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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Yukio Uchiha

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Yukio Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Yukio Uchiha   Yukio Uchiha EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 2:34 am

Yukio Uchiha 47705%2525252525252520-%2525252525252520angel%2525252525252520animal_ears%2525252525252520black_hair%2525252525252520blue_eyes%2525252525252520cat_ears%2525252525252520collar%2525252525252520emo%2525252525252520fingerless_gloves%2525252525252520glasses%2525252525252520hair_over_eye%2525252525252520heart%2525252525252520punk%2525252525252520wings

Yukio has black hair that when seen in the light, resembles dark gray ash. His Eye's are blue and can sometimes be caught glowing a bit, almost as if there is, or was a light planted in his sockets. He wears glasses, mainly do to the fact that contacts are expensive, and with out them he is a total cluts. He has a white olive skin tone complexion and fox like ears on the top of his head, probably because he is the host of the Kyuubi. He is roughly around 5"9' and weighs 140 lbs.

He wears a charcoal black short sleeved jacket with a blazer color having two identical buttons attached to each flap. He has a black collar wrapped around his neck, mainly for fashion purposes, you know like his daily attire. His pants are white despite everything else. On his left arm he wears a finger-cut glove and on his right arm he was an arm warmer, both are black. He has this Blue charm around his neck that was given to him by his father.

Uchiha, Yukio
High Expectations
Ninja Application


First Name: Yukio
Last Name: Uchiha
Alias: Yuki
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Height: 5"9'
Weight: 140 lbs
Birthday: March, 7th
Sexuality: Homosexual
Affiliation: Kusamugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Lightning, Fire, Water
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu

Personal v2

Personality:On literary terms, Yukio doesn't like to show his true feelings so he hides them behind something he is not. A cold person is what many would describe Yukio as. His life is meaningless in the eye's of many. He is just so cold, and dreadful he kinda feels sorry for himself. He questions himself on why that is but he never really seems to have the time to answer the question. He never really thought everything he did in life was cruel, that was mainly because "second thoughts" never really flew in his mind at all, especially when he was confronted of things he was going to do. How was he suppose to know what was right and what was wrong in life, his father was hardly the father figure he would want to know.

But yukio really is a nice guy, but it is a rare occasion when you see him like this. Just as a general statement, Yukio is a well behaved kid. I don't think a goodie two shoes would mean much to him, because he isn't that good of a kid. He is quite the shy guy if I do say so myself. He doesn't speak unless spoken to, and some even questions if he breathes or not. Quite the wierdo huh? But on that note you can clearly see that Yukio is kinda in his own world. His shyness has reached to a point in his life where he can get real angry real quick.

Aside from being shy and angry, Yukio is a really nice guy. The outdoors excite him, and sometimes if you see him outside by his lonesome he is probably getting some breakdown time to himself before he starts encountering other people and their silly antics, but that still isn't stopping him from having a good time....all by himself. I guess just generally stating the obvious, you can classify Yukio Tochi as a loner, enough said I suppose.

Likes: Quiet, Calmness, Tranquility

Dislikes: Calamity, Ignorance, War

Motivation: ~

Fears: Being buried alive.

Clan Information

Clan name Uchiha

Bloodline Name:Sharingan

Bloodline Ability:

Location: Kusamugakure

Clan History:



[center]A stream of flowing grief

What has happened to the world now. So much calamity has risen. Chaotic lies, backstabbing bastards. What has the world come to, where has the world come to. Has it took some unexpected stop, rendering it useless to all who inhabit it. If not that then what, why must lives be ruined or taken away for someones own nefarious lack of love. Who are they to take a life they do not own. Only life can take lives if it choose the person deserves to live or not. Unfortunately that wasn't the case for Yukio Uchiha.

Before he was officially born he was already classified as a miscarriage, but certainty wasn't verified as the child appeared to be alive. Everyone was afraid of what was happening on the inside of the mothers stomach as she was carrying what they called the "Living dead". Such a bewildering thought. How could someone do that to such a sweet, confused mother of a child. Making her more afraid of the baby than she was her own body was not good. It was almost time for the baby to come out and the mom was struggling, pleading the death has bestowed its hand on the babies heart. She didn't want something that basically died in her to be living with her; even if he is alive.

Normally some people would consider this a blessing, because this could have been the only child she could have produced and to honestly tell the truth, it was. Right when Yukio took his first breath of air his mother took her last. The baby did not scream, it did not cry. It was silent. Arms stretched out as if reaching for something...that wasn't there. His eye's glistened in the lights of the hospital room. They were a mother of pearl color, and his hair a dark dirty forest color. It didn't look all to appealing, but we will see how he rocks it when eh gets older.

At that very moment when he spread his arms out reaching out to something, his mothers eye's closed slowly as she died. It was almost has if the baby took his mothers soul. Drained it from her shell of a body and left here there to rot. A not to fashionable death if I do say so myself, which I already did. Aside from that you could see the trauma, the fear, and the terror that quickly flooded the room as a whole. Everyone cried and the father picked his child up, the skin cold tot he touch, almost as if this baby has been dead longer then they have realized.

