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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished]

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Kenji Yotsuki
Kenji Yotsuki
Male Posts : 7
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PostSubject: Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished]   Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] EmptyWed Aug 29, 2012 12:42 am

Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Haru_Glory_by_Rekichan89

Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Whoare14

First Name: Kenji
Last Name: Yotsuki
Alias: Fullbuster

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 190 lbs
Birthday: December 3rd
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: Devoshi Yotsuki (Cousin), Takashi Yotsuki (Cousin)

Affiliation: Kusamarugakure
Rank: Jonin
Element: Water & Earth
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, Ninjutsu

Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Tellme11

Personality: Kenji is young and full of courage. He is brave when he has to be and strong when he needs to be. This is because of all the experiences he has faced and things that have brought him to this point. He is very patient for his age showing that he can deal with younger ninja without loosing his cool. This with a mix of powerful Determination is what makes him a splendid ninja both on the battlefield and off the battlefield. His loyalty is what makes him special. He is willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to help his clan and village succeed. He has a kind heart and very generous to those who deserve it.

Though he can be described as a perfect soldier he still has negative traits that suit his personality. He has an arrogant side. At times he can and will underestimate his opponent thinking he is better or stronger. This sometimes blinds him from his object. His domineering attitude is also sometimes a problem. On occasion he will use other people as tools to get what he wants or what he needs. His fierce loyalty could also be a problem at times showing that he puts his CLAN first and his village SECOND.

  • Training
  • Helping people in need
  • Teaching the young
  • Going on long missions
  • Peaceful naps

Kenji loves to train. If he isnt out on missions he is usually on his clans estate in the training room. He practices his swordsmanship and until it is refined enough to be called mastered. He also likes to help people who need it. But you would need to ask. He believes that pride is a state of mind and not a true emotion. He loves to travel so when he is gone on long missions he sometimes takes time to site see and explore. His last favorite thing to do is to have a peaceful nap under a nice tree on a beautiful day, right after a long days work.

  • Those who appose his clan or village
  • Greedy people
  • Cats as a species
  • People who interrupt his naps

Kenji's biggest dislike is a person or a group that would dare challenge the sanctuary of his village or the peace of his clan. Nothing makes him more angrier then a person who is up to no good. Kenji believes that there is no sin greater then greed, because greed pushes people to war. Cats, to Kenji, are abominations to nature. He thinks they are lazy, no good, freeloaders who only eat sleep and shit. But above all his biggest pet peeve is someone who would wake him or interrupt his nap. Thats when his grumpiness mostly and truly blossoms.

Motivation: Kenji's biggest motivation is his people and his village. If there is anything he can do for a clan member or a fellow Shinobi he is willing to do it as long as the 2 don't contradict each other. Another off set motivation for him is finding a lover and settling down one day and having a family. The thought of retirement one day with a beautiful woman is enough to keep him going for months. As of now he doesn't have a love interest.

Fears: Kenji'z biggest fear is that one day he will die and with his death his clan will be destroyed. As an upperclassman in his clan those below him look to him for guidance. If he dies he fears that those below him would loose hope. Another fear is the takeover of his village. He would fight to the last breath if he thought it would stop his village from falling.

Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Blood10

Needs Approval

Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Histor11

A Diamond is born....
  • Kias, the father of Kenji, was born seconds after his brother Krixux so as second he was always treated as second best. Because of this he had no handle on responsibilities and what it takes to become not only a shinobi but also a man. He never had the loving support of his father like his brother so he was determined to be the father he never had. It was in his mid twenties when he had fallen in love with a woman name Yalia. The 2 of them had gotten married and decided to have a family together. 2 years had passed and Yalia was soon ripe with child, and thus Kenji was born. His mother was not of noble lineage but his father was treated as a special person. He had never accepted this to be fair so he ran away from his clan and took his son and wife into the jungle. Kias had sensed the talent in his son at a young age and knew he had potential to be strong. At the age of 2 was when his Dojutsu had first activated. It wasnt the youngest sitting but it was an accomplishment among those born as half breeds.

  • Seeing his sons amazing talent he knew that he would be drawn to battle so he decided to train his son in the ways of Kenjutsu. He put a sword in his sons hand and began to train him physically as well as mentally. Being secluded in the woods they were still close to the village but where far enough from it to where the wild life had began to prosper. His father taught him about plants and animals. Kenji was very bright and liked spending time with his father. The most important thing that his father had ever taught him was to always enjoy the little things in life. A lesson he would never forget.

