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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Kyomu Kowareta ko

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Male Posts : 45
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PostSubject: Kyomu Kowareta ko   Kyomu Kowareta ko EmptySat Jun 08, 2013 8:42 pm

Kyomu Kowareta ko Iri+Flina+young

Kyomu Kowareta ko Whoare14

First Name: Kyomu
Last Name: Kowareta ko

Gender: Female
Age: 13
Height: 4ft 9
Weight: 95lbs
Birthday: 8/6/
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: N/A

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Raiton, Katon and Fuuton
Specialization: Fuinjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu

Kyomu Kowareta ko Tellme11

Personality: Yuki is a demon inside an angel's body, and she uses this to her advantage every chance she gets. Because of her young looking physique, she is always asked if anything is needed, and is treated as a spoiled brat. She isn't a spoiled child at heart, she just thinks it funny to use people in the form she does. She has honed the skill of acting and maintaining her façade, and so she does just that. However, as she looks just like her mother did before her death, if someone angers Kyomu, she can pretend to be her mother: Sagi, and threaten people with her "jounin" status.

She is also very perceptive, and can usually see things others can't, a skill made even more useful via the use of her eidetic memory, which allows her to remember faces, descriptions, quirks, jutsu, abilities and, most importantly, secrets. Her memory sees everything, but it doesn't interfere unless called upon by a visual, auditory, or nasal stimulus. This allows her to stockpile her memories as much as possible, and it sometimes seems like her memory is flawless and eternal.

The part of herself she never shows anyone, unless they make an impression on her and discover her ruse, is her bright spark personality, her true personality. In reality, Yuki is an inquisitive, perceptive, experimental person who loves and wants to experience everything life has to offer. She does this everyday, exploring new places and meeting new people, but it has to be done under her mother's persona or the spoiled child act she goes around with. She is very adventurous, and likes going off on her own just to see what happens. She can be said to have a powerful imagination and she loves a good inspirational speech. She sees the beauty of life, and ignores the humdrum of existence. This does not make her an optimist at all. She doesn't only see the bright sides of life, that would be naive and, frankly, it wouldn't be a true shinobi. Yuki sees and understands everything that happens, be it good or bad, and can always be someone to talk to if needed, although she's ever approached for a therapist lie duty because everyone either sees her as a child that should be protected, a spoiled brat, or a strong jounin. All three of which are untrue.

Likes: There are two main things Yuki likes, and one thing she loves. The two things she likes are acting and her mother's power. The one thing she loves is herself, but it is not in an arrogant fashion that she does this. She loves how her looks, reputation, and knowledge of the human mind, can get her what she wants, without needless violence or bloodshed. Her acting is something she loves because, along with everything else, they have helped her achieve far more than violence ever could, this is the same with her mother's power. She never knew her mother, but due to the way some people cower when they see Kyomu walk past, she knows that her mother, whoever she was, was powerful so she respects that power and thanks the Gods for giving her her mother's looks.

Dislikes: There is only one main thing that Kyomu dislikes, but calling a dislike is too strong. More like she has an irritation to, or an annoyance towards people like her, perceptive people. People that will think something is weird with the jounin Sagi, her mother, and use every possible lead they can to find out more. They will follow Kyomu, pester everyone that knows her, and try their very best to find out who she is, and expose her. Those people annoy her, not because of who they are, just because of how stubborn they shall be to find out the truth, even if none exists to them, or it shouldn't exist at least.

Motivation: Kyomu, for all that she is known as and has done, has what one could argue a very strange motivation. Her aim in life, her goal, is to surpass the title of her mother, and become stronger than she was, as well as be recognised for her own talents. This is strange because, for most of her life, she has pretended to be her mother, and yet she wishes to be recognised for her own accomplishments. That would involve revealing the truth, that she is not in fact her mother, something that, right now, Kyomu is not one for doing. Only after completing the chuunin, and then possibly the jounin, exams, once she has reached the power her mother possessed before she died. Then she can reveal the truth about her mother and herself, and then she can work towards beating her mother's rank, and becoming more than her mother was.