Life can wake up death

Turning six on the day of his mothers death didn't seem o bother young Yukio not one bit. Six years into his life and six years without his mother by his side. He did care. His dad would occasionally ask if he wanted to know something about his mother, but Yukio would just brush him aside as if his mother never existed. Normally boy his age would want to know so much about his mother. Her living habits, what she did for a living, all that jazz. But nothing. He just would look at his dad straight in his eyes and say, "Should I care about her," Then he will walk away and resume to what he was originally doing.

His father didn't know what to make of this nonsense. He thought it was probably because of Yukio's lack of friends. Maybe the reason Yukio is acting like this because he is in isolation, not really hanging around those his age. Keep in mind he is only six however. That is when Yukio's father sent him to the Ninja academy. He thought that was the best way to do things. Maybe not the right way, but the best way I suppose you got to do what you got to do, right?

Ninja academy started for Yukio and it went from Awesome to Terrible to Yukio seriously needs a reality check. He is a really cruel person even though he tries not to be. I guess when he was reaching out to nothing when he was born, he probably wanted to be dead then, he probably still wants to be dead now. He is a corrupted person I suppose. He would secretly torture the bullies because of how they would treat him, then those secrets got out and the ninja's or the academy and Yukio's father didn't know what to make of it, he was to young to go to jail or the juvenile center, but that was when Yukio did something he would soon regret....but knowing him he probably wouldn't even have second thoughts on it.

RP Sample:

A random rp sample

Akikake, originally Calista Petrakis, was born in the northern region of the Roman Empire. Her father, Petros, had fallen in love with a foreign woman. His family never made an effort to hide their displeasure with the choice. Their prized son, who had served many years in the Roman military, had essentially betrayed his parents. Now that he had impregnated a low-class begger, there was no chance to advance in the society ladder. However, after the two married, the family welcomed them with open arms. They needed their son, and they were going to get everything they could out of him. By the time Calista was born, some of the tension had disappeared. Her grandparents would be seen holding back a smile as they held her in their arms. Often times, her grandmother was found lounging, sewing and singing as Calista and her mother swayed to the music. Other relatives found her cheerful innocence contagious, that very thing doing much to sooth the family's hardened heart.

Not everyone in the household was enjoying the new additions, however. When Petros and his wife was accepted back into the family circle, his older brother, Kleitos, had been pushed to the background. Being able to only look on as his brother took his place as the one to continue the family line...the position that had been rightfully his. The position that had been cruelly taken away from him by one enemy sword. The bitter feeling only grew when another child was born, this time it was a son.

And just like that, Kleitos' status as the "lesser" son solidified.

The only person who knew of his anger and resentment was Calista's mother. She knew of the elder brother's feelings of hatred, and because of this, she feared for her family's life. She ran to her husband, telling him of her worries and of how Kleitos meant them harm. Petros only laughed and thought her delusional. He never thought that at that moment, his brother was pacing the length of his bedroom, plotting his next action. He knew that now that the woman had gone and warned his brother, something had to be done. So, that night he snuck into Petros' room and killed both him and his wife. With the same blade, Kleitos then had no trouble killing the newborn son. As he ran from the murders, he kidnapped the young Calista, heading for the Imperial City of Rome.

There, Calista was sold to a wealthy man, and never saw her uncle again. Her owner, Gaius, was a kind, older man who owned a brothel. His wife had died long ago, and all his children has either married and moved or had died in battles. So, while he had her doing the housework and the cooking, he treated her kindly, and viewed her as his own daughter. However, he failed to mention that that kindness would only last until she grew old enough to develop her curves. Without telling her beforehand, he sold her to a drunk for a high price. Was it any surprise, then, that she knifed the stranger when he tried to take off her clothes?

The incident caused an uproar throughout Rome. Not only was a paying customer killed in a brothel, but a Calista was a female slave with no Roman citizenship. Yet, while others shouted for retribution for the hideous crime that was committed, Gaius saw a chance for profit. He proposed after a week of training with his top gladiator, that she be paired against another woman gladiator for a show. The idea intrigued the people, and she was sent to training.

The week passed fairly quickly, and the day of the fight came. Hundreds of Romans filled the arena, shouting, arguing, and jostling each other for a better view. The two fighters stepped out, and that was when Calista first saw her opponent. A woman only a few years older than herself, holding a broadsword and a large shield. Once the fight started, it didn't last long. With two strides of her long legs, the other woman, batted aside Calista's attempt to cut her, and her broadsword went straight through Calista's stomach. The older woman smirked and then coughed. However, when she saw something red land on other's shirt, she realized something wasn't right. The girl's face featured a grin that stretched from ear to ear. Not even the blood dripping out of her mouth lessened the fear that spread through her. She looked down at her chest, and just stared at it. Pulling her sword out of the older woman's chest, the world spun, and Calista found herself lying on the ground. She didn't even have the strength to remove the sword in her stomach. Yet, she felt a sense of satisfaction. Somehow, she had won.

Source: Forumotion

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Akatsuka Kenshi
Akatsuka Kenshi
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Yukio Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yukio Uchiha   Yukio Uchiha EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 3:12 am

Approved, sucka!
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