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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Zephyr Edrick

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Zephyr Edrick
Zephyr Edrick
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PostSubject: Zephyr Edrick   Zephyr Edrick EmptySat Aug 13, 2011 8:31 pm

Zephyr Edrick 1430-1775055800

Tell me something about yourself.
Ninja Application


First Name: Zephyr
Last Name: Edrick
Alias: Storming Winds
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5’9
Weight: 150lbs
Birthday: June 24th
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: None
Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Fuuton, Raiton, Suiton
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu

Personal v2

Personality: Zephyr possesses a powerful personality. When he is with friends and allies, he is an energetic person who likes to have fun. But that doesn’t mean he can be serious. When a friend is in trouble, or when he is in a life or death situation, Zephyr can separate himself from his emotions to keep his friends from harm.

Likes: Zephyr enjoys many things, however his favorite of all things is the rain storms that frequent his home town of Boufuugakure. Those are his favorite because the feel of droplets of water falling onto him from above.

Dislikes: While in contrast to his great enjoyment of rain. Zephyr greatly dislikes spending long periods of time out in the torrid sun. This is because he is more intune with the storms due to his bloodline abilities and his Suiton affinity.

Motivation: Zephyr has a strong pride in his friends and village. He would protect them with his life from any threat he can. Zephyr also quests to find his heritage, seeing as he was raised by a couple who wasn’t his parents.

Fears: Zephyr’s biggest fears are losing his friends, his village and his loved ones. But just because those are his biggest fears, that doesn’t mean they’re his only fears. Another fear of Zephyr’s is Xerophobia, the fear of dryness, another reason that Zephyr dislikes the torrid sun.

Clan Information

Eagle Clan

Bloodline Name: Eagle Eye, Eagle Eye Compass

Bloodline Ability: The Eagle Eye has the ability to target and lock onto a single opponent once blood is drawn from that opponent during battle. The vision of the Eagle Eye is similar to an Eagle itself. (Think of how far an Eagle can see.) Once locked on, the target and his/ her moves can be sensed ALMOST instantly. This eye is perfect for a one on one fight, and is perfect when it comes to fighting against an opponent possessing a Sharingan.

The Eagle Eye Compass is more advanced than the Eagle Eye. The Eagle Eye Compass, when activated, can sense anyone just by using the winds around them. Anytime someone moves within a 1/2 mile radius and disrupts the natural air flow, the Eye picks it up(This is mainly while tracking). During battle it senses anything within a 20 ft. Span. This is due to the constant change in direction, which affects the Compass' range drastically. The compass within the eye acts just as so, able to send the signal to the brain of the user to which direction the natural wind flow was broken or changed. If the user manages to stay perfectly still, the range can open back up to the 1/2 mile radius. Great for battling both one on one and multiple opponents, this doujutsu is legendary in books, but almost forgotten by many, since it hasnt been seen in quite sometime.

Location: The only mountain in the region surrounding Shippuugakure.

Clan History: The Eagle Clan is a mostly forgotten clan of Shippugakure, but was the clan that actually founded the village in creation. Once called the Guardian's of the Sky, the Eagle Clan was said to live on the only mountain in the region, living peacefully for many years. Though they created the village, they werent actually a part of its population, due to their love of high altitude and desire to be the defenders of the village's peace. The Eagle clan's Founder, Myria Edrick was responsible for this, her ideals of making a vast village to accomodate the vast number of people on the island to live in peace with one another, was the revolutionary that began what is known as the Village Hidden in the Hurricane.

The clan eventually became a big target, their legend sought after by many outsiders from neighboring nations. An unexpected betrayal within the clan, led to their demise, thanks to an attack by ninja corps from an unknown nation at the time. With limited survivors and a fear for staying in the homeland, many of the scarce surviviors fled to other countries, leaving the once proud clan in dwindled numbers.


History: Birth arc:

Zephyr was born to Ferio and Presea of the Edrick clan. He had a normal birth, and nothing truly exciting happened in his time in Boufuugakures hospital. He left two weeks old, and went home with his parents, his whole future ahead of him. His parents decided to name him Zephyr, for on the day of his birth a powerful wind had nearly taken the hospital down with it's power. Zephyr never learns of this fact, nor do his parents think it important to tell him.

