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 Haruno Rain Done

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PostSubject: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyFri May 06, 2011 5:51 pm

Haruno Rain Done Anime171

Rain Haruno

Love And Life They May End And Begin
Ninja Application


Name: Rain
Last Name: Haruno
Alias: Life's Healer
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birthday: 19/4
Sexuality: Gay
Relationships: N/A
Affiliation: Jungle
Rank: Jounin
Element: N/A
Specialization: Taijutsu - Medical

Personal v2


Due to his zest for life his personality allows that to flow through speaking as if he himself could give life. Hateful against those who take lives he is reluctant to do so himself unless it is truly needed to save many hence missing ninja who have taken lives are an easy kill for the lover of life. Caring and compassionate he likes to look after people and help them through there power's. Something that he loves to do.

This is only one half of his personality a front that he follow's up his true personality is built upon power. He greatly values the art of healing tho knows full well they can be used to remove the life and caus body's to decay. He values strength over the normal ninjutsu arts and found that he is capable of utilising more which fit in with certain arcs of his personality.

Finally like every human being he has and goes through every emotion that human's fell. Love happyness sadness etc. The only emotion he doesnt seem to feel is envy never once being jealous of anyone to be honest.

Enjoying the usual gag's and hilarities of life Rain fear's not the dead or not even the "ressurected" dead meaning those who look like someone. no he fears a pure being brought back from the dead hence the technique Edo Tensai is his true weakness a technique which makes him feel so uneasy tho he himself wishes to be immortal simply bringing those who had died back would caus him to feel as tho the boundaries of the gods have been broken.

When life gets him down Rain can easily over come any obstacle to pick himself up again. When this happens he will allow his full range of emotions to over take him most likely becoming "to happy" or "to sad" Suicidal tendancie's can happen tho usually stopping himself in the end after remembering his Immortality goal"


A male of many likes to much to write down. A simple few would be due to the fact that the man is gay he likes other men. Hospital's are his favourite place to be he enjoys gaining Dna from these place to use to excel in his medical practices. Snake's are also something he truly loves something with such strong venom yet such small animals intrigue the male greatly.

Homophobes are his worst hate usually removing them when they insult them and making them his subjects for experiments they regret there actions greatly before there death comes. Vegetables are something he detests and would gladly murder the person who invented them.

Life is his true motivation nothing more and nothing less

Death....His fear is simple

Special Ability -

Clan Information[/spoiler]

Clan name

Bloodline Name:

Bloodline Ability:


Clan History:




RP Sample:

Rain released another feral growl as his attack's were deflected in one fell swoop and he had no time no chance of dodging the masive blast that smashed into him. Tho thank's to his flexible and nimble body the neko like male easily pulled out of the knock back and skidded softly on the ground. His eye's winced in pain as he watched another tail sprout from Aoi. Nibi san was screaming fiercly within the young male tho a feral growl shut her up kind words followed to soothe her... "Nibi-Sama calm yourself we have a chance to win. We are as one i can tell i hear you That is not Aoi - Sama it is someone ....the kyuubi is incontrol but together we can win"

Rain would now under go yet another personality change as he stood up firm not shy like he was when he entered the battle of happily having fun previously now he stood firm the kid gloves were off and he was about to show the kyuubi what a host can do when there bijuu and them work together. Rain did not move from his spot nor did he falter from his mood. As the hand shot towards him like a fist the kyuubi's vision would be blurred and due to its speed would kick up a large dust storm covering the battle field

Within the dust storm and the kyuubi would feel it to its fist had connected with something a firm statue of sorts that it could not break or yet the thing the fist connected with refused to break. The dust storm would blast from the area as a powerful aura kicked up a blast of wind the aura of the nibi was now huge and all that could be seen was the chakra fist struggling to push back the thing that stopped it. The thing being only one of Rain's arm's. Tho was it truly Rain's it was completly incased in a blue flame and resembled greatly the nibi's own front paw. Rain's face would be bent over as he smiled ever so lightly staring at the two tailed kyuubi then he pushed no the power of the nibi's host had increased to new hights in this stunning transformation the chakra of the kyuubi would split as the nibi host charged he kept his transformed arm and hand within the boiling chakra of the kyuubi's extended arm and tore towards the two tailed kyuubi. Using his knowledge that he had learned within the battle the Host of the nibi was using the heat of the kyuubi chakra to amplify the Blue fire greatly combining that with the speed the blue flame incredibly and easily sliced through the arm of the kyuubi as the host charged forward

Rain would not falter his speed increasing every step he took pushing himself forward with the support of the nibi who purred within his mind telling him that together they would not fail unlike the kyuubi and Aoi Rain and the nibi were one entity fighting as if and as they charged the aura took a new shape it seemed more catlike and the eye's Rain had were glowing a golden yellow shining. He would not let down using the nibi's speed and advanced power he would aim his enhanced fist at the face of the kyuubi and if it struck it would tear it and push the kyuubi through the air into the massive mountain behind it.

Source: How did you get here?