Fears: Only one big fear is always in Kyomu's mind: getting found out and exposed as a fraud, before she is ready to tell the world. She wishes to protect herself using her mother's name until she can protect herself from the people that will come after her once they know she isn't, and that the real jounin died around thirteen years prior to now, or however many years it has been when she does reveal he truth to the world, or at least Tsukigakure to begin with. The world won't know of her mother very well, only a select few ninja that have heard of her, and an even fewer amount of ninja that will have actually met her mother in person, and survived intact. Only Tsuki will truly understand who she was, and what it means that they were all fooled, by a genin level shinobi.

Nindo: "May those who follow their fate be granted happiness; may those who defy it be granted glory."

Kyomu Kowareta ko Blood10

Place clan name here

Bloodline Name:

Bloodline Ability:


Clan History:  

Kyomu Kowareta ko Histor11

Arc I : The Story of the Mother : Kazangakure Ruins

Not too long ago, around thirteen years prior to the present, a lone shinobi arrived at the ruins of Kazagakure. This happened 224 years after the arrival of the Seiryu. Her homeland was Tsukigakure, but her headband was hidden from all. She was to appear, as much as possible, a casual traveller exploring the ruins of the once great village. However, under her personage, was an assassin and reconnaissance specialist, one of the best in her village. Her task this time was to spend three years in the ruins, searching for clues as to two things, where the Hachibi had hidden during the war, and why it had not aided Kazan in it's time of need. However, she had an ulterior motive, known only to herself and the regent of Tsukigakure: to find the Hachibi's location, and either bring it back to the village or seal it within herself, as she was also a Fuinjutsu specialist. She had no idea where to begin, as the ruins, like the village had once been, were vast, and no doubt crawling with bandits or other shinobi trying to do exactly what she was doing, but from another village.

She first went to the former offices of the Atsusakage, and along the way she had to stop as their was an aching in her stomach, but it was something she had been putting to the back of her head for the past few weeks. Sadly, at the offices, all she found there were burned scraps of paper, and charred bodies, not to mention ash. The war had indeed ravaged this once beautiful land, leaving only death in it's wake. Such was the life of shinobi, such were the ways of the world. Death was just an occupational hazard, it happened and you had to move on, no matter who it was to die. A shinobi is one who endures, and shinobi had to endure much. Sagi, as this ninja was named, had already lost much, despite her only being nineteen years of age. All her family had been wiped out, for she had once been a part of a clan that belonged to Kazangakure. Her father, and his father had fought and died in the war, but a young Sagi had been smuggled out, at the age of seven, while her father, grandfather, and indeed all of her clan fought and died in the war, while other children and mothers that could not fight ran, including Sagi. She had endured the destruction of her village, and in turn the destruction of her entire family, her life had not been filled only with death though.

Tsukigakure was her new family, they had raised her and taught her how to fight. They taught her Fuinjutsu, Sensory Ninjutsu, and Medical Ninjutsu, and had been the reason she had become a jounin at the age of eighteen. She had made many friends, and had become part of a new family, the village. She would gladly die for her village, so maybe now she finally understood why her father and grandfather had fought and not ran from the impending doom, they themselves wanted to fight for what they believed in, and what they loved. Kazangakure was everything to them, which is why they were more than happy to fight for their homeland, and uncaring about the inevitable death that awaited them.

Her second stop was the Obsidian Cave, a place she remembered with fondness. It was here that she had played many a game of hide and seek with other children her age. A place of happiness, now like the rest: desolate, damned, and destroyed. Nothing was left, the stores had all been raided and razed to the ground, but maybe something was to be found there. Sadly, she was right...

