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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 ken'ichi, kichirou

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Male Posts : 18
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ken'ichi, kichirou Empty
PostSubject: ken'ichi, kichirou   ken'ichi, kichirou EmptyMon Aug 20, 2012 2:59 am

ken'ichi, kichirou 24w53br

ken'ichi, kichirou Whoare14

First Name: Kichirou
Last Name: Ken'ichi

Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190
Birthday: May 9
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Hyougagakure
Rank: Chunnin
Element: Earth Water and Wind
Specialization: Puppetry and Medical

ken'ichi, kichirou Tellme11

Personality:Kichirou cares about things. He needs to know things. He gets irritated when he kills when not necessary and when he kills them without knowing their names. He would like to give them a refill burial. He gets mad about when he gives his name to be plait and opponent doesn't give their name to him.
If he don’t have enough information about a person he will not kill them. He fills it would not be right if there is not a good reason for a person’s death. He likes to toy with his opponents to see how they handle it. But gets really cocky and foolish. Don’t know when to stop toying till they actually get a little hit. He respects his elders of his village and other encase. He is set on bringing people to justice by his own rules. But does care about the regular village rules he follows the villages rules to an extent. When Kichi is roaming the village freely he is kind, he takes time to listen to people and he enjoys the daytime, he likes eating rare foods and training his village members to make them stronger. Kichi enjoys his free time the most.

Likes: Like to be center of attention and for people to be honest with him. He likes to be around people but also likes to be alone when relaxing. He likes to be at parties and have everyone know that he is there. He also likes to be respectful he tries never to be rude or disobedient to his village. He likes to work hard and always tries to get the hardest missions possible. When he has free time he loves to eat roman he will sit at home eating it all day. He also likes to train at any possible chance he gets he will even train late at night and he puts all of his effort in to it.

Dislikes: He hates when people lie to him. He hates to be alone for too long. Dislikes to lie to people but will if having to, but he really dislikes when people play pranks on him. People who look at him weird and say rude things because they assume they know it all. He hates when he fails and trains even harder to succeed next time. Kichi also dislikes it when he gets put on easy missions now that he is a chunnin he thinks that he should be treated like he is a sannin and should only be given hard missions.

Motivation: He is motivated to be the strongest shinobi in the village. He works as hard as he can to be the strongest to protect the people of the village. He train every day to become the be the strongest shinobi so that he can protect the village and everyone in the village. Kichi is also motivated to someday be a puppet master. He is motivated to win and never lose which kichi knows is possible but will all of his effort in to winning and being the best. He is motivated to get a group of genin and to be there sensei and then go on to be kage someday.

Fears: Kichi fears that he won't always be able to protect the village. He is also afraid that if he doesn't stay at the fittest he can be he will fail at being a shinobi he is afraid of storms. He is also afraid of death and dying. He is afraid that he may never become a puppet master he is afraid of his superiors and higher ranked shinobi and being an inferior weakling to them. He also has a phobia to snakes even a messy gardener snake will freak kichi out. He is also afraid of bugs but can usually had his fear unleased the bug come at him.

ken'ichi, kichirou Blood10

Place clan name here

Bloodline Name: NA

Bloodline Ability: NA

Location: NA

Clan History: NA

ken'ichi, kichirou Histor11

History: He was born in the hidden blizzard village hospital. The hospital was full of stress. There was so many people coming in for stupid injuries, minor burns and even splinters. While the mother of a baby about to come waiting in a line full of people with minor injuries. She went to sit down and then she stared to screaming from the lady the baby came in a bad averment. As soon as the hospital realize this they brought a stretcher out to take the lady to the emergency room. There they started to see how far the baby had gotten. The baby was close to coming out so they acted quickly and the baby was delivered safely and correctly with no damage. Then baby was sent to nursery for the night.

He was raised by his parents who love him and they were puppet masters that lived in blizzard village. He grew up in the blizzard village. He went to school in the blizzard village where he did very well in all classes but excelled in medical and puppet just. He would just go home and learn more and more medical and other juts us by reading books about juts us. When he was 1o he graduated from the training school but was not sighed cause was too young. Then when he was 12 and on his way to meet his group after 2 years out of school be able to do more practice.

During his practice with copy cater his dad helped him. He showed Kichirou where all the hidden traps and weapons were. As soon as he should Kichirou where all the traps were at he should him how to release them. When he could release them he had to try to aim there directions to hit certain parts of the body to make the muscles hurt the worst. As soon as that was finished a year and a half had passed by. Then his dad taught him to make a weak poison that paralyzes opponents but not kill. And then asserted it and an antidote for it.

When he meet his group the sensei was late as the genin sat there they all told there life stories. When all three of them were done the sensei finally showed up and then told them what was going to happen while there were a team. He then told them that they were going to meet the next day for some training then dismissed them for the day. The next day kichi showed up at the blizzard village training field where he meet up with his team. They stayed there for a few hours showing off what they had then was dismissed again.

