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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Cloud Strife (finished)

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Cloud Strife
Cloud Strife
Male Posts : 124
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PostSubject: Cloud Strife (finished)   Cloud Strife (finished) EmptyTue Aug 07, 2012 2:12 pm

Cloud Strife (finished) Final.Fantasy.VII:.Advent.Children.325947

Cloud Strife (finished) Whoare14

First Name: Cloud
Last Name: Stife
Alias: SOLDIER, spiky
Gender: male
Age: 24
Height: 5'7
Weight: 180
Birthday: Dec 24
Sexuality: hetero

Affiliation: Hyouga
Rank: Jounin
Element: Fire, Earth, Wind
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Cloud Strife (finished) Tellme11

Cloud is what you call the strong silent type. Due to the event that changed his life his personality had been combined with that of the man and Cloud went from a calm relaxing person to a a rather somber and dark character. This causes Cloud to come off as uncaring or even callous, to those around him. He tends to be quite withdrawn and introspective since He knows that there is a lot that he does not understand about himself, and this causes him to be irritable at times, and sometimes even to snap at friends.

But deep down Cloud remains steadfastly loyal and true to those he cares about and is always driven to protect them, even going as far as to hide his pain and emotions so he does worry them. Ultimately, it is his selfless and kind nature that gives him the ability to push on through his memory struggle and serve Hyouga with all his life.

Meditating- Cloud believes that if he spends enough time focusing on his past that eventually everything will come back to him. He will at times spend hours on in sitting on a roof or in his room just thinking about all the flashbacks that come to him. He'll try to get more clear images and even words of the flashbacks that are happening.
Hot springs

Cooking- Since Cloud tended to obsess over his memory loss he was encouraged to take up a hobby and so he took up cooking. He tends to favor cooking pastries since he has sort of a sweat tooth but he can also cook anything from ramen to a royal duck plate. When not on missions or meditating he is usually cooking for the local shops around hyouga or just cooking n his house.

Books- This is what actually led to Cloud to taking up cooking. He'd constantly read about all the the different meals of the world and since he couldn't go visit them whenever he wanted he figured that he might as well try to make it on his own. Though his real passion for books is that they give him great knowledge and he believes that the answer he is seeking to help regain his memory is somewhere in the books.

Star and cloud gazing- This hobby started when he first arrived at Hyouga. He noticed that Hyouga had a beautiful sky and it just drew him to stare at it. Usually when he is star or cloud gazing Cloud will meditate since he feels this peace that he can't seem to find anywhere else.

quietness- Due to his darker personality Cloud tends to avoid loud places since he can't think to him-self. Though he doesn't mind loud places like festivals he rarely goes to them since he feels somewhat isolated when he goes there.

music- Cloud loves any music and he constantly states that he has a vast music collection. He usually tends to play music when he does anything except missions since it helps keep his mind of his past.
paperwork- nothing is more annoying to Cloud than paperwork. He finds it time consuming which is what bugs him the most. He'd rather be doing something loves like meditating or cooking. He tends to let his paperwork constantly pile up which leads him to be hounded by his superiors.

constantly being bugged- For not doing his paperwork often Cloud was often bugged by his superiors and this lead him to disliking when people bugged him over and over. He states that he'll do it when has the time but what he really means is leave me the f**** alone.

overly optimistic people- He finds overly optimistic people annoying. The main reason he hates them is because he is envious of them and wishes that he was more like them but due to the event he is unable to do just that.

being helpless- This causes cloud to distance himself from everyone and become dark. He hardly mutters a word and rarely eats. When he becomes like this he tends to put him-self in harms way more often.
His main goal currently is to discover who he was in the past and try to figure out why he keeps having all these flashbacks of two separate individual. He can at times seem obsessive over it since it's the only things that keeps him going.

Being happy- He hopes that when he accomplishes his main goal that he'll be able to move on and live a happy life. He wants to start a family of his own and just settle down and leave a peaceful easy going life.

