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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas

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Kouri Ten'nou

Male Posts : 1688
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PostSubject: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyTue Jul 23, 2013 12:16 am

The place is fairly dark as if it was night time. All that can be heard are rain drops and thunder indicating the strong out pour on the outside of this mysterious forest. Isais is seen in front of a strange dragon statue with black scales . This statue had the body of a dragon but a face of a man. In Isais's hands is a torch and a map. Along with him is Xavier his best friend and companion on this long journey. They started this journey as a way of finding answers to questions that Isais need to know before officially fighting the captain commander for kage. This was news for the duo as a truthful attempt to make sure that Isais doesn't cause trouble and return to hyougagakure soon. It took these two days to find this statue and as they stand in front of the statue Isais would zone out staring at the statue and breaking into a monologue .

"Over ten decades of service and captivity. It's been years sine I've seen my families face and at times it's like I can barely remember anything other than the way they looked when they passed. At times I feel as if try visit me in my sleep and I can remember again. But the nights never seem long enough cause as quickly as they came; they fade. I walk my days watching others mourn over their lost and mope about the torments of their lives. I carry my cross with a smile daily with a heavy heart knowing that one day my justice will come and make me light again.  Everyday I'm reminded that the forces that I fight are greater than me and that there is no way for me to overcome. But if history stands true then there is a list of people whom overcame forces beyond them and became known across their nation as Heros.  What motivation must one have to gain the strength to become a hero? I wouldn't know because I've been called many things but never a hero.This to me is ironic; being named after a powerful shinobi and hero from the mountain country. This mountain hero was Aeneas, and that name was the middle name given to me by my mother and was the last thing she called me before she was killed. It's been over a decade since I've been home. Strangers look at me and they see a citizen of the blizzard but they don't know where I am truly from. At times I myself forget the village in which I hailed. I don't remember my traditions, I don't remember how my people lived but now I'm going to find out. Here in the village hidden in the jungle lies a secret carried out across the nations. By finding this I know that I find answers; I will understand the will of my family."

Isais would snap back to his senses and then look at Xavier. " well man this looks like the place" the would then crouch down and attempt to slide the wavy statue backward by pushing. "Help me out bro" he would ask for help and as the statue moved backward ; staircases would be revealed. Isais would grin as his flame would lightly flicker from the rain that would make it through the trees. Isais would then light up the way an continue walking down the stairs. As they would walk together Isais would ask Xavier questions to pass the time, " so do you have any idea who that statue was suppose to be?"
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Ryo : 328713

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyTue Jul 23, 2013 1:09 am

The journey from the land of the frozen earth to that of the village hidden within a jungle was fairly difficult in its own way nevertheless the 2 had managed to reach their destination with minimal to no problems at all and now here they both stood in front of this statue. Xavier would stare long and hard at the statue, he felt rather connected to it however he couldn't quite figure out why, either way this statue held meaning to him (The face of a man and yet the body of a dragon...) his thoughts would scramble to find the answer that he sought out but to no avail, at least not for now. Xavier would get closer to the statue raising his torch up to it in order to get a better view of the object, from the looks of it, it had been here for quite some time untouched by the hands of any whom might wish to uncover its secrets, at least until now that is. Xavier would slide his hand over the statue and for a second the feel would cause him to space out a bit, he had felt this before... somewhere.

As Xavier busied himself by studying the statue he could hear Isais speaking behind him, turning toward his friend he would watch him go into a bit of a trance and began speaking words that seemed like he had memorized sense he was young. They flowed rather easily and everything seemed to fit perfectly, he wasn't just speaking wildly. Xavier was unsure of what to do about the situation (it could be dangerous to interrupt him while he is like this, then again what if it doesn't stop?) and almost as soon as he had the thought Izzy was back to himself (Suppose the statue had an effect on him as well or something). Isais would speak to Xavier directly this time and Xavier would nod in agreement "yeah seems like the place, so far so good right?". He would watch Isais approach the statue and begin to push on it while asking for Xavier's help, he would hesitate remembering what had just happened only a few moments ago when he had touched the statue, but he would move to help his friend "Gotcha man". As they pushed on the statue it would move back, revealing to them a secret passage to be explored.

Isais would enter first and Xavier would fall in behind him as they headed down the stair case of mystery, Xavier would register Izzy's question and think on it a bit "Not sure but it held meaning I know that... The face of a man with the body of a dragon tis odd OH! maybe it foretells what kind of wicked cool traps are laying in wait for us, sounds fun didn't think dragons existed anymore let alone human faced ones". Xavier was kidding of course but he wouldn't rule out that possibility, at least not yet.
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Kouri Ten'nou

Male Posts : 1688
Ryo : 109976

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyTue Jul 23, 2013 3:09 am

Isais would smirk at Xavier's response and continue moving down the passage way which would seem to become much wider towards the end. Isais would look at the map and note the many different exits. What was interesting by about this path was that there were many ways out and only one way in. No one could get in from the exits but that didn't change the fact that the main entrance is still open. Isais would bring the light near the walls and find a torch. He would light up that one torch which would cause the others to light up as well; illuminating the entire place. The place is revealed to be over 17 kilometers long and wide. He would look at the distance that they will have to cover on the map and then signal to Xavier to keep his eyes open. They would move forward in what seemed like an empty place and out of the ground came out trouble in the form of stone soldiers. Isais would stair at them and grin. " Did you know this was going to happen?" He would think to himself,( why stone soldiers). These soldiers looked much like samurai and much like samurai they would draw there katanas of stone. There numbered 17 of them in the area. Isais would observe them and begin strategizing on ways to take them out faster
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Jojo Kaguya
Jojo Kaguya
Male Posts : 1347
Ryo : 493454

