the hydra with the chidori akuma, which was also a success due to its lightning properties. But the problem lied in the chidori shimo attack. Aiden could recall seeing the rejuvenation of the hydra’s eyes by after hitting the hydra in the heart with the chidori shimo. If the chidori shimo had done the desired effect that he had wished, the heart of the beast would have been frozen instantly and he wouldn’t be able to regenerate, assuming that his perception of the beast is true. But if he was able to regenerate then that means that his chidori shimo didn’t go deep enough.

As Aiden makes this realization a large mass immerges from the water. Turns out that as Aiden froze most of its body, the center and back side of its upper half was not frozen, and before the hydras heads could completely freeze up, it already began to regenerate the fifth head that was blown off earlier. The sinking of the body gave it enough time to regenerate its lower body alone with four new heads making the hydra appear as unharmed as before. The hydra would rise and become overcome with laughter as it laid its eyes on a helpless Aiden, laying on a platform of ice. The hydra would tease as it would let the platform slowly move closer to shore. “ You tried soo hard to defeat me, in the end you would done much better for yourself if you would have placed that same effort in running away.” Aiden would then look at a tattoo like symbol on his right arm , and struggle to lift his left hand to grab it, but as he tried, he would fail. It seems like his body has become too heavy for himself. The hydra continues, “Your ice techniques are reminiscing of the ones who had trapped me in a block of ice for an entire year. It was foolish of them to think that they can out live me, but most pathetic of them to only last a year after sealing me. They left your kind no chance of surviving me, the only thing that Hyozangakure will inherit is my wrath! Your kage avoided me today, but I will claim his soul as my own soon enough.” Aiden would be puzzled by this beast and begin to ask questions while attempting to grab his right shoulder once more. “ I’ve never heard of you before, how is it that you have history with my village?” The hydra would stare down at Aiden then continue, “It is true I have not seen your face before. Such bravery, I would have met you before. I am what your village refers to as the hydra, about a year ago on this day a war happened here, between myself and half witted demon referred to as the kraken. i would have annihilated that creature if it wasn’t for your power hungry village, interfering with our battle. In the end the kraken fled, and I was sealed by the elders of your village to spend 8 lifetimes in a giant iceberg. I don’t think that even the elders themselves would have known of my short sentence. My bet is that they had been murdered by someone within your village. Upon the death of the last elder I was set free.” Aiden would reply after failing again to reach his arm, so instead he would left his eye patterns shift. “No one in the village knew that we had such a creature trapped in an iceberg, if anyone did it would be the hyozankage himself. If so he would have informed us. “Aiden would then have a flash back to his action figures and recall that one of the figures looked just like the hydra. “ We’ve been set up. I don’t get it, why would he sacrifice his entire village? Wait a minute” Aiden would recall everyone escaping from both sides, and as he was about to climb aboard he noticed shinku in the distance trying to fend off the hydra. “Shinku was the only one left behind. But why? Was he attempting to use the peace treaty and the death of shinku to control both hyozangakure and kazangakure? He couldn’t have possibly planned that.” The hydra would laugh and ask Aiden a question, “Nate River, is your kage?” Aiden would try to recall his kage’s name, but cannot recall the name Nate River. “Near is my kage.” The hydra would burst into loud laughter as it became evident that he knew something that Aiden didn’t, he would say, “You were dealing with a very dangerous man, unfortunately for you, that will be all ill ever tell you.” The hydra continued laughing as red would glow from his mouth again, indicating the coming of another bijuu bomb. Aiden wouldn’t be able to survive this one but to his look, the hydra would blast the bijuu bomb up ahead towards a loud screech of a bird coming up ahead. Within seconds, what would be a phenomenal sight came to be; both the eight tails and the kraken had arrived to kill each other. Aiden would not stand a chance and would definitely die in the cross fire, but with his last attempts Aiden does something that he might one day be grateful for or soon regret. his eye patterns stopped shifting and he makes a copy of the sinister seal that’s on his right arm and guides the copy so that it lies on top of the ice platform near his left hand where he would touch and transfer a seal from it. The seal beneath his left hand would glow and so would the seal that Aiden had placed earlier on the hydra’s wound. It only took seconds for him to notice 犠牲 on its chest. The hydra would look at Aiden while in the midst of battle with the other two. Aiden would smile and say, “ I guess you should have just told me, the elders may have failed at putting you away, but im a Tetsujin and we never fail”. The hydra not knowing what the marking will do, becomes upset and fed up with Aiden’s interference and just like that one of the hydra’s heads would blast Aiden head on with a bijuu bomb, as the other two bijuus would do the honor of getting rid of the entire island by blowing up the island with bijuu bombs together.

