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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Takai, Ka [complete]

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Ka Takai
Ka Takai
Male Posts : 203
Ryo : 4100

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Takai, Ka [complete] Left_bar_bleue140/140Takai, Ka [complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (140/140)

Takai, Ka [complete] Empty
PostSubject: Takai, Ka [complete]   Takai, Ka [complete] EmptyTue Nov 08, 2011 5:09 am

Takai, Ka [complete] A5afddfbb05c36f05ad8e0f8ac62620b

Takai, Ka [complete] Whoare14

First Name: Ka
Last Name: Takai
Alias: Demon in the sand
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 LBS
Birthday: December 14th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: N/A atm
Affiliation: Sabakugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Fuuton, Raiton, Suiton
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Takai, Ka [complete] Tellme11

Personality: Ka is a different man to say the least, it is usually said that each person has a calm center. Well in Ka's case not so much, you see he was raised in an abusive home where the luxuries of happiness and a calm state of mind where rare if they happened at all. His parents both resented him and abused him often, leaving him nothing to grow in his heart but hatred and distrust. However there are times when he is actually calm, cool, and collected. He rarely goes on missions with his fellow shinobi, thinking that they would just slow each other down, and it was good from time to time to keep secrets from each other.
Likes: Training: Nothing brings a malevolent smile on Ka's face easier when someone asks him to train with them for a while. It gives him a chance to feel out his comrdes abilities and fighting strength and potential.
Fighting foes who are stronger then him: Nothing is more exhillarating to him then fighting innumarable foes who's power difference between himself and theirs. The thought of his own death being deliveered to him by a strong opponent excites the teenager more then any large breasted woman ever could.
Hotsprings: Okay now tell me, what person alive doesn't enjoy relaxing in a pool of hot water, allowing the heat to melt away all their muscle tension.
wild meat: Pretty self explanitory.
the desert: It's his home, the place he grew up. Of course he is going to like his homeland.

Dislikes: Vegetables: To be honest, most vegetables to him taste like dirt. He will throw whatever vegetables infront of him to the ground no who makes them or where he is.
Weaklings: Ka truely believes that those who can not fight should leave, for they are truely useless on the battlefield.
Those who turn their backs: There is a difference between those who can not fight, and those who choose not to fight. More then anything Ka hates the latter, those who turn their backs on the mission or who they are fighting for deserve to be rip to shreds for their disloyalty.

Motivation: Protecting the desert from those who wish to bring harm to it and it's inhabitants. You see in his past people have shown him nothing but loathing, disrespect, and hatred for him and his homeland. He had seen many attrocities in his life, people killed, and all other nasty busniess. So he feels it's his duty to protect his home by any means nessisary, even sacrificing the few to save the many if need be.

Fears: Being trapped: This fear has been with Ka ever since he could remember, ever since he was thrown into a pit y a group of kids when he was younger. It makes him feel utterly useless that he is unable to get himself out.
Dieing in an unglorious manner: All his life, Ka knew that he would die one day, and it would most likely be in battle. However he truely fears that he would die one day from some bs excuse like old age or some illness that would take him in the night. He would most likely refer to this as a cowards death.

Takai, Ka [complete] Blood10

Place clan name here n/a

Bloodline Name: n/a

Bloodline Ability: n/a

Location: n/a

Clan History: n/a

Takai, Ka [complete] Histor11

Ka was born in an abusive home, and his parents made damn sure that he knew that he wasn't wanted in their lives. Not only did his father tend to beat him, but his mother truely enjoyed beating on Ka. His body was always covered in bruises, cuts, and various other wounds inflicted on him by his parents. So to say the least he was brought up to feel nothing but pain and hatred in his life.
He grew up in a small village in the gust country, and by small i mean a maximum of fifty inhabitants. So this meant that everyone knew eachother on a first name basis, and they all knew how much Ka was abused throughout his life. They all tried to convince Ka to confide in them, but if he ever did Ka knew the kind of punishment he would receive from his parents. It was not until he turned the age of 13 that ka had decided to run away from home.
After he made the fateful descion to run away Ka spent the next year trecking through the harsh desert, trying to find a way for him to get stronger, a way for him to get ride of the pain riding heavily in his heart. But most of all to get rid of his weakness, so that he could prevent the kind of pain he grew up in.
His travels in the desert were a pain in the ass to say the least. From the severe weather changes from day to night, the wild life that constantly tried to end his life, to the bandits wandering through the desert looking to do the same thing. However he had to overcome these obstacles so that he could get stronger. He thought of all his opponents as mere stepping stones in his path of life. Each scar he gained after he left his home he proudly wore as a badge of honor, or at times a mark of weakness.
It was a couple of weeks before his fourteeth birthday that Ka had stumbled upon Sabakugakure, and it was then that he found his means of getting stronger in the form of the ninja academy. And from that day forward Ka has spent every waking moment getting stronger.
It was while he lived in Sabakugakure that Ka had finally been able to find himself being accepted for who he was, and that his life had meaning to the people around him. Because he wasn't just a burden on people anymore, he was the means of protecting this desert, his homeland, and he would gladly put his life on the line to protect it.