A figure lay upon the ash ridden ground of obsidian: a child, but an older child, around fourteen years of age at most. Alone but alive, and in his hands he clutched a shawl, with all his might, and therein held a baby. But the child was unaware that the baby was long dead, he held what would later be revealed to Sagi as his younger sister, who had choked on the ash and died a while ago.

The jounin approached the young boy, who became semi-hostile towards the figure before him. The truth was, Sagi had the form of a child maybe thirteen years of age due to an accident she had had. Sagi was proficient in Medical Ninjutsu, but had always wanted to see just what she could do with her powers. She was already good in the combat side of Medical Ninjutsu, but the Medical side where she tested herself was still unknown to her. She had heard a rumour of a powerful medical ninja in a far off land who had been able to, through use of Medical Ninjutsu, make her facial and body appear younger than it actually was, only by a few years but that could still prove very useful if Sagi could learn and control it. The stealth and infiltration implications were endless. No one could suspect a jounin level ninja being an eight year old girl looking for her lost mummy. The reasons for her trying this experiment were strictly professional, not out of vanity or any wish to look younger permanently. However, the experiment had ended in failure and had trapped the jounin Sagi into her 13 year old body. For business, it was very useful, for Tsukigakure's streets, not so much. However, after the first few street thugs had tried, and failed miserably, to jump her, people started to realise just who she was and that, although her body was young, her skills were still that of a jounin.

Her form came in handy, because the boy started to talk to her, and could relate with her situation (being a survivor from the attack) as his mother had also been a survivor, until giving birth to him and his sister before dying shortly after the latter's birth. The boy seemed unaware about the death of his younger sister, as he still cradled her corpse in his hands, but when Sagi asked about the matter, she got quite a shock. This boy had trained himself to be a genin, at least as far as his power level showed, and he seemed quite talented at Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu and Taijutsu judging by his muscular shape. However, since he had survived this long, he understood a lot about Medical Ninjutsu, and because of that he had known for quite a long time that his sister was dead, but he had kept her corpse as a sign of repentance, since his mother had made him swear to protect his sister and keep her safe no matter what. Sadly though she had suffocated in the ash, and died.

Before Sagi could get any more information out of the boy, she heard scuffling from outside the caves: bandits. She told the boy to stay there as she wandered outside and met the threat. Six bandits, a small group, and nothing too fancy, a few swords and clubs here and there. These bandits looked at Sagi's serious face and, seeing it on a thirteen year old child, and a female at that, they burst into hysterics. That was the plan. Sagi's face ceased the false seriousness charade, and her face went dead, showing no signs of emotion. Nothing moved other than her eyes, studying the patterns of their movements. They were a sloppy team, never having fought anything difficult in this land, but that was about to change. In a flash, Sagi stepped towards one of the bandits and cut one of his arteries from the inside, killing him. She then moved on, using both Fuinjutsu to seal there weapons away before killing them, along with Sensory Ninjutsu to figure out where they all were attacking from. In a few minutes, they were dead, with not a scratch nor bruise upon Sagi's form at all.

And then the pain started again.

Her stomach again, she hadn't wanted to think about what it could be and the implications, but now, using her Medical Ninjutsu to scan herself, she realised that she had indeed feared correctly: she was pregnant. She quickly shouted over the little boy who had hid from the bandits, and he came rushing to her. She couldn't hide it, for the sake of the baby, she had to. "Listen kid, you want another chance at protecting your sister and I'm about to give you one. I lied about everything, I'm not a child survivor, I'm a jounin of a place called Tsukigakure, due north of here. I'm also about to give birth, but this body of mine isn't built to survive childbirth. This is going to kill me, but I need you to promise something. One, give my child a life, make her me. If anyone asks, she is me. Keep her safe, train her, and become her father. As for your sister and my body, throw us into the volcano. I can't have my body be found, even dead, and you have a new girl to call your own and protect, and by god you better protect her, or else I will come back and get you." She smiled at her ending words before telling the boy everything about herself, everything her daughter, for she knew it was a girl, would need to know to fully become Sagi. She would live as her own person afterwards, but having no parents and only a sole protector, she had to take precautions as a mother. After telling the boy everything she had to, she walked him through the pregnancy and successfully gave birth to her daughter, before passing shortly after. Her last words, and the first words she spoke to her daughter..."Ky-Kyomu Ko-ko-waret-ta ko"

