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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Dreaming of life outside!

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Posts : 85
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Dreaming of life outside! Empty
PostSubject: Dreaming of life outside!   Dreaming of life outside! EmptySat May 30, 2015 4:02 am

Michio was in love with stories about the outside world and where his people had come from. It was of great importance to him that he some day see where his ancestors had come from. It was not yet possible for him due to a mixture of insufficient funds, a fear that he won't be strong enough to keep up with the rest of the fighters on that trail, a fear of what would happen if he got caught up in his family's dark history with the politics of that place, and a deep sense of obligation to the village.

He stood up straight and pushed his palm against the inside of the wall and focused on it as if he felt he could just push it down. He wanted so badly to get past it all but he was also so desperately clinging to the order and rules that living in the village gave him. It was a stability thing for him more than anything else. A rare show of his disappointment with the life that he convinced everybody that he loved, he rested his forehead against the wall and gave out a deep sigh. He then looked up toward the sky and at the windows of the homes that rested very high in the wall where the sentries were staying and wondered how wonderful it must be to always be so close to the outside world.
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Dreaming of life outside! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dreaming of life outside!   Dreaming of life outside! EmptySat May 30, 2015 7:34 am

"What exactly are you doing?" Hosi asked when the kid finally looked up. He had been watching this guy in a deep thought now for a while and he was wondering when the flaming haired kid would meet his eyes. Did he even notice Hosi? Or was this kid unknowing of Hosi's presence? If the answer was the latter, the kid would really need to train harder. Shinobi's had to be aware of everything around them, no matter how friendly the presence seemed.

Hosi was standing on top of the inner wall, looking down at the guy who carried Hyouga's headband proudly. Hosi also had a headband with Hyouga's symbol on it, but he mostly had it tied around his biceps. He preferred to wear the headband on his head when a serious fight was started. Between the index and middle finger of his right hand was a smoking bud that seemed to deplete in size as he breathed it in.

Hosi slowly bent down to place the butt of the cigarette bud on the ice, then suddenly jumped off the wall. He did a frontal flip then crashed hard against the icy floor, making a small crack as his body settled on the ground. Hosi looked at the flaming haired guy again with watchful and reading eyes, then gave a grin when his eyes settled back on that headband.

"I see you are a Hyougagakure shinobi. Are you strong?"
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Dreaming of life outside! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dreaming of life outside!   Dreaming of life outside! EmptySat May 30, 2015 3:07 pm

The shinobi up high was something he had been vaguely aware of, as he knew that there were always guards on or within the wall, but he wasn't entirely aware that he was being watched. He was a little bit worried he was coming off as a threat to the wall now. Mihio knew that he didn't have nearly the power necessary to do any harm to this magnificent monument, but others who hadn't met him before and could identify him only as being a ninja wouldn't know anything like that. The symbol on the head band almost definitely nullified what he was worried about, but he wasn't sure yet if this was going to be a friend or foe. Luckily Michio seemed to be better at making friends than he was at making foes.

Michio was slightly surprised and extremely delighted to hear the shinobi at the top of the wall calling down to him, even if it was just to questions his actions. Human interaction of any nature, especially with somebody that he hadn't met before, was something that excited him to no end.
"I am just thinking about how very lucky as glacial shinobi to have this wall keeping us safe so that we don't always have to be fighting with our enemies! We are truly blessed to be born into such a wonderful village!" he shouted up cheerily at the man on top of the wall. Any  trace of his stress was gone and all that he gave off was the happy vibes that the rest of the world wanted to see.

Michio was unshaken by the man landing hard next to him, reacting only by continuing his syrupy sweet smile for the enjoyment of the magnificent warrior before him. Even now that he was a shinobi it was hard for him not to be amazed by other ninja. They were all that he ever wanted to become and they were still beyond excellence in his eyes. He blushed ever so slightly, partially because a nice looking fella was grinning at him for some reason and of course in part because he was being reminded of the fact that he was a seventeen year old genin.
"I am very strong for a normal person," he told his newest potential friend, but among the ninja I am just a genin, sir!"
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Dreaming of life outside! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dreaming of life outside!   Dreaming of life outside! EmptySun May 31, 2015 10:10 pm

Hosi's grin turned into a wide smile. This guy seemed nice, and he had great pride for his land. A ninja of Hyougagakure had to have such pride of their village, or else Hosi wouldn't consider them a ninja.

