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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App)

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PostSubject: Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App)   Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) EmptyMon May 06, 2013 7:42 am

Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) 12ecd922_zps0a9ca531

Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) Whoare14

First Name: Fujishimi
Last Name: Shichiyou (Sakyamuni Style)

Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 150 lbs
Birthday: October 31st
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: He has none

Affiliation: Ouraboros
Rank: Jounin
Element: Black Ice
Specialization: Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) Tellme11

Personality: Fujishimi is a man who cares about nothing nor no one he is lead to believe that all of life is meaningless and has no point all the way up to the human life, as it has little to no value if one could oppose another and kill his own to get ahead in life and it is this value and realization Fujishimi see's that shows him that no one not even himself is nothing more than a pawn, he cares little about himself and has never loved anyone not even for a moment in his life he cares not who he serves and will kill someone even if it was his own mother.

This behavior could be from the loss of his parents in an incident that happened not too long ago something he had found out about them when he was just a young person he loves to stare at the moon every now and then as it is something of peace something that calms his mind and gives him some kind of meaning in life.

Everytime he awakens from meditation or sleep he always questions life as if life itself is some sort of God, but still finds no meaning he is somewhat of a wanderer both inside and out but has a killer intent with everything he does even if he doesn't mean it on that day. it is never safe to say when Fujishimi will turn off his killswitch button nor his Nilihlim button so he is always making people nervous around he holds a blank stare and regards smiling as a mortal sin among humans.

Though people do sometimes break that sin he doesn't go overboard with insanity to try and kill them he simply engages in a fight and smashes their face in giving them little to no mercy something that people should watch out for; Fujishimi leads and unpredictable life and often times no one knows what he is about to do or think. Making even the Ouroboros a tad nervous.

Beneath the calm and Nihilistic nature that is Fujishimi he does have feelings still however and some words or things trigger a bit or anger or rage from him causing him to rampage in a calm manner from time to time making one's words more of a thought before speech type of routine as he is easily bothered if a certain thing is preformed or done.

Likes: Peace: Fujishimi wants nothing more than to be left alone and in a calm manner but dreams are simply too good to be true like everything else and so he just tries to find it where he can and when he can.

A tad bit of Clarity: WHen looking at the moon at night he finds some Clarity in looking at it and it makes him see life a little brighter but that can always easily be broken by disturbance one of the many things he hates from people in this world.

The Moon: Something about the Mysticism of the moon that attracts and has always attracted Fujishimi and so he has come to the agreement of giving the moon some attention once in a while and those around him have understood that no one bothers him when he is staring at the moon nor does anyone get the idea of doing so they just simply leave him be.

Silence: When they use the term "Silence in Golden" Fujishimi takes it to a literal he loves silence atop of peace so he can just sit there and view the world even though he finds it pointless Silence makes looking around interesting with all the contraversy and other things in the world its really no wonder as to why he hates it.

Dislikes: People who trigger words: He has a unique disliking for people who say or do certain things he doesn't like and so he takes a particular disliking to them and refuses to chat with them though he doesn't give much chat to anyone else and rather takes a rather aggressive approach to things.

People who disturb natural things: Fujishimi dislikes people who just come and mess up the flow of things or come and disturb his peace and silence its because of this that Fujishimi would simply rather be with his partner that he is assigned to within the Ouroboros and that is it, easier dealing with one person than many.

Loud Obnoxious people: Fujishimi dislikes people who don't shut up or speak louder than they should and its rather annoying to listen to their voice on high when they could simply speak like a normal being would subtle and calm and without all the loudness its something he hates.

Odd Haircuts: Something that Fujishimi cannot place his finger on is that he hates people with odd haircuts nothing is more discouraging or silly than an odd haircut it is something about that that makes him just want to punch that person in the face when he see's it but its best he keeps from them at those times.

