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 Dragon Summonings

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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptySat May 07, 2011 4:27 pm

Animal Type: Dragon
Number of "Family" Members: 5

Name: Pygmy
Height: 2 ft.
Weight: 20 lbs.
Rank: D
Element: User's Primary
Personality: The Pygmy doesn't have a personality. It can't talk nor can it move. It does however, create the same facial expressions as it's user when it's chakra is synchonized.



Name: Dragon Elemental Blast
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Element: User's Primary
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close to Long
Description: The Pygmy can store mass amounts of the user's primary elemental chakra, using it to create incredible bullet blasts of said element. The Elemental blast can fire up to 200 yards at the speed of 50 mph and can destroy a 35 yard area from the blast. The blast is 4x the size of a basketball. One Post Charge. 3 post cooldown.

Name: Dragon Elemental Rapid Fire
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Element: User's Primary
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close to Long
Description: After storing the primary element in its stomach and expanding, the pygmy can fire up to 4 elemental bullets in succession, which are the size of the Pygmy before it expands. These blasts are very accurate, and can travel up to 50 yards at the speed of 55 mph. The result if the enemy is hit, is being thrown back 15 yards, and can potentially knock them out of breath, along with knocking them out completely. One Post Charge. 3 post cooldown.

Name: Dragon Elemental Snipe
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Element: User's Primary
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Long
Description: After storing the primary element in its stomach and expanding, the pygmy can fire a very compressed and pinpoint accurate bullet, and 'snipe' an enemy. The bullet is the size of a 7mm rifle bullet and can fire at a speed of 200 mph. If the target is hit in the brain, just like with a real bullet, they are dead. THis attack takes three posts to charge. 2 time use per battle, 10 post cooldown.

Equipment: N/A

Name: Sapphire
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Weight: 200 lb.
Rank: C
Element: Water
Personality: Sapphire is one of the most noble of the Dragon Family. She is both loyal and determined to her master. This makes her the easiest to train with. If a dragon could smile she would. She is a happy dragon, always willing to help no matter the time of day.



Name: Ijutsu Storage
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Element: Ijutsu
Type: Ijutsu
Range: User
Description: Upon storing massive amounts of chakra into her stomach, Sapphire has the ability to heal. She uses this chakra in the form of meidcal Ijutsu. For slices and cuts, 1 post charge. For up to third degree burns, 2 post charge. For bones and internal bleeding, 3 post charge.

Name: Dragon Water Blast
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Element: Water
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Long range, fills entire area with water.
Description: Upon storing massive amounts of water in her stomach, Sapphire can fire a water blast frome her mouth. The blast can cover over 300 yards in distance at 65 mph. Upon contact, the enemy could potentially bruise their ribs, chest, and hyper extend joints on their arm and legs upon contact. If hit directly in the face, then enemy could drown from the massive intake of water. After the blast is over, the area is filled with 6" of water. 2 post charge. 7 post cooldown.

Name: Steel Ice Wings
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B
Element: Ice
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close
Description: Passive. Sapphires wings are naturally as solid as ice. This gives her the ability to block weapons and projectiles from a distance and withstand one major blow from an oncoming attack, from at max the B rank level. However, she becomes fragile afterwards, leaving her vulnerable to attackers. Once attacked with a B rank level attack, cooldown of 5 before wings return to strength.

Equipment: N/A

Name: Fury
Height: 40 ft.
Weight: 750 lb.
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Personality:The most hot headed of the Dragon family. He is both strong willed and cocky, sometimes a violent mix. However, his hot headed nature feeds his offensive prowess. He has a flying speed that maxes out at 210 mph.



Name: Dragon Flame Thrower
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Medium
Description: When activating this, Fury can emit a flamethrower from his mouth that can stretch up to thirty yards out. The flame thrower at the outer most edge is 3x the size of a basket ball. It can cause up to third degree burns and can knock an enemy away, up to the distance of 30 yards. Flamethrower lasts 3 posts, 4 post cooldown. After deactivation, the entire area becomes covered in flames. That effect lasts 5 posts.