RP Sample:
Used a rp sample from another rpg
A man sits alone in a bar long after closing time, holding a cigareete with one hand, and a shot of vodka in the other. He seems to be very disstressed about something. The dim lighting shows the walls are covered in a thick red shag carpeting up until halfway up the wall. While the rest of the walls are covered by large mirrors, he wanted this kind of set up, because it allows him to scope out the bar for potential hook ups or any rough housing going on in his establishment. John (the man in the room) took a drag of his smoke as he tried to clear his head from all the crap that had gone on during the night. All seemed well and good up until around one in the morning when some punk that he had been looking for, for the past month turned up and started making trouble for him. He wouldn't be having any of that, so after about thirty minutes of allowing him to do his thing, John sent a couple bouncers to grab him and take him to the basement to work him over for a while. It had been a couple of hours now and it seemed that the boy had been worked over enough, so John had the boy sent up to the bar alone. John could hear the boy named Ricky's footsteps coming up the stairs and getting to the door, and quickly took his shot. After the door opened ricky stepped through the door showing signs of a serious "shit kicking", and walked up to the bar. "You didn't have to have them beat the piss out of me old man" Ricky shouted at John while he just puffed away on his smoke, while his free hand went un-noticed as he pulled a small .35 caliber pistol out of his pocket. "Okay I get it, your mad about the deal. I understand, I would be too if I were you. But is this any way to treat your own blood?" The last comment struck a nerve with John and he grabbed Ricky by the throat the slammed him onto the ground, but not before smashing him through a chair. "That was five hundred grand worth of product that you shoved up your nose you little shit. I told you this once before Ricky, Do Not Fuck With my Busniess. Guess you just have to learn the hard way" John said keeping a grasp on ricky's neck with his one hand and had his pistol placed right against ricky's forhead. "Your mother was an idiot for having you, your nothing but a waste of skin and my paitence" Ricky tried to fight his way out of the death grip he was under, but was unsucsessful in his attempts. So much so that his struggling caused john to pull the trigger of his pistol prematurly, sending his son's brain matter all over the floor bellow him. With a feeling of satisfaction flowing over him, john stood up and went back to his bottle of vodka on the bar while his bouncers cleaned up the mess of his dead son. "Pathetic"

Takai, Ka [complete] Extra10

Face Claim:
Ikki Minami - Air Gear
Takai, Ka [complete] Accept10

Last edited by Ka Takai on Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:06 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Nahaji Sankuro
Nahaji Sankuro
Male Posts : 680
Ryo : 1600

Character sheet
Takai, Ka [complete] Left_bar_bleue275/275Takai, Ka [complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (275/275)

Takai, Ka [complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai, Ka [complete]   Takai, Ka [complete] EmptyTue Nov 08, 2011 5:23 am

I know this is a work in progress, but to save you from going back and having to edit it, your likes, dislikes, motivations, and personality all have to be in paragraph form. same with fears.
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Ka Takai
Ka Takai
Male Posts : 203
Ryo : 4100

Character sheet
Takai, Ka [complete] Left_bar_bleue140/140Takai, Ka [complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (140/140)

Takai, Ka [complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai, Ka [complete]   Takai, Ka [complete] EmptySat Nov 12, 2011 7:51 pm

completion bump
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Male Posts : 5756
Ryo : 12100

Character sheet
Takai, Ka [complete] Left_bar_bleue330/330Takai, Ka [complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (330/330)

Takai, Ka [complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai, Ka [complete]   Takai, Ka [complete] EmptySat Nov 12, 2011 8:54 pm

Your allowed three elements.

Put the clan section back, and label every section N/A, if you choose not to be in a clan.

Your history needs to be 400 words.
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Ka Takai
Ka Takai
Male Posts : 203
Ryo : 4100

Character sheet
Takai, Ka [complete] Left_bar_bleue140/140Takai, Ka [complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (140/140)

Takai, Ka [complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai, Ka [complete]   Takai, Ka [complete] EmptySat Nov 12, 2011 9:06 pm

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Male Posts : 5756
Ryo : 12100

Character sheet
Takai, Ka [complete] Left_bar_bleue330/330Takai, Ka [complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (330/330)

Takai, Ka [complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai, Ka [complete]   Takai, Ka [complete] EmptySat Nov 12, 2011 10:46 pm

Your history, do a word count on it. It still doesnt look like 400 words.
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Ka Takai
Ka Takai
Male Posts : 203
Ryo : 4100

Character sheet
Takai, Ka [complete] Left_bar_bleue140/140Takai, Ka [complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (140/140)

Takai, Ka [complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai, Ka [complete]   Takai, Ka [complete] EmptySat Nov 12, 2011 10:51 pm

microsoft word and javascript word count say its 446 words
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Male Posts : 5756
Ryo : 12100

Character sheet
Takai, Ka [complete] Left_bar_bleue330/330Takai, Ka [complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (330/330)

Takai, Ka [complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai, Ka [complete]   Takai, Ka [complete] EmptySat Nov 12, 2011 11:03 pm

Takai, Ka [complete] Dom_ap12
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Takai, Ka [complete] Empty
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