Motivation: His motivation is to see the truth in all life that he finds pointless why he is seeking this ultimate goal is unknown but perhaps he wants to find some reasoning to life or anything close to it, all though it is uncertain he will go by any means to get stronger to see if there is really anything out there that has meaning to it.

Fears: Perhaps the greatest fear within Fujishimi is feeling again, he is quite contempt with how he feals and infact prides himself in his Nihilistic ways should he feel one day, he fears that it will be his undoing and he will become something he doesn't want to be. Perhaps a monster or even a human again it's something he will not allow or at least tries his best to prevent

Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) Blood10


Bloodline Name: Hoto-Shinjimi

Bloodline Ability: Frozen Tomb: A technique derived by himself though it is somewhat forbidden in his clan to use this technique, the user utilizes the chakra and forces it to grow thicker thus soon after that it begins to form black ice at either the user's feet or the opponents, however, there are two differences when applied to either the user's self or the opponents; If cast on the opponent it will start at their feet like normal and after a posts time slowly begin to devour their body when fully devoured a post after that it will break.

From the base of the tomb when fully enveloped in it the tomb begins to emmit and area of black ice around it those caught this area of effect will tend to take damage over a posts amount of time enough to freeze some limbs or organs. However this is less likely to happen versus a S-Ranked or Kage level'd opponent as this ability will have little no effect on them on both the tomb and the area of effect.

It should be noted that the area of effect spreads to a maximum distance of 20 meters enough to force other allies of the opponent to back off or vice versa if the user were to freeze themselves.

On the users self the tomb envelops alot quicker around them and after a posts time they are envelopped within the tomb for two posts, Whilst in this state both the user and the opponent are unable to take damage for at least a post but however on the opponents behalf they would take damage whilst frozen as slowind down the organs and arteries could cause damage to the skin due to lack of blood pumping and even some organs. However this would of course be less likely to happen versus a S-ranked or Kage leveled opponent. This ability would then go on cooldown for approximately 12 posts after usage.

Chart for Freezing:

Vs. Jounin: 25% Freezing Spread

Vs. Sp. Jounin: 30% Freezing spread

Vs. Chuunin: 35% Freezing Spread

Vs. Genin: 40% Freezing Spread

Chart: Absorption

Vs. Jounin: Able to Absorb 2 D Ranks, 1 C, 1 A,

Vs Sp. Jounin: Able to Absorb 3 D, 2 C, 2 A

Vs. Chuunin: Able to Absorb 4 D, 3 C, 3 A

Vs. Genin: Able to Absorb 5 D, 4 C, 4 A.

Location: Hyougagakure.

Clan History: The once proud Shichiyou whom were cousins from the main line of the clan were a majestic people who had mastered a unique Element over everything else but with this element came a corrupt nature in mind to it, Most of the Shichiyou's were a proud people and were well respected within the Hyougagakure even by the Kage of the village they were seen as the teeth and nails of the village and were somewhat of a secret force behind the villages bolstering attack and defense with there abilities Hyougagakure was somewhat of a threat to other villages but the Shichiyou were not a hostile people they were more about defense then offense or aggression. One night however on the night of a full moon they had suddenly just up and vanished they said that an assassin had killed them during a festival they usually celebrated during a full moon and that the assassin had just up and vanished with nothing to say or do.

Nowadays that part of the city is closed off as part of a memorial and a warning to those curious enough to delve in the Shichiyou's history something that the people within Hyougagakure do not dare to do.

Sakyamuni Connection:Fuji's decendent's were of the Sakyamuni clan generations back and their style was that of a black ice style which were passed down generations upon generations Until the Sakyamuni were overrun by the Shichiyou and made to convert, Thought the ability to Harness black ice was lost it was not to be spoken of for many years to come; Until Fujishimi was born and it was realized by his parents that they still had the bloodline of the Sakyamuni within them.

Out of the Shichiyou and Sakyamuni his bloodline to the Sakyamuni was stronger and it was through this that Fujishimi was able to harness his ability to harness the Black Ice and even more beyond the element.

Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) Histor11

History: Born on the night where the full moon was closest to the earth a festival the shichiyou clan often celebrated a young boy who's father was leader of the village was born, his name was Fujishimi and he was said to complete things that no other shichiyou was ever going to do; Within his early years of his child hood at the age of two he began to learn and show his love for his mother and father. One day they had gone to the village market to pick up some food and Fujishimi was simply amazed at all the food he saw, it was unexplainable but he the shapes and colors simply intrigued him his mother had been carrying whilst they were walking and he was in love with this life of his and never wanted it to fade away, so he began to train with his parents under their release and Kekkei Genkai. ALong his ways he did so and at an alarming rate having learned what his parents learned in so little amount of time not in a day or two more so a year or 3. His parents were absolutely astonished but with the learning of their release and the Kekkei Genkai he began to become corrupt soon little intentions of his were noticed highly and he began to get out of hand and soon with that he began to get violently.

At the age of five he began to study with other Shinobi including some of his kinsmen Most Shinobi from different villages knew Hyouga ninja were popular far and wide, especially the Shichiyou clan for their unique art and release during one of these classes someone said something foul to Fujishimi and he had lost it, having sealed the boy in Black Ice this ice was not like other ice, no infact this ice was as dark as the midnight sky so much so that the parents of the boy thought that he had died beneath the ice. But the Chaos didn't stop there Fujishimi didn't let the boy out as a punishment for having said something foul about him. His parents threatened to fight the Shichiyou clan but realized they would suffer the same fate, or perhaps not when the village leader Fujishimi's father came through the crowd he gave his son a hard punch the cheek and Fujishimi felt his legs buckle as he hit the floor the black ice fell and the boy fell from the tomb half alive and half dead his skin was pale white and his skin was as cold as the ice he was buried in he wasn't shivering nor was he speaking or really breathing it was more of a Light breathing as if he had died and came back to life it was simply showing that Fujishimi was too dangerous to have been around and the fact that he was more of a threat than a joke to be looked at by both Adult and child scared the people.

At the age of 10 he had made a few friends and discovered Buddha something he had gained through somewhat of a religious belief but like his release and Kekkei Genkai this as well Corrupted him he began to care less and less for things aside from killing and soon he had lost his friends and even most of his own family. He was old enough to become a Genin but most of the Shinobi were hesitant about letting him after having heard about what he had done to that boy at the age of five all those years ago. But after a few words with the boys Parents, Fujishimi was allowed to enter and so it began. He took his written and had done quite well for being a Shichiyou. The second part came a few battles, his first opponent was from Kasamuragakure and well the fight didn't last too long an overconfident opponent had rushed in the first and last mistake was made from the dew and water around them it slowly began to drop in temprature as black ice shot out at the young Shinobi almost having killed him if the shard had just pierced a little closer to his heart, immediately the fight was called off and Fujishimi was warned.

The second match began but this one lasted a little longer he was outsmarted quite a few times though his black ice had something that the other ice user had, upon the little impacts that hit the opponent his black ice began to spread and over time had devoured an arm and a leg of his opponent the fact that it was so cold was tearing down the core of the opponent and forcing his body to lock up and eventually he had to submit and be taken to the emergency room so he didn't die of cold. His third and Final match was against one of his relatives a Shichiyou cousin straight off of the main bloodline which was Fuji's own This match lasted for hours as one another threw their own elements in many different forms and arrays at them it was as if a show was being hosted and the two hosts were locked in a bind to see who could conjure the better trick.

Finally it had came down to the last bit of Chakra Fuji's cousin spoke out, "Hm, you really expect to pass your father in leading our clan you can barely stand I do not think you have what it takes, Fujishimi." Fuji's eyes went wide with doubt he was thinking that if it was true then he was damned, damned to being just a peasant it was one of the many times through out his life that he had briefly come back to reality and felt human for a mere moment and then suddenly his body dropped in tempreture and his eyes and sunk lower than they had usually been Fujishimi was just about tired of his cousin's little words when the ice itself came alive and started to lash at his cousin and eventually devoured him in a sea of ice when he was finally dug out he was shivering beyond belief, A Shichiyou shivering from their own release was unheard of something was seriously special and wrong with Fujishimi.