Later on he and his team joined the chunnin exams him and his team passed the first exam it was a Witten test that had to be done in 4 hours and had to have all of the questions right. Then they passed the second test where they had to fight another team and beat them. then went on to the third exam the third exam was a one on one fight with any one from another team only one of us from my team didn't pass then went on to the forth, and final round where it was one on one till there was only one which kichi won and became a chunnin.

kichi and his team meet a couple of days after kichi met with the Fubukikage and the Fubukikage told kichi that he was going to be teaming up with more chunnins like him every now and then so that kichi could go on more harder mission. Later that day kichi met up with his team and let them know what was going on. A few weeks later kichi went on a mission to the ocean country to deliver some scrolls to the kage then picked up some other scrolls and took them back to the blizzard country. When they got back to the village they drop the scrolls off with the Fubukikage then went home.

RP Sample: Making his way over to the training Area Gintoki seemed to be stuck in deep thought for some strange reason he had trouble taking his mind off what the kazekage had previously said to him, and to add to the matter he had to meet his young new genin at the Suna training field. Gintoki's face looked unkempt and dark circles looked like they had formed from accumulating sleep deprivation, his thick white hair was messy and frizzled yet his look magnified his personality even more than he knew. His lazy attitude and general lack of respect for anyone and everything was very apparent so it was easy to imagine he was the last Jonin to receive a Student. His thoughts on the matter looked bleak he could almost assume that the Kazekage paired him with one of the misfits or rejects that they were sick of harboring over at the academy. But it dint phase Gin he just pressed on down the small dirt paved path that would eventually lead him to the meeting spot, he packed his regular quintessential items he would use in this type of situation such as his leather pouch that was attached around his belt and his Velcro holsters that he snapped on his leg.

Still trekking along down the path Gintoki's eyes ran across a small sand pit that had three small wooden poles drove deep into the earth, the first feeling that came over him was a bit of anguish as he remembered his first day being a genin and meeting his sensei in the same spot. He also recalled how his sensei used to treat his small team the hate and anger he harbored for that man was substantial, it made no sense why Gin held all that hate inside him but he couldn't come to forgive him and in a way he was glad that he had died. Slowly sauntering over to the three wooden pegs Gintoki sifted around before coming to a complete halt, as he sat atop one of the wooden poles he looked out over the desert terrain and cleared his mind. “Many things has changed, and I will not treat my successor as I had once been...” After thinking a bit he let a deep breath fill his lungs and as the cool breeze blew over him he closed his eyes for a few seconds attempting to catch up on some duly needed rest. But as the footsteps of his future student came into range Gintoki cracked his eyes to get a look.

Kichirou Ken'ichi walked slowly with his green and black trench jacket buttoned all the way up with green spiky hair. The sleeves over his hands, a puppet with green spike hear wrapped up in white Goss walks closer and closer towards the training area. Thinking about what his dad said "don't let your sensei get the best of u" so Kichirou was wondering what his master would be like. He got over it and just went on. then when he got there he looked around and only saw a man sitting on a stump "hey mister are u may sensei I am supposed to meet him hear but I think I might be late and he left but I don’t know if he was hear or not so could u tell me if he was hear or are u him"

From a distance Gintoki watched as the young Genin made his way closer and closer until he was up close scanning him over a few times Gin noticed things about the boy that were peculiar and sparked his interest, the boy seemed to be fairly decent looking well dressed and his green hair was very uncommon which put him
In mind of when he was a young pup just starting out in the Academy and how he used to be teased by the other children for his strange White hair. With a keen smile Gin popped off the log rising up to stand his hands stationed at his side the white haired man listened intently the Genie’s question, looking down faithfully at his hand Gin read off the name he had written upon it, " If you’re in fact Kichirou Ken'ichi then you would be right." Letting a few moments pass Gintoki spoke once more, “Based off description the kazekage gave me about you it seems they match up... And by the way my name is Gintoki Sakata... The white sands puppeteer..." After finishing his brief explanation Gin stretched back taking in a long yawn after a few seconds passed The Jonin reached down grasping his Canteen, popping the cap off instantly Gin pressed the hard metal to his lips while lifting it up, as the cold fresh water poured into his mouth he moved his tongue around sloshing it around. As the heat of the desert beat down on the two the day grew and in the summer months the heat never leaves, even with the sun set sunagakure was the devil's playground.

"yes my name is Kichirou Ken'ichi I graduated two years ago and they wanted me to be in a team with my class mates but it seems that there is only me" Kichirou watched the man. " so you’re a puppet master as well at least I will have a sensei that knows the puppet style jutsu." takes a breath " can I call u gin sensei gintoki" then takes of his puppet and stands it up and lies on it.

With a silent nod Gin tucked his hand up away in his sleeve in a split second The jonin had his hand back out and this time in his palm lay a scroll, Holding the scroll tightly in his hand he watched as his student removed his puppet from its White bandaged case, Gin's face was emotionless and as he slowly unraveled the scroll he formed a hand sign. “There has been a shortage in shinobi around here... If I have the chance I will talk to the kazekage about filling our squad... And now I guess we will start the first phase in your training... Show me what you can do with your puppet...” Forcing a burst of chakra out his body the scroll in his hand puffed into a cloud a smoke as it faded away slowly Gintoki was left standing behind a human figure that was covered by a black cloak, the puppets face was not yet seen it was hidden beneath its dark hood, it stood equal in size to Gin and with the slightest gust of wind the puppet started to chatter, its hollow sounds perforated through the area like the a bell sounding off..