Name: Dragon Fire Blast
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Long
Description: Upon storing fire in his stomach, fury can blast a streaming fire blast from his mouth, launching it at speeds of up to 85 mph, and can travel 300 yards in distance. The blast can crisp an enemy on target, giing them critical third degree+ burn wounds, and can potentially kill them from the intensity.

Name: Full Body Flame
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Element: Fire
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: CLose
Description: Activating this jutsu, Fury is coated entirely by fire. The coating is 24" inches thick and allows Fury to incenrate an enitre forest just by flying through it. This is an extremely hot fire, and human contact would result in instant third degree burns upon contact. The flames can increase a sword temperature dramatically, putting literal meaning to the phrase, like a hot knife through butter, giving the user extreme cutting power, and cut through flesh with ease. Lasts for 3 posts, 3 post cooldown.

Equipment: N/A

Name: Kaiser
Height: 47 1/2 ft.
Weight: 1500 lbs.
Rank: A
Element: Earth, Water
Personality: He is stubborn and set in his ways, much like the earth itself. There is no way to make him go away from his beliefs. His wisdom and knowledge are unmatched, for his age is legendary. He is an honorable dragon, much like a wise Sage....or sometimes a grumpy old fart....He is the dragon that knows the secret to reaching Sage Mode.



Name: Landscape Manipulation
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Element: Water, Earth
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Entire Area
Description: Kaiser can manipulate landscapes, being able to create mountainous walls for protection, or could flood an entire area with water. He does so by channeling chakra out into the battlefield, whatever the nature of the landscape may be.

With single post charge, he can remove items from the ground or manipulate them to his will against his foe. This can be used limitlessly in battle. This particular ability has a two post cooldown. Kaiser can manipulate a 20 yard by 20 yard area in this state. This allows whatever is within that area, to be pulled up, cratered in like quick sand, or removed and sent like an oversized projectile, depending on the object. The speed of an object can be sent at 115 mph.

He can create large walls of earth that can protect from incredible attacks from foes of the same rank. This takes 2 posts to generate, the wall able to stand half as tall as a mountain in the first post then the full size of a mountain in the second. One time use per topic.

If he were to flood an area, he would channel the chakra into the water souce near by, an raise its depths, creating a flash flood. This takes three posts, meaning the water would rise up to four feet higher in the first post. The second post gives the water its strength, allowing it to gain speed to flow outward and continue to rise to 2 ft. By the third post, the water is 18 ft. high and has the force to crush the chest of an enemy, and drown them in its depths. One time use per topic.

This jutsu has a cooldown of ten overall posts, regardless of what ability is used first.

Name: Rock Solid
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Element: Earth
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close
Description: Passive. Kaiser's body is rock solid, able to take a hit from any same rank or lower jutsu, and not be affected. Only S rank jutsu tend to have any success against this almost inpenetrable armor he calls a body. It takes an S rank blow to even breakdown the body of Kaiser. After direct contact from an S Rank attack, Kaiser becomes weakened, taking one less jutsu rank to break him down. Once the same rank of jutsu hits him twice, the damage is normal. Once brokedown, the armor takes 10 posts to regenerate back to full power, and Kaiser is susceptable to attacks during this. (I always forget earths element that its strong against, and weak against. Please tell me, and ill expand on this..)

Name: Dragon Nature Blast
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: S
Element: Earth
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Long
Description: Kaiser has one destructive blast. He can use the natural energy around him to summon a nature chakra blast that can blow through the most pressurized earth crystal, diamond. His nature blast is the size of the Spirit Bomb that Goku used against Frieza. It is a 75 mph blast, and can wipeout a grid of 6 football fields in a 3x2, which is 240 yards long and 150 yards wide. Can only be used once per topic.

Equipment: N/A

Name: Rudra
Height: 52 3/4 ft.
Weight: 1725 lbs.
Rank: S
Element: Wind, Lightning
Personality:Rudra is the smartest dragon of the dragon family. His ability to break down every situation with detail, makes him a master on the battlefield. Can fly at speeds of 300 mph.



Name: Sky Manipulation
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: S
Element: Wind, Lightning
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Long
Description: Rudra ability to manipulate wind and lightning, which allows him to control weather patterns and climate control. If Rudra so decided, he could clear the sky or bring forth storm clouds, which have the ability to conctrate lightning for him to use at will.

