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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Ichikari Myuru

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Male Posts : 27
Ryo : 1350

Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 4:39 am

Ichikari Myuru Tsuna-katekyo-hitman-reborn-18606371-788-1000

Ichikari Myuru Whoare14

First Name: Ichikari
Last Name: Myuru
Alias: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 159 lbs
Birthday: October 14th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Affiliation: Sabakugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Katon, Secondary: Doton, Tertiary: Fuuton
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Secondary: Taijutsu, Tertiary: Genjutsu

Ichikari Myuru Tellme11

Personality: Ichikari has a calm demeanor about him. Able to take things in stride, he may not always react in the best possible way, but he does at least try and make sure things don't go too wrong. While usually silent around others, in front of friends, he becomes more humorous and amiable. When around those he considers his best friends, that calm front is removed, replaced by someone who is friendly, open and at times a bit funny.


Ichikari enjoys, above all other things, being with his friends and comrades. He'll usually be seen wandering the streets in the afternoon, watching laughing children, as they remind him of when his parents were alive. His favorite foods are ramen and ice cream. Other than that, he can usually be found either training or sleeping.


Ichikari despises large crowds of people or individuals who happen to be very boisterous. As an unspoken self-imposed law, he tends to avoid Lightning-Style users, as it was reportedly a Lightning-Style user who killed his parents, planting a deep distrust in all ninja who use that element deep within him.


While they never once asked him to follow in their footsteps, Ichikari seeks to prove himself to his deceased parents. He also seeks to hunt down and kill the ninja that were responsible for killing his parents. Aside from this, he also wants to have the strength to protect all those he cares for. In a matter of importance, he places his want to protect his friends ahead of all else.


Failing his comrades and his friends. He does not want any one else he cares about to die, and will put his life on the line in the defense of those that he cares for. He also fears that he won't be able to live up to his parents' names.

Ichikari Myuru Blood10

Place clan name here

Bloodline Name: N/A

Bloodline Ability: N/A

Location: N/A

Clan History: N/A

Ichikari Myuru Histor11


Ichikari's parents were both ninja. Having fallen in love after serving in the same squad for many years as Genin, they ended up marrying at a rather young age, with both around the age of eighteen. It wouldn't be another nine years, though, before his mother could bear a child; and she bore Ichikari.

His parents were kind, caring people, who, like Ichikari himself would, put their lives on the line everyday to protect and defend the lives of those they care for. And that is what ended up bringing them to their deaths. When Ichikari was six years old, and staying with his cousins while his parents were away on duty, he received word that his parents had died.

They fell while holding off a band of Rogue Ninja who were too powerful to overcome, while the rest of their patrol returned to get aid. The response was immediate; his parents were well-loved people, and ninja rushed back out to go to their aid. But by the time help had arrived, it was already too late. Ichikari's parents had died.

The condolences were many, but Ichikari could not be reached. His grief was far too great. At such a young age, he made a vow of revenge, though a vow tempered with a calm judgement, which prevented him in the years following from losing himself to hatred.

As soon as he was old enough, he entered the Ninja Academy, so that he could become great ninja like his parents had been. While his parents had been naturals, he didn't have the same natural affinity. He trained hard, though, and even when on the first few times he failed the Genin Exam, he continued onwards.

Finally, at the age of 13, he graduated from the Academy. He had finally managed to become a Genin, but he knew that his journey had only just begun. Now, he focused solely on solo training, improving himself until he turned 14, at which time he finally set about performing the duties expected of Genin.

While at first nothing but doubt in himself existed, now he truly believes that he may have a chance of one day becoming as trusted and loved as his parents once were, before their deaths.

Now, the one thing he focuses on is improving himself and showing everyone that he, just like his parents, could become just as great a ninja as his parents, although at the moment, he still has a ways to go. But he will gladly walk the path he needs to.

RP Sample:

A single bead of sweat traced a line across Ichikari's dirt-smeared face, reaching his eye and causing it to sting. Momentarily distracted, his kunai was incorrectly thrown, and it missed the target entirely, before embedding itself in a tree. Wiping at his eye, he retrieved the kunai with a growl of anger.

He'd been at it all day. His aim was something he seriously needed work on, and that meant he would practice with his kunai until he approved of his own skill. Rolling his shoulder in an effort to calm himself, and trying his best to ignore the blaringly bright and incredibly hot sun above him, he brought his arm back and then launched it forward.

