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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
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 Urufu Tatsumaki

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Tatsumaki Urufu
Tatsumaki Urufu
Male Posts : 82
Ryo : 3250

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Urufu Tatsumaki Left_bar_bleue100/100Urufu Tatsumaki Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Urufu Tatsumaki Empty
PostSubject: Urufu Tatsumaki   Urufu Tatsumaki EmptyMon Jul 25, 2011 11:47 pm


Tell me something about yourself.
Ninja Application


First Name: Urufu
Last Name: Tatsumaki
Alias: Kuro-fu
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170 lbs
Birthday: April 7
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: None
Affiliation: Shippuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Wind (Water, Lightning)
Specialization: Ninjutsu (Taijutsu, Kenjutsu)

Personal v2

  • The most dominant trait that appears in Urufu is his brutal demeanor towards other people. He doesn’t see himself included as “Human” anymore, due to the patheticness he includes with all other people.This means that whenever Urufu is in a fight, or even if he is just passing them on the street, Urufu will show no mercy, unless it means that he gets to toy with them and destroy them more at a later time. Incredibly sadistic, he gains a demonic joy in hurting others.

  • Trained since he was young to be a weapon, Urufu is instantly combat-ready at all times. Because of this, he is always on the lookout for a fight, mainly to prove himself worthy of being a ninja of Shippuugakure, but to also prove to others that he is on a higher state of existence than them.

  • Because his mind has been trained to be as sharp as his blade, Urufu is incredibly decisive. He does not think about his actions too extensively, because he feels that if he does, he will just talk himself out of everything. Deciding on a course of action with a maximum of 10 seconds, Urufu will never be the one in a crowd going “Hmm… do I want a cheeseburger?”

  • Never one quick to anger, Urufu is a very calm guy. This is not because he’s happy. Mainly, the reason for Urufu’s calmness is that he doesn’t believe other people are worth him getting angry over. No matter what someone insults him with, he will always shrug it off as if a mosquito was biting him. Although he will not get angry, Urufu will use his analytical personality to figure out what’s wrong with them physically, mentally, or spiritually, and insult them until they slit their wrists using sly and subtle hints at the size of their manhood, and it’s insufficient length/girth.

  • Fighting: Above all else, Urufu enjoys fighting because it gives him a rush. The adrenaline he feels when he performs his acrobatic and spiritual stunts is something that no drug can emulate for this kid. When he is fighting, Urufu is literally the most happiest he ever can be. Nothing will stop Urufu from fighting.

  • Proving himself superior: As far as Urufu is concerned, he is superior to most, if not all, others. This does not mean he is stronger or smarter than them, he just feels that he is higher on an evolutionary scale. Every time Urufu can prove this in some way, it boosts his ego by a staggering amount. Because of his attitude towards being better, Urufu will usually loophole something to prove himself like this, unless he actually has proved it.

  • Learning new techniques: One of the ways that Urufu proves himself superior is by learning a new technique or skill. This addition to his repetoir of jutsu increases his versatility and adds a certain air of cockiness to his demeanor. By learning a new technique, Urufu feels he is closer to true godhood.

  • Training: This sort of training refers to a more physical exercise rather than learning a new technique or skill. By physically training himself and pushing him past his physical limits, Urufu can almost reach the same combat high he gets when he's fighting. Also; by achieving new heights in physical strenght, stamina, and endurance, Urufu feels he is closer to true superiority.

  • Swimming: Finally, a break from all the action. Urufu loves swimming. He feels it's a great way to stay in shape, or just relax. Because he has been swimming from such a young age and in awful weather most of the time, Urufu can survive in waters of almost any state, including powerful storms. He will also never have motion or sea sickness because of this.

  • Doing nothing: Urufu hates doing nothing. He does not see the beauty in still-life, nor does he imagine he ever will. Because of this, you will never find this man sitting still. If you do, someone of very high class is probably judging him. Or he's complaining. A lot.

