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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Ichiyusai, Matsu

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Matsu Ichiyusai
Matsu Ichiyusai
Posts : 4
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Ichiyusai, Matsu Empty
PostSubject: Ichiyusai, Matsu   Ichiyusai, Matsu EmptySat Jun 15, 2013 1:53 pm

Ichiyusai, Matsu Tumblr_mjrv6c2y9y1rcqu9ao1_1280

Ichiyusai, Matsu Whoare14

First Name: Matsu
Last Name: Ichiyusai
Alias: --

Gender: female
Age: 13 years
Height: 4’10” / 147 cm
Weight: 85 lbs / 38 kg
Birthday: unknown; celebrated on April 3rd, her day of rescue
Sexuality: that’s a good question, probably homosexual
Relationships: --

Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: genin
Element: water, lightning, wind
Specialization: sensory jutsu, taijutsu, bukijutsu (kyuujutsu)

Ichiyusai, Matsu Tellme11


Matsu is a fairly interesting person. She’s your typical thirteen-year-old... sort of.

Her social skills could use some work. She’s surprisingly shy and polite if she doesn’t know you and there isn’t an impulse she feels the unbridled need to follow. That being said, she has near-zero impulse control and is extremely short-sighted when it comes to goals. She doesn’t have too many impulses, unless it comes to food, fleeing, or anything she’s curious about, which is a lot. She’s pretty observant. Despite all her impulse control issues regarding curiousity, it rarely gets her into trouble as she has some of the most severe trust issues ever seen. Strangers? Haha, not on your life! People she kinda knows? Don’t ask so many questions? Friends? Don’t do anything sketchy. Family? Don’t do anything you don’t normally do. She’s fairly greedy, not the type to just be altruistic out of the blue.

Like most children who have gone through abuse, Matsu is hypersexual if she finds someone she likes. Well, as hypersexual as a thirteen-year-old with trust issues can be. She’s super flirty with them, all eye lashes and blushing cheeks. Heck, if you catch her at the right time, she might even try to hold their hands or give them flowers.

If you can get her to warm up to you, Matsu is quite theatrical. She’s a good actress, reenacting scenes from plays to make others laugh. She’s also good at juggling. While she doesn’t own her own bow and arrow for the moment, she’s still pretty good at using any she comes across.

Matsu, like anyone who has lived the kind of life she has, has some disorders. She has PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). It’s triggered by swords and black masks with white markings only thanks to her excellent recovery. However, if she’s put into a situation that she has to deal with those things, she’ll eventually become physically sick and throw up before passing out. She also has temporary IED, intermittent explosive disorder. Hers is caused by her poor blood sugar levels, which have mostly recovered due to her time eating properly under the care of her new family, the Ichiyusai. However, if her blood sugar goes out of whack from her eating improperly, she’ll not only get tremors from hunger pains, but will also become violent randomly. The other side-effects of the disorder--poor decision making and planning skills--have subsided for the most part, though it’s hard to tell due to her age making her less than wise.


Matsu is very childish when it comes to her likes. She adores milk and honey, and any products that come from them. She didn’t have a lot of sweets when she was younger, and, boy, is she making up for it! Matsu, having been rescued by a squad of ninja from Kusamuragakure, adores all ninja, those from her home village in particular. It borders on hero worship. She also likes foxes and foo dogs; foxes because they were among the first animals she saw in Kusamuragakure and foo dogs because they just look cool. She likes stand-up comedy, star gazing, and action comics as well (particularly that silly one about the blonde with all the weird friends and the angst).


Matsu dislikes beef and red meat as it was all she had to eat at one point. Matsu dislikes anyone not from the Cherry Blossom country; her sense of loyalty is a little skewed and she is extremely xenophobic in that manner. She dislikes bear and big cats; she’s seen more of those than she ever wants to see again. She dislikes celery and cabbage. She dislikes long anything: hair, clothes, weapons, stories, whatever. It’s weird.


Matsu’s greatest desire is to become a strong kunoichi that is looked up to by children and will become a pride of her village. She also wishes to figure out exactly which squad of ninja rescued her and killed the rogues so that she can properly thank them. She also wishes to learn where her mother went off to.


