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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Rohim Edrick (Finished)

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Rohim Edrick
Rohim Edrick
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PostSubject: Rohim Edrick (Finished)   Rohim Edrick (Finished) EmptyWed Oct 26, 2011 12:58 am

(See Avatar)

Rohim Edrick (Finished) Whoare14

First Name: Rohim
Last Name: Edrick
Alias: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 180lbs
Birthday: January 12
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: N/A
Affiliation: Shippuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Wind, Lightning, Fire
Specialization: Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu

Rohim Edrick (Finished) Tellme11

Personality: A mostly silent individual. He has a very mysterious aura to him, and even his closest of friends can't say that they know who or what he is for sure. He almost always has his face covered, except for his eyes. Has a raspy, deep voice that adds to his aura. Having feelings of being scared make him extremely angry, he will do anything in his power to destroy anything that causes him fear. He has somewhat of a righteous feeling to him though, almost like he belongs somewhere much more important. He feels obligated to help those who cannot help themselves, and will make sure to punish those who cause pain and suffering without good reason or intent to those who cannot defend themselves.

Likes: Rohim likes constantly training his body, whether it be through sparring with a friend, or practicing his specialized kicks and combos in the nearby Dojo. He also enjoys training his other Jutsu in empty areas of the nearby mountain range. Rohim also enjoys running for far distances to further strengthen his legs every day. He tries to maintain a 70 miles a week minimum. His friends are also a very important aspect of his life.

Dislikes: Rohim strongly, strongly dislikes evil and anything that represents it. He has a righteous mindset, and believes in doing what is right, including crushing evil at any cost. He also dislikes dishonesty, he is a very honest person and believes everyone else should be the same. Trickery and deceit are not something you will find in his personality. Oh, and he also hates fat people. He really hates fat people.

Motivation: He knows absolutely nothing of his past, yet he believes that he has a greater purpose. He believes that he belongs somewhere of importance in the world. He will cross the ends of the planet to achieve victory in his lifelong conquest of finding his place.

Fears: He fears one thing and one thing only. Spiders. He hates spiders. And they hate him. He will do anything he can to violently destroy any arachnid that has the misfortune of frightening him.

Rohim Edrick (Finished) Blood10

Eagle Clan

Bloodline Name: Eagle Eye, Eagle Eye Compass

Bloodline Ability: There are 3 stages within the Eagle Clan bloodline, each offering special types of jutsu within the bloodline. The main power of the Eagle Clan is the Eagle Eye and Eagle Eye Compass.

The Eagle Eye has the ability to target and lock onto a single opponent once blood is drawn from that opponent during battle. The vision of the Eagle Eye is similar to an Eagle itself. (Think of how far an Eagle can see.) Once locked on, the target and his/ her moves can be sensed ALMOST instantly. This eye is perfect for a one on one fight, and is perfect when it comes to fighting against an opponent possessing a Sharingan.

The Eagle Eye Compass is more advanced than the Eagle Eye. The Eagle Eye Compass, when activated, can sense anyone just by using the winds around them. Anytime someone moves within a 1/2 mile radius and disrupts the natural air flow, the Eye picks it up(This is mainly while tracking). During battle it senses anything within a 20 ft. Span. This is due to the constant change in direction, which affects the Compass' range drastically. The compass within the eye acts just as so, able to send the signal to the brain of the user to which direction the natural wind flow was broken or changed. If the user manages to stay perfectly still, the range can open back up to the 1/2 mile radius. Great for battling both one on one and multiple opponents, this doujutsu is legendary in books, but almost forgotten by many, since it hasnt been seen in quite sometime.
Location: The only mountain in the region surrounding Shippuugakure.

Clan History: The Eagle Clan is a mostly forgotten clan of Shippugakure, but was the clan that actually founded the village in creation. Once called the Guardian's of the Sky, the Eagle Clan was said to live on the only mountain in the region, living peacefully for many years. Though they created the village, they werent actually a part of its population, due to their love of high altitude and desire to be the defenders of the village's peace. The Eagle clan's Founder, Myria Edrick was responsible for this, her ideals of making a vast village to accomodate the vast number of people on the island to live in peace with one another, was the revolutionary that began what is known as the Village Hidden in the Hurricane.