Fears: His biggest fear is that of not accomplishing his goal. He fears that he'll never discover the truth of his past and with that in his mind he'll never be bale to move on and have a happy life.

medical needles- Cloud suffers from trypanophobia or fear of medical needles. He usually will put up a large fight to keep the doctors away so now whenever he goes to the hospital he is tied down so that he won't endanger other peoples lives.

being wrong- Lucario also has the fear of being wrong. This started when he lost his memory. Not knowing who he is Lucario is afraid that

Being helpless-This is a doubly whammy since he hates being helpless and fears it. The reason he fears it so much is that being as helpless as he is now he doesn't want to constantly have this feeling. This feeling shakes him to the very core of his personality so much so that he tends to fear the thought of being helpless.
Cloud Strife (finished) Blood10


Bloodline Name: NA

Bloodline Ability: NA

Location: NA

Clan History: NA

Cloud Strife (finished) Histor11

His real name was Lucario Yamada and he was born in Bofuu. As a ninja Lucario was a somewhat above average ninja but not by much. He managed to graduate fifth of his class and was assigned to his genin team. He remained a genin for two years before he and his team were finally promoted to chunnin, and it'd be another year and half before he would be promoted to Special Jounin. Though before all that He was a down to earth person always willing to offer his meager service to those that needed him and he was what you called a fool. He tended to joke and protect those around him with everything he had but that was soon about to change.

Now having been promoted to special jounin Lucario was assigned to infiltrate hyouga and do some recon to see what they were up too but an event would take place that would change his life forever. Lucario entered the country under the pretense of being a herb seller but on his way to the village a bad blizzard kicked up out of no where forcing Lucario to stop for the day. The blizzard seemed to rage on forever slowly letting up after two days. When Lucario emerged from the snow he had no idea where he was. The blizzard had changed the entire landscape and nothing looked like it did before. He took in a deep breath and slowly let it out knowing that if he panicked things would only get worse.

He wondered around the frozen land of the blizzard country for several hours when the sound of the ice cracking began to ring through his ears. He didn't move an inch since he didn't know exactly where the ice was weak, but fate had other plans. The ice crumbled in all around him and Lucario fell into the depths below vanishing out of site. He hit a large metal object knocking him out but ironically it was the very thing that saved. He awoke several hours later to discover that this large object was stuck in the middle of the ice and it was slowly sinking in. There wasn't much time but Lucario figured that he should check out this thing before leaving. He saw a large hole that led into the object and as he entered he saw that it was a ship from long ago. Though how it got so far in land was beyond him.

He wondered around the ship exploring everywhere he could till he found a door that had a seal tag on it. Lucario couldn't help but wonder why the crew sealed this of all the doors and like idiot he ripped the tag off. Then just as he did a dark presence could be felt that sent a cold chill down his spine. He slowly pushed the door open and what he saw left him in awe. There was a man inside a capsule and he was hooked up to all this monitors the watched every single aspect of his body. What surprised Lucario though was the sheer fact that everything was still working.

He entered the room examining all the documents reading about how the specimen was injected with some new type of cells that enhanced all it's abilities but at the price that it aged twice as fast as a regular human. Lucario walked up to the capsule touching the glass. Instantly the mans eyes widened and his hand flew out the capsule glass grabbing Lucario by the mouth. It happened so fast that Lucario didn't even know what happened till The man had lifted him off the ground. The man quickly formed one handed seals and spoke "Ninpo Life absorption jutsu." Lucarios eyes widened as his very life was being drained. Lucario began to age and he saw the man slowly grow younger and younger. The man then through Lucario to the side saying that he wasn't going to suck all the life from him since he did just save him.

The man vanished and Lucario laid there on the ground shaking as if he was having a seizure. Though this jutsu not only took Lucarios life it also had caused some side affects. Both physical and mental affects. The most noticeable was that Lucarios snow white hair had changed to blonde and his eyes went from a turquoise color to now dark electric blue. The mental effects however were much worse though. The man who had just siphoned his life had left behind a vast trace of his own memories inside Lucarios mind and gaining all the information at once caused his mind to shutdown and reboot (fell unconscious). When he awoke Lucario had no idea who he was or where he was. He looked at his hands then around the room but he just had random flash backs of battles of a white haired person and a blonde hair person. Since he had gained all that information when Lucario fell unconscious his mind could not tell which memories were his and which weren't causing Lucario to have memory loss due to having both sets of memories in his mind this caused his personality to become fused with both the man and Lucario. This fusion gave birth to the man who would later become known as Cloud Strife.