  • It was later that his father had fallen ill. Kenji was 7 and his training was progressing his skills. He had learned to control the activation of his dojutsu and was a novice with a sword. His father couldn't have been more proud of him. Soon his father had died. Even though the most important person to him was gone, Kenji did not fret. He had made his peace with his father and knew that he would always be with him. According to his fathers wishes he was to be moved back to the village and introduced to his family but would remain under his mothers watch. It was then that he would met his cousin Devoshi.

A Bond like no other.....
  • Devoshi was the first person that he was able to bond with after his fathers death. They had so much in common. Even though Devoshi was younger then him they both had new the extremes of growing and living without having a father. Although Devoshi's father was still alive he had abandoned him. Because of this Kenji had always treated Devoshi as a brother and not a cousin. They had a very strong bond and learned to do things together. They had both took a steep interest in their KG. They trained for a long time together. Kenji would often teach him the teachings that Kias had taught him.

  • Not long after he had began to bond with Devoshi he had started to bond with Takashi. Takashi had always looked at Kenji as a rival as well as a brother in arms. It was together that the trio themselves had began to take high interest in furthering their ninja skills. When Kenji was 14 he had graduated from the academy and attained the rank of Genin. It was then that he had started his road to becoming a powerful and feared ninja.

Road to a ninja.....
  • Through hard work and much dedication in his training Kenji had showed to be a superb Genin. He supported his teammates and trained hard under his Sensei. When he was 16 his sensei felt him fully prepared to take the chunnin exams. He was ready for the fighting but it was the pure carnage of the situation he felt himself unable to handle. He and his team flew through the first trial with ease. The second trail proved to be of little stress. By utilizing his KG he had given his team an upper hand through most of the tests. But it had come time for them to fight on in separate fights. His teammates, Jenell and Rook, had to stand on their own feet.

  • Jenell who had always held herself to be a great genjutsu expert was up against a young uchiha. Needless to say she was defeated. It had seemed that her illusionary grace still didnt match up to the power of that KG. She had taken minimal damage luckily and her life wasn't put in jeopardy. It was Rook who would be severely wounded during this trial. He was up against a puppet master. Rook was a talented Taijutsu fighter but couldn't stand up to the might of a puppet master. He had taken a severe blow and had his leg sliced off thus the fight was called in his opponents favor. Sad to say Rook would never fight again.

  • Kenji had passed through all trials and found himself worthy of the title of Chunnin. He carried the sorrows of his teammates on his shoulders he was the only one to succeed and because of it one of his allies would not be battle capable again. He decided that for them he would continue his life and forward on the ninja road. A year passed and the village had remained at peace. But once the smooth breeze of peace past a fierce wind of war began to blow.

  • The village had come under attack by unknown bandits. They challenge everyone and spared no one. Men woman and children were all in danger. The Shinobi of Kusamarugakure mobilized to stop the threat. Kenji went above and beyond what was asked. He fought off the bandits and saved many civilians in the process. He had made himself into a hero of the people along with many other great ninja who had helped push back the eminent threat. He had gotten commended for his feats and because of it everyone had known him.

  • He had began to continue to hone his skills and because of it he found himself being awarded. He had became a Special Jonin at the age of 20. He had truly became known and was thankful for his amazing progress. He knew that it couldn't have been accomplished without those who supported and taught him what it meant to be a ninja.

(Sample taken from bleach rp sample http://bleachgotei.forumsmotion.com/t8420-kusanagi-savaris-shinigami-finished)
RP Sample: wrote:
Synopsis I: What family?

The night was dark and gloomy as the young Savaris starred outside his window. Why was everyone making such a big deal out of his flu, it didn’t seem to be that bad. He closed his eyes and sighed laying back into the comfort of his pillows. Just then Skye had pushed open the door to his room and ran in. He jumped on the bed and hugged Savaris. "Hey?! Don’t get to close I don’t want you getting what I have." Skye let go and took a few steps towards the door, a huge smile drawn across his face. "Im saying bye brother. We're taking off!" He waved and walked out the door. Just then Savaris caught a glimpse of his father at the door. "...Father...." Savaris thought but said nothing. Grana dropped his head and closed his eyes. "We're taking off. Get better son." Grana walked off from the door towards the entrance of the estate. "Jeez Dad perfect way of saying goodbye. [sigh] I guess I should get some sleep. Savaris blew out the candle at his bed side and snuggled up to his pillows. It wasn’t long until he was asleep.