Matsu is a creature who was shaped in her childhood more by fear than by nurture. As such, she fears being left alone with male strangers, swords of any kind, people with particular kinds of masks, being left alone in wastelands, and starvation. Oddly, she is not afraid of the dark--rather, she finds a particular kind of comfort in it, feeling as if she can’t be seen.

Ichiyusai, Matsu Blood10

Bloodline Name: --
Bloodline Ability: --
Location: --
Clan History: --

Ichiyusai, Matsu Histor11

The Matus’ original family lived on the outskirts of the Cherry Blossom country. In hindsight, it wasn’t surprising what happened to them, all together. Borders are dangerous places to be, after all.

Matsu was a year old when her mother left her and her father. Matsu vaguely remembers her father crying and her own questioning of where her mother went. For a while, she thought her mother died, but now, she’s not so sure. After a while, the two got over and went on living simple lives in the country. They lived off the land, farming and hunting. Matsu got her first bow and arrow at three years old; it couldn’t do much damage, but it made her stronger. Life was going swell, until the rogues came through.

They were raiders and bandits, a horrible band of men. They killed Matsu’s father. She’s blocked the memory out of mental self defense, but if she tried, she could still see it. A man on a horse, a deadly blow, and screaming; screams of pain, terror, and a few of pleasure. She was kidnapped, naturally, because there are people who will pay highly for a little girl.

But, she was never sold. For three years, she experienced unspeakable atrocities at the hands of the rogues. Starvation, abuse, confusion--by age eight, she was little more than a skeleton with sad, dry eyes. She had no hope nor real fears. She simply was and was little at that. The only thing that kept her going was the bow and arrow they gave her; it certainly couldn’t kill a man, as she learned--she still bears scars from that lesson--but it kept her out of their face for food and was a reminder of the man whose face she couldn’t even remember, her father.

Rescue came, then, on the cusp of her final dispair. Apparently the rogues raided the wrong person, as a squad of ninja was sent out to eradicate them. Matsu was almost killed as well, but the squad realized she was entirely too young and malnourished to have been involved in any of the acts committed by the band of rogues. There were no towns nearby and Matsu was too out of it at the time to even know her own name. So, they took her to the village. She looked small enough to be just the age to begin at the academy, anyway.

After a few months of intensive therapy, Matsu had a new identity. She had a new family and was starting at school, even if she was a few years behind. Though she did worse in school than most, she wasn’t dead last in her class by far. Matsu was happy, successful, and putting on weight.

Which leads us to her life now.

RP Sample: (from a different rp with a different character)


Ichiyusai, Matsu Extra10

Source: came from Mysste’s forum when ya’ll affiliated or whatever

Face Claim: Choi Mochimazzi from Tamako Market

Ichiyusai, Matsu Accept10
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Male Posts : 235
Ryo : 102726

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Ichiyusai, Matsu Left_bar_bleue500/500Ichiyusai, Matsu Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

Ichiyusai, Matsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichiyusai, Matsu   Ichiyusai, Matsu EmptySun Jun 16, 2013 2:33 pm

Please include an appearance image above your application.

Usernames must match character names. Would ya prefer Matsu or Matsu Ichiyusai?
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Matsu Ichiyusai
Matsu Ichiyusai
Posts : 4
Ryo : 0

Ichiyusai, Matsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichiyusai, Matsu   Ichiyusai, Matsu EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 4:43 am

There is an appearance image...? I'm not sure if it's showing up on your computer, but it's clearly coded into my application and show up perfectly on my computer.

Full name, please and thank you.
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Male Posts : 235
Ryo : 102726

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Ichiyusai, Matsu Left_bar_bleue500/500Ichiyusai, Matsu Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

Ichiyusai, Matsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichiyusai, Matsu   Ichiyusai, Matsu EmptyTue Jun 18, 2013 6:11 pm

Have fun, this application is approved.
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Ichiyusai, Matsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichiyusai, Matsu   Ichiyusai, Matsu EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:11 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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Ryo : 1597319

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Ichiyusai, Matsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichiyusai, Matsu   Ichiyusai, Matsu EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:11 am

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