The clan eventually became a big target, their legend sought after by many outsiders from neighboring nations. An unexpected betrayal within the clan, led to their demise, thanks to an attack by ninja corps from an unknown nation at the time. With limited survivors and a fear for staying in the homeland, many of the scarce surviviors fled to other countries, leaving the once proud clan in dwindled numbers.

Rohim Edrick (Finished) Histor11

History: During the massacre of Shippuugakure caused by a betrayal in the Eagle Clan, his parents narrowly escaped the village with their lives, avoiding the gruesome deaths that the rest of their brethren met. Not too many years after, Rohim's mother gave birth to him. When Rohim was barely a year old, his parents were slain by assassins inside their own home. Upon their leaving, the assassins decided to kidnap the young Rohim, because he stemmed from a very important line from the Edrick family. Their was a wife of one of the kidnappers of young Rohim that turned out to be a part of the betrayal plot within the Eagle Clan. She recognized him as being from the Edrick bloodline, but was also sympathetic to him. She decided to raise him as her own, and teach him the ways of the clan. Upon the time Rohim had turned 11 and had lived out his childhood amongst the Eagle Clan traitors, he finally escaped. He ran into the countryside, out on his own.

He was eleven, and he had not knowledge of who he was, who his parents were, why the traitors hunted them down for years after the massacre, and what the better side of his clan was. He decided later to return to the village at which his parents escaped from to enroll as a Genin and learn basic shinobi techiniques that the traitors hadn't taught him. He wanted more than anything to find his way in the world, and he felt the first place to find answers was in the true Eagle Clan, where he had his origins. He hoped to find out who exactly his parents were,how important they were, what they did, and why the traitors were so interested in his family. For 4 years, he trained as a Genin in the Eagle Clan, adopted their customs, learned much more impactful techniques and fighting styles, and trained personally in the local Dojo. Over this course of time, he found that his most suited fighting style was with his legs and feet, which had become incredibly strong and quick from the immense amount of training he had routinely done. He ran 70 miles a week around the island in various places, and put his legs through vigorous exercises. He also found he was quite talented with his blade that one of the masters at the Dojo he trained at had granted him. The sword was called the Maitohiro, which was a very long, thin sword. It's steel was colored that of blood, and it was sturdier than most steels, although Rohim never quite found out what kind of steel actually made up his blade. He loved his sword though, although he rarely used it unless he was in great need. He stuck to his Taijutsu, mainly his kicks, because that was what he knew best. He also vigorously trained the rest of his body, so that he could fight using all his limbs and not be hindered in any way. He made sure to keep a strong, lean build, but not a bulky one, because his fighting style was that of quickness and speed. At 16, he was a much more capable warrior, and as fate would have it, stumbled upon what today is his closest friend.

In the marketplace of Shippuugakure, Rohim had gone to scavenge for food. Scavenging and and training had been his life up until this point. There was a sketchy looking food stall, he decided to check out. He approached the stall to find a stronger, more matured man that appeared to be hitting the early stages of adulthood arguing with the stall owner. He could tell that he was of the Eagle Clan because of his green hair and piercing blue stare. The stall owner was a sly looking man, that he could tell was shifty and something was just plain wrong with him. The green-haired man appeared to have lost his patience with the salesman, and grabbed him by the neck and tossed him back into the building his stall had been built under. When his arm shot out at the man's throat, his bulging arm muscles were revealed. Rohim knew at that second that this man fought with Taijutsu; he also noticed the many scars and calluses that had built up on his arm as a result in his past fighting. He also noticed this man had a left arm that was composed entirely of a sleek, flexible-looking sleeve. After that event, the green haired Taijutsu shinobi stormed past Rohim after giving him a angry, dirty look. Rohim was intrigued and followed the man. The man turned around shortly after and stopped Rohim, and inquired to why in the hell Rohim had followed him all the way from the market stall. Rohim asked if he could train with the man, who he later came to know as Shizen Edrick. Shizen was taken back by the statement, but eventually agreed. From that moment on, until this day a year later, Shizen showed Rohim the ways of the town, how to make a living, sparred and trained with him, and more importantly had become his greatest companion.