  • Talking to someone for no reason: If he isn't going to get a fight, a skill, or proof of his own celestial-ness out of it, he doesn't care what you have to say. He doesn't care if your mom died last night and you need help bringing the body to the ditch grave. You're useless to him, and he has no interest in talking to you for no reason.

  • People of high stature insulting him: There is nothing worse to a god than being insulted by someone whom he actually views as a superior. If someone of a higher status than him (this does not mean chunnin, but rather, a kage or an elder) insults him, he will get incredibly mopy and do everything in his power to earn their respect.

  • Being told he isn’t good enough for a mission: Similar to the above, if Urufu is told he can't do a mission because he isn't high enough rank, he'll go in a rage. This rage will never be around people, because if he thought people knew he had lost his cool and been angered by something, they wouldn't view him as the god he views himself.

  • Being kept out of an important fight because he needs to stay safe, or some stupid excuse like that: When someone tells him a stupid excuse instead of he isn't good enough for a mission or a fight, Urufu will detest with his full passion. Instead of listening, he will disobey every order (no matter who gave it) and prove himself to be good enough for that fight. If he's told he needs to stay safe, he'll do something cheeky like pop a vitamin, say he's now save from disease, and move on, claiming he followed the orders.

Motivation: Urufu wishes to prove himself to the Umikage at all costs, and hopefully one day surprass him.

Fears: Urufu fears dying above all else. This isn't because he's scared of death in any way. The only reason Urufu wishes to not die is because he feels that if he does die, it's going to be before his goals are reached. Above all else, Urufu will not stand having his goals left unnattained.

Clan Information

Clan name

Bloodline Name:

Bloodline Ability:


Clan History:


History: Birth-Childhood Arc:0-5

The wind blew harshly, beating against the poorly-built wooden shack. The state the “house” was in was not due to the workman’s ability to create, but rather the materials available under such sad income. In fact, because of the poor supplies, some could say that the living abode was built masterfully. Nevertheless, it was still going to get destroyed in the rain and wind. The poor would was soaked indefinitely, and the innumerous cracks and holes allowed for the rain to pour from the ceiling onto the floor unprecedented. It was only a matter of time before the walls flew off and were cast into the breeze like the leaves that surrounded them.

But this wasn’t happening yet. That storm in question was on Urufu‘s ninth birthday. On the day that Urufu Tatsumaki was born, it was high noon, and the sun was shining without fault. Not a single cloud was in the sky, which was rather odd considering that Shippuugakure, the village hidden in the hurricane, was known exactly for that. Clouds and mist. Nevertheless, Urufu Tatsumaki was born as a healthy baby boy to a loving mother. His father was nowhere to be seen at the time, but he was there. He simply had work to do, orders issued directly by the Umikage. Urufu wasn’t born into royalty, per se, but his father was very well respected. The day Urufu was brought home from the hospital was the last day his neighbours say they saw his mother smile.

Raised by his mother and father, Urufu grew to be a healthy kid, wrestling with the other children and getting into his fair of skirmishes. And of course, he always had two loving parents to go home to. At least, he was until one day, for some odd reason, his father snapped. Although Urufu watched, his eyes were too innocent to truly see what was happening. Blocking it out, Urufu’s mind was blanked over by the human ability to cancel events out if it deems the mind too fragile to be able to handle it. Even though Urufu couldn’t remember it, his mother’s murder still happened. Stab after stab after stab. As the lengthy knife continuously plunged with a sickening squelch into the cold and limp flesh of the already dead woman that was once Urufu’s other, blood splattered the wall.

Criminal Arc:5-9

Snatching away his child and disappearing, the man known as Kuro Tatsumaki and his son weren’t heard from again. Or at least, not until that boy was 9 years old. However, a lot was done during those 4 years. Kuro did not torture his son. The man did not beat him, or abuse him in any way. Kuro adored his child, treating him better than anyone he had ever known (especially his wife). Instead of doing anything mean or hurtful to the child, Kuro taught him. He instructed him in the ways of the world. He could hunt and survive on his own, and even fight when the going got tough. His fighting wasn’t against other people, though. When it came down to it, the kid fought forest creatures, for that’s where they lived. Unfortunately, it was the year that Urufu turned nine when his entire life changed.

