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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Pucko Caelum

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Pucko Caelum
Pucko Caelum
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Pucko Caelum Empty
PostSubject: Pucko Caelum   Pucko Caelum EmptyWed Feb 22, 2012 4:32 am

Pucko Caelum Noctisluciscaelumbysqua

Pucko Caelum Whoare14

First Name: Pucko
Last Name: Caelum
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 180cm
Weight: 75kg
Birthday: 21 July
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: N/A
Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Raiton(Lightning), Doton (Earth), Suiton (Water)
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu

Pucko Caelum Tellme11

Personality: Pucko is a generally pleasant person and more than happy to talk to everyone he meets. Much of his personality stems from the lessons taught by both his father and his nanny/mentor about business and life outside the village. He is very open and will open up to people he doesn't know very well at the time. He is very empathetic of the feelings of others, and does his best to help allay the fears and problems of others.

He is extremely protective of his family, especially after an incident left his little brother with severe brain damage and unable to function on his own. This protective instinct extends to all those he views in an elderly brother way, as well as his village, which he has come to see as a large part of his family.

Pucko has a generally good relationship with his family, and is on excellent terms with his mother and younger sister. He is very tender and caring towards his younger brother, spending much of his time between tasks with him. His father and he have a strained relationship. His father partially blames him for the accident with his brother, but is understanding and supportive of Pucko becoming a ninja to seek out vengance. The rarely speak about matters other than finding Humming Bird, and usually only in small bursts. His father supports his endeavours financially, using some of the profits from the company to help track down their family enemy.

Likes: Pucko is a fond of opera, having been exposed to it as a young child and developing his own tastes for the art. He also enjoys the trappings of upper class society such as fine food and art, due to his early childhood lifestyle. He like people in general, and only feels negatively about those that oppose him or the village. He enjoys his time spent at home with his sibligns and mother, and looks forward to it on every mission.

Dislikes: Pucko has a great disdain for any missing-nin, due to the tragedy they caused within his family. He has a particular hatred for Humming Bird, as she was responsible for his little brothers condition. He also dislikes radish. He dislikes unorganisation, comign from a business family, and cannot stand when things go wrong due to rushed and badly thought out plans.

Motivation: Pucko's has two driving forces that encourage him to become a better person and keep moving forward. The first is a genuine love for his life as a ninja in the village, and he keeps progressing because of the joy of mastering new techniques. The second is that he wants to one day bring the missing-nin that attacked his family to justice, but needs to be much more powerful to do so.

Fears: Pucko fears for the safety of his family more than anything, and is terrified of anything happening to them when he is not around to protect them. He also fears that he will not be up to the task of defeating his enemies, especially Humming Bird.

Pucko Caelum Blood10

Place clan name here N/A

Bloodline Name: N/A

Bloodline Ability: N/A

Location: N/A

Clan History: N/A

Pucko Caelum Histor11

History: Pucko was born as the eldest child of a wealthy family in a town several days travel from where Tsukigakure was formed, his father owned a profitable medical supply company and lived in the upper class area of the settlement. As a young boy he was spoilt by his parents and lived in a luxurious lifestyle. His earliest memories are of visiting the many operas and museums with his parents and their business associates. At the age of four his mother gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, and Pucko developed a strong protective relationship for them.

At the age of eight his father began instructing Pucko in how to run the family business, with the intent that he would one day inherit the wealthy trade company. Pucko foudn the lessons tedious and couldn't find joy in the endless lists of numbers and statistics. While not studying with his father Pucko spent his days with his nanny, an ex ninja who regaled him with the many tales of her adventures. The stories captivated him and he often found himself dreaming of one day becoming a ninja and fighting to protect the village. Several years passed as the family lived their idealistic lifestyle and Pucko's fascination with the ninja world only grew more passionate. At his request his nanny began teaching him the basics of ninja techniques, and at the age of fourteen Pucko was demonstrating skills equal to those in the village ninja academy.

On his 15th birthday Pucko's father caught him and his caretaker practicing ninjutsu in a secluded area of the property, and was furious that his son would belittle himself to the level of a ninja, who he saw as little more than glorified security. As punishment Pucko was confined to his room for the remainder of the day whilst his father dealt with his mentor. The day passed slowly and in the evening Pucko was brought down to the lobby of the house by his father to find his mentor in chains and flanked by two ninja from the recently formed village of Tsukigakure. The whole family was assembled in the room, his younger siblings standing quietly next to their mother. Pucko's father explained to him that he made a grevious error in employing the woman who had looked after him all his life. he explained that she was really an A rank criminal ninja, hiding behind their family's name so as to escape the notice of the authorities searching for her. She had planned to train Pucko in the ninja way and turn him against his family and serve her as her apprentice. Pucko's memories of the next few moments are forever scarred in his mind. His mentor, now known to him as the missing-nin 'Humming Bird', performed a jutsu without handseals, creating a shockwave that knocked everyone present to the ground. When they awoke, they found Pucko's little brother lying in a pool of blood, the force had knocked him back and he had cracked open his skull. His frail form was cradeled by Pucko's mother as the ninja from the village sent for medical aid. The boy's life was saved, but he had suffered traumatic brain damage, and was little more than a shell of a human being.