He slowly stood up stumbling around when finally he regained his balance. He wondered around the ship once more trying to find a way out. Lucario found his way out to the top of the ship then saw a the hole which he fell in though of course he didn't know that. He pondered on how would get out of there he looked around grabbing two pickaxes and began to climb out. It took hours but Lucario had finally reached the top of the hole and laid in the snow. He slowly stood up and began to wonder around aimlessly for days till he collapsed of exhaustion. He was found later on that day by Sakura Schichiyou who had just returned from a mission. She took him to the village but he was placed under the careful watch of the ANBU.

When he awoke several days later he was questioned on who he was and why was he out there. Lucario just shook his head stating that he didn't know who he was or why he was there. Of course they didn't believe him and they placed him under arrest and performed a jutsu that allowed them to go deep into his mind but it proved useless since all they saw was random images. ANBU stated that he had memory loss for some odd reason but they stated that he didn't really know a thing.

Since he wasn't a thread he was allowed to stay and start a new life again, and to see if he had any skills they tested him. Lucario was put through some simple ninja tests and he easily passed them. He had no idea why he could do the things he did but proving that he had some ninja skills only made him be watched more closely. Sakura stated that it'd be a shame to let his talents go to waist so she gave him the title of genin. Quickly he rose through the ranks and even improved on by being promoted to jounin. Though the whole time he was there he never had a name till Sakura just called him Cloud Stife since he always seemed to stare off into clouds and strife was since he had a tough life so far.

Present: Cloud as he was now called now currently is working on improving his skills and trying to find out why he is constantly having these weird nightmares. Still plagued by random memories appearing he hopes to one day learn who he really is.

RP Sample: Toshiro reached into his black kimono and pulled out his village headband. He stared at it for a few seconds then smiled. "It's time to go back home." He thought. He tied the headband around his left arm. He was ready to go back to his village now. There was no longer a need to hide where he was from since he didn't find what he was looking for. He opened up an umbrella and headed out of the village heading back to Tsuki.

Toshiro listened to the rain pound against his umbrella with blossom flower designs all over it. It's not that he picked it but the man in the cart who gave him a ride to Boufuu gave it to him so he didn't have much in the say. Still that man gave Toshiro an uneasy feeling for the sole face that they arrived from Tsuki to boufuu in a single night. Toshiro stopped and looked over his should seeing the village of Boufuu in the far distance. He had hoped to see traveling people heading this way but he was yet to find anyone. "Looks like Lady Luck has left my side." He thought and as soon as that thought crossed his mind. Lightning struck right in front of him causing him to fall backwards. He landed with a thud and just laid there knowing that it was going to be a long trip home.

He stood back up covered in mud and sighed a bit. "And here we go." he said out loud. He brushed off some of the mud and proceeded to head to Tsuki. Normally Toshiro would travel at a much quicker pace but due to the bad weather he'd have to move with a bit more care. Slowly with each step the rain began to fall lighter and lighter till eventually it stopped raining all together. Still Toshiro kept the umbrella up to protect him from the sun. Finally hours a whole day walk he reached the bridge the connected the two large lands together. Toshiro saw this bridge was busy since it was very crowded from people coming and going into the countries. He crossed the bridge finally entering into death country.

Part of Toshiro wanted to rest for the night since the sun had set but he wanted to get back to hyouga as soon as possible so he'd just travel to until he reached Tsuki then grab the next boat heading there and sleep since it was a day boat ride to reach the shores of the blizzard country. As the night progressed nothing special happened. Just as quick as the moon came it was gone, and the sun was rising into the sky. Just as the sun appeared Toshiro had laid eyes on the the village know as Tsukigakure. "Took me long enough." He mumbled to him-self. Toshiro quickly made his way into the village and headed for the port using the last of his money to pay for his ticket.

Cloud Strife (finished) Extra10

Source: google

Face Claim: Cloud Strife Final Fantasy

Sidenote: I got the okay from shy to re-app my character so if you guys could delete my old app or if possible I'd like to put him up for adoption, also if someone would change my username to Cloud Strife that'd be very much appreciated as well.

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PostSubject: Re: Cloud Strife (finished)   Cloud Strife (finished) EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 5:10 am

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