His father ordered him to do something that he would have never expected him to do. Of course, he did it. He would never disobey his father. Taking the sword that his father had given him, Urufu was ordered to slay every child he saw Why? To prove to the world that even if they abolished what they thought was evil from their view, it still lurked in the darkness. 4 years of living without a conscious was enough for Urufu to accept this task without a heavy heart. Accepting the sword as a symbol of his severance towards other people, Urufu certainly “severed” other people from his life.

But of course, he was caught. As a freshly-turned-nine year old boy with very little ninja training (but high enough survival training to stalk and kill the graduating class of that year), Urufu was taken to court immediately for his crimes. The people didn’t know what to do. A nine year old boy had just slaughtered sixteen students, all in the timeframe of four hours. Sadly enough, his chakra reserves seemed relatively normal. He wasn’t even considered a shinobi by the court. He was human through and through. It was for that reason that he was deemed eligible to be the new weapon of Shippuugakure.

Academy/Genin Arc:9-11
And so Urufu was trained. Not in an academy, of course. They couldn’t trust the kid to hold his bloodlust off long enough to actually train, instead of just slaughtering all whom came near him. Receiving a personal tutor, Urufu was taught the basics of ninjutsu. Because he was an eager child to prove his strength, Urufu learned the basics rather quickly, passing the equivalent of shinobi academy in a short six months. Immediately afterwards, he was appointed as a Genin and began receiving missions. He took these missions upon himself with an insane thirst, doing as many as he could whenever he could. It was also during this time that he, in the middle of a non-combat mission, came face-to-face with someone from his past that he almost completely forgot about.

Kuro-fu Arc:11-12

While traveling through the forest, he came upon an old shack. It was his shack. He grew up there. As the memories came flooding back to him, he stopped his mission for a brief moment to take a peak inside. What he saw shocked and amazed him. Inside was an old man that brought tears to his eyes. It was none other than his father. ”Dad? It’s me.. Urufu.” Reintroducing himself to the bitter man, his father nodded. He knew who it was. Telling the boy to meet him in the night after he was finished his missions, Urufu left to complete them.

Returning to his father that same night, Urufu was taught a very important jutsu that would eventually earn him the nickname of “Black Wind”. This jutsu would be the basis for many jutsu to come. At any rate, he continued to secretly meet with his father, learning more about the world. For every night he showed up, he left with a more corrupt mind regarding the government and those in power. Eventually, his secret midnight meetings (not that it mattered as to the time, as daylight had been abolished when he was younger) were found out.

Upon having a meeting with a superior, Urufu was taught the true truth. The death of his mother, which he had internally suppressed for a very long time, was revealed to be because of his father. His own old man had slaughtered the giver of life with his own hands. This knowledge broke Urufu. He loved his father dearly. He couldn’t believe it.. Yet he somehow knew it was true. Nevertheless, he still refused to give up his father’s where-abouts. He would get revenge on his own.

That night, without so much as three words, Urufu had his father up against the wall, strangling him with one hand. His father nodded. He knew Urufu had found out. Despite being senile and a sociopath, Kuro Tatsumaki was a very brilliant man. After all, he had evaded the police for years. Dropping the man to the ground, Urufu took two steps back, and used the jutsu that Kuro had taught him to kill him. Kuro-Fu: The Black Wind. *This was the night mentioned on the first paragraph of the history*

Genin Squad Arc:12-14

Despite the fact that Urufu now despised his father, he had to admit that the techniques he had taught him were useful. By practicing with them, Urufu was capable of increasing his own power, becoming a well-known ninja with a high specialty in ninjutsu. Because of this, he was regarded as a “genius” in the village, but Urufu didn’t feel it. He couldn’t be a genius. Everything he knew was taught to him by someone else of higher stature, or his criminally insane father.

