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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Soul Edge

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Posts : 424
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Soul Edge Empty
PostSubject: Soul Edge   Soul Edge EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 10:04 am

Equipment Template

Name: Soul Edge

Type: Two-Handed Broadsword

Quantity: One

Description: The soul edge is an ancient sword of massive proportions, nearly seven feet long and two feet across it is physically unable to be used by none but the most skilled sword masters. It's blade is made of double reinforced titanium, which has been tinted red by the countless gallons of blood spread over it, making it almost indestructible but still able to be sliced through by weapons that can't be destroyed. The eye in the hilt opens and closes as it sees fit (not an action of the user as the sword is almost a living organism itself). The only thing that makes this weapon different from a normal weapon as of now is that it has an eye near the hilt which can actually look around like a real eye (this does NOT do ANYTHING for the user at all). Also, while not able to do so in combat situations the blade speaks directly into the mind of whoever possess it, the blade does this to try and break the will of the one who holds it in their hands to try and make them go insane but a person of extremely sound mind will be able to even mock the blade. As this is indeed a two-handed weapon the user requires both hands in order to be hold it the right way, meaning no hand seals (though that was already the case anyway) and you cant hold other weapons/items in your hand(s) while using it. The way these swords usually work though is that you CAN use it with one hand if you are a master of it (Tapp is ken primary so Id assume thats good enough) but its awkward to hold so its power is halved. The need of two hands only applies to its natural form, if it has transformed then it all depends on the new shape's description.

Abilities: The soul edge has a unique ability to store both the shape and powers of a weapon it crosses with. However any power gained from this is only at most eighty percent the strength of the original of that which was copied. In addition the strong sense of envy coming off of the weapon itself is so jealous of other weapons and their users that it has resigned itself to Tappaja's grip so only he may use it's true power, while in the hands of another it will simply act as a normal blade.

In order to take another weapon's shape and powers Soul Edge must make contact a certain number of times, the numbers are as follows.

  • First post when your weapon hits another is that it identify why it is envious of the opponent's weapon.

  • Second is Gain Shape

  • Third is Gain one fourth of total gained power

  • Fourth is Gain another one fourth of total gained power

  • Fifth is Gain another one fourth of total gained power

  • Sixth is Finish gaining powers.

The basic shape is something that the weapon stores in itself as a permanent part of the weapon. Tappaja can change the shape at will after one round of charging chakra, however the powers themselves are not activated until he wills it so that he wont waste any charges in exchange for a bigger or more interesting blade.

So instead of keeping the actual powers forever, Soul Edge stores them on a charge system. Meaning that it can use any power collected a total of three times and each time a power is used it would be in use for a total of five rounds before returning to the blades original shape.

Soul Edge is only four fifths as powerful as the original so it is important to point out that it cannot beat the original of a weapon copied while in the form of that weapon.

History: The soul edge is a weapon that has plagued the hearts of man since the dawn of creation, the original origin of the blade is unknown but it is said to be the right hand of satan himself in an attempt to slay god. This attempted assassination is said to have failed terribly as god saw everything before the universe was created, sealing the soul of the devil into the weapon he held forever he threw away the blade and by accident let it fall into the hands of mankind.

The first recorded history of the soul edge's existence comes from the early years of civilization when man was still a very young race emerging from the forests on their knuckles to build cities and structures to last for countless generations. The man wielding this blade was a great king by the name of Algol, he managed to defeat the evil mind of the weapon and use it for good and the protection of his people for many years until he passed in his sleep of old age. The next wielder of the weapon was the king's son, Arcturus, who grew mad over the power of the blade. Not having the strength of mind to overcome the evil within as his father before him the deranged prince massacred his kingdom's inner court and then himself, with no one to lead the kingdom's enemies quickly destroyed them and the blade remained unseen for many years.

Over one thousand years passed with no trace of the blade at all, it was almost like it had completely ceased to exist altogether. However it showed it's evil eye in the market place of an island port in a black market antique auction. The blades were purchased for a hefty sum by a very wealthy merchant that had grown up hearing stories of the blades and claims that the sword commanded him to take it into his grasp. However the merchant did not hold the blade very long, within twenty four hours as he returned to his ship to set sail to another port the soul edge was confronted by another man, a pirate king named Cervantes de Leon (In the present day he is known as Captain Moonscar). The blade revealed that he believed the man who held him to be pathetic and forced him to prove his right to do so by battling the pirate king one on one without the help of his hired hands. The merchant was completely destroyed as Soul Edge also allowed a message to be sent to Cervantes telling him that killing the merchant would allow him the right to use the legendary blade and gain eternal life as king of mankind.