Lightning Storm - By channeling chakra into the sky, Rudra brings forth storm clouds. From these clouds, Rudra can send lightning bolts down from the sky and at his target. Though not as fast as natural lightning, the bolt travels at fast enough to only give a 2.3 second reaction time to the blast. If hit, the enemy will be paralyzed throughout half their body. It takes three posts to charge forth the clouds, but Rudra can release the lightning in a single bolt for up to four posts after the clouds have been brought forth. The weather patterns stay even after the jutsu is done. Twice per topic.

Clearing the sky - By exerting chakra into the sky, Rudra can essentially clear the sky of clouds around the area and bring forth clear skies. Using the wind patterns, he can essentailyl break away jutsu that can cover the entire area, such as the Hidden Mist Technique of even those on a larger scale. The weather patterns stay after this. Twice per topic.

8 post cooldown.

Name: Spiked Body
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Element: Lightning Conductor
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Medium
Description: Passive.The body of Rudra is built to the highest standard. He can take on one full S rank attack without damage, or 2 A ranks. and can withstand D-B rank without any harm at all. If he were to get hit by a full on S Rank, it would take him 8 posts to recharge his body and its full potential.

He also has spiked rods going all the way down his back and tail which act as conductors to the lightning element, giving him the ability to have 10x his normal reflexes for 5 posts. This only affects quickness of his limbs, does NOT add to his top speed. This takes 3 posts to charge and if he were to hit an opponent while charged, he can paralyze half of their body, and on the second hit, totally paralyze them, leaving them defenseless. One time per topic use.

Name: Dragon Wind Compression Blast
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: S
Element: Wind
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Long to Entire Area
Description: Rudra has a long neck that provides the ability to absorb high pressure winds into his neck, allowing him to create sonic boom strength Wind Blasts. Enough to take out entire landscapes. He does so by breathing in wind and compressing it deep within the depths of his neck. He then blasts it downward, compressing the entire area with winds that shatter even the strongest of buildings. This jutsu has the power to shatter bones of its enemy, but this takes a 3 post charge, one time per topic use.

Can be used on a smaller scale which is a direct blast that can cave in the chest of its enemy, by blasting an orb of wind that is triple the size of a bsketball, and can travel at the speed of 175 mph. 1 post charge and 4 post cooldown.

Equipment: N/A

Last edited by Dominic Edrick on Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:22 pm; edited 11 times in total
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptySat May 07, 2011 5:37 pm

Completion Bump
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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptyMon May 16, 2011 6:43 pm

Dragon Elemental Burst and Dragon Elemental Rapid-Fire need to be nerfed a bit. 100 mph and 75 mph are much too fast for D-rank jutsu, and the distance is much too far. Dragon Elemental Snipe would travel much faster than the speed of sound, and is therefore auto-denied, even with the long charge and cooldown time.

Dragon Water Blast moves a bit too fast or does too much damage, potential death, for a C-rank jutsu. You can change one or the other.

Dragon Fire Blast reaches a bit too far for the jutsu. Full Body Flame has a sentence that just suddenly ends before the post limitation, and burning to the bone through touch makes dodging the dragon while it is flying at top speed impossible.

I'm going to deny Landscape Manipulation. An S-rank jutsu called "Swamp of the Underworld" does basically the same thing, but is limited to only being able to do such a thing with wood, and with fewer options. Being able to manipulate all things on the ground would cause a huge "battle for control" when facing another Doton ninja. I'm also denying Rock Solid. It trumps S-ranks twice, and only defeated the third time and even then, it reforms after ten posts. Some S-rank techniques kill the user or change their bodies permanently after only one use.

I'm going to have to deny Sky Manipulation's Lightning Storm. I'm not going to allow jutsu at a higher speed than the speed of sound without a huge drawback, even if it isn't exactly natural lightning. If you can give the lightning an exact speed below the speed of sound, it will be approved. Spiked Body's second ability, with the spikes going through the tail to give the dragon lightning-fast movements and the ability to kill with a second direct strike is denied. With lightning-fast attacks, this jutsu would be an insta-kill in less time than it would take a human brain to even process that an attack is being made.