Nevertheless, he continued to serve the village. As a weapon of Shippuugakure, he still devoured missions and helped relieve the stress on other people. It was no longer for their sake, however. Instead, he was simply doing it to pass the time.

The first day after passing the jounin exams, Urufu was given a genin squad to work with. Of course, they didn’t respect him. He wasn’t much older than them, so they deemed him as a mistake. To prove his worth, Urufu took them on a mission he shouldn’t have. On this mission, he proved himself to them by brutally slaughtering his opponents, showing no mercy or regret. After this, they started treating him with the respect he felt he deserved. This also gave way to a flood of conceited personality traits. If he was this awesome at 14-15 years old, perhaps that meant he was on a higher state of existence?

Goal Arc:14-17

As he grew older, he began to take notice of the Umikage. He hadn’t really noticed before, but this man was insanely powerful. Determined to become as strong as this man, Urufu took it upon himself to surpass this man to prove that he was better than everyone else. Telling his team to only call on him when it was time for a team mission, Urufu instead devoted his time to training new jutsu and doing high-class missions to build up his experience levels. He was going to need it if he had any hopes of becoming stronger than a Kage.

RP Sample: This is an excerpt taken from a Bleach site I am currently on.

“Time and Space bark to the Moon. Hear the sky's scream, and transcend the bridge of mortality." A shinigami’s smooth voice penetrated the night, joined soon thereafter by the sound of ripping as a hole in the space-time continuum was opened. Enveloping himself in the spell, that lieutenant stepped forward. He entered the void in reality, leaving behind a bare cabin, single hammock fluttering in the breeze from the open window, and a single picture of himself graduating the Academy, hanging from the wall in a hand-carved frame. The absolute darkness that existed within this gap surrounded Anima Mortis, Lieutenant of Squad Two.

A sheer lack of light canceled his vision and left him one hundred percent blind. Perceived secondly was the sudden coldness. Because there was no sun, there was no heat. Because it was a doorway between the two dimensions, wind still traveled through the openings fluidly, providing a nice taste of the cold from the atmosphere. Because he was coming from a heated cabin and immediately noticed the difference, he found it chilly. Suddenly, red lines surrounded him in varying levels of luminous intensity, shooting off into the horizon in front of him. If he would have bothered to turn around, Anima would have seen the same lines extending behind him.

The lines suddenly broke and began floating; free of friction, they floated off, dispersing and fading in the blackness. Nevertheless, new streams of light spawned, giving Anima enough light to see. Taking careful steps forward, he carved a pathway through the blackness that was his special kido variant of Garganta with his perfectly toned and battle ready body. Step after step, he delved farther, by bare foot, through the ethereal hallway from Soul Society into Hueco Mundo, the land of Hollow and Hollow-kind, including the Arrancar and terrible scourge that was the Espada.

As he walked, he contemplated the actions he was about to take. Of course, Anima had no idea what a Vaizard was, or even if the existence of such a thing was truth or fabricated. The only thing on the young(-ish) man’s mind was evolution. Of course, that was the only thing ever that drifted on Anima’s mind. His constant need to grow stronger and escape from the ties that bound him to his limits gnawed on the inside of his skull like a daemon trapped inside the bone.

So what made him think he could grow stronger by going to Hueco Mundo? Several points. The first was that he had gotten as strong as he could in soul society. The fact that he gained a skill in Hueco Mundo just to survive (the garganta he was currently walking in) proved that there was untapped potential in different areas than Soul Society. Secondly, the existence of Arrancar proved that evolution passed base-lines was possible. From the reports and personal encounters, Anima has determined that if a Hollow can gain, mix, and stabilize shinigami energy through a process similar to reverse evolution, then there should be a possibility that a shinigami can gain hollow-esque powers through something similar.