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyTue Jul 23, 2013 2:24 pm

Jojo happened to be relaxing that day, her work load had increased tremendously in this day and she needed something to ease up her day. Dressed in the gown of a kage, the floral overcoat that then matched with the hat in its white and sakura blossom designs were far unlike her norm of just being in white strait jackets. Granted she did prefer the flexibility this gown allowed, while underneath was a more appropriate attire for full out fighting. This was a nice day though when she looked out over her relaxing spot she saw a light, a light at an entrance to a place unfamiliar to her. Perhaps the old Sakurakage knew of its existence but when she was given her mantle as kage she did not happen to be told many secrets of the village, they still held a firm hand against the Kaguya it seemed to her.

None the less her curiosity got the better of her, as she would travel against the ways of distance to approach the said light, it was a torch light, eliminating outside of the cavern as she would travel she heard noises, two pairs of footsteps it had seemed and she would evenly move her body out towards that direction, looking around at the unfamiliar place. The architecture was somewhat familiar to what she read and remembered to visit an old library about. Indeed this place was something else in terms of what one could do with their lives yet she had no real idea who created such a place, but by the looks from the statue she passed it had to be a clan. One that may be extinct or dormant, she had no real clue as to which one it was. Her eyes however never wavered in her looking as she continued to move through the spaces and approached the light completely on guard.

Then the light got brighter, as if illuminating more lights up ahead as she would briskly hear the footsteps of more, a small battalion or something. She had no clue with a structure like this as she would be at the mouth now, or at least close to it as her distance was a safe one away from the actual two she was trailing. Her body was silent in the entirety of the movement, her feet moving through and her eyes retaining a calculation. She did not know what was happening but she only hoped that it would be accurately finished up in this wake. She just kept listening, and she may enter in and intervene or it may just be the facts that these individuals were on a vendetta, she did not know but the knowledge of such did not lose itself from her.

Jojo could not rule out the fact that they were enemies, but there was also the possibility of them being allies. Yet when she had heard the sound of swords being drawn she could not help being brought into the folds of the noise as she would move out into the mouth of the cavern to where she was behind these two by a ways, “Need a hand strangers?” She of course had her own headband around her neck but it was not difficult to tell who she was with the garb she wore. Her eyes looking at them and then b=past them to get an idea of her surroundings.
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Ryo : 328713

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyTue Jul 23, 2013 7:14 pm

Xavier would smile at his own comment after catching Izzy's little smirk, the joke had indeed reached the mischief maker. Making it down the steps Xavier would follow after his friend whom held the map and was the only one whom knew where he was going. As Isais illuminated the place they would continue on traversing the unknown area "So Izz, you ever going to tell me what we are down here looking for or what?". As they came upon an empty area out came the traps but it wasn't a trap athat Xavier had expected, instead it was stone warriors whom were prepared to defend the secrets hidden within these walls. Xavier would hear Isais speak and laugh a bit " 'Course I didn't, I wanted my dang dragon faced trap to pop up though, stupid warriors!" Xavier would stare at the opposition before them and smile "so how we going to handle this mess?". Xavier would prepare himself for the battle ahead and while he did he heard someone call to them from behind, turning to see someone had apparently followed them down here Xavier would look at the person with question in his eyes "Izzy, who's the chick?" then Xavier would remember that they left the entrance open and would smack Isais lightly on the shoulder "told you we should've shut the door, now we got bandits chasing after us trying to take our loot". Xavier would leave the person be for now for the warriors had to be dealt with first "but yeah like I was saying and stuff, Plan of action?".
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Kouri Ten'nou

Male Posts : 1688
Ryo : 109976

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyTue Jul 23, 2013 7:43 pm

Isais was observing the soldiers when he heard footsteps behind him he would then hear a voice asking to assist them. Isais would the turn back to see a green haired female in a kage gown. It seems as if he might be able to get out of this mess without using maximum effort after all but that was only just a possibility. Another possible outcome could be that this woman was the person who suonrf these soldiers and is an enemy, but if that was the case what was he asking to assist with. Either way Isais would be able to quickly find out. He would look at Xavier,

" I guess you were right about the door. Ah! But you're the guard so you should've had that." Isais would cross his arms while turning his head away from the stone soldiers and towards the green haired lady in the gown. She was obviously the Sakurakage since the gown is well known throughout Hyougagakure  due to the union of Tenzou and Suzumi during their service as kage.  Isais on the other hand would instinctively go back to the old playful ways which Xavier knows him to be and reply," man to tell the truth... I haven't a clue as to who she might be. But if she's a merchant." Isais would direct his words to her now as if he was being serious, "Sorry lady we don't want what you're selling. Jungle food gives us indigestion and the clothes are very itchy." Isais would grin at her and take notice of her headband. He would continue as if he didnt even notice the headband and as if he didnt know of her rank, " But you're really kind of pretty. I'll tell you what young lady; you've stumbled unto a very dangerous place. And it will take skilled ninja such as my friend and I to get out of this alive; maybe."