The kunai flew from his hand, slicing through the air before striking the target amongst the middle rings. An improvement, but not enough of one for Ichikari. He took out his second kunai with another snarl of aggravation, took aim, and threw, once more striking the target among the middle rings.

Realizing that he was letting his annoyance get the better of him, Ichikari stopped for a moment to compose himself, took a deep, calming breath, and brought forth his final kunai. He stared across the field at the target, this time pausing to examine the wind and the angle in which his kunai would have to follow to strike at least near the center.

Nodding in self-satisfaction, he retracted his arm, tensed, and then threw, the projectile shooting from his hand and following roughly the direction and angle he'd been aiming to follow. He smiled a bit as the kunai struck only a few inches from the center of the target, a definite improvent from only a moment before.

Grinning to himself, he moved over to retrieve his kunai- only to realize that it was almost night. Startled, he quickly put his kunai away and sprinted off, his stomach growling. He'd somehow managed to forget about eating lunch!

Ichikari Myuru Extra10

Source: Google!

Face Claim: Tsunayoshi from Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Ichikari Myuru Accept10

Last edited by Ichikari on Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:13 pm; edited 9 times in total
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Neji Hitogumo
Neji Hitogumo
Female Posts : 637
Ryo : 800

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Ichikari Myuru Left_bar_bleue260/260Ichikari Myuru Empty_bar_bleue  (260/260)

Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 4:49 am

Ok, Im going to be supervising Skar as a mod test for characters applications. Wait for him to post and listen to his requests.
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Skar Ryuishin Dazai
Skar Ryuishin Dazai
Male Posts : 56
Ryo : 4304

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Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 5:23 am

Alright, looking at your app, I can see a few basic edits. So we're gonna go right down the list.

First off, you're lack of secondary element. You're allowed to have three elements. If you have a secondary it doesn't have any drawbacks.. as to if you leave that blank, you just simply won't have a second element. If you truly don't want that third element, just say you want Doton and Katon and that's it.

Secondly, your personality looks great other than it's a tad short. Perhaps you could add a little more description to that. Also, your Likes and Dislikes have to be in paragraph format. Add some more sentences to your Motivation and Fears sections too.

Lastly, your history. It looks great other than it being a tad too short. Histories need to meet a minimum of 400 words, so add a bit onto that as well, because you're a bit short on that.

That's everything for now, so just edit your app and bump it, and I'll have another look at it.
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Male Posts : 27
Ryo : 1350

Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 5:58 am

Edits made.
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Skar Ryuishin Dazai
Skar Ryuishin Dazai
Male Posts : 56
Ryo : 4304

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Ichikari Myuru Left_bar_bleue260/260Ichikari Myuru Empty_bar_bleue  (260/260)

Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 6:02 am

Alright just add a line or two to your Motivation. But, other than that you're good with me. You'll still need an official approval by a higher ranked mod, I'm still a mod in training. I'll get a mod to approve you though ASAP.
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Neji Hitogumo
Neji Hitogumo
Female Posts : 637
Ryo : 800

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Ichikari Myuru Left_bar_bleue260/260Ichikari Myuru Empty_bar_bleue  (260/260)

Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 6:13 am

Ok, thank you Skar. Now, edit the last few thing you were told to. And again, you can have more than ninjutsu as a specialization.
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Male Posts : 27
Ryo : 1350

Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 7:05 am

Edited Motivation and added a second Specialization.
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Neji Hitogumo
Neji Hitogumo
Female Posts : 637
Ryo : 800

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Ichikari Myuru Left_bar_bleue260/260Ichikari Myuru Empty_bar_bleue  (260/260)

Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 7:48 am

Motivation is now good.

You can have up to 3 specializations from Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kenjutsu, or Ijutsu(Medical Ninjutsu)
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Male Posts : 5756
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Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 1:30 pm

In the top 'Who are you?' section, do not double space your information. Set it to single spacing please.
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Male Posts : 27
Ryo : 1350

Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 4:07 pm

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Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 5:00 pm

Ok, once again, you can have a third element and a third specialization.
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Male Posts : 27
Ryo : 1350

Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 5:13 pm

Edited Specialization and Element.
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Ichikari Myuru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ichikari Myuru   Ichikari Myuru EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 5:40 pm

Ichikari Myuru Dom_ap12
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