"No need for honorifics," Hosi said with a little flattery in his voice. "I am a genin as well. Never made it to Chunin." Hosi pointed to himself. "The name is Hosi Senpu. Or, Senpu Hosi. You can call me Hosi if you want! I, too, am a strong shinobi of the hidden glacier. And I am always looking for other shinobi's to train with."

Hosi enjoyed the thought of training with others and testing their metal against his. He enjoyed battle in general, but when there was the thought of two friends working together for the common goal of pushing their bodies to new levels he could be nothing but ecstatic.

Although, it pained him to think about training since he had something he needed to do, something that required all his effort and time. He couldn't dally with training or talking at this moment. Hosi sighed and rubbed his dark hair, something he would do regularly at times of emotional struggle. "Actually, I am on a mission and need a little bit of help. Do you want to join me? It involves getting a few bags up this wall to the shinobi guards. It's a little hard for one ninja to handle."
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Dreaming of life outside! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dreaming of life outside!   Dreaming of life outside! EmptySun May 31, 2015 10:31 pm

Michio felt that the tension was letting off and suddenly felt much more comfortable, but still stood straight up and making sure to mirror his comrade's happiness to the very best of his ability, just like he did all other things. Michio was still working out the difference between normal social etiquette and how to treat people when you are a servant, but at least people found him charming, so he wasn't especially worried about it at the moment. "Salam, my glacial comrade!" he said cheerfully, It is a pleasure to meet you, Hosi! I am Michio of the Jiin clan and may call me whatever you wish! And of course, I am always open to training! Growing stronger and learning about the strengths of others is a huge part of the title, shinobi!" A similar pride to when he spoke of the village came into his voice when he mentioned his family name, but it was not quite as strong. And his mini-rant about how hard work qualifies you to be a shinobi packed in almost twice as much pride about his speak of the village. Unlike the rest of his family he really had become a villager and shinobi first and a Jiin second. The others were aware of this and were less than fond of it.

Michio lit up at the idea of doing that type of mission. It would be very easy for him and it was very chore-like. On top of that it meant that he'd get to see what was going on up there and have an answer if somebody asked him what he was up to. Something about crawling up a giant defense fortress from either side tends to make guards nervous or upset, depending on the day and the guy on duty.
"You can count on me, Hosi! I would never shy away from a job that needs done or a friend who needs help! Just tell me when!" he shouted. Every inch of him was just shining with excited sincerity and sincere excitement.
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Seijuuna Haikyuuren
Seijuuna Haikyuuren
Female Posts : 35
Ryo : 102503

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Dreaming of life outside! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dreaming of life outside!   Dreaming of life outside! EmptyMon Jun 01, 2015 9:34 am

Walking along the icy roads of Hyougagakure, Seijuuna was yet again trying to find the ice gate. It was just yesterday that she found the gate again but forgot on where it was located, much to her annoyance. The young Genin had missed the view of the outer layer of the village and would love to train outside of the cage that the villagers call, walls. She had missed the feeling to train outside and feel like a free bird. Despite the same temperature of outside and inside the village, it was truly nice to be outside some times even though it was kind of dangerous. As the brunette spotted two guys having a conversation, Seijuuna walked to them and was going to ask if they know on where the ice gate is located.

"Excuse me!" Seijuuna said cheerfully, hoping that she had caught their attention but at the same time, she hoped that she wasn't interrupting them. Not waiting for a response she asked a question regarding the ice gate. "Does any one of you two know on where the gate is?" She then realize that she forgot to introduce herself to them. "Ah! I forgot to introduce myself." Seijuuna let out a deep sigh.