He awoke in a dream world like no other. It was perfectly remodeled to be his bedroom in the family estate. He looked around the room. It was dark but with the moon shinning into the room he was able to make out most everything in the room. In the far right corner he recognized his fathers traditional war armor. ” That shouldn't be here. I guess this is a dream then." Savaris slowly began to realize that he felt much better. His headache and chest pains were gone. He stood and hopped out of his bed and slowly began walking down the corridor towards the front entrance. Something in the house was beckoning him to go that way. He pulled open the front door and looked out on the road. 2 things shocked him at this point. The first was the fact that the original garden was replaced by a long dirt road that was lit by the nights moon. A lush forest grew on both sides of this road. The second thing was that along this dirt road laid a caravan, upon further analysis he realized it was his families caravan.

Savaris quickly bolted from the door running towards it. He ran with all his speed until he finally reached it. ” FATHER! FATHER!...........SKYE!........ Someone please ANSWER!" Just then he heard a faint cough coming from underneath the caravan. From under it his father began to crawl. His eyes lit up with relief as he tried to rush to his fathers side, but his legs were stuck in place. His eyes traced around and was finally locked on a figure standing over his father. He couldn't make out what the being looked like. ” What the hell is this?" He thought to himself. He knew this couldn't be a nightmare. It felt way to real. Shivers began to run through his spine as the being lifted a sword into the air. He knew what was coming next. He would witness his fathers death. But if only he could move, he could somehow prevent it. The being was just about to bring his blade down but just then Grana pulled a quick one and fired a hado 63 directly into the being's face. Though Savaris could already make out that the attack had now effect. As the smoke cleared from around the beings face it dropped its sword down quickly beheading Grana. The figure downed a very gruesome smile as Grana's head spun through the air, trickling his blood over everything in close radius.

Just then Savaris, world shattered. His body dropped to the floor as his eyes filled with tears.
....no...no....no...no..no..no no
No NO NO! NOOOOO!!!!!!
With that final roar the dream around him began to crumble as his body fell into a pit of darkness. As he held his head crying profusely he suddenly woke up. His body hot with sweat and his breath heavy, he looked around the room. The sun was high in the sky and bright with heat. He wiped his face and held his head. Just a dream. It was only a dream hehe. His attempts to laugh off his scare failed but if one was witnessing, it would seem as if it didn't. He swung around and jumped out of the bed walking towards his door. His body felt like it were back to normal, no more aches, no more pains. He opened his door to only be met by 2 shinigami officers. "Excuse me Savaris but we have information for you." The 2 men pushed their way in. The first a lean bald man who seemed to have a tick on his shoulder. The second a much older looking gentleman who looked like he should be retired. What is this about? Savaris thought that it may had been for his early request to join the Soul Academy. He couldn't have been more wrong. "Last night several of your family members were found dead. Some others......Missing." Savaris’ eyes grew in shock. ” What do you mean?" Savaris asked in deep disbelief. The older man then began to speak. "We mean, as of right now Takashi Kusanagi and yourself are the only Kusanagi family members found. Your father and mother have died. According to your families will you are the next in line to inherit this family." Savaris' eyes grew to tears. If everyone's dead then what family is there left to lead? ” What family?"

Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Extra10

Source: Linked from another site

Face Claim: Haru Glory | Rave Master | Kenji Yotsuki

Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Accept10

Last edited by Kenji Yotsuki on Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Komakai Uchiha
Komakai Uchiha
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Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Left_bar_bleue380/380Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Empty_bar_bleue  (380/380)

Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished]   Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] EmptyThu Aug 30, 2012 7:42 pm

Hello my name is Komakai and will be looking at app today.

First elements: Wood, Water, Earth

Please put basic elements only we dont allow advanced elements to start with unless in clan form.

Like and dislikes section must be in paragraph form at least 100 words or more.
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Kenji Yotsuki
Kenji Yotsuki
Male Posts : 7
Ryo : 0

Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished]   Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] EmptyThu Aug 30, 2012 8:23 pm

Komakai Uchiha wrote:
Hello my name is Komakai and will be looking at app today.

First elements: Wood, Water, Earth

Please put basic elements only we dont allow advanced elements to start with unless in clan form.

Edited only using the last 2 elements

Komakai Uchiha wrote:

Like and dislikes section must be in paragraph form at least 100 words or more.

This is already as you say its supposed to be o.O
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Komakai Uchiha
Komakai Uchiha
Female Posts : 322
Ryo : 4334500

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Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Left_bar_bleue380/380Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Empty_bar_bleue  (380/380)

Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished]   Yotsuki, Kenji [Finished] EmptySun Sep 02, 2012 4:42 pm

Must have not looked at it right the res tof the app looks fine just need to get your vlan checked and approved so you can add it here.
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