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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Kara Shibure [The seven tails]

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Special Jounin

Kara Shibure
Kara Shibure
Posts : 17
Ryo : 41000

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PostSubject: Kara Shibure [The seven tails]   Kara Shibure [The seven tails] EmptySun Jun 09, 2013 8:24 pm

Kara Shibure [The seven tails] Marui-KunKawaii_zps4f03f28b


"Quantity does not mean quality. Chose your words wisely, or sound stupid."

Kara Shibure [The seven tails] Whoare14

First Name: Kara
Last Name: Shibure
Alias: The Turtle Elder

Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6' 0''
Weight: 64 Kilograms
Birthday: 4th June
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationships: -

Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: Special Jounin
Element: Water, Earth, Fire
Specialization: Taijutsu, Nintaijutsu, Ninjutsu,

Kara Shibure [The seven tails] Tellme11

Personality: Kara takes to his Bijuu a little too well. Like his partner, he's a very quiet person, and when he speaks it tends to be wise concise words. Only people who he believes deserve his company gets a full conversation with him, rather than simple yes or no answers. To say that he's quiet does not mean that he rarely talks, however, as if he's asked things he will willingly answer them, but will rarely start a conversation unless something's going on that he's either interested in or doesn't understand, he will tend to be the answerer in conversations. People he judges to be idiots will frequently be refused even his simplest pearls of wisdom, ignoring them altogether. His Bijuu doesn't approve of his ignoring of other people, but it appears that Kara could not, in fact, care less.

It is indeed the case that Kara is quite a judgemental individual. Having been pretty much raised from birth by the spirit that he refers to as "Grandfather", he's incredibly perceptive and intelligent. However, like most who are smart, he has long since realized that a lot of people resent him for the way that he was created. The curse of genius has plagued him all his life, smart enough to realize exactly why a lot of people mistrust him and has grown to resent them and to desire to prove them wrong causing him to take rather the quiet sage style of personality. Despite resenting many of the villagers, his steadfast determination to prove people wrong has caused him to stay with the village, perhaps more out of spite than out of affection for the people, but he is a useful tool for the village. He's aware of his "usefulness" and endeavors to make sure it doesn't run out to try and avoid getting enemies.

Likes: There are many things that Kara enjoys, being a man of the world as it were. He's a fan of literature, taught to read by his guardian and steered by 'Grandfather' to go after the older literature and to study philosophy. he's more interested in ancient literature and non-fiction than he is by novels, but they're all interesting. Other than that, he's a fan of drinking, although tending not to go to excess. His belief is there is a nirvana of alcohol, the limit where you've got liquid bravery and enough of it to dull your systems enough to make you feel less pain than normal without doing stupid things or falling on your face. If he gets a hangover the following morning, he knows he's broken his own system.

Dislikes: As a general rule, he detests people who speak too much. Believing that concise and wise is better than non-stop and idiotic, he sees those who go against that rule to be irritating. That's not to say that if a conversation is long it is necessarily boring or pointless. In fact, if the entire conversation is about an interesting concept, then the longer the better. However, he believes "social pulp" is just a waste of breath, as are the people who engage in it. Other than that, he dislikes unnecessary violence and the mere act of being bloodthirsty makes him cringe and want to knock some sense into their heads. Having to deal with a lot of warmongers, he's gotten used to having the silent but pressing urge to bury his fist deep into their chest.

Motivation: There appears to be two main motivations that drive him through. The first one involves his loyalty to the village. Since they've never truly given him a reason to like them, and quite a lot of reasons to dislike them, it's hard to understand why he would wish to stay and aid villagers of which a large percentage despise him merely for being used in the way he was. He stays in the village as a way to spite them, and works hard so that they have to acknowledge his usefulness. Believing living with your own stupidity is a worse punishment than dying, he's steadfastly loyal to the village and has no intention to betray them. On an overall basis, however, he wants to bring a bit more wisdom to the world. It's filled with fools, idiots and, sadly, fools who believe themselves to be geniuses. He wants to bring the true wisdom to the world, whether it be through writing or teaching.

Fears: A man who knows himself and knows his enemy need not fear a thousand battles, as a wise man once said. As such, Kara tries to keep a clear mind and suppress any and all fear that he might feel. However, in the heat of battle, even he has fears that he would reveal to no-one. Of course, the major fear is that by his own action, or potentially inaction, he will bring harm to people that do not deserve it. He feels a lot of resentment for the way he's used by the village, but that does not mean he wants them to die. On top of that, he has the fear of breaking his own guideline. When he wakes up with a hangover, he knows he broke his own rules and, most likely, screwed up majorly. Generally when that happens, he will wake up to Grandfather tutting in his head and telling him what a great job he did in screwing up.