Childhhod arc:

As a young child Zephyr liked to make many friends, He was almost always outside playing games with all his classmates and neighbours. He enjoyed meeting new friends, and so rarely was alone. But this came with a downside, he succumbed easily to peer pressure. He was dared to go out in the woods near Boufuugakure, and stay there for three days. He accepted, and ran off into the woods without thinking, without bringing any type of supplies with him.

Once out in the woods he got helplessly lost, and stumbled blindly through the dark forest, as night began to descend. He spent the first night high in a tree, avoiding all the nigh time predators that were about. On the second day Zephyr managed to get himself even more lost, and worse yet, he had twisted his ankle getting out of the tree, and could hardly walk straight. He shuffled through the forest, trying to find water, food or a way back out.

He managed to find some edible nuts, and so managed to get himself some food, but he could not find a single source of water anywhere. After the fourth day stuck in the woods he came across another boy out there, one just sitting in a tree, enjoying the afternoon. Zephyr by this point was suffering from moderate dehydration, and needed some medical care, his ankle becoming worse and worse. Luckily for Zephyr the boy, Andeddo Tokko, knew the woods like the back of his hand and managed to get him back to the hospital in time to save him. Since that day the two were good friends.

Academy arc:

Zephyr' time in the academy was productive, as he learned many skills that he would need to become a great shinobi. While at the same time hi parent had decided to try to teach him about their clan, and it's strange powers. He didn't learn too much, and was not able to activate his eye. But in the academy he did excellent, excelling through everything, though he did have a friend who had already graduated to help him. Zephyr passed the final exams on his first go.

Genin arc: Zephyr has gone on several missions as a genin, and lived life hanging with his friends, avoiding dry areas, his fear born of his near death experience. He and Andeddo have remained friends, though Zephyr does not yet know one thing about him, he changed his name. The two friends have not seen each other in a while.

RP Sample:
Seiryoku Gessekai wrote:
Seiryoku was lost in the forest around Kusamuragakure. He was lost in the forest because he was asked to head to Sabakugakure by the Umikage, Dominic Edrick. He was lost because his guide at night while he travels, the stars, were hidden by the clouds. As he was wandering in the labyrinth of trees and vines, a family of rabid boars appeared, each more than large enough to kill a man twice Seiryoku's strength in a single charge. Seiryoku thinks to himself I think that if I could kill some of these boars, I can bring them back to make the Umikage some bacon. Seiryoku draws his sword and begins charge chakra into the blade. The bulls react to the sight of the sword and charge at Seiryoku. He jumps up and uses the head of one of the bulls to spring board a leap into a tree as he continues charging chakra. The chakra in the sword builds to the right amount. He spins the sword over his head like the rotors of a helicopter. Eight comets fly out of his sword made of his own chakra. "Suuuuuuuuiiii.... Sei..." He says, holding out the first syllable as he spins the blade, the blade stops spinning and he brings it to his side as he says the second syllable. "Arashi!" he shouts as he leaps up and swings the sword forward vertically, arcing the blade in the direction of the boars. The comets arc towards the boars, who in fear of Seiryoku's chakra, are huddling together to protect themself, the biggest mistake in surviving the Suisei Arashi. AS the comets get to the boars, they begin orbiting the boars, much like being guided by a tornado. The comets hit the boars and explode causing massive lacerations and shrapnel damage to the heads of the boars, killing them all. Seiryoku bends over by the largest of the boars, the probable mother of the other 7. "This Boar would make great bacon for the Umikage." he said as he picked up the largest of boars to bring back to Shippuugakure. As he began to walk away, the clouds opened up revealing his guiding light back to Shippugakure, the stars and moon.
Best Gift Ever


Source: Alt of Seiryoku Gessekai and Nobile Farcleno

Face Claim: Ferio – Magical Knight Rayearth

Zephyr Edrick Accept10

Last edited by Zephyr Edrick on Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Zephyr Edrick
Zephyr Edrick
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Zephyr Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr Edrick   Zephyr Edrick EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:28 pm

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Hakumei Shinkirou
Hakumei Shinkirou
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Zephyr Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr Edrick   Zephyr Edrick EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:39 pm

Include this at the end:
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Zephyr Edrick
Zephyr Edrick
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Zephyr Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr Edrick   Zephyr Edrick EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:49 pm

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Hakumei Shinkirou
Hakumei Shinkirou
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Zephyr Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr Edrick   Zephyr Edrick EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 10:44 pm

Zephyr Edrick IzJeMt
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