When Kichirou was done unraveling his puppet was 3/4 as tall a Kichirou whereon the same cloths and hair "ok well this is my puppet copy cater he can look like anything and shot out any weapon" then Kichirou starts to make chakra strings appear and then shouts out needles from the mouth of the puppet and then puts up a hand sign. The needles transform in a cloud in to a star shurican and goes in to a stump. “So what do you think is that good enough for you or do you want more"

ken'ichi, kichirou Extra10

Source: Google

Face Claim: Idk i was going through the Naruto Eledia pic's and found it

ken'ichi, kichirou Accept10

Last edited by kichi on Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:58 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Komakai Uchiha
Komakai Uchiha
Female Posts : 322
Ryo : 4334500

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ken'ichi, kichirou Empty
PostSubject: Re: ken'ichi, kichirou   ken'ichi, kichirou EmptyMon Aug 20, 2012 7:28 pm

Hello, my name is Komakai and will be looking at your app today first of all for you app topic title can you change so its LAST NAME FIRST followed by a , then FIRST NAME.

So it looks like this Ken'ichi, Kichirou in the title for the topic.

For you history section you will need 400 words that is the min we expect but since your going for the rank you are you will need 600 words so please edit that.

Quote :
Personality:Kichirou cares about things. he needs to know things.he gets iritated when he kills when not nessisarry and when he kills them with out knowing there names. he would like to tgive them a rifull barrial. he gets mad about when he gives his name to be palit and oponennt doesn't give there name to him.
if he dont have enough information about a person he will not kill them. he fills it would not be right if there is not a good reason for a persons death. he likes to toy with his opponennts to see how they handle it. but gets really cocky and foulish. dont know when to stop toying till they aktuly get a little hit.
he respects his elders of his village and other sencaise. he is set on bringing people to justic by his own rules . but does care about the ragular village rules he follows the villages rules to an extent.

Likes: like to be center of atention and for people to be honest with him. he likes to be around people but also likes to be alone when relaxing. he likes to be at partys and have every one know that he is there.

Dislikes: he hates when people lie to him. he hates to be alone for to long. dislikes to lie to to people but will if haveing to, but he realy dislikes when people play pranks on him



This section that I have quoted above requires work all sections must be filled in. The personity section must be a little bigger and the other sections must be at least 100 words each.

Make the changes listed here then bump the topic.

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Male Posts : 18
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ken'ichi, kichirou Empty
PostSubject: Re: ken'ichi, kichirou   ken'ichi, kichirou EmptyTue Aug 21, 2012 2:12 am

bump i hope that i fixed it to your specifications um i calculated my history on the calculater on the side and it said it was at 700 so idk if you were giving me a tip or if you just didn't caculate or somthing.
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Komakai Uchiha
Komakai Uchiha
Female Posts : 322
Ryo : 4334500

Character sheet
ken'ichi, kichirou Left_bar_bleue380/380ken'ichi, kichirou Empty_bar_bleue  (380/380)

ken'ichi, kichirou Empty
PostSubject: Re: ken'ichi, kichirou   ken'ichi, kichirou EmptyTue Aug 21, 2012 4:28 pm

Well since you have made you character yet another higher rank it is a further 200 words so 800 words is now needed.

Also use captials where needed, add another two elements to your app from Wind, Fire, Lightning or Water.
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Male Posts : 18
Ryo : 0

ken'ichi, kichirou Empty
PostSubject: Re: ken'ichi, kichirou   ken'ichi, kichirou EmptyWed Aug 22, 2012 3:18 am

ok sorry i didn't want to be that rank any more i thought you had read my history and was telling me that to be a speical jounin that it had to me 600 words but thanks and sorry again.... do you want me to add the elements still?
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Komakai Uchiha
Komakai Uchiha
Female Posts : 322
Ryo : 4334500

Character sheet
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ken'ichi, kichirou Empty
PostSubject: Re: ken'ichi, kichirou   ken'ichi, kichirou EmptyWed Aug 22, 2012 3:07 pm

Yes please and I will check again make sure you use capitial letters for you app like Gender: Male .

It looks more better to read.
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Male Posts : 18
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ken'ichi, kichirou Empty
PostSubject: Re: ken'ichi, kichirou   ken'ichi, kichirou EmptyWed Aug 22, 2012 6:27 pm

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Male Posts : 338
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ken'ichi, kichirou Empty
PostSubject: Re: ken'ichi, kichirou   ken'ichi, kichirou EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 12:05 am

You haven't applied for a starter rank. Go apply in the starting rank topic and then I can approve you.
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Male Posts : 18
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ken'ichi, kichirou Empty
PostSubject: Re: ken'ichi, kichirou   ken'ichi, kichirou EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 3:46 am

yay idk where thst is but i will find it
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ken'ichi, kichirou Empty
PostSubject: Re: ken'ichi, kichirou   ken'ichi, kichirou EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 4:11 am

ken'ichi, kichirou Approv10
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