Arc II : The Child's Façade : Streets of Tsukigakure

Dai's Appearance:

10 years older, Kyomu, the child of Sagi, just graduated as a genin under the tutelage of her father, the child that swore to protect her, who was now a jounin himself. The birth of Kyomu, and indeed her very existence, had been kept a secret. People had worried that Sagi wasn't going to return from her mission in the ruins of Kazan, but her father, known to everyone by his taken name, Dai Tai, meaning substitute if put together. Ironic really, but it was the name Sagi had told him to use, when she explained to him the inner workings of her former existence, and existence that now belonged to Kyomu. During these past ten years, Dai had trained Kyomu to fight similar to her mother, which was difficult considering Dai's lack of knowledge in medical ninjutsu that Sagi had possessed. Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, along with Fuinjutsu were the skills that had been honed over the years, with Taijutsu being her weakest and Fuinjutsu being her strongest. Dai had called Kyomu Sagi, so that she would believe she really was her mother, who she had an uncanny resemblance to, and that really came in handy most of the time. For Dai, who was most proficient at Taijutsu, always stayed in the shadows near Sagi in case danger approached. His speed was at it's peak, so he could move just out of the normal human eye's capacity, which made it seem as though Sagi could defeat opponents without appearing to move, which emphasised her jounin fake status. And it came in handy very well.

One evening, on the night of her graduation to becoming a genin, Sagi decided it would be good for her to finally explore her own village. She snuck out of the second floor of her father's house, a modest apartment, quite an achievement considering he started with nothing but the word of a dead woman, a woman he could never speak of to anyone as she was supposed to be still alive, and living in his house with him. She tried to avoid her father finding out about her leaving so she snuck out of the window of her room, and took to the rooftops of Tsukigakure, exploring her home for the first time. She saw a lot going on in the world, from two people wandering down the streets to their homes, to a woman walking down an alleyway, to a fellow ninja wandering the rooftops a way off in the dista-

Sagi stopped dead, and looked again to the woman walking down an alleyway. Dai, her father, had always told Sagi to avoid alleys, especially late at night, but this woman seemed to hurry down one at speed. Sagi hopped over to the nearest building above the woman, just as a group of thugs jumped out in her way, two in front and three behind, obviously intending harm upon her. Knowing she probably couldn't take them all on, but not caring for her own safety, more for the safety of the woman, Sagi jumped down onto the two the were in front of the woman, allowing her to run. She did not run though, as she didn't want to leave a little girl by herself in this dangerous situation. Sagi just looked at her, and the woman knew, through that look, that she had no reason to worry and should just focus on running. Truthfully, Sagi just used that look to make her run for safety, as it meant more to her than her own did. Now that the woman was safe, Sagi could focus on surviving this battle, something that was looking ever more difficult. The men had just laughed when they had seen, even if they were annoyed that the woman got away. However, once they stopped laughing they looked at the girl before them, who showed them a serious face, which made them restart their mass hysteria, but in an instant that face went emotionless, and in another instant one of the thugs were gone, and then another. Within three seconds, two of the thugs were on the ground, unconscious and the other three were confused. However, Sagi stopped her emotionless face, hinting to Dai, who had clearly followed and was hiding in the shadows, to halt his attacks for now. Two of the thugs looked to the third, "Uh, boss. I once heard this story about a jounin level ninja in a child's body. Apparently she could kill with one attack. This one fits the description." The other thug seemed to agree, but the boss was having none of it. He brought out a knife attacked Sagi, and was able to glance her eye, but damaged it. Her sight was fine, it had hit her just above the eye. The blow had just connected when Dai struck, and the other two thugs had run off at their master being wiped out, leaving Dai to take Sagi back to their house to heal her himself. He couldn't take her to the hospital, they would recognise her and ask why she wasn't just healing it herself. Sadly, the best Dai could do was stop the bleeding and put a bandage over the entire eye. Sagi was taught to fight, not only now as Sagi, but also with one eye bandaged. The bandage can be taken off, but she keeps her eye under it to show that the power she is putting out is how much she can do with one eye permanently closed. It was a chance to prove to herself, as Sagi, that she was strong.