The explosion would destroy nearly everything in its path and leave both Aiden and the island sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Aiden being obviously lighter than an island would drift off, with his second eyes barely active. It seems like the blow had really did him in; he definitely survived the debris due to his natural durability, but he is now missing his left arm. He also has swelled up wounds all over his body including his right eye, which can barely see now that the swelling has quickly gone up. Half of Aiden’s hair had been burnt off and a lot of Aiden’s bones had been broken. Aiden is sinking far into the deep encased in a giant diamond shaped iceberg; there truly is no hope as Aiden’s eyes fade from fatigue and lack of chakra to maintain. As he goes deeper and deeper into the black of the ocean he thinks his last thoughts. He remembers kaine and shinku, the only two people who are alive and aren’t family that knew him best. He remembered their conversation during the festival and realized that they’ll be alright; he also thought of something a little less positive. He thought of the sacrifice that he had made; putting his life down for what is right. He never would have imagined that dying would take soo long and be soo painful; there was no question in his mind that if he had to do it again, that he probably wouldn’t. But regardless he kept his promise, if the hydra cannot figure out what that symbol means, then soon the hydra will be in a cryogenic sleep for eternity or as long as it takes to figure out the word. As the lights fades Aiden can vaguely his father speaking in the back of his head while he fades with his near broken weapons, “the price of life will always be death, and to life is to never die.” Those words would echo in his head as the story to this chapter ends.

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Extra10


Face Claim:

Last edited by Isais on Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:09 am; edited 5 times in total
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Male Posts : 338
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Character sheet
Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Left_bar_bleue250/250Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano   Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano EmptyTue Sep 04, 2012 6:24 pm

I trust that you earned/brought the fourth spec you have up there.
You should have minimum three sentences in likes/dislikes/fear/motivation. You should also have three or more things that you dislike/fear/motivate.

Expand your history to 1000+ words.
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Kouri Ten'nou

Male Posts : 1688
Ryo : 109976

Character sheet
Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Left_bar_bleue810/810Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty_bar_bleue  (810/810)

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano   Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 5:44 am

Done! As for the specialty i though SS rank ninjas get extra spec. My bad
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Mayumi x
Mayumi x
Female Posts : 2
Ryo : 0

Character sheet
Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Left_bar_bleue100/100Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano   Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 10:29 pm

Himitsu Chikara wrote:

You should have minimum three sentences in likes/dislikes/fear/motivation.
If you did earn it by becoming a SS rank ninja then keep it.

(It's Himi, and this is my alternate account, I am just entirely too tired to go and log into my admin account for 2 seconds.)
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Kouri Ten'nou

Male Posts : 1688
Ryo : 109976

Character sheet
Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Left_bar_bleue810/810Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty_bar_bleue  (810/810)

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano   Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 3:19 am

No becoming SS rank never gave anyone four specs, i just could have sworn i had those four specialties. So honestly nah i cant put it back unless you grant that which i dont know if you could. I just recall having techniques that classified as fuuinjutsu as well as all the other specs
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Kenta Saitama
Kenta Saitama
Male Posts : 303
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Character sheet
Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Left_bar_bleue100/100Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano   Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano EmptyFri Sep 07, 2012 11:24 pm

You have my approval! <3
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Komakai Uchiha
Komakai Uchiha
Female Posts : 322
Ryo : 4334500

Character sheet
Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Left_bar_bleue380/380Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty_bar_bleue  (380/380)

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano   Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano EmptySat Sep 08, 2012 2:31 am

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Approv10
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Female Posts : 2298
Ryo : 1597319

Character sheet
Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Left_bar_bleue500/500Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano   Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano EmptyFri May 17, 2013 3:02 am

Your affiliation should just state the village you are now associated with. Nadaregakure no longer exists, so pick from one of the five that are now on the site.

Your rank should say Seinin, please.

If I may, I would like to ask that you expand your history to 1,200 words. Jounin rank is 1,000 words now. :)
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Female Posts : 2298
Ryo : 1597319

Character sheet
Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Left_bar_bleue500/500Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano   Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano EmptyFri May 17, 2013 3:47 am

Okay, good to go, now.

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Male Posts : 235
Ryo : 102726

Character sheet
Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Left_bar_bleue500/500Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano   Blood Moon Prince, Aeneas Soriano EmptyFri May 17, 2013 11:59 am

Sorry, the character Aeneas can no longer be used. Please apply for a new character. Old members such as Jojo have also been refused to apply for their old character.
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