Kara Shibure [The seven tails] Blood10

Place clan name here
Bloodline Name:
Bloodline Ability:
Clan History:

Kara Shibure [The seven tails] Histor11

History: As with every village, there will always be surplus population. People who are unwanted children born from a drunk night without a condom, or a child who's parents die of an illness that he somehow survives. Whatever way it happens, they will always be there, and quite often they'll just be put into an orphanage with a mistress who's a horrible witch who screams at the children and beats them with a broom. It so happens that Kara was one of those unwanted children, although he still doesn't know why. Maybe his mother was too young to look after a child properly, or maybe he was created out of an affair or perhaps his father died and she didn't want the responsibility of being a single mother, but whatever the case may be, he was brought to a small orphanage on the island when he was little more than a few days old. Still on mother's milk, and given up before he had even said his first word. The world can be a horrible cruel place. Thankfully, it appeared that fate had better things planned for the poor sod, as was made clear when the turtle lion attacked the island. Well... attacked is a harsh word. More like was found underneath the water and the paranoid members of the village decided to get rid of it just in case it decided to turn nasty.

To seal a tailed beast like the Nanabi, a human body is needed and the life of the one who seals it has to be taken. Of course, the person who would seal it would have to be someone strong enough to manage it, and that would deprive the village of a strong warrior. But, who would be the best to put it in? Would it be a strong warrior, who would be a major loss if damaged by the sealed beast? Would it be a trainee ninja, who would be such a shame to lose at an early age? No, apparently it would be less trouble to put it into a baby's body as if he died, he hadn't done anything of worth yet anyway, not like there weren't more where that came from. Of course, the mistress of the orphanage didn't care, sacrificing one child to save the lives of the rest would not be that bad of a sacrifice, especially considering it gave her less mouths to feed. Taken by the village to be, essentially, the sacrifice, he was taken to one of the strongest sealing ninjas in the village, performing the deed whilst the beast was contained. The seal apparently went off without a hitch and within the span of a day, his life had changed for the better... or perhaps not.

The new host of the Nanabi, seen by the village as something they could use as a weapon when older, was taken into the care of the village. If they nurtured him well, he'd be willing to fight for the village but if they didn't, chances were he would become a threat to the village. It was just lucky that the Nanabi was not one of his savage brothers, and was not putting up as much of a fuss as most. Kara, now seen as a valuable asset, was taken into the care of a guardian, a ninja who was powerful and wise yet not well enough to continue active service. This was the person that he got to know as his father, Saito Shibure, a ninja who's right leg was prosthetic after losing his real one in an attack on the village by summoned monsters. Unlike most adults in his life, Saito was a great man and a kind one too, raising Kara to the best of his abilities and coming to love him like a son. Although not exactly the most conventional father-son relationship, theirs was a good one. As he grew older, stronger and wiser, the Nanabi became a grandfather figure to him, and even gained the title "grandfather". Of course, he didn't quite have full trust in the boy, nor believe that he had the right to use his abilities, but kara was on better terms with his tailed beast than most other Jinchuriki.

As he came of age, he joined the ninja academy like all those who wish to be great Shinobi. A quiet and lonesome individual, he always seemed to be paying rapt attention in class, and yet never put his hand up. Every time the teacher asked him, he did it without fail and aced his physical exams, although few expected less of a Jinchuriki, especially one with the skill-set that the Nibi had. It was during this time that his resentment of other villagers began, with the other kids who picked on him and laughed at him because he was quiet and, most importantly, different. He asked his 'father' why that was, and he was told that it was because he was different, and that most people in this world will ridicule those who don't fit into normal society. That he himself was a victim of this crudeness of society, simply for having been wounded. He was smart enough to understand that society wouldn't like him unless he proved himself useful and thus began his career for the village, graduating top of his class from the academy as the valedictorian and moving off into missions. His team, naturally, didn't trust him but they got their jobs done.

Done so well, in fact, that he was promoted to Chuunin within the year. Although, to say it like that makes it sound easy, or enjoyable. His team got into situations frequently where a little bit of caution would have stopped them from getting into the state where they needed medical ninjutsu when they got back to the village. Something that the village noticed, and seemed to thing was foul play, was the fact that he very rarely got injured, and when he did it tended to be less than the injuries of his team. The kage loved him for it, but the villagers suspected that he was using them like live bait, flushing opponents out of their holes. Even his team-mates began to dislike him, looking at him with scorn and believing that if he told them what he knew they would be injured less. What they apparently didn't notice was that he always did warn them. They just never listened to him, like most of the village. However, despite the accusations, the kage favored results and so promoted him to Chuunin within the year, whilst keeping his team genin. Needlessly to say, they were less than thrilled.

With new found position comes new found responsibilities, and quite frankly they were an absolute pain. Yet he endured them, and the increasing frequency of his Grandfather's poetry, believing that you had to suffer to get stronger. If a man could walk through a valley of burning coals, his feet might hurt but they would be tougher for it. Working on his own he was much, much more effective and would gain the admiration of those who had not yet made the walk. Hard work is not, however, it's own reward and he managed to get enough ryo together to buy a small house by the edge of the village. Although never quite being alone thanks to Grandfather being omnipresent, he certainly got the chance to make his life his own. The house to begin with was run down and dull, and now it's a miniature paradise for a book lover. Bookcases line the walls of most rooms, full to bursting with books and scrolls and tomes and everything else that he can get together. He began to eat a lot more sea-food, perhaps influenced by his Bijuu, but what was more noticeable was the alcohol. He became the mascot for the alcohol-nirvana concept, and he actually got a lot of respect from the monks of the drunken fist for managing to fight normally whilst drunk.

