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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Yoko Sukurimo

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Female Posts : 104
Ryo : 6750

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PostSubject: Yoko Sukurimo    Yoko Sukurimo  EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 3:11 am

Yoko Sukurimo  Yoko%20Gurren%20Lagann%20ecchi%20hentai%20picture%2006

Yoko Sukurimo  Whoare14

First Name: Yoko
Last Name: Sukurimo
Alias: Yoyo
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145lbs
Birthday: June 21
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationships: Miadareru (brother)
Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Suiton, Fuuton, Raiton
Specialization: Chuijutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu

Yoko Sukurimo  Tellme11

Personality: Yoko is a very hyper and happy girl. She's a risk taker, and she isn't afraid to do much. She isn't afraid to kick someone's ass if it needs to be kicked. She enjoys making new friends, and having lots of them. She is the social butterfly in a room; people are drawn to her. She is a flirt, and usually doesn't know it, but others notice.

Likes: She likes having lots of friends, fun, and sweets. Yoko likes working out so that her body is the way that it is. She likes being open and not hiding anything. She likes compliments on her body, but not to the creepy/perverted extent. She loves playing the flute for fun and to improve her fighting style.

Dislikes: Yoko hates being alone, she can't stand not being with people. She doesn't like it when people hide in their shells and mask themselves over. She dislikes people who tell secrets, because everyone should know or only yourself should know, not just a select few. She also hates being ill because she likes running around and having fun.

Motivation: Yoko is motivated to improve her fighting style, as well as to be the best female around. She is motivated to earn her respect, for the clan doesn't honour women as much as men. She is also motivated to defeat the man who destroyed her town because she's never been able to see her true heritage.

Fears: She fears being mocked, or disregarded because she is a female. She fears everyone hating her because she never wants to be alone, she has never had the feeling of being alone because Middy's always there. She also fears dying to the hands of the man who destroyed Kazane. She has a secret fear of many older people with green hair, because that's all she knows of the man who destroyed Kazane

Yoko Sukurimo  Blood10


Bloodline Name: Ongaku keiosu

Bloodline Ability: Chuijutsu: Note Technique. Chuijutsu is using music as a weapon for combat, supplementary, passive, or defensive abilities/skills. The clans' chakra is constantly leaking into their notes played with any sort of musical instrument, or anything that gives off something that could be considered a musical tone, thus giving it strange properties controlled by the user. The music, being almost magical, is impossible to ignore. Even the deaf are effected, unless they can not hear due to not having the receptors in the brain working. If someone can not hear due to being unable to register the sound waves than they can still be effected by the magical music of the Sukurimo.

Thereby, techniques that prevent sound from accessing the ears are bypassed by the chakra laced notes. Obviously, many sorts of musical mediums, styles, sorts, etc are the center for all clan jutsu. Also, any born into this clan are extremely talented with one given instrument, though they must discover it for themselves.

Location: Clan was born in Kazangakure, but scattered shortly before it's destruction. Most of them now reside within Boufuugakure.

Clan History: The Sukurimo started as a small group of traveling musicians, who were all well regarded in their field of occupation. Which of course was assassination. They were not merely musicians, they were a highly trained group of shinobi from all over the world, brought together by their mutual love of music. They slowly began to form couples, making their group grow, as children were born into the newly formed “family”. Most members were not related by blood to each other, but had such a strong bond, that they considered themselves to be a family.

Somehow, by miracle of genetic mutation, most of the second generation had a literal connection via chakra to their music. Most children noticed it at around the age of eight, when they played and odd things happened. By the time the second generation was around the age of 18 it was common to the clan that they could control things with music, or make odd events happen. Still, some of the things the children could do were uncanny.

As the new clan progressed along into the third generation others began to notice their odd abilities, and their love of music. They became known more as a family of bards then a shinobi clan, and were disregarded by most other large clans, thinking that the Sukurimo were weak, defenseless. So they were never attacked, as no other clan saw any advantage of attacking the musicians. This allowed the Sukurimo to become larger, ascertaining themselves as one of the more respected clans, never getting involved in any disputes between other families, never starting fight, always being relatively peaceful, only a few disputes within the clan.

Some members of the clan had plans for war, as they had become sick of being ignored by the other large families, sick of being seen as not a threat, tired of being underestimated. Many members of th clan felt this way, especially the youths, who were always picked on for being, “Tree hugging hippies”. So finally one day, the clan struck out. The clan brought together it's greatest fighters, it's greatest shinobi, and they lead an assault on rival family, wiping them out entirely, making their power and influence grow. The clan settled into a comfortable position, one of high power, rivaled by none.

The clan grew complacent, they did not expect any attack, knowing that fear would hold back any clan foolish enough to try to attack them. What they had not conidered, was the attack of one Dominic Edrick, The Umikage. The members of the clan barely had time to escape, before their homes were destroyed, by this one man.

The clan members now roam, restless, without a home, and seeking vengeance, though not against Dominic Edrick, but the Kage who could not defend them. Few in the clan realize that the Kage is in fact already dead, killed in the attack on the village. Now the remnants of the clan, scattered, broken, live their lives in obscurity, never making much of themselves. Though for how long, who can say. The future is a difficult thing to predict.