Isais is beginning to sound unsure; "um highly unlikely but there is a chance so unles you magically become a skilled ninja or something" Isais would pull out a rainbow kunai, look at Xavier and shrug with the Kunai in his hand then look back at Jojo."that's really the only way you can help but honestly that's not going to be the case you look kind of fragile." As he finished that sentence the stone soldiers charge them and begin to move swiftly in some kind of formation. These stone soldiers being somewhat heavy would trigger Isais attention the second they began to move.  One would appear towards Xavier's left side attempting his stone sword right through Xavier's hips. Isais would alert Xavier," To your left Xavier , Jump!" As he said this  one would come towards Isais's back while Isais's front which was facing Xavier's right side. The stone solder targeting Isais would go for a downward slash by bringing his sword up over his head. Isais has enough battle prowess to know that if he would move out the way it may lead to Xavier getting hit assuming that he listened to what Isais just told him to do. So as a response Isais would leap forward ,turn to his side ,chamber his left leg and perform a sliding side kick to the soldiers upper chest ad lower neck. With the sword over his head and the stone soldier having a forward momentum; the kick would cause the soldiers weight to shift and crash to the ground hard. This would cause the soldier to crack but not shatter. Isais would take note of that as he notice a stone soldier heading towards the green haired woman. He would notice from the corner of his eyes and smirk as he would charge after it.

" I'll protect you lady!" Isais would pick up speed to run along side it and once he gets ahead of it he would a scissor sweep it and cause it to fall forward on it's face. Isais would then mount it's back and shout at the lady,"hey lady ,run!"meanwhile there are still 15 soldiers unharmed one on of those confronting Xavier and two of the 17 are cracked. They are on the move and still attacking . Isais remains on alert.
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Jojo Kaguya
Jojo Kaguya
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Ryo : 493454

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyTue Jul 23, 2013 8:47 pm

Jojo was astounded at the way these two spoke, granted the first one saying something about being a looter was plausible but she had no clue of a valuable item in these parts so to her, it was improbable. Granted her eyes kept steady on them and the soldiers ahead as she made a quick analysis and seemed to think that they were the greater threat. However with the way these two seemed, it definitely meant they were not from the Jungle, which left only a few villages, and the facts that the second one, who seemed to be the leader of the endeavor, spoke of itchy clothes meant they weren’t from the storm or hurricane villages. Which left the moon or glacier in her analysis of these two, both of which were not enemies of her village though one was more of a married ally than the other village.

Jojo would sigh lightly, she knew her limits and she also know how strong the difference was from stone and iridium. The two earthen works were highly different while the known knowledge of her own skills was questioned by that individual, the leader. She would pop her neck, an old habit of hers when she was going to be bringing out her own skills. Her bones already formed in her body and densely became dangerous as she would look at how the questioner, Isais, fought and cracked two though not shattering them and the other guy, Xavier, would probably take the leader’s advice and dodge to fight that one. So the two may or may not be team work oriented but she would watch when the other fourteen others were still armed and coming towards them strategically. Though for Jojo she would merely look at the next one that came at her.

Jojo never did like being called an individual who was frail, and frankly it pissed her off as she would rush forwards, her body going low as the one that came running in towards her would meet a foot stamping into the stone warrior’s chest. She had ran and round house kicked the beings chest, the mere act sending the warrior flying into a nearby enemy as well. The impact of one cracking the first exponentially while the second was only minimally cracked, Jojo happened to smile at the sound of it while her eyes and body all kept to the defensive as her idea of fighting happened to believe Taijutsu itself may not be the best. Perhaps her clan skills may do the trick but she did not want to utilize those yet, her bones being harder than steel by more than two times was good enough for the moment.
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Ryo : 328713

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyWed Jul 24, 2013 3:19 am

So while the 3 of them were deciding who was who's enemy, the platoon of soldiers continued to advance and gain ground, however it seemed the trio hadn't noticed for the time being. Xavier heard Isais flip the door joke back at him by using his title as guard and Xavier would laugh "yeah you right, my bad". After addressing him they would both inspect this new person whom had entered their presence, Isais had come to the thought that she could possibly be a merchant and would call out to her causing Xavier to chuckle a bit "the clothes are quite itchy, should try a new material, maybe something soft? I'll leave that up to yall". Xavier would take not that this chick was wearing some kind of fancy robe she must've been either a rich girl, noble, or someone high up within the ranks of the Kusamagakure village, eh but looking at her one would wonder what she was doing down here " You think she may be lost or something?".

Xavier would let Isais do the talking as he would answer the girl's question about needing assistance and Xavier's attention would refocus on the soldiers as he spoke, they still seemed to be moving pretty freaking slow at this point, Xavier wondered why they didn't just go around these slow pokes seemed like a pretty flawless idea. At least it would've been had the statues not decided to get serious and charge the trio. Turning back to his friend he would look at Isais "Uh... Izzy" and as soon as he addressed his friend there was a soldier already upon him, heeding Isais' advice Xavier would leap into the air and avoid the soldier's strike. As he landed back on the ground he noticed Izzy had managed to take down one of the soldier's already, and was headed toward the second. Xavier would return his focus to the soldier that had attacked him "stupid piece of rock!" charging at the warrior he would dodge it's defensive strike and leap over its head, grabbing a hold of its' head he would use his moment to slam the rock on its back and crack the back of its' head "got 1!".