The following day Pucko travelled to Tsukigakure and enrolled in the academy, with a burning focus on finding 'Humming Bird' and bringing her back to the village to face justice. His father silently supported him, unable to speak abot what happened, but understanding Pucko's desire for vengance and believing that its only right that a member of their family be the one to search for her.

A year later Pucko graduated from the academy, aided by the knowledge and training that Humming Bird had taught him. He now works on improving himself and finding information on Humming Bird's whereabouts.

RP Sample: Tori saw a peculiar rush of emotions play across Lex's face, to most they would have remained unnoticed but because she was close to him she saw his muscles twitch to reflect his emotions. At first he seemed amused with everything like he usually was, subtly poking fun of her situation she assumed, but for the briefest moment she saw a pang of regret and remorse furrow his face. That momentary flicker of honest emotion caused Tori to involuntarily move her hand toward him before she caught herself, she was probably overstepping the boundaries they had as friends.

"Well Tori, I wanted to tell you that I'm leading one of the teams that have been newly assembled. I'm going to be the leader of it." Tori was surprised, when he had left Lex was still a genin like her and he hadn't mentioned that he had passed the exam yet. This thought was momentary as the full impact of his statement hit her, here before her was a man who knew what the future had in store for her, what team she would be assigned to until she surpassed them. She wondered at why he had come to tell her this, and immediately put it down to their friendship, something it seemed Lex didn't get much time for amongst village duties. She smiled as he thanked her mother for the drink, he was certainly making an impression on her as she backed out of the room smiling.

"If you wouldn't mind of course, I had requested you personally, your file seems fantastic, and I've seen personally what you can do."

Time stopped. Tori's breath caught and she looked at Lex in astonishment. Time ground to a halt as the ramifications of his announcement became apparent. She would be spending a great deal of time with Lex from now on, a large amount of time with a man who she was so clearly developing feelings for. Her heart beat as she tried to stammer out a reply. Her first attempt came out as garbled nonsense, she took a breath to calm herself and tried again. "That's great! I didn't know you'd made chuunin though, congratulations! I'm looking forward to spending more time with you". She blushed at the last, she had meant it to sound business-like but by her tone her feelings were obvious, she liked being with Lex. Trying to cover her blunder she continued, "I've heard your stomach growling the whole time you've been her, will you stay for dinner?"

Pucko Caelum Extra10

Source: Referral

Face Claim:

Noctis Lucis Caelum

Pucko Caelum Accept10
Pucko Caelum Noctis-Lucis-Caelum-112425594Pucko Caelum Noctis-Lucis-Caelum-112425594

Last edited by PuckoJP on Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:05 am; edited 2 times in total
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Etai Takagura
Etai Takagura
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Pucko Caelum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pucko Caelum   Pucko Caelum EmptyThu Feb 23, 2012 10:44 pm

Ok, time to review your app;

  • There are some tags at the bottom that are unneeded, if you can remove them, that'd be mighty dandy
  • In your history you were born in Tsukigakure. Tsukigakure was recently founded by Haru Satsujin and Isildur, so that wouldn't really work out.

Edit those and we can move on from there
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Pucko Caelum
Pucko Caelum
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Pucko Caelum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pucko Caelum   Pucko Caelum EmptyThu Feb 23, 2012 10:58 pm

ok should be done
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Pucko Caelum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pucko Caelum   Pucko Caelum EmptyFri Feb 24, 2012 8:48 pm

Ok, everything looks clean. Since Etai hasn't replied, I will continue this. Your username has to match your character name. You have three options.

Pucko Caelum

Caelum Pucko



Please pick from the 3, and I will edit your username.
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Etai Takagura
Etai Takagura
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Pucko Caelum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pucko Caelum   Pucko Caelum EmptyFri Feb 24, 2012 10:42 pm



'Fore I hand it over to the professionals, also add a space between the colons so instead of Source:Referral it'd be Source: Referral. Make that change for everything, then state Dominics wish
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Pucko Caelum
Pucko Caelum
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Pucko Caelum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pucko Caelum   Pucko Caelum EmptySat Feb 25, 2012 2:07 am

ok thats all the edits, if you could please change my username to

Pucko Caelum

Thank you very much
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Pucko Caelum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pucko Caelum   Pucko Caelum EmptySat Feb 25, 2012 2:39 am

Pucko Caelum Dom_ap12

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