Arc III : The Truth : The House of Kyomu

One day, when Kyomu became thirteen years of age, Dai decided it was right for her to know, because her ventures into the world were becoming more frequent, she had to know exactly who she was. So Dai called over his "daughter" and began, "Listen, Sagi. I'm going to have to tell you something I swore to your mother to keep a secret to protect you. Do not interrupt and listen carefully, for this is not something I shall repeat. You are not Sagi, your mother was called Sagi, and she died 13 years ago, on the day you were born. I met her that day, and became your father then. Your mother, who had been trapped in the body of a child, told me that, to keep you safe from any harm, you were to adopt your mother's life. If anyone asked you, you were to call yourself Sagi, the Tsukigakure jounin, trapped in a child's body. This is why I followed you wherever you went, so that if anyone ever hurt you I could quickly take them down without revealing myself, making people think you were strong. I know you saw me all those times, this is me explaining why I did what I did. Your died giving birth to you, but she gave both you and I a life at the cost of her own. Your real name is not Sagi, that is your mother's name. You were called Kyomu, Kyomu Kowareta Ko. That is the name your mother gave you. I'm telling you this in the hopes that you will continue your mothers wishes to become her, at least until you become strong enough to protect yourself. I'm not saying your weak, I never did, I'm only following what your mother wanted for you. That is all." Kyomu, the name sounded so familiar, and yet distant, like a memory of a dream. Now taking her first steps as her own person, Kyomu bowed towards her father, and walked outside the house, wanting to see everything she could as herself. She stepped out the front door, and spoke to the sky in a whisper, "Mother, if you can hear me, I now know the truth, and I shall respect your wishes. i shall adopt your life, and once I become strong enough, stronger than you, I shall then reveal the truth to the world. I shall overcome your reputation, and gain my own. I love you mother, thank you." And then, as Kyomu Kowareta ko, but also as Sagi, the young girl walked out into the streets of Tsukigakure, prepared to be the ninja her mother wished. Looking up to the sky, all was peaceful except from a single cloud. A cloud that looked strangely similar... to a shawl.

RP Sample:  
Another Me wrote:
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..." All the way up to 60 he counted, then back to 1 again. Over and over again, when he slept, his resident took over, counting and watching in case anyone approached while one slept. The time they spent awake they counted, gauging the length of time that had passed since they last saw the outside world. If they were accurate, this was their third day in jail, all because of something that had literally happened a decade ago. Either way, Sora didn't think he would be trapped for much longer. Luxana had not been jailed for she was not a murderer, and so she was trying to find a way out for the two trapped inside the cell.

On the third day, they were both awake for a time and they spoke to each other, because Sora was curious about something. "Hey Integumentum, you there?" The reply was a grunt, like someone had just woken him up from a nice sleep, and he just couldn't be bothered, but he spoke, "Of course I'm here. What do you want? And why is it your speaking, your in my head?"

"Well, everyone's expected to be going insane here, so I figure if I talk to myself, and then you talk back, we'll be thought of as insane and they will take us out of here. Then we can make our move while they transport us. It might work, you never know." The reply was quick, and true, "Your plan could work if not for one thing: our warden is that Alek bastard, and I'm sure Pride has told him of me, so it won't work."

"I guess that makes sense. Now that Pride guy, why did you call you Integra, their isn't even an "r" in your name. What's the story behind that?"