As he said this the remaining warriors would move into position, and Xavier thought it best not to get surrounded. Picking up the downed warriors katana, he would then regroup with his friend and the green haired lady "you see dat ish? took um down good, so what we do about the rest? mess um up all wild like, or you gots a plan?" Xavier had missed the green haired lady's show of when she managed to take down her attacker and was wondering why she was still down here. Xavier would test the weight of the katana in his hand and would wait for Isais' word before he went in slashing all willy nilly, had been awhile sense he got some crazy action like this.
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Kouri Ten'nou

Male Posts : 1688
Ryo : 109976

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyWed Jul 24, 2013 5:02 am

Isais still mounting the stone soldier would watch how the green haired woman would respond towards the other soldiers headed her way which he would not get to in time and find himself instantly impressed by her strength. ( how the heck? That would have hurt me and possibly have broken  my ankle). She must have some kind of super strength but the sound in which those kicks made when her foot made contact implies a bit more. Her bones were hard; maybe from years of taijutsu training. But they seemed as hard as steel; something Isais has never seen even from some of the best taijutsu specialists such as himself. As Isais analyzed her the stone soldier would attempt to lift itself off the ground with brute force. This would only succeed to break Isais's focus on Jojo as he would begin to stab it with his Kunai causing more cracks to appear on the soldiers face until it finally broke apart Isais would take notice of the sound that his Kunai would make against the stone soldiers and compare it to the strange sound of the green haired shinobis kicks. Once the soldier crack Isais would lunge and flip backwards over an incoming soldier and grab hold of the soldier's chin.

The soldier would fall backwards from Isais's back flip move as Isais would bring up his knee towards the back of the soldiers neck. The landing would cause the head of the soldier to fall off causing the rest if its body to break apart. Isais would then notice his miscalculation when he would try to stand back on his feet. He had hurt his knee and if he is to fight like that again this may become an injury. Isais would try and play if off by rolling close to Xavier and standing beside him back to back. " omg! I don't know if I can make it Xavier. But you have to promise me one thing if I don't make it" Isais would pause a bit and then grin at Jojo . " protect the princess! We don't want her to get hurt." It wouldn't take long before the three are surrounded by these stone soldiers. At this point there are about 11 or 10 of them remaining. And by there inching and detailed positioning they are starting a new formation and this one might be a little more serious. Isais notices  Xavier has a stone sword and Jojo has nothing at hand. He knows that Xavier is waiting for the command.

Isais is looking in knowing that they can not get passed without breaking off these soldiers first. "Hmm. They're quick for stone warriors but there weight and structure makes it difficult for us and very dangerous to take them on close up. They're about eleven left. " Isais was attempting to think of a plan but literally attacking them head on would be the only way right now ." We'll I only have one idea; anyone else with an idea?" The soldiers would charge once more but wrecklessly as if they are coming in for the kill. Isais would grin as they come closer, his heart would start beating faster as his adrenaline would start pumping. Causing his senses to go into a hyper mode. Much like an average human only Isais is still level headed with his thought process
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Jojo Kaguya
Jojo Kaguya
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Ryo : 493454

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyWed Jul 24, 2013 3:48 pm

Jojo had kicked the soldier so far that when she saw him trying to get up the stone warrior who was minimally standing back up had happened to crumbled the more heavily one. In her mind she would think upon it, “So they care not for the lives of their own kind, soldiers true and true then,” she would then smile as that only meant one less to deal with. Her body explosively attacking others with incredible kicks all used to propel more of these things further back, explosively cracking or causing craters with them flying into walls or others. It was something she was good at, all to make a point of not being frail. She frankly did not like these kinds of traps, and to be honest she could only see this as a ninjutsu of some design, one she could not utilize but also one that was further from what she was used to. Jojo popped her neck and then smiled as she looked at them.

With a simple smile she would then throw herself backwards, back flipping multiple times over and over till she was with the other two. Her eyes watching the remaining eleven as her eyes would look at them and then she would sigh, her hand tugging at the neck portion of her kage robe. “You two, I am going to perform something and I wish for you two to not watch, if you do it matters little to me but I personally wish for you two not to watch. I can take care of six of them in a single swipe, so do take care.” Granted this was a warning to keep them from staring at her body, granted there were the five others stone creatures as she would then remember what kind of jutsu this was. It was the stone golem jutsu, or one that was used to provide quite good defenses.

With a subtle attack in mind, she would utilize her jutsu to the finest quality, her body performing to the utmost degree of privileged attacking and defending as she had one dance perfect for this kind of attack. With her hand wrapping around the collar of her robe she would sigh as the things were charging. “Call out if you two cannot handle the other five. I will take care of them if you two cannot, but I pray that you did not drag yourselves here unprepared for this,” she would then throw the robe high into the air, her body’s chemical makeup speeding up as underneath was the other gown, a battle garb of shinobi. However the top would tear to shreds as her bones broke through, the Larch dance in full effect as she would rush the enemies and begin spinning at incredible speeds.