Of course, in order to do that he would need a subject to perform tests on. That thought brought Anima back to reality. As his eyes snapped to focus, he realized that he was at the second doorway and had reached the end of line, so to speak. Taking a deep breath of the air that greeted him, Anima blinked away dust particles from his blue eyes as they caressed his face, riding the wind like birds on the tail draft of an airplane.

Exiting his garganta, the pathway between worlds closed behind him, and Anima was left alone the desert. Well, not completely alone. Surrounding him on all sides were the Masked creatures of terror that spread like a plague anywhere they went. Eying the shinigami, the hollow roared at Anima in both rage and happiness. On one hand, the beasts were angry at the shinigami to even enter their domain -their sacred place of refuge-, and wanted him to die. On the other hand, they were happy that they had something so delicious to kill and devour. Either way, Anima knew this would get messy. Drawing his zanpakuto slowly, Anima cracked his neck and winked at a rather ugly hollow.


The last of the eighteen hollows faded away into the sand as black dust, sinking deep into the perforated surface, never to be seen again. Wiping the edge of his zanpakuto on his thumb, he cleared away a line of blood before resheathing it in the scabbard that hung at his waist. Flicking the blood into the air, it too disappeared like the myriad of hollow before it. Staring at the empty desert before him, the white sand and black sky had a weird effect on the man. The mixture of white and black was in such complete balance that it almost represented a Tao. It was oddly calming.

Unfortunately, none of the hollow he had just slain would be able to help him achieve his goal. If he could kill them without even unleashing his shikai, they wouldn’t hold enough power to even survive his experiments, let alone benefit him from them. What he needed was a hollow of at least mid-adjuchas to Vasto Lorde level, or an Arrancar. The broken mask would help simply because he could run tests on the hybridization that already festered within the creature. Encountering both would be a Godsend for the shinigami.

Beginning his trek, Anima didn’t attempt to hide his reiatsu signature in the least. If a powerful hollow sensed him, they would come running like a dog for a bone. Of course, Anima made no effort to exert his spiritual pressure. If he did, then he would attract possibly too many hollow to handle, or even the powerful Espada, and that would be trouble. Nevertheless, Anima walked through the sand, past countless dunes and hills in search of …himself. He was looking for the next step.

Source: Kaguya Apocalypse

Last edited by Urufu on Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:58 am; edited 2 times in total
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Male Posts : 5756
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Urufu Tatsumaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Urufu Tatsumaki   Urufu Tatsumaki EmptyTue Jul 26, 2011 12:15 am

All apps start at genin, so Jounin is denied. Your application is off centered near the bottom. Likes and dislikes need to be in paragraph form. Take care of that and bump.
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Tatsumaki Urufu
Tatsumaki Urufu
Male Posts : 82
Ryo : 3250

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Urufu Tatsumaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Urufu Tatsumaki   Urufu Tatsumaki EmptyTue Jul 26, 2011 12:50 am

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Male Posts : 5756
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Urufu Tatsumaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Urufu Tatsumaki   Urufu Tatsumaki EmptyTue Jul 26, 2011 12:55 am

Your entire goal arc is in bold. Make that final fix along with removing the extra bold bracket at the start of your RP sample and bump.
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Tatsumaki Urufu
Tatsumaki Urufu
Male Posts : 82
Ryo : 3250

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Urufu Tatsumaki Left_bar_bleue100/100Urufu Tatsumaki Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Urufu Tatsumaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Urufu Tatsumaki   Urufu Tatsumaki EmptyTue Jul 26, 2011 12:58 am

Bump. Please note that I do all forms of dialogue in bold.
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Male Posts : 5756
Ryo : 12100

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Urufu Tatsumaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Urufu Tatsumaki   Urufu Tatsumaki EmptyTue Jul 26, 2011 1:09 am

That isn't an issue lol. To each their own style.

Urufu Tatsumaki L
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