Pausing for a moment, as he tried to remember, Integumentum chuckled and then spoke,"That's a sick joke on his part. There is an old language known as Latin. Few of your kind speak it these days but it was a prominent language during my time. My name is Latin, it means shroud, as is Luxana's, to an extent. She is Light. And our friend Pride was once called Tenebris: darkness. However, as my darkness is of the physical form, he was mental darkness. Sin as you may now call it. Anyway, I'm getting off track. Integra, although being similar to my true name, means whole in Latin. Tenebris called me Integra because, as made obvious by the fact I keep changing vessels, I am most certainly not whole."

Sora now understood, but he was still curious, and wanted to know more about Integumentum's time alive, "Tell me about those times. What was it like, and how do you know Pride and Luxana?" This time there was no hesitation in the reply,

"Pride and Luxana eh? Well, we're siblings. We shared the same father, not sure about the mother, that might have been different, but we were blood relations. Our father loved Luxana more though, and taught her the Sun Magic she spoke of to you when you first met. Me and my brother had to find other means, and we both delved into Darkness, but different forms of it. I took to utilising the element of darkness. my brother, on the other hand, I'm not so sure of. He gained a power related to demons, or daemons as he called them, and he was able to command demons. His strongest demons were a group in themselves. Together with Tenebris, or Pride as he called himself then, they formed the Seven Deadly Sins. Greed, Envy, Lust, Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth and Pride. They were powerful, and together they managed to defeat a few of my vessels, but I killed them. My brother, on the other hand, refused to die. Like me I guess, I understood the frustration that must have plagued everyone that wanted me dead, it just wasn't happening any time soon."

Sora was shocked, and it took him everything not to interrupt. Integumentum and Pride, brothers?. It was strange, but then they both stopped and listened. They could not see, but they heard the voice of Alek, asking someone if they were sure about letting out "her brother": Luxana. "Haha, I knew she'd pull through. That's my sister for you. Sora, I do believe we'll be leaving soon."

True to his predictions, Luxana's mellifluous voice was heard ringing throughout the cell block, "I do, Alek. You call my brother unstable? He is not a mass murderer. Sora was the murderer, and he had his reasons, of which I shall not disclose. And don't worry, my brother will not go on a rampage. Not this one at least." She smiled at Alek but her last words were for Pride. She then spoke again, "The darkness all around us is here because someone made it so. If someone has that kind of power, your going to need all the help you can get. Someone who understands Shadow Magic, and uses it themselves, would be wasted locked up here, when they can help save the world. Although my brother is not one for saving the world, that doesn't mean he wants it gone. He will fight, and they will lose. Of that, I can assure you."

Kyomu Kowareta ko Extra10

Source: FTRPG Banner Ad

Face Claim: Iri Flina - Sword Girls

Kyomu Kowareta ko Accept10

Last edited by Oturan on Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:36 pm; edited 12 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kyomu Kowareta ko   Kyomu Kowareta ko EmptyFri Jun 21, 2013 8:07 pm

Reminder to finish the app or it will be archived.
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Kyomu Kowareta ko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyomu Kowareta ko   Kyomu Kowareta ko EmptyTue Jun 25, 2013 6:35 pm

Sorry, had exams and stuff. Now I am back and currently working on this application XD
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PostSubject: Re: Kyomu Kowareta ko   Kyomu Kowareta ko EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 10:57 pm

Completed, apologies for the wait
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Kyomu Kowareta ko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyomu Kowareta ko   Kyomu Kowareta ko EmptyTue Jul 16, 2013 12:49 am

This is truly remarkable. I loved it. One thing though, you can not have an Alias since your at Genin rank, only Sp.Jounin + can have one.
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Kyomu Kowareta ko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyomu Kowareta ko   Kyomu Kowareta ko EmptyTue Jul 16, 2013 1:15 am


Kyomu Kowareta ko Bravo
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