After he had graduated to a Chuunin he had simply gone back to his village until he was needed again the squad he was put with understood though they felt lucky to be around the most profound Shichiyou to grace the history of the clan in ages as they were just normal water and ice users they had only heard stories about what the Shichiyou clan and their odd ways but now they were partners with one of them and he was the son of the leader which was something they held as legendary to themselves.

One of the missions when Fujishimi was fifteen involved invading a smaller village but it was famous for ninja's who had a release over metal which was something Fujishimi nor his two partners had heard about the both of his partners needless to say were both girls and they both admired him very greatly but that was not the case; As they entered the village it was all too quiet but Fujishimi had his black ice lurking from the outside of the village the face that it was raining hadn't helped either the ice built up and circled the village in a clockwise motion as if a tornado was going to touch down and take the village up into the sky as the Ninja surrounded the three the ice quickly swarmed and devoured the ninja's some of the however had escaped and Fujishimi's partners trailed after them quickly what the ninja's had really done was lead them to their leader whom was absolutely overpowering the both of his partners he had summoned a simple black ice shard and sent it flying towards The Leader which forced the leader to let at least one of them go the other on the other hand had been impaled by his own teammate, Fujishimi and well he had killed the other one and whilst he did this he looked down to her in her final breaths, "Your life is useless, pointless. As is everything else and you are of no value to me there for you are no longer needed." With that the other one shut her eyes and it was just him and the leader left, they stared down one another. The Leader knew right away who Fujishimi was but Fuji didn't know of him and soon they both took off.

After hours of fighting both had laid on the floor exhausted The leader got up a little slow and ready to go suddenly he had spat out blood it was an unexpected thing he looked at his palm after having caught this blood in his hand and struggled to ask, "H-how?" He looked down and one of the black ice shards had pierced his chest and was cooling his core at a phenomenal rate and finally he had laid there dead, when he returned he had told his father of what had happened and his father had to break it to their parents in a different way. All he heard from the inside was crying on both sides from both man and woman before coming out and looking at him and his father, His father had looked back at him and saw that Fuji's eyes had turned red something that was unexpected and he took note of this how ever as it was uncommon for a Shichiyou of this day and age to take that eye appearance, it happened with the First one and it seemed he had a successor.

When Fuji was 18 he had visited another village without permission or anyone's request during all of his trials he had made it to jounin through various missions and having killed many leaders this one he just massacred no one knew and not a survivor made it out when he returned he was covered in blood but also he was covered in a body of black ice as soon as he hit the village the ice began to fall off and laid with the deep pile of snow that very same night when everyone was asleep Fuji sat in the middle of the village and as the Black ice crept to every hut and cottage in their small village he let his hands down and heard nothing the only thing that happened was the blood flowing from each cottage included his parents, now this wasn't that of his cousins and distant relatives but of the main blood line when he had left he went in search of the Ouroboros and infact the Ouroboros were in search of him.

"Prequeal: The Story to his special ability; change of element." During one of many meditations that Fujishimi took he was trying to find something unique about himself in such a way that he could change his last name as he was originally a Shichiyou he hated his own clan and infact wanted to seperate themselves from him as far as he could. And so during one of his meditation skill he discovered that he could infact drop his body temp and in turn coagulated and darkened the blood, This as well gave way to him being able to have his heart beat at an appropriate rate to maintain blood through his organs and inturn his organs adapted as well allowing coagulated blood into them in which they adapted and took onto the blood and began to pump accordingly. This allowed his ice to take on a rather unique trait of a black tone to it making him one of the most profound and unique ice users in his clan giving way for him to join the infamous Ouroboros.