After obtaining his new blade Cervantes killed off all of the merchant's men as well as every member of his own crew, no one who knew of the blade other than him was left alive and he traveled to another port town to slaughter everyone there and remain for nearly twenty-five years until once more the blade was confronted by a powerful man who it saw great potential in. A young holy warrior name Siegfried Schtauffen had grown up hearing legends of the evil blade in his paladin order and sought out to destroy it. Learning of Cervantes, and his ghost port, over the course of a long five year journey he confronted the man with the intent to obliterate both him and his demonic blade. Siegfried defeated Cervantes with ease, in the time of the two and a half decades the pirate king laid in wait of the child of the unholy sword he had grown weak and was possessed completely by the sword. However, as he raised his holy blade over the Soul Edge the weapon called out to his mind and tricked Siegfried by twisting his own religion onto him. Making him think that destroying the blade would release the soul of Satan back into the world of man Siegfried found himself at a loss of what he should do, having taken an oath to god that the weapon would be taken care of for good by his hand he would never be able to return to his holy brothers if he did not do so, but doing just that would release the greatest of all evils into the world which would likely claim the soul of every man in vengeance for abusing his power for so long. The blade then once more spoke to Siegfried after the holy man sat there for three days contemplating what to do.

The sword struck a deal with Siegfried, in exchange for signing over his own soul to the sword Siegfried could use it to defeat all of his enemies while claiming that the true sword had been destroyed. To do this the soul edge created a duplicate of itself out of the body of Cervantes, sending the soul of the pirate king into the ocean so that he could at last have the eternal life he had been promised so many years ago. The duplicate was then shattered into many pieces and with the level of evil taint the corpse had received not a single living man could tell the difference. The soul edge then changed itself to look like Siegfried's holy sword which was obliterated the second the paladin laid his hands on the hilt of Satan's sword. For decades Siegfried reigned as the wielder of the hidden soul edge and lived as a hero that removed the evil artifact from the world forever, however as he lay on his death bed a very old and dying man the sword spoke to him for the first time since the day of his youth where he first obtained it, it took on its demonic appearance once more and peered at him with it's ever moving eye. "The time has come for your soul to be claimed..." Siegfried tried to cry out but was silenced before he could even take the breath, his body was forced to sit upright and with an outstretched hand the blade flew to him. His body morphed, showing the nearly one hundred years worth of evil taint that the weapon had only hidden rather than prevented, a disfigured Siegfried his island home that day and dubbed the name nightmare. It is from this new name he took that we get the current day term, for he was the embodiment of all things we could imagine that was evil, he was indeed a nightmare to every soul in the existence. This reign of terror went on for hundreds of years until one day a brave warrior who had learned the ways of the now dead paladin religion that took on the teachings of the last believer. With his own holy blade he defeated Nightmare and threw the sword into the sea after resisting the same offer it had given Siegfried so long ago.

Until recently the weapon remained missing, nearly two hundred years after the holy warrior threw it away, only to once more fall back into the hands of man. At first it was used unknowingly by a simple Yakuza gangster in the whirl islands, rather than it's normal very demonic shape the sword naturally has it appeared to be a normal run of the mill katana with a jagged blade to represent the fangs of the beast. When this man was slain it was buried along with another weapon of virtue and for years remained hidden until its final wielder dug it up. This time it fell into the hands of a young warrior name Tappaja, a member of the Xanadu tribe and while being the most wild in nature of his clan had a mind with barriers none could break through. With this sound mind he was able to free himself of the maddening temptations of the blade and while it still tries to cut deals with him he plans to continue ignoring it and using it as he sees fit.


Soul Edge - Natural Form:
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Male Posts : 5756
Ryo : 12100

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Soul Edge Left_bar_bleue330/330Soul Edge Empty_bar_bleue  (330/330)

Soul Edge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Soul Edge   Soul Edge EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 7:07 pm

Ok, so if its a two handed broad sword, can you only weild it using two hands or do you have the ability to weild it one handed still??
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Soul Edge Left_bar_bleue220/220Soul Edge Empty_bar_bleue  (220/220)

Soul Edge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Soul Edge   Soul Edge EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 8:10 pm

it needs both hands in order to be held the right way, meaning no hand seals (though that was already the case anyway) and you cant hold other weapons/items in your hand(s) while using it. The way these swords usually work though is that you CAN use it with one hand if you are a master of it (Tapp is ken primary so Id assume thats good enough) but its awkward to hold so its power is halfed.
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Male Posts : 5756
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Soul Edge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Soul Edge   Soul Edge EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 8:41 pm

Ok, you may want to reference that, just for technical purposes. After you do so, bump and I will continue with the pricing
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Soul Edge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Soul Edge   Soul Edge EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 10:39 pm

Edit Bump
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Soul Edge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Soul Edge   Soul Edge EmptySun Nov 06, 2011 2:15 pm

Looking into the durability factor of the blade, since the ability hasn't changed from the original, it looks as if your looking at a 17,500 ryo price. All of that is based on the fact that only weapons that can crush or slice through titanium can destroy it.
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Soul Edge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Soul Edge   Soul Edge EmptyFri Nov 11, 2011 4:16 pm

Purchasing this now, ryo deducted
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