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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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Male Posts : 5
Ryo : 1103

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Soul. Left_bar_bleue350/350Soul. Empty_bar_bleue  (350/350)

Soul. Empty
PostSubject: Soul.   Soul. EmptyThu Mar 08, 2012 10:43 pm

Soul. Alucard242

"For what they all seem to seek is to wage war, and endless desperate, blood-stained struggles. Things quite close to crying loudly. I don't think they desire those things at all. On the contrary: all of this is their way of shouting and begging for death."

Soul. Whoare14

First Name: Soul
Last Name: /
Alias: /
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Birthday: June 1st
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: /
Affiliation: Yugure
Rank: S
Element: Katon
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu

Soul. Tellme11

Personality: He fights with ferocity and often extreme cruelty, rarely trying to kill until his target has been totally disabled and humiliated. However, he does seem to have some small shred of humanity left in him, as he's still capable of shedding tears. Soul is very egotistical.

However, even with his incredible powers, Soul can be taken by surprise, usually because of his arrogance. Underneath his cocky, arrogant attitude, he seems deeply sad and is envious of citizens, for they are weak and simple to die, while he himself is is considered undefeatable and must walk the earth till he decrepifies.

Soul has always been mysterious, and has acted as though he was hiding his true self. While sometimes he has flashbacks to his past and after having them he will briefly show his true colors. He constantly displays an emotionless personality.

He has impressive intelligence, and is very wise. He is exceedingly sharp and observant to any situation at hand, as he is rarely surprised or caught off guard. He also display's great intuition, as he is almost never deceived and even then almost instantly realized the truth.

Likes: Soul loves to fight. He freely taunts and belittles his opponents, often allowing them to inflict seemingly fatal wounds before healing himself and obliterating his enemy. One of his favorite methods is allowing himself to be blown to shreds before simply flowing back together. It could accurately be said that rather than killing his opponents, Soul breaks them. He is on a search for a worthy opponent that will be strong enough to take his life in combat.

Dislikes: He only surprised when opponents proved more powerful or skilled than he had expected, and even then he didn't lose his composure. That's why he dislikes fighting weaklings because it's just a waste of time. They are all the time.

Motivation: Underneath his cocky, arrogant attitude, he seems deeply sad and is envious of citizens, for they are weak and simple to die, while he himself is is considered undefeatable and must walk the earth till he decrepifies. He wishes to find an opponent with sufficient willpower to destroy him despite his strength.

Fears: Soul fears that he will have to die of very old age and decrepify because of his immense strength. It is because of this reason that he is motivated to look for an opponent with sufficient willpower to destroy him despite his strength. For this reason he joined Dusk to become an international target.

Soul. Blood10

Place clan name here

Bloodline Name: /

Bloodline Ability: /

Location: /

Clan History: /

Soul. Histor11

History: Soul was born under barren conditions in the outskirts of Boufuugakure. It was a time of war and poverty where he lived. Bandits would raid through villages, claim treasures and rape women, to satisfy their filthy needs. Soul's father was killed during one of these raids as he tried to protect his mother and himself. It gave his mother enough time to get away with him. In the upcoming years Soul's mother managed to hide Soul and herself for a long time to stay alive.

As he grew up he met a girl of his age. She made Soul blush by just being near him. At that time he was just 12 years old. The two decided to go for a walk and return in an hour but their plans got cancelled cause bandits entered their town again. Soul quickly grabbed her hand and ran into a small alley to hide. Soon, it all be over, he thought. But he was wrong. The bandits saw him and chased him to the square of his little town. The villagers were too scared to help and hid in their houses. One of the guys grabbed the girl which enfuriated Soul and caused him to snap. His efforts were meaningless and he got knocked out cold by a single punch to the face by one of the big guys.

When he regained consciousness he realized that she was gone. He was overfilled with thoughts of what could've happened to her and started to search the place. Fifteen minutes he later found her lying on the ground in the square. Her body was bruised and she had a big scar on her back from one of their weapons. The villagers started to come out and mumbled with each other. What he got out of their words was that they were trying to rape her but she defended herself which made them beat her up brutally. Soul was devasted.

Every night Soul's mother would wake the fire in their little house and go to sleep after Soul fell asleep. Soul often pretended to be sleeping so her mother would get some rest. He had troubles falling asleep so he often stared into the fire for hours before he would get tired. His fascination made him study the fire. It started with staring innocently, but got more and more thrilling every time. One day his mother came back from plucking cabbages and saw Soul being ready to walk into a large fire made next to their house. She quickly managed to grab him before he could walk into it.

She was shocked and thought that her son was suicidal because of all the bad things that happened. But she was wrong. Soul wasn't suicidal, he was more alive than ever. He discovered the chakra in his body and managed to gently move the fire by forming handseals that were used by the monk in their local temple. He was extremely skillful and managed to teach himself how to use fire for combat.

One year later, his mother passed away. It was then that the bandits appeared again. Everyone hid as quick as they could. Soul was watching through a little gap in their wall. Again, they aimed for a younger girl and nobody did a thing. They were chasing her as he was running away and crying, screaming for help. Nobody did a thing. When she tripped and fell she knew that she was done for it. One of the men grabbed a piece of her clothing and ripped it off. Soul was boiling with anger and wasn't even sure if he could beat them but he rushed outside and yelled to get their attention.

Some of them remember Soul and laughed after which they completely ignored him. Soul wasn't going to be ignored so he rushed at them launched his fist into the face of they guy standing closest to the girl. As the man felt the blood dripping from his nose on his hands he said that Soul just made his death call. He was then pummeled by one of the men and punched into the ground as two kicked him continuously in his stomach. When Soul stopped moving they walked away and assumed that he was dead. But a monstrous heat coming from behind them made them turn around to see what it was.

Soul was covered in flames. One by one the men were being set on fire alive. They were running around and screaming as their skin started to cook and slowly blacken. One of them crawled to Soul, begging him to stop it. His words were barely hearable cause his skin was getting loose. Soul ignored his call and kicked him in the face which launched it away several feet the man's neck was weakened.

After burning them all, he realized how strong he actually was. When the villages ran outside to scream out of joy he snapped and released a flare that burned several of them terribly but not fatally. They were weaklings, constantly waiting for someone to help them. Never did they do anything to prevent themselves from being raided, to protect their wifes and daughters, and their other children. Soul decided to travel the world and see how strong he could become.

RP Sample: The sword that was to attack him was caught in the explosion, as the mushroom like cloud of flames burned upwards, into the sky, from the servre explosive nature, sending the sword away and out of harm's length. Kitaro disappeared, seeping into the flames and appearing high above as the attack travelled past his former region and watched as he sent his flames away, opening the region as to where all the warriors were.

From the explosion, only remained the warriors, clearly unconscious, flames licking all over their bodies; wings were mere burnt remnants of their true self. Limbs were nothing but stumps. All the warriors were doomed. Their weapons lay askew by their sides and flames crept down from the sky, forming the dome once again, though some flames wrapped around the weapons and blistering them to the underside of the roof.

Kitaro cackled and then his body flickered, his image drafting away, disappearing and then he was gone, only to reappear higher above the sky, his eyes glowering down the ground, observing, tryng to locate the person whom had threw his sword. It was interesting attack but the timing was off. He snickered as his "radar" dectected the man, finding him at some distance, though not so far to be out of reach.

Soul. Extra10

Source: Google

Face Claim: Alucard - Helsing

Soul. Accept10
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Soul. Left_bar_bleue0/0Soul. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Soul. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Soul.   Soul. EmptyThu Mar 08, 2012 10:46 pm

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