Yoko Sukurimo  Histor11

History: As a young girl, Yoko was carefree and always happy. She would do what she wanted, whenever she wanted. She would spend lots of time with her twin brother, Middy, who was more of a pessimist. They had a bond, not only because they were twins, but because they were raised to love and care for eachother. They grew up taking care of eachother. Yoko was the younger of the two by mere minutes. Middy used to tease her about that, but they've gotten over that. Now they are best of friends, and she confides in him, because he tells nothing personal to anyone.

She spent lots of time with all the boys in her clan. She was called the flirt of the area, even though she didn't really flirt. Her parents always focused on her twin brother more than her. So she decided to turn to boys and rebel more instead of telling them that she really just desired for attention. Because she was a rebel from 13 until 16, Yoko had become quite promiscuous. She would only spend time doing things a young teen shouldn't do. Her parents became furious with her behaviours and tried to restrain her from doing the things she did. She felt betrayed by her parents, and wanted to run away, but didn't. She didn't want to abandon her brother. She would just go to her room, and be alone; her self image deteriorated. She became hooked on what all the boys said about her body and personlity, since she didn't believe in herself.

She spent most of her time listening to stories about her clan. Her parents once told her that their real hometown was destroyed. She became furious and wanted to avenge the downfall of her true hometown. Her parents never told her who destroyed it, for they only knew a description of the man. They only knew that the man had bright green hair. They didn't tell her where he lived in fear of her trying to avenge her clan and village. Yoko was a girl who would kick someone's ass if need be, so they didn't tell her because she would probably be killed for trying to kill the man.

Musical History: As a young girl, because of her family technique, Yoko was drawn to music. She loved playing music, especially the violin. She always experimented with different tunes, and some didn't always agree with her. The tunes would give her headaches everytime she played her violin. She asked her parents for help, trying to understand what was wrong with her. Her family asumed that Yoko's instrument wasn't the violin, but something else. From the age of 7 onward, Yoko was trying to play instrument after instrument, trying to find hers.

One day after her 8th birthday, she found her deceased grandfather's flute. She found that she had a connection to it, and she was drawn to it. She began to play it and she realised she no longer felt headaches. Yoko ran to her house and showed her family. They were all excited and determined that the flute was Yoko's instrument to play. She practiced for many years, making sure to not mess up her techniques.

RP Sample: Kyra was at home relaxing on her bed. She was listening to the sound of the wind blowing her wind chimes. She spent a lot of time in her room, gazing at the mainly empty walls. Suddenly, Kyra got an idea, she wanted to paint murals all over her bedroom. She thought back to the recent incident with a dragon. Her notepad was beside her bed, on the nightstand. She grabbed it and a pencil and began to draw out the mural. The more she drew, the better it became.

After a few hours, one wall was going to be a cliff overlooking an ocean. On the ledge, a woman and her dragon were standing, letting the wind flow through them. In the sky, birds and other dragons flew. The water was going to be crashing against the ledge, and it would have white caps.

Following the flow of the water, you would see a beach. It had nothing on it but shells and animals. It led to the grasslands. The grasslands had many trees and flowers and creatures. There were going to be a few trails leading to unknown places. A final trail would lead to the ledge where the girl and her dragon were.

By the time she had finished drawing, Kyra began to get hungry. She knew it wouldn't be long before Deddo began to complain. So she left her sketchbook on her pillows, alongside her teddy bear. She exited her room and closed the door even though she knew Deddo would never dare go into her room. She walked down the open hallway and down the stairs. Kyra turned to the left to get into the kitchen and began searching the cupboards and the fridge. She luckily found enough food to make a quick stir fry.

As she was chopping the onions, she began to tear up. "I hate chopping onions. Hate it." she said, wiping away her tears with her arm. After a while, she stopped chopping the onions and put a pot of water on the stove to boil, and then she began chopping onions again. Once she finally finished that horrible task, she dumped them into a hot pan lightly greased in butter and oil. As the onions became translucent, Kyra began chopping the bell peppers. She put them aside in a bowl and began to clean and cut up the chicken into bite sized pieces. She then placed them in the pan with the now translucent onions. As the chicken cooked, Kyra grabbed a bag full of freezer veggies and let them slightly thaw before cooking them. Once the chicken had finished cooking, she added the frozen veggies and the bell peppers. Meanwhile, she added the linguine style noodles to the now boiling water and let them cook for a while. She strained the pasta and put it in the pan with the rest of the stir fry. After it had cooked for a while, she turned off the heat and poured one quarter of a cup of soya sauce onto the whole dish. She grabbed a bowl for herself and began eating. Kyra remembered that Deddo was home and yelled, "HEY DEDDO! DINNER'S READY!!"

Yoko Sukurimo  Extra10

Source: Alt of Kyra

Face Claim: Yoko Littner- Gurren Lagenn

Yoko Sukurimo  Accept10

Last edited by Yoko on Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Yoko Sukurimo  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yoko Sukurimo    Yoko Sukurimo  EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 4:19 pm

Completion bump :)
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Kouri Ten'nou

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Yoko Sukurimo  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yoko Sukurimo    Yoko Sukurimo  EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 4:30 pm

Character approved.

Can't use anything clan related until your clan is approved.
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Yoko Sukurimo  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yoko Sukurimo    Yoko Sukurimo  EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 4:31 pm

Gotcha. Thanks :D
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