Anything not mentioned above is automatically approved.
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptyMon May 16, 2011 11:45 pm

Ok, I edited everything except Elemental Snipe and Landscape Manipulation.

Snipe- Is a 7mm rifle really faster than the speed of sound?

Landscape Manipulation- After reading how I posted with it, you said it was fine. Do you still need me to change anything?
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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptyTue May 17, 2011 1:35 pm

Only special subsonic bullets won't travel faster than the speed of sound. And .22 caliber rifles. Every other bullet is known to travel at 4400 feet per second, twice the speed of sound. So yes, a .277 rifle is faster than the speed of sound.

Yes, the full control of all things touching the ground. I'd at least like a limit to the amount of times he can use it, how long he can use it, and the amount of time between uses.
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptyTue May 17, 2011 2:16 pm

Heh, never knew that it was considered faster than sound. Ok, I'll adjust it.

In the landscape manipulation, it says each ability can only be used once per topic, and whichever one is used, the cooldown is ten posts, however, I meant ten total posts, not just my own. So therefore, if a battle has more than just myself and an opponent, the cooldown will seemingly be quicker.
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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptyTue May 17, 2011 3:33 pm

If it can only be used once per topic, then the cooldown isn't needed. And this was what I was talking about:
"With a single post charge, he can remove items from the ground or manipulate them to his will against a foe. This can be used limitlessly in battle."
With that, one could argue that anything touching the ground can be controlled by the summon, which gives him limitless ability to use even custom weapons of the opponent or even destroy them. If you could manage to knock a Legendary item to the ground, you could argue that even it would be removed from the ground or controlled.
Secondly, one could argue that this makes any and all Doton ninjutsu impossible because your summoning is controlling the entire landscape. That's too much like a little problem on Saga that caused a bit of a headache because one person said that their clan ability was being able to completely control water. It started a battle over control of water during the Chuunin Exams, and I had to make the clan member edit his clan.
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptyTue May 17, 2011 6:30 pm

No biggie. I can edit it further. I actually forgot about the one post charge part of the attack. I'll air down and give it a more in depth system.
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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptyTue May 17, 2011 10:31 pm

Bump this when you've done that.
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptySun May 22, 2011 12:29 pm

Ok, I made the first part of the landscape manipulation more in depth. If I'm allowed larger area, please let me know. Also, what would a plausible speed be for an object removed and sent? It is a powerful ability, so I'm looking for it to be fast...

Also, please give a plausible speed for the sniper jutsu. Having trouble with the speed for it. I want it to hold true to a sniper shot.
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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptyWed May 25, 2011 2:20 pm

A speed that an object can be removed or moved... For an A-rank, I'd say 100-120 mph.

768 miles per hour is how fast the speed of sound is... Almost anything below that is acceptable.
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Akatsuka Kenshi
Akatsuka Kenshi
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptyFri May 27, 2011 8:41 pm

I have a huge problem with the Sniper jutsu being a mere C-rank. Even with the extended cool down and the limited use, I feel it should be at the very least a B-rank.

If I were to post that exact jutsu as a regular technique, it would be auto-denied in a second.
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptySun Jul 10, 2011 4:59 pm

I have made these edits. Please approve.
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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptySun Jul 10, 2011 5:11 pm

After thinking about it, mayhaps anything below 768 mph was much too generous... Really, something that should be visible to the human eye would be acceptable. With an object that small, it would need to move slowly in order to be visible to the human eye. About 200 mph...
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptySun Jul 10, 2011 5:18 pm

200 mph it is. I have edited.
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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptySun Jul 10, 2011 5:21 pm

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Dragon Summonings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon Summonings   Dragon Summonings EmptySun Jul 10, 2011 6:39 pm

Ok, to be fair about this new transition of summonings, since I added two new techs to my Pygmy, I will sacrifice 7000 ryo as a fee, since I was approved from the start. Im pretty sure I maxed out the prices in every category of rank for my summons, and therefore, will deduct my ryo.

Ryo Deducted.
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