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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Solomon Endoresu

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Posts : 13
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Solomon Endoresu Empty
PostSubject: Solomon Endoresu   Solomon Endoresu EmptyTue Jun 07, 2011 2:08 pm

Solomon Endoresu Anime-guys-anime-guys-5756788-351-500

Tell me something about yourself.
Ninja Application


First Name: Solomon
Last Name: Endoresu
Alias: Darkest Knight/Whitest Knight
Solomon Black
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birthday: June 7th
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: Sakigake - Nephew
Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: Chunnin
Element: Fuuton, Raiton, Suiton
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Genjutsu/Doujutsu

Personal v2

Personality: Solomon was initially a very fun loving boy who enjoyed paying games and having friends. Until many different events caused him to grow distant and emotionless. He now only acts on logic and never bases his actions on emotion. When he does grow attatched to someone, he is protective and loyal. His word is his life, if he makes a promise he will 99% of the time not break it and iwll only break it in the 1% if he must.

He is very much inlove with his wife and hopes to be a great father to his daughter when he can. He fears his inversed self with end up harming them, so to protect his family he left the village in search of a way to lock it away. It is a hrd quest but his love for his family keeps going. Solomon is a complete and utter genius.

James is cocky, takes nothing serious other than fighting. Loves women, hitting on women, sleeping with women and chasing after women. Also loves to drink and smoke. He despises tight asses though. Despises weaklings, yet loves them. Completely ruled by impulse, but a master tactician in battle. James also has Solomons genius, but uses it less and relies more on brute force.

He also cares for his family, as they are his flesh and blood. Yet he treats them no different than anyone else, and would kill them if they ever crossed him. He knows of and understands Solomons need to lock him away and is willing to live his life even more to the fullest until then.

Likes: Solomon: Debating, Math, his daughter, his nephew and his brother. He loves his family dearly, and also his clan and village. He loves animals and those that value life.

James: James likes fighting, he likes killing, he likes drinking, gambling having sex and anything sinful. He enjoys living life to the fullest.

Dislikes: Solomon: He dislikes violence overall but especially dislikes violence without purpose. He does not believe in doing sinful things, even though he does not believe in god. He also very much dislikes his inversed self, since it is the embodyment of everything he hates. To hide the fact that he is related to his clan, and therefore save them from people who would like to take revenge on him and James, he uses the alias of Solomon Black.

James: James dislikes goody two shoes, and up tight people. Solomon's Ideals he is very much against and thinks Solomon should live like him.

Motivation: His lifes goal is locking away his inversed self, so he can return to his family safely.

Fears: Dying before he gets a chance to see his family again.

Clan Information

Clan name Endoresu

Bloodline Name: Mugen no hanashi

Bloodline Ability: The ability of this bloodline is very odd. It is directly linked to the grimoires that each clan member has. Each grimoire was made the moment the member it was destined for was born. It has an odd connection to the chakra, and inner wishes of the person whom it was made for. The grimoire unlocks the potential that each person has locked within them, allowing them to accomplish great feats.

The grimoires also gives the reader the ability to change, at will, to their inversed selves. Basically they become their opposite, their inner self, what they wished they were more like, taken to an extreme. It turns the user into anything they are not normally. It gives the user a 25% increase in both speed and strength.

Location: Kusamursgskure

Clan History: The Endoresu clan was founded nearly two hundred years ago, by a man named Thellian Endoresu. He was the man who created the first grimoires, his, his wife's,and their newborn daughters. This began the strange connection the clan has had with the grimoires, the strange powers it has given them as a result. Thellian first noticed his powers three days after he made his grimoire. He noticed it never seemed to run out of pages, and keep everything he ever wrote in it. He also felt it store his chakra in it, releasing something inside him.

That was when he first changed into his inversed self, an odd feeling he had, his body shifting to look completely different from his normal self, hair colour, height, muscle mass, width, weight, all changed. His wife would not have recognized him, if not for the fact that she had witnessed his transformation. Athena, their daughter began to be able to access the grimoires power at the age of one. When Thellian and his wife had a son, they seemed compelled to create him a grimoire.