"I'm Seijuuna!" She flashed a smile as she introduced herself cheerfully.
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Dreaming of life outside! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dreaming of life outside!   Dreaming of life outside! EmptyTue Jun 02, 2015 9:22 pm

The guy introduced himself as Michio then stated that he was of the Jiin clan. Hosi was surprised to see a Jiin clan shinobi in this day and age. Most of the time that clan kept to themselves along with their pride. Of course, Hosi's clan was no better. His family was kicked out of his clan because he was born with "tainted genes." The fact that Michio didn't show much happiness for mentioning his clan was empathized by Hosi.

When Michio cheerfully agreed to help Hosi, Hosi laughed. "Alright, Michio, then let's move out quickly." Hosi turned and motioned Michio to follow, but stopped as soon as he saw someone else walking towards them. This person was a younger girl, who looked to be a ninja as well. I'm meeting a lot of Ninja's today, Hosi thought as the girl began to speak to him.

Hosi gave Seijuuna a grin and tilted his head forward a little. "The name is Hosi Senpu." He began to walk past Seijuuna to allow Michio to introduce himself. While they spoke, Hosi searched for where he had last placed the large package he was to deliver to his uncle. It was somewhere around this area, but he couldn't seem to find it. After a while, he began to get worried.

"You're in luck Seijuuna," he said after a while of hopeless searching with his eyes. "Me and my new pal here was about to deliver a package to the top of Shichyou's Monarch. You can follow us if you want to. However, I seem to have misplaced the package somewhere. Do you guys mind helping me search for it?"
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Dreaming of life outside! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dreaming of life outside!   Dreaming of life outside! EmptyWed Jun 03, 2015 3:20 am

Michio was warmed, instead of insulted by Hosi's laugh. Hosi just seemed like a very kind and warm person, so while he did not really have the social skills to comprehend why his enthusiasm was so very entertaining, he trusted that it was nothing bad against him. He was also pleasantly surprised to see another ninja coming toward his new friend and himself. She looked lost, which worried Michio. He did not much like the idea of some young girl wondering the city perimeter looking for a way out. He understood better than anybody the urge to see what was outside, but she looked so young that he didn't think she could handle outside especially well. He had seen her headband immediately, but he almost had troubles believing that she was a full fledged ninja. He would still treat her was one; however, because assuming did unsavory things to you and me.

He raised his hand about chin height, with his palm raised to her, but not stretched out towards her as soon as Hosi was done introducing himself to her.
"Adab," he said softly, "I am Jiin Michio, and usually the next words out of my mouth would be that I am at your service, but alas I am already in the process of helping another new comrade. Though, if you do not mind the wait, I could definitely help you find this gate that you are looking for after I am done with this." Michio was watching Hosi still out of the corner of his eye and he was getting to be very concerned about Hosi's concern. Two of the first lessons that a server learns are how to immediately pick on the emotions and worries of others and then immediately after how to avoid reflecting them and causing further issue. He kept his face sweet, caring, and turned toward Seijuuna.

Michio was not trained well enough in suppressing his happiness as he should have been, or perhaps he was just the type of person whose happiness was not something that could be held back that easily. Whatever the cause for this little personality flaw, whether he was rightly taught to see it as a flaw in place of a trait or not, it could not be helped. Upon hearing Hosi Senpu refer to him as a new pal he felt his face turn bright red, started to giggle and avert his eyes playfully toward Hosi's feet as to look over at him without risking eye contact while in that state. Normally somebody referring to him in a sentence where the word was was used after a plural would send him into an internal hissy fit, but he was far too distracted with the pal comment to be obsessed with rules like those that apply to the English grammar. He swallowed his fan girl moment and nodded to signify that he was going to help search, and then started to look around as if he could spot them that easily when Hosi was just doing the exact same thing. Michio was also ecstatic about the idea of the young girl looking for the way out helping them look. If she could scale the wall with them then he would feel a lot better about her wanting to be on the other side of it.
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Seijuuna Haikyuuren
Seijuuna Haikyuuren
Female Posts : 35
Ryo : 102503

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Dreaming of life outside! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dreaming of life outside!   Dreaming of life outside! EmptyWed Jun 03, 2015 2:35 pm

It does really feel like Seijuuna disturbed them with something since the other guy was about to walk away when she came. Seijuuna nodded her head as the Ninja introduced himself as Hosi Senpu. He seems like a nice guy so he can be trusted in her point of view but there's still a possibility that he may betray the village. Seijuuna pinched herself from thinking something that is not really that important. Seijuuna turned to the other guy whom happened to have a long beautiful red hair. She adjusted her headband that was hanging loosely around her neck as a shiver ran down her spine.