His missions became a lot more interesting as well, working as hard as he could to become respected amongst the villagers. He began to travel from village to village, despite the kage claiming that that was unsafe and that he was risking himself greatly by doing so. What was he to care, he did not believe that people would be able to touch him as long as he was a member of the village. He knew they might always try and kidnap him to get the tailed beast from him, but those who dared to try would make an enemy out of one of the largest nations in the world, and would in so doing commit suicide. Few would be that stupid, and with that philosophy he continued his hard work and managed to become Special Jounin two years after his promotion to Chuunin. He hasn't proven himself worthy of the jounin position yet, but he will get there some day. Some day soon.

RP Sample: Ever since Alek was a child, he had loved festivals. The lights deep into the night, the children running and playing with friends, the lovers making their wishes to be with one another forever under the light of the stars, the old couples reliving the pleasures of their youth and the parents, knowing that all of their hard work and suffering bringing up their kids was worth it. Of course, he would never admit this bit of sentimentality to the other members of the council, he needed to keep them thinking of him as a strong, hard-working genius who cared more about the country than he did about himself. If he was to let them know about something as childish as this, they'd probably lose a little bit of respect for him. But, since none of them were here, he figured he could have a little bit of fun. Besides, despite the fact that they were officially dating now, he and Sandra had never actually gone on a single date. Oh, they had done plenty of missions together as friends, and they had even done that circus night which he had intended to be a date but he couldn't really call something that turned into a mission a date, now could he? The only thing they'd done after their date was that mission to stop the arsonists, and that couldn't be called a date either. For the first time, this would be an actual date and he wouldn't let anyone call him on a job for tonight. Tomorrow, he'd be The Fuhrer again, but for tonight he just wanted to be Aleksander Javert, lover of Sandra Sakura.

It was already starting to fall into late afternoon, the sun starting to touch the tips of the mountains in the distance as Alek waited at the top of the hill for his date. Since he'd never seen himself as a true fiorian, despite being in charge of the Magic Council, he wasn't tying into their sense of dress for the festival. Instead, he stood there in what could be described as the most charming thing he had ever worn. In short it was a suit, with his trousers a deep navy and his jacket a deep black, with a smart tie adding to the impression of smartness that it was giving off. The weather was hot enough for him not to have to wear a coat with it, and over his eyes he wore a pair of grey sunglasses, blocking the sun from actually having any effect with him. His hair, for the first time in ages, wasn't done simply in a single ponytail that fell down his back limply. It was done in a braid, lacking any femininity and instead being like the warriors of old. Even tied up like this, it still reached between his shoulder blades, before ending with a single red band that kept it all in place. This was a hard style to master, and especially so when he'd had to do it himself. It was hard to braid when he couldn't see what he was doing, and so it had taken almost an hour but it was done now, and it was worth it. Now, all he had to do was wait.

As he waited, he noticed something about the area. This place, obviously in one of the rolling hills in the countryside near the village, was beautiful. However, it was also clearly the site of some sort of temple. There was a large temple at the top of a large flight of stairs, with something that he recognized as some form of temple. There was a praying stone at the front of it and a long winding staircase leading up to it that had, not that he had counted in any great detail, around one hundred steps. Something about that seemed like it had been planned by the people who had made this temple, although he had no idea what god they were celebrating or paying homage to. Well, it didn't seem like it mattered, the festival had nothing to do with the religious people who lived here, he just hoped he didn't run into one of them. He wasn't a big fan of religions that try and make innocent people into evil, corrupt sinners just because they happen to like fighting or getting drunk. It was like they got off on making people feel bad about themselves, which for all he knew they very well could do. Either way, whilst he wouldn't object to spending time around a religious person, he wouldn't want to listen to a spiel about it. It was ironic, one of the few men that knew allegorically and definitely that there was an afterlife didn't believe in it.

Kara Shibure [The seven tails] Extra10

Source: I'm a moderator on FTRPG, I saw the link and investigated.

Face Claim: Marui Bunta - Prince of Tennis

Kara Shibure [The seven tails] Accept10

Last edited by Ashevii on Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kara Shibure [The seven tails]   Kara Shibure [The seven tails] EmptySun Jun 09, 2013 8:42 pm

You need an extra 300 words because of the higher rank position on top of the bijuu requirement. Almost there ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Kara Shibure [The seven tails]   Kara Shibure [The seven tails] EmptySun Jun 09, 2013 9:01 pm


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PostSubject: Re: Kara Shibure [The seven tails]   Kara Shibure [The seven tails] EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:20 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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