It was similar to the ‘fang over fang’ technique that the Inuzuka clan utilized, however with her bones being denser than steel itself, she would spin with rates that she would shattering the incoming sword strikes as well as clashing and slashing with the stone, tearing them to pieces bit by bit. The grace of such a dance was like a spinning top used for destruction and disorientation of those around her. The attack itself provided little for actual piercing past her own defense as she would move her body up and down, spinning on her hand or leg in different motions with kicks and bodily pushes to destroy the six she had said she would take down. By the time they were taken apart her body would stop spinning, her cloak falling directly upon and back over her body as well as her hat as she would retract her bones while such clothing fell back onto her form.

Jojo’s eyes looking to see how the other two faired while her defenses were well in a league high up. She would smile none the less as she was happy to not have gone so far as to endanger all of them. Her eyes looking and form there she would smile and then with a pop of her neck she would watch, her foot standing upon a head of the stones. She would aid if they needed it, but if they did not then she would merely stay on guard while watching them and the five remaining golems.

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptySat Jul 27, 2013 2:09 pm

So it seemed that after the 3 had dealt with their own personal battles that in the end they would end up surrounded by the remaining group of stone warriors that stood before them anyway, Xavier hiding his excitement with just a smile assessed the situation a bit. Xavier, at the moment, would stand with just Isais as they regrouped somewhat. Looking around a bit and noticing the already downed warriors he felt it would be a hassle but in the end they'd wreck this battle. While Xavier was thinking about he heard Isais speaking to him about his 'dying wish' and Xavier would roll his eyes as he let his friend finish he would stand erect, face him, and bring his hand up to his forehead "Sir yes sir, protect the princess I shall, she won't be getting hurt under my watch". Moments later the green haired 'princess' would now backflip to where Xavier and Isais stood, bringing the trio back together. "Princess are you well?" Xavier would continue with the joke that Izzy had thrown at his plate, hell it would ease the tension at the least.

Xavier would watch and listen as the 'princess' would begin to tug at her robe, and began speaking to the both of them at the same time. She claimed she could take out five of the warriors at once however she didn't want them to watch? Xavier knew an invitation like that would only drive not only Xavier to watch but Isais as well "Do our brains explode if we watch? Do we want our brains to explode Izzy?" as he continued to joke about her statement he spotted something in the air and realized it was the lady's robe, flung into the air, bringing his attention back to the lady herself Xavier would watch as bones literally ripped her clothes apart. In a situation like this Xavier wasn't sure what to do so he would refocus on the soldiers, whispering to Izzy "you realize she just like stripped in front of us right, technically speaking and all that oh and also, think the princess just ran off without her guard".

Xavier would remain at Izzy's side, experimentally swinging the stone sword around "we running out of room Izz, think it's time to take um straight on but if you get in a pinch feel free to ask me to blow stuff up" saying this he would smile at his friend before charging forward himself, flipping over the first warrior that attempt to swing at him. Landing behind that warrior he would stab it in the back of the head with the katana and push it all the way through until it poke out the front of its head, the weapon was stuck now so he would release it, push the warrior over and continue on his way. He hadn't felt the need to utilize any of his jutsu yet so he would draw his Katana instead and started brawling with 2 more of the warriors leaving Isais' to deal with those remaining "take me to the dragon man you fools!"
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Kouri Ten'nou

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptySat Jul 27, 2013 3:47 pm

Isais would try his best not to watch but the temptation was just too much for him. He would watch the impressive speed and technique of this so called princess. She was swift and calm it seemed as if she had to put little to no effort into destroying those soldiers. Her skilled display definitely was all it took to show up both Xavier and Isais. This brought a grin to Isais's face as he could now age the kage in her. Impressive indeed, but she only promised to destroy six of them meaning that there would still be five left. Xavier would quickly answer the call and take out three of them promising to help Isais if things got out of hand on his end. This left only two soldiers ready for combat. They would charge Isais at great speed and Isais would assume a steady L stance with a knife hand position up set up with his hands. Once the soldiers came close it seemed like things were about to go down. But the moment they got into range Isais would break his stance and gracefully roll in between the two and under both their swinging blades. The ninja roll was so smooth that he would find himself back onto his feet ready for a counter attack. Instead Isais had a better idea," Help Xavier , Help!" Isais would run all over the room with his hands in the air. " they're chasing me, they're chasing me!" He would  wait to see the green haired girls reaction along with Xavier's reaction.

But before anyone of them could react to his cry for help one of the soldiers would flank him and swing high while the other swung low. Usually a high low combination is extremely hard to dodge but Isais being skilled in multiple fighting situations knows that  what really makes this technique hard to dodge is its un predictability but Isais usually handles the high low by targeting one opponent. He would focus on the soldier up front swinging high and he would lung forward passed the soldier upfront at a low level. Because the two soldiers would have to meet at a point of intersection which would have been Isais they end up crashing against each other instead. The outcome being that the soldier aiming high would completely miss while the soldier from behind aiming low would end up smashing right through the front soldiers legs with his stone sword, causing the front soldier to land on the floor; grounded. The soldier that was aiming low would continue charging Isais after slashing through the other soldiers legs and Isais would continue running frantically. The soldier with his legs cut off would continue in pursuit of Isais but at a much slower pace because now it is reduced to crawling. After a few seconds of chasing Isais around he would stop abruptly and use his hands to push the soldier with legs on the heat with all his might, "go! Get outta here! Leave me alone!" Isais would sound like he is whining as the soldier he pushed would fall back first on top o the crawling soldier; crushing it to pieces and before the pushed soldier could get back up Isais would stab it about six times with the crawlers sword that it had dropped when it's legs got cut off .