(Shizen is sitting right next to me irl, giving me permission to use him in my history.)

RP Sample: Rohim walked into a bar. The door he walked through was shabby and worn down, indicating what the rest of the establishment would look like. Rohim had his training garments on, which he wore almost everywhere. They were orange in color and were tied at the waist with a purple sash. He stood at about 6 foot 2, and with his lean muscular stature, would've stood a good fight against anyone who rubbed him the wrong way tonight. He walked into the shabby bar, and noticed that he was not about to fit in here. Everyone in the bar had worn shabby, dull clothes that matched the rest of the interior, and were mostly rugged, unshaven, not-very-cleanly men. Rohim had no room to talk however, with his five o'clock shadow sprouting and walking in smelling like a hard day's training session, but his bright orange attire and spiky, flagrant, green hair definitely stood out a bit. He approached the bar in the center of the building to get a drink, already noticing that he was getting looks from the patrons. When one gets these discerning glances from drunken, rugged men in a bar, one gets a little nervous. Rohim had gotten in a fight with his mentor, Shizen, earlier that day about the practicality of using fists over legs and vice versa, which always angers Rohim, because he severely favors fighting his own way and is very headstrong. He needed to cool off, and he felt alcohol was a good solution. He went to order a drink or seven, and noticed that a few guys had formed together and were unsteadily approaching him menacingly. Rohim Edrick was NOT about to let these low-lives get in the way of him having a decent night.

He stood up and looked at the shabby group and said, "Can I help you, gentlemen?"
"I don't know, spikey, can ya?" said one of the men, who looked to his buddies for moral support. They all laughed. "Look, bud, I don't know you, but you don't want to know me, I promise you. I think you should turn around, and go get back to wallowing in your miserable lives over at that table with your booze," Then the men all looked taken back at the statement. Was this kid really going to take them on? Sure he was definitely in better shape than any of them, but there was only one of him, and six of them. With renewed confidence at this revelation, the leading man said, "No one mocks us like that, you green-haired fuck!"
He swung a fist at Rohim's jaw and heard a crack echo around them. Rohim raised his hand to his lip then pulled it back off, revealing blood.
"Big mistake."

Rohim Edrick (Finished) Extra10

Source: Friend of Shizen Edrick

Face Claim: Broly - Dragonball Z

Rohim Edrick (Finished) Accept10

Last edited by Rohim Idhrenor on Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:10 am; edited 9 times in total
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Rohim Edrick (Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rohim Edrick (Finished)   Rohim Edrick (Finished) EmptyWed Oct 26, 2011 1:04 am

I know this is a WIP, but the only thing that is supposed to be in bold are the categories themsleves, not the whole thing. What you type should be after the [/b] bracket, not in between it
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Rohim Edrick
Rohim Edrick
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Rohim Edrick (Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rohim Edrick (Finished)   Rohim Edrick (Finished) EmptyWed Oct 26, 2011 1:33 am

Fixed it :P Now onto making the history..
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Rohim Edrick
Rohim Edrick
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PostSubject: Re: Rohim Edrick (Finished)   Rohim Edrick (Finished) EmptyThu Oct 27, 2011 12:05 am

Bumpasaurus- Rawr
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Rohim Edrick (Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rohim Edrick (Finished)   Rohim Edrick (Finished) EmptyThu Oct 27, 2011 12:15 am

Ok, maybe split up your history into a few paragraphs to make it easier to read.

Your face claim is Vegito, not broly. (Knows DBZ that well)

After that, bump and I can approve.
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Rohim Edrick
Rohim Edrick
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Rohim Edrick (Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rohim Edrick (Finished)   Rohim Edrick (Finished) EmptyThu Oct 27, 2011 1:10 am

Return of the bumpasaurus! Rawr.
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PostSubject: Re: Rohim Edrick (Finished)   Rohim Edrick (Finished) EmptyThu Oct 27, 2011 2:04 am

Rohim Edrick (Finished) Dom_ap12

I'll be changing your username last name to Edrick
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