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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Satomi Gessekai

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Satomi Gessekai
Satomi Gessekai
Posts : 18
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PostSubject: Satomi Gessekai   Satomi Gessekai EmptyMon Aug 29, 2011 11:01 pm

Satomi Gessekai Anime_ninja-girl

Satomi Gessekai Whoare14

First Name: Satomi
Last Name: Gessekai
Alias: The Princess of the Crescent Moon
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 125 lbs
Birthday: Dec 27
Sexuality: Straight
Affiliation: Shippuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Cosmic, Lightning, Earth
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu

Satomi Gessekai Tellme11

Personality: Always smiling, always playful, and her sometimes refering to Seiryoku as a baka inu when he's being "unfair" or "mean", Satomi may seem a tad childish. Even in a fight, depending on who she’s fighting, she’ll laugh and grin as if it’s a game. Despite her childish behavior, Satomi is quite intellectual and insightful. Usually she can analyze moves and attacks quite well, the fact that her playfulness can sometimes anger her opponent just makes it that much easier. If Satomi was ever sad or upset you’d probably never know, even those that really know her have trouble seeing through the happy façade she puts on to prevent others from worrying. Her care for her friends borders on motherly. Because of how much she smiles you’d think Satomi never gets mad. But, just as the day descends into night, Satomi’s personality can become as dark as the night sky. She doesn’t smile, doesn’t laugh, and doesn’t even speak. The only thing that’s able to set of this drastic change is seeing those close to her attacked.

Likes: Satomi's love of the night sky is rivaled only by her love for sweets. At night she'll just sit outside counting the stars, not daring to make a sound to shatter the peaceful silence. She does still like the day time but mainly for the blue sky. As for her love of sweets, you'll usually find her carrying some form of lollipop or gummy candy on her to snack on. She'll sometimes share with others, even during a fight. To stay healthy though she'll bring a few carrot sticks One warning, if you are a dog, keep a healthy distance. She'll scoop one up and smother it with hugs.

Dislikes: If there's one thing Satomi can't stand it's the colour gray. It's just so bland and boring but it doesn't even come close to her hatred of the colour pink. The mere sight of it makes Satomi want to scream. When it comes to bugs and snakes though she'll try her best to avoid them but she won't kill them. Taking the life of anyone or anything is, to Satomi a little cruel. Everyone and everything deserves to live.

Motivation: As a ninja, the chances of dying young are very high. Though Satomi isn't afraid of dying she'd prefer she didn't. To prevent her life from being cut short Satomi wants to get stronger to not only live her life to the fullest possible extent but to protect others so that they can do the same. She wants to make sure everyone has a fair shot at having a long and happy life.

Fears: Like a couple of people, Satomi does fear death. But not her own. She openly accepts it as an inevitable end that she'll eventually come to meet. She instead fears the deaths of those she cares about. In Satomi's mind fighting takes strength, fighting while protecting someone takes even more. Satomi’s fear is that she won’t have the strength to protect those close to her. Satomi also has an irrational fear of ghosts.

Satomi Gessekai Blood10

Gessekai Clan

Bloodline Name: Tenchi no Rikugo

Bloodline Ability: The ability of the Tenchi no Rikugo is an advanced Chakra Nature called Cosmic Release (Uchuton). The Uchuton is an advanced Nature made up of the Raiton (Lightning) and Doton (Earth). All Clan that want Cosmic release need Raiton and Doton as their secondary and tertiary chakra natures (or reversed). The chakra of the Uchuton Nature doesn't deviate much from normal chakra except that not only can it replicate celestial bodies, but it can also harness the energy from them to create jutsu such as the Arrow of Sagittarius (see jutsu below). One member every Seven Generations has snow white hair and dog ears much like the founding member of the clan. Those born with the dog ears have an extra 10% proficiency in Uchuton, but cannot use any other elemental ninjutsu. These members also appear to age faster and die younger.

Location: Shippugakure

Clan History: The clan started with one person, a baby, one who was still-born. Seven Generations before Seiryoku Gessekai, a baby was still-born. At the time, medical sciences were unsure of how to explain it to the parents and decided not to try. The parents of the baby decided to pray to the Goddess of the Moon, Tsukuyomi, for help. One the eve of the third day of praying, she came down to see the child with her own eyes. She decided to lend the baby enough of her power to last him a life-time. However her power twisted his appearance slightly. His hair turned snow white and his ears displaced to the top of his head and turned into those of a dog. All seemed normal until about 14 years later when he first displayed the Uchuton. After that, it was apparent that Tsukuyomi's power had more than just a change in his appearance, it created a new Chakra release altogether. He then spent the time until he was 30 perfecting the Uchuton, developing it into the modern version. When he was 32 years old, he married and had children. His children seemed to be normal, as if the gifts of Tsukuyomi had not been passed on to his children, however they did possess the Uchuton. In fact all 5 of them did. As time progressed they in turn had children and their children did as well. Seven Generations later a single child is born with the same traits as the original user of the Uchuton, Tsukuyomeo Gessekai.