That marked the end if those soldiers and after breaking the last soldier Isais would find a scroll within the ruble. He would pick it up and look back over his shoulder at both the green haired woman with the amazing bone ability and Xavier. Isais would now attempt to say something cool as if he had killed all the soldiers himself like a bad ass. But Isais has read books on fictional heroes before he knew what he should say would have to relate to the soldiers, " Why so stiff? I love it when a plan crumbles together". He would then give them the cool guy smile and show them the scroll that he just picked up. He would look at Xavier," Earlier you asked what are we doing here.... The answer is, I don't know either the map told us to come". He would then look at The green haired girl." My name is Isais and this is my friend Xavier. This journey might get alittle bumpy as you can tell; wanna assist us". Isais wouldn't even really wait for an answer before he began to walk off to the next location on the scroll. He would read the scroll as he moved towards a spot in the room ad pushed on a section on the wall which would cause the fourth wall of that room to crumble. Isais's was shocked by the detail of this chamber. He would look back at the two and gesture them to hurry up and come forward.

Once they would all go through they would here a deep and menacing voice telling a story in gibberish and suddenly the room transformed into a village in which many has never seen before. In this village there where many mountains, birds, the air was fresh, ad children ran and play. The skin tone of the civilians where of all ethnicity and they were all marry.

Isais would be frozen as he would look around only finding comfort in the fact that Xavier and the green haired woman was going through it too.  Suddenly the voice would return but this time in a language in which they all understand. " Long ago, there was peace and the peace had soften the heart  of  many future warriors and shinobi alike. Time passed and war was knocking on the doors of many. Young children were now forced to be gladiators and shinobi to protect the rich and the weak at heart. This tradition of creating child soldiers would continue from village to village. The world needed a hero" The room begins to display what the man was talking about but everything seemed to focus on one child in particular who walked around with a headband over his eyes. The three would get to experience glimpse of this kids highlight moments and strangely Isais would only notice that the kids complexion would get darker and darker as he went from pale to brown skin. He wouldn't notice the little girl that looked like Jojo nor would he notice the boy that was capable of growing scales. He would notice that the kid was a leader and doing things far beyond his years. The voice continued, "  One boy stood out. Having chakras , skill and intellect way beyond his years. He was a kid prodigy and soon became the hero and the spirit of a nation. Having led many triumphant charges and covert missions at a young age of 15. He became what we will know throughout history as, Kage". Isais couldn't help but feel like this story was very familiar but just as he was beginning to enjoy the cinema the place would go black and then torch lights would illuminate the room bringing it back to what it was when they first stepped in.

Isais would think ( were we under a genjutsu?) suddenly the voice comes back but not as menacing but as the voice of one of the heros former comrade, Genesis Garashi, " Ascend Above The Ashes" and as he said this squares on the walls would roll up and out of them would come out the heads if dragon statues. The mouths of these statues would open and there misuka the flame dragon would come out. There were four of these dragons made of katon chakra and there would come out of seals that were located on the dragons mouths like portals. They had teeth that they could use to grab hold and tear flesh and there entire structure could scorch their victims to oblivion.  They would move about the room attempting to burn the three. Isais would be alarmed and attempt to warn the others as if they could not see for themselves what was happening , " Guys! Fire dragons! Watch out try can burn you!"
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Jojo Kaguya
Jojo Kaguya
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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 8:25 pm

Protect the princess, such a thing was never needed as she had dispatched the six opponent soldiers with such ease. Her eyes watching these two afterwards as she had found these two did fighting styles very differently, however the lesser of the two said something about a dragon man, “Perhaps something to do with the statue I saw up front,” her mind would think about. She had happened to watch the main boy, Isais, completely fumble up an effort to attack and defend while just running about. It seemed such a trivial thing like that had occurred to be much more than what he seemed. “Perhaps he is worthy of being a shinobi instead of a plain treasure hunter. Such reflexes and playing it off… There is no other reason except that he is a shinobi.” Her mind continued to look about and as she thought on it she would keep it in her head. A steady glance of it would move through her mind as she would see the entire room was now filled with the crumbled stone, her eyes looking at them and analyzing as she figured they truly were stone golems utilized by a jutsu.

The kunoichi’s process of mentality though was not natural as she would lick her lips and crumble one of the stone pebbles in her hand. Whoever utilized them had to have two times as much chakra as a Jounin at best, an ancient of ancients if all these creations came from one being. An average only utilizes enough to produce six at max… Interesting. All this ran through her mind as she would follow them and once the boy, Isais, said what their names were she would nod her head and respond in kind. “Pleasure to meet you, I am Sakurakage Jojo,” She would reply in response with adding her own title to her name, keeping the bone clan in her head as she did not actually state her extinct clan’s existence after the show. Jojo had watched with some efficiency as her eyes would see and be surprised just by how the wall crumbled by a set of organized sequences. Her mind steadily keeping to itself while she would then pop her neck again and move with them, thankfully she was still clothed once her robe had fallen back over her. Moving in and around with her eyes looking she would then feel something, the darkness surrounded them and it was as if memories were flooding in.