The Ninja with beautiful long locks raised his palm towards Seijuuna. At first Seijuuna doesn't know on what to do until she remembered the gestures that her mother told her about and taught her on how to react to it. Seijuuna shook his hand as she let go then he introduced himself. Seijuuna, herself was kind of disappointed that he was not able to help her find the gate of the village. She let out a deep sigh but smiled again after he said that he would help her after helping Hosi. "Really? Thanks!" The female Genin turned her attention towards Hosi once he mentioned that she was in luck, she wondered if he would help her find the gate but found out that it wasn't what she was hoping for. Seijuuna was delighted when he said 'Shichiyou's Monarch'.

"I don't mind helping you." Seijuuna's smile was a little bit wider than before and noticed that Michio's face turned a bright red as he started to giggle and averted his eyes towards Hosi's feet. She was confused on what was happening to him and was worried that he might be sick but he was giggling! Seijuuna thought that maybe it is just a 'guy' thing. Seijuuna looked around and started her search for the lost package, not going too far from the two guys. "If I were a package where would I be...?" She asked herself then pondered for a minute. She snapped her fingers as she thought of the answer, her eccentric side, kicking in. Seijuuna unsheathed Charity and started to crack the ice, not thinking on what might happen next.
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Dreaming of life outside! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dreaming of life outside!   Dreaming of life outside! EmptyFri Jun 05, 2015 4:12 am

They both agreed to help Hosi with finding what he had lost. With the three of them searching, the package would show itself a lot faster. Although, none of them would need to trouble with helping Hosi if he hadn't delayed his duties. The call for a cigarette was very tempting, and Hosi was never good with temptations. The moment he left to enjoy a good smoke, he had seen Michio doing a strange thing to the wall of Shichiyou's Monarch. The rest of the story afterwards was already known.

"I put it somewhere around here... Let's split up and search for it alright?"

He sighed and rubbed his head roughly. He turned to his new group just as the sound of Seijuuna's s katana hitting the ground reached his ears. He looked at her dumbfounded, trying to find the words to the right question, but looked away as quick as he looked at her and disappeared into the forest.
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Dreaming of life outside! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dreaming of life outside!   Dreaming of life outside! EmptySat Jun 06, 2015 5:39 am

Michio was a little bit caught off guard by the reaction of Seijuuna to his gesture. He was not offended, for knowledge of the Adab outside of the Jiin family was something rather rare, but he was surprised. Nobody had ever mistaken this gesture for a handshake before, but he was also about as familiar with the world beyond his own as the rest of the world was with the customs and cultures with which he was raised, so he had no place getting angry. It was all a learning experience. The Adab was a sign of respect for those who were different from you: a way of saying that being different did not mean that two individuals had to be at odds. He would let that situation slide in honor of that attitude. He smiled and nodded in her direction before his attention was turned back to Hosi.

He nodded again and shouted,
"That's a brilliant idea! I'll check the up!" Michio charged at the wall with a don. Instead of slowing down when he approached the wall he sped up and kicked one of his feet up. He jumped up and continued his running, accelerating as he went upward. It was a truly astounding thing to go from horizontal to vertical and just keep going. When he got about forty feet up along the wall he jumped off and up into the air, spinning a little bit so that he could look out to his left. He saw no boxes that may have been what his new friend was searching for, but he did admire the view as long as he could; one could not admire long when falling toward the cold, hard ground that Hyougagakure citizens knew too well. He kept himself upright as he fell down and bent his knees upon impact, planting his fists into the ground to spread out the impact over his body. There was a degree of pain but nothing bone breaking or too bad to bear at his level of endurance. Instead of taking a moment to recover from his controlled fall he charged back at the wall.
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