RP Sample: Fuji had been walking through the forests outside of Kusamuragakure he was looking for the place but had never seen it along the way he was traveling with an accomplice of the Ouroboros, A Nadare Yumiko who was a specialty in Wood release nothing too fancy as they moved about the forest they had ran into all sorts of animals none too threatening but they were far off the radar at least that is what Nadare had said earlier he had stopped suddenly and sat down, Fuji looked back at him and knew that he wanted to rest they had been travelling for days with no pause and if there were pause in such a thing it was only for a few minutes or so But Nadare wasn't going to move this time he could tell by how he sat, crossed legs and he had taken water out and began to sip from it and so Fujishimi took a sea as well he was quite cooled as he had mastered how to keep his body at freezing temperatures his eyes wandering all around the forest with quite an interest as he always saw interesting things but nothing he would call worth life and then his silence was broken, "So! We should be around Kasamuragakure and will be arriving soon." he nodded. Fuji's red eyes simply glanced at him from the side he was already annoyed with this fellow and it wasn't helping that he wasn't shutting up at them moment there was just no relaxation or serenity during this wonderous time Fuji stood up and sighed some before turning and taking off ahead a little, "...I am going to look ahead to see where we are.." he said soullessly. as he landed he has ran into a few Kusamuragakure Chuunin, as he looked down on them they turned to him, "You're Ouroboros! There's no doubt about that..But who are you?" They asked him and replied, "I am Fujishimi Shichiyou of the Ice."

The Shinobi immediately jumped back and drew their weapons they knew immediately who he was. "You are the one who killed your whole family, The Last of the Shichiyou not derrived from the main blood line." While they did their little talking the black ice had been creeping through the forests and suddenly jumped out at them in the form of hands grabbing two of them and leaving just one behind. From the hand of Fuji his chakra solidified and formed and ice shard and rushed forward slashing rather quickly at him the young chuunin was constantly yet struggling to dodge and block though the blocks caused him to almost fall as Fuji was no weakling Fuji turned and ducked at the same time then came up with a brutal kick forcing him into the suddenly Nadare came out of nowhere having grab onto the boy and slicing his throat as Fuji killed the other two within the grip of the two hands made of black ice and freezing their bodies, shortly after he had done that he shattered them and Fuji simply vanished Nadare looked back and chuckled, "Boy you certainly did a number on these guys, good thing I didn't miss the whole fight..There is a reason why you're so dangerous.." he said as he vanished as well soon enough.

Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) Extra10

Source: Bleach EoE

Face Claim: Original Art

Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) Accept10

© Copyrights Shy 2011

Last edited by Fujishimi on Thu May 09, 2013 6:09 am; edited 8 times in total
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Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App)   Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) EmptyMon May 06, 2013 12:00 pm

Hmm, turn him into a Shichiyou (only way to have the ice element) and match his history to this (by adding in Hyouga).
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Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App)   Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) EmptyTue May 07, 2013 4:21 am

I was suggested to have changed his name because of the hatred for his clan and explain how I got everything in a prequeal
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Kenta Saitama
Kenta Saitama
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Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App)   Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) EmptyWed May 08, 2013 8:18 pm

No sorry, ignore that. You want to control ice and the only ice elemental based clan on this site is the one previously stated. I said, if you described how you have black ice then you can have BUT you have to have the clan that controls ice as your clan. Otherwise re-do your app for a different clan...
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Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App)   Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) EmptyThu May 09, 2013 2:49 am

there its all changed around to Chichiyou
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Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App)   Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) EmptyThu May 09, 2013 6:29 am

Alright, everything that was fixed was discussed via chatbox. This application has my approval. Unless Ryouji says otherwise, you are...

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PostSubject: Re: Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App)   Fujishimi Shichiyou (Ouroboros App) EmptyMon Jun 10, 2013 7:23 am

Archived at the user's request.
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