Satomi Gessekai Histor11

History: Usually when a child is born, much like the day of their wedding, it's the parents' happiest day of their lives. They smile, cry and thank the heavens that mother and baby got through it just fine. Satomi's parents were very different. When she was born her unwed parents argued and cursed the heavens for placing such a burden on them. Mr. and Mrs. Gessekai, who's names aren't really relevant, were a young couple still in the party phase of their lives. Not yet ready to commit to marriage and definitely not ready for the responsibility of a child. Since they couldn't afford an abortion they decided the only other option was to have and raise her. Satomi was raised by them for about two months before her parents were about ready to lose it. Not that she was a particularly fussy baby, they didn't have the patients to deal with her. To save their love life they chose to give Satomi away. Mrs. Gessekai's first choice was her older sister Tsuki, she was already married and had a son of their own so she figured she'd be perfect. Tsuki tried to convince her sister that while raising a child took a lot of hard work it was all worth it. But her sister would hear none of it and she seemed so desperate that ultimately Tsuki accepted. Mrs. Gessekai handed her daughter over and left feeling as though a huge weight had need lifted from her shoulders. So Satomi would be raised by her aunt and uncle, thinking all the while that they were her real parents. Satomi seemed to show proficiency as a ninja early on, though she treated it like a game she held quite a bit of skill. She joined the ninja academy around the same time her brother did and like him, had the same amount of difficulty using the basic jutsu they were taught. In every other field however, Satomi couldn't help but shine. She could've made a lot of friends in school if only they didn't make fun of her brother. Satomi always thought her brother's dog shaped ears made him unique and though she would sometimes make fun of them herself, it seemed to make her mad when other kids did it. So when they did, Satomi took that as an opportunity to thoroughly insult and beat them. Some got the message, others not so much. Then came the day that her mother died. Though Satomi was really sad, she wanted to be strong for her brother and her father. She realised that day that life was too short so it should be lived to the fullest extent everyday. She trained hard to beter her strength, her balance, her speed and her flexiblility so she'd have the skills to not only protect herself, but to protect others so they could live out their lives for as long as possible. When she graduated she was determined to become a great ninja that would be able to protect those in need.

RP Sample: The sky was clear that day, the sun shining big and bright, calm before the storm. Everyone was gathered in the town square, smiling and cheering. Amai and her friends stood with Kenji on the stage while he gave his speech. This was one of the biggest rallies they’d ever held, they were really getting their message across. As Kenji’s speech came to a close shots rang out in the crowd. Panic overtook the crowd quickly as they tried to get away. Others were either shoved to the ground and trampled or fell, already dead. Kenji took a shot to the shoulder but before anyone could run to help him there was an explosion on the stage. Everyone was sent flying from the blast. Amai hit the ground hard about 20 feet away and blacked out. When she came to buildings had been set ablaze and the square was littered with bodies. The only one that was apart from all the chaos was a single man who slowly, deliberately, made his way over to her. He stopped directly over her then trained a gun on her head. “Truly is a shame, all these people having to suffer. All because of you,” he said with a smile and a shrug, “Oh well.” Amai opened her mouth but no sound came out. Aside from her trembling Amai was paralyzed with fear. Time seemed to slow down as he squeezed the trigger. Amai sat bolt upright in bed, her heart racing and drenched in a cold sweat as the sound of the gunshot echoed through her bedroom. Tsubasa climbed onto her bed and curled up in her lap, looking up at her with worried eyes. A dream, it was only a dream. Another nightmare about that day, they always end a little different then the last one. Amai tried to smile and rubbed Tsubasa’s head to dispel his worry. She checked her clock, 9:42, a decent time to get up. Amai took a few seconds to calm down then crawled out of bed, threw open her curtains and went to start her day.
-from Amai Tenshi's character profile at http://khregenesis.forumotion.com/t33-amai-tenshi Note: Content has been edited

Satomi Gessekai Extra10

Source: Seiryoku Gessekai

Face Claim:

Satomi Gessekai Accept10

Last edited by Satomi Gessekai on Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:22 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Satomi Gessekai
Satomi Gessekai
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Satomi Gessekai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satomi Gessekai   Satomi Gessekai EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 12:22 am

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Satomi Gessekai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satomi Gessekai   Satomi Gessekai EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 11:01 pm

Likes, Dislikes, Motivations, and Fears ALL need to be atleast a paragraph long.

Put a space after the colon in your Fears section..
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Satomi Gessekai
Satomi Gessekai
Posts : 18
Ryo : 6900

Satomi Gessekai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satomi Gessekai   Satomi Gessekai EmptySat Sep 24, 2011 2:20 pm

Sorry, this better?
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Genesis Garisha
Genesis Garisha
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Satomi Gessekai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satomi Gessekai   Satomi Gessekai EmptySat Sep 24, 2011 3:15 pm

Place clan name here: Gessekai Clan

Should be just "Gessekai Clan"
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Satomi Gessekai
Satomi Gessekai
Posts : 18
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Satomi Gessekai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satomi Gessekai   Satomi Gessekai EmptySat Sep 24, 2011 3:22 pm

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Genesis Garisha
Genesis Garisha
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Satomi Gessekai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satomi Gessekai   Satomi Gessekai EmptySat Sep 24, 2011 3:27 pm

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