It felt like fresh air, the breeze was very cool, a complete opposite of the village of the jungle while she would see so much occurring with an utter disbelief. "Long ago, there was peace and the peace had soften the heart  of  many future warriors and shinobi alike. Time passed and war was knocking on the doors of many. Young children were now forced to be gladiators and shinobi to protect the rich and the weak at heart. This tradition of creating child soldiers would continue from village to village. The world needed a hero." There was a voice, and it was completely difficult for her to understand just what was this voice conveying. Her eyes looked around and she would realize just what this village was, it was the same village she retrieved her ring from, her eyes looking upon it as she would look about once more around this place. Her eyes watched a second child in the midst of this boy’s story. As his body changed she noticed in the background a follower, a girl who seemed to be there at all times.

“She looks like me? Why is that, who is she?” Jojo’s mind would wonder as she would look upon that in her eyes and sentimentality. It was curious as to how this played into the effects of who this person was. Jojo would rub her ring, the same exact ring that this girl possessed as she would wonder just what was happening and just what was going on. Was this some sick sense of resurrection or something like that? "One boy stood out. Having chakras, skill and intellect way beyond his years. He was a kid prodigy and soon became the hero and the spirit of a nation. Having led many triumphant charges and covert missions at a young age of 15. He became what we will know throughout history as, Kage." Her mind would look upon that boy once again, then her eyes went back to the girl in the background, she was staring right back at Jojo, the same eyes she has had all her life. The tattoo on her forehead was the same, and then the fade out occurred and this room lit back up as she would be curious as to what that was.

Jojo would almost feel like trembling and falling apart from seeing that though her outer features revealed nothing of the sort, she had no idea just what was going on in this factor of living and livelihood. Then the technique, a technique was seemed to think was oddly too familiar as her eyes would widen and instantly she would move her eyes to trace all four, the four dragons as she would move her body in a dodge to the right, dodging out of the way as the dragons filled the air as she felt her robe getting hotter from the heat of the fire. Her hat caught fire and she instantly threw it to the side, letting it burn on its own as she would have her long green hair and golden eyes shining as she looked about this place. “Déjà vu,” she would say to herself, loud enough for the other two to hear while at the same instance she would keep it all in mind. Her body and instincts filling her and fueling her choices and decisions in this audible and continuous battle within what could be a fight for their lives, but all this time her mind was going back to that young girl who looked like her.
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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyFri Aug 02, 2013 6:26 pm

Taking out the last of his quarry, Xavier would hear the sound of his friend crying for help which came as a bit of a surprise. Turning around Xavier would spot Isais running around, screaming like a crazy person and Xavier wasn't sure if he was doing his old song and dance of joking around or if he was serious. Xavier would sigh as he would prepare to go help his friend, although he was quite sure the mischief maker didn't really neeed it at this point, nevertheless he would aid. Xavier was ready to go and was about to head over to assist his friend however before he could the soldiers would converge on his position, attempting a high-low combination attack.

Watching the scene unfold was quite the sight, as Isais had managed not only to dodge the attacks but also managed to get the soldier to hurt his own partner instead of cleaving through their desired target, that being Isais. Now with one half a soldier and one soldier still standing Izzy continued to run around like a crazy person with the soldier still in hot pursuit not even caring that he just cleaved in ally in 2, then again they were just stone warriors one could wonder if they even had emotions within them, Xavier would watch as his friend turned the tide and would knock the warrior over not only destroying the crawler but then proceeded to repeatedly stabbed the now downed soldier, Izzy would be victorious this battle. Walking up to his friend he would punch him in the arm lightly "that wasn't funny fool, thought you was in trouble or something" even though Xavier was saying this a smile was ever so present on his face.

Xavier would laugh as he listened to Izzy's terrible attempt to make it seem like he had planned the entire thing sense he had arrived which definitely was not the case. Xavier would accept the response that Isais would give toward the question he had asked way before this mess even started "The map eh? I think the map be trying to kill us or something then" following after his friend they would proceed into the next chamber "so Izz, when you think the dragon man is finally going to swoop down and gnaw all our faces off?" Xavier's attempt to lighten the mood seemed to have worked for him at least as he would smile as they entered the next part of their journey. So she was the sakurakage eh? Xavier and Isais' joke about calling her a princess wasn't really that far off with her holding that title, nudging Izzy in the arm he would smile at him hoping he would get what he was trying to convey without using words -you tryin' to tap that?-.

Entering another chamber, a low toned voice could be heard but the words couldn't really be made out despite that however the entire chamber itself would change form revealing what seemed to be a village... a village in the mountains, where the people were so kind, where the children played without fear, where the birds chirped their happy tones with glee could I place like this exist in our world?

As the trio looked on in awe of the magnificence that was this village, the voice would return its words now distinguishable compared to when the last time it spoke but Xavier couldn't be sure if the voice was directing what it saying at them or not. " Long ago, there was peace and the peace had soften the heart of many future warriors and shinobi alike. Time passed and war was knocking on the doors of many. Young children were now forced to be gladiators and shinobi to protect the rich and the weak at heart. This tradition of creating child soldiers would continue from village to village. The world needed a hero" Xavier couldn't move at this point, whether it was the voice restraining him or his mind telling him no, he would watch as the image of the village shifted revealing 1 boy whom's adventures would be displayed here. One thing caught Xavier's attention... the one with the scales his mind would burn again, as it desperately searched and searched his brain, looking and looking only to come up with nothing, as the piece of memory it wanted to find just couldn't be located, Xavier would fall to one knee as he held his head, trying to recompose himself.