By this time the grimoires had bonded to the clan, and would cause every new generation to need one, or else they would not be able to live. The grimoires changed the mentality of the new clan, placing the thought, that they needed to continue to create the grimoires for their children, becoming nearly symbiotic in their relationship. The grimoires could not be used by any other than the one who they were made for, and would appear completely blank to any outside the clan, a fact that the clan is still to this day unaware of. Four generations ago the clan discovered other uses of the grimoires, other than the ability to change into their inverse selves. The grimoires actually could use the readers chakra, and given mental commands could create maps, radar scans of the area, weapons from it's pages, and various other jutsu utilizing the grimoire.

In the next generation rose a great user of this ability, the man was known to all as “Death's Librarian.” A title he himself would never have chosen, and he never heard it, as he was given it after his death in a pitched battle, where he defended against twenty men, just to save a small girl from rape and death. Althayus was a great man, a great warrior, a great scholar. He had perfected every jutsu of the clan, even making new discoveries of the grimoirs. He was said to have been perfectly in tune with his grimoire, able to make it do whatever he wanted, without any difficulty.

Now the clan is quite prosperous, quite welcome in the ninja world, able to preform a wide variety of tasks; assassination, scouting, bodyguards, decoys, etc. They are well respected in their village, and are highly valued in any type of fight, due to their versatility. Most members of the clan now live very comfortable lives, their positions all but secured due to their link with the grimoires.


History: Solomon was born into an important family, his brother though much older than he was, was a important teacher at the academy. His brother's wife was soon going to be the assistant to the Kage. Both of his parents were old, but well respected in the village and had much influence in politics. The moment he gained his grimoire, he was told his job was to keep the generation of his family alive. From that moment on family became the most important thing to him.

When Solomon was five, his brother had a son, named Sakigake. Solomon was so pleased he would have someone to play with, but Saki was young and Solomon had duties. When Saki was old enough to play, he was anti-social and Solomon was completely obsessed with his studies. He was easily top of his class in the academy, and went above and beyond the call of duty. He met people, made friends, but was never that close with anyone. His only true friend was his grimoire, which he wrote everything in. Everything he knew.

During his time at the academy, Solomon never fought, he learned how and studied it, but never did it himself. At least, until he got bullied at school, then he would involentarily inverse. That was when James made a name for himself. James was violent and often stood up for Solomon when he did not want to be stood up for. On more than one seperate occasion, his brother would have had to intervene and stop James from doing to much wrong.

Solomon graduated top of his class and proceeded to join a squad and do missions, but he was partially against getting to high in a rank, because at the age of fifteen he met the perfect woman. Her name was Silvia Cinder. She wooed him so fast he did not know what happened. They have been inseperable since. He could not go past genin for fear of getting to risky a life and having to part from his woman. At eighteen, he was engaged. Sivlia, who was seventeen at the time, had a very protective older brother who did not approve and wanted Solomon dead, so one night him and a gang of thugs jumped him.

Solomon easily avoided all of them, but would not fight back. That was, until one of the thugs somehow stabbed Solomon in the side. Solomon fell to his knee's but was changing. James wanted out, he wanted to fight and Solomon wanted to get away. He gave in and inversed. His hair switched to a stark white and he grew three inches, standing at a massive six six. His muscles bulged and his electric blue eye's with flaming with blissful fury. He reached into his his pocket and went for his grimoire as two thugs attacked him. He absently punched one so hard he broke his face, and then pun around and with a chilling laugh removed the shank from his side and stabbed the thug in the forehead with it. He turned around and smiled as he removed his grimoire.

That was the last thing Silvia's brother saw. When Solomon told her what happened he tried to skip town, but she told him to stay. Unable to say no to the beauty that was his fiance he did. He was forgiven and though James had killed hundreds of people, this one has always bothered Solomon.

Then he got married at the age of twenty one. He brother was his best man, and his radiant wife was blooming with a baby in her, due in nine months, unknown to Solomon. So when it came time that he noticed he was blissful. When his daughter was born, he cried with happiness. His daughter, Celine, was his joy in life. She had his eye's.

However, he left his village two months after he birth. He could not let his daughter grow up around someone like James. He left his family and his village looking for a solution for his inversed self. Trying to find a way to lock James away, so he could return to his family. So he could one day see his daughter again, and so far, she has lived for just over a year without her father.

RP Sample:
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Akatsuka Kenshi
Akatsuka Kenshi
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Solomon Endoresu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solomon Endoresu   Solomon Endoresu EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 10:16 pm

Approved as a Kusamura genin -- no ranks higher than Genin in anywhere except Hyouga.

Welcome to the Jungle.
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Solomon Endoresu

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