Last edited by Rain on Sat May 21, 2011 2:44 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptySat May 07, 2011 8:31 am

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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptySun May 08, 2011 4:01 pm

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Male Posts : 889
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyMon May 09, 2011 11:18 am

Rain, I feel that your application requires more personality to get A-rank. So far now, it looks lower than A-rank to me.
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyMon May 09, 2011 9:43 pm

3 Paragraphs added
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyMon May 09, 2011 11:29 pm

Rain wrote:
Special Ability - (co founder permission) - Due to not being able to use elemental ninjutsu fuinjutsu genjutsu I have been given permission to have vast speed like Rock Lee ths utilising weights (Weights on 25% faster than normal jounin) (Weights off 50% faster) After more talking i have been given permission to have tsunade like strength pre Chakra enhanced strength thus combined with Ces capable of lifting giant summonings

what is Ces? If you mean Chakra Enhanced Strength then state so. Also you dont register your jutsu on your app. And anyway, though the Co founder has quite a bit of power and influence I feel that a passive ability like that should be discussed with the entire staff first,
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyTue May 10, 2011 12:07 am

There is also a system for buying chain weights. You'll have to buy those as well, because they have been registered. However, that is a different story.
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyTue May 10, 2011 10:25 am

Weight's will be bought

Ok well were do i put my starter jutsu ?? as usually starters are placed within ones app but ill edit them

as for the added ability i discussed it with the co - founder aswell as one other admin and both gave permission due to the drawbacks
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyTue May 10, 2011 1:14 pm

Since you are clanless, they go in your Canon/Custom jutsu topic.

In terms of the chakra enhanced strength, I feel it needs to be broke down better for the simple fact that it will be such a big part of your arsenal. Therefore, the vague description needs to be expanded into a system.
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyTue May 10, 2011 3:12 pm

Example ??

As my strength isnt compared to Chakra enhanced strength it is basicly the same amount of "pure" strength like Tsunade.... Tho if possible an example of what you mean by making it into a system
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyTue May 10, 2011 4:13 pm

An example would be, since we have a chakra pool, how much chakra it would take to lift a summon of giant nature...
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyTue May 10, 2011 7:54 pm

Hmmm well Chakra enhanced strength isnt consuming and tsunade showed that when lifting gamabunta's sword and with a simple tap knocked down an entire castle wall.

The technique itself requires a pretty low amount of chakra but just having the technique wouldn allow someone to do what tsunade did

her Ces is off the charts simply because she herself had a vast amount of strength before hand unlike sakura - Sakura would be unable to do what Tsunade did due to the lack of phsyical strength

Basicly all my ability strength wise is having Tsunade's strength Prior to using Ces then combining it with ces id be capable of doing what she did
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyWed May 11, 2011 4:56 pm

Basically i think Rain meant that he has Tsunade's normal strength without CES, Dom.
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyThu May 12, 2011 1:03 am

Ok, so I get this right.....You will have to use CES to reach the level of Tsunade's normal strength?
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Hakumei Shinkirou
Hakumei Shinkirou
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyThu May 12, 2011 7:04 pm

Dominic Edrick wrote:
Ok, so I get this right.....You will have to use CES to reach the level of Tsunade's normal strength?

No, the opposite.

Kamui wrote:
Basically i think Rain meant that he has Tsunade's normal strength without CES, Dom.
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyThu May 19, 2011 7:56 pm


i am trying to do that

tsunades normal strength

Then combining that with ces id be capable of performing amazing feats just like she did
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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptyFri May 20, 2011 6:04 pm

Unfortunately, Rain is also trying to gain Lee/Gai's speed and strength, to be able to perform Strong Fist taijutsu AND chakra-enhanced strength to become twice as strong as Tsunade's CES strength...

As it is, I'd like him to make his decision on which one he would rather have, instead of letting him have both.
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Haruno Rain Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptySat May 21, 2011 12:41 pm

Unfortunately, Rain is also trying to gain Lee/Gai's speed and strength, to be able to perform Strong Fist taijutsu AND chakra-enhanced strength to become twice as strong as Tsunade's CES strength...

As it is, I'd like him to make his decision on which one he would rather have, instead of letting him have both.

I believe this make's no sense

Using the normal STRONG FIST does not increase one's strength in any means it fully relies on the user's original capabilities. The Strong Fist Fighting Style Is Basicly This

Strong Fist is Guy's and Lee's characteristic fighting style, the purpose of which is to cause external damage and break bones.

Now Chakra Enhanced Strength is one not a type of tai jutsu it is infact a jutsu that enhanced ones strength having not mentioned tsunade's normal strength it would be simple to have ces while using the strong fist. The only difference in requirments is that ces requires medical ninja chakra control

Now once again most of this has been discussed and due to the large amount of drawback's iv taken for example losing the use of all elements or of any normal ninjutsu b-s rank excluding kin jutsu plus more

But the argument that allowing strong fist which is the art of using hits to there fullest because of ces is pretty futile as learning the basics of a simple of a full punch is simple enough to learn

Ontop of that utilising both SF and CES would not allow me to have Strength far more powerful that Tsunade's as it makes no sense.

Now If dom would hurry up and approve me so i can finally rp that would be appreciated

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Kouri Ten'nou

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PostSubject: Re: Haruno Rain Done   Haruno Rain Done EmptySat May 21, 2011 2:50 pm

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