The scene would fade and they were back into the chamber they had entered, though they never really left in the first place. Now though the trio had another situation on their hands, dragons, Xavier wasn't really in a position to make a joke about the dragon man at this point as he was still trying to compose himself. The dragons would attack without hesitation leaving Xavier in a difficult situation, finally managing to focus just a bit, he would dive out of the way of an oncoming attack he could hear Isais behind them spouting something about how they could burn us (well no shit my friend). Xavier would rise shakily but he was up none the less, he would watch the dragons while he attempted to find a way to put an end to this "anyone got any ideas?".
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Kouri Ten'nou

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyFri Aug 23, 2013 4:29 pm

As the flames roar the red dragons are formed. These dragons would come from the mouth of dragon head statues that where planted on the walls. The whole area would instantly be covered by the heat of these Dragons made of Katon chakra. Isais would analyze these dragons but his analysis would be futile due to not having previous  experience with this jutsu. One thing would obviously be clear, these three should really start moving away from these dragons. Isais out of curiosity would ask, " does anyone here have any suiton element jutsu?" Hopefully someone would and save them the trouble of possibly getting burned or having to drain their energy avoiding the flames until they could think up an alternative. The flame dragons came at the three and Isais would shout as he noticed that through the weird formations that these dragons were taking before that now they were finally attacking. "Guys, move, now!" Isais would shout and begin to roll on the ground and leap out of the way. Isais would think to himself, what is the point of these dragons, is there a safe word or are they just really meant to be destroyed. Whoever had this book really wanted to make sure that no one could ever get to it, but still there needs to be a way out of this. Isais would dodge these  incoming attacks with pure reaction while attempting  to  come up with a battle plan.  But since he wasn't paying full attention he wouldn't notice one of the dragons change in direction until the very last moment , in which he would attempt to dodge but still make light contact with the dragon causing the skin on Isais's left ankle, receiving minor burns. The painful burning sensation triggered Isais's adrenaline and as things seemed slower for him he would remember how the green haired woman was capable of creating large bones from her body that was capable of destroying stone. Isais now has an idea, " Hey Jojo, I need you to create more bones and toss them to me. I think i have enough aim to nail each dragon head from the top and cause them to shatter. We need to hurry or we may not make it out of here in one piece."

These dragon had successfully caused the three of them to be about 20 feet apart, assuming that the other two were wise enough to move out of the way. There are four of these dragons coming out of four statues. These dragons are large so they are very difficult to avoid. One there foreheads there is a black number that seems inked on. These numbers are 3, 18,19,and 92. They attack in formations at each person much like with Isais. The only way to leave unharmed is to take notice of the formations and dodge correctly. These dragons are 7 meters wide and 15 meters long. Dragon number 3 attacks from the left side always, number 18 and 19 have two different directions in which they can attack. They both can attack high or low depending on the symbols that appear on their heads if its a negative sign(-) then that dragon will attack low, if positive(+) then that dragon will attack high. If any one of the dragons have an equal sign(=) this would mean that they are attacking at the same time as their opposite and the hash-tag sign(#) would mean all four are boxing a person in. Number 92 always attacks from the left side. These dragons would attack Jojo first going +19, 92, 3 in that order and then attack Xavier -18, 3, +19 in that order. Regardless of how they would maneuver this Xavier would be assaulted again , = 3, 92, +18 and Jojo as well with, 92, = +19, -18. Isais would wait for Jojo's assistance while being aware of what is happening around him.
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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptyThu Oct 03, 2013 10:45 pm

(OOC: If you two would like, you may continue this topic without her. Just say something about her running off. Be creative.)
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Kouri Ten'nou

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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptySun Oct 13, 2013 8:58 pm

This is a quick synapses of what was suppose to happen.

Isais, Xavier, and Jojo go through this Maze in search of the secrets of Aeneas but runs into tons more traps. Each trap giving the essence of a student that Aeneas once had and entrusted lives to. By towards the end of the maze jojo, is left behind to fight off an army of the undead in which she kills the majority of them using her bone forests. Xavier and Isais abandons her but promises to go back for her but never do as the then end up having to defeat a giant stone dragon together. After defeating the dragon a clue to where the book is leads them to finding the book in the very same room that they slayed the dragon in. After finding the book a path is opened for the two like a light at the end of the tunnel. they follow this path which leads to a dead end, They find out that this light that was shining bright in the darkness was now covered up by something that seems like a glass tile.  they break these glass tiles open to find themselves surfacing into someone's bed room. This bedroom was decorated in books and images. This bed room belong to Rumi who was confused by the sight of intruders in his room.  They break the silent stare down with strange humor  and leave straight way back towards hyougagakure. as they walk out the gates of kusamuragakure they can see from a distance the shadow of jojo kaguya standing on a tall tower facing their direction.

The End.

I need the approvals of Eden, Xavier, and Rumi
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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptySun Oct 13, 2013 9:08 pm

The Grand Masta Pimp Approves dis message.
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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptySun Oct 13, 2013 9:12 pm

*Approved by the best person ever*
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PostSubject: Re: Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas   Dragon Tales and The Secret of Aeneas EmptySun Oct 13, 2013 10:55 pm

I approve of this summary.
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