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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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PostSubject: Missions!   Missions! EmptyFri May 03, 2013 3:47 am

Mission Title: Babysitter
Difficulty: D
Location: -set-
Reward: 10,000
Objective: Mister and Misses Yama are going to be leaving for a long overdue date and request that someone look after their son, Shiko. Shiko is energetic and troublesome and doesn't like to stay in one place for too long. Your job is to take care of Shiko whilst his parents are out for the day. No harm may come to the child whilst in your care you will have failed the mission and you will not get paid. They live in a very large mansion with many rooms and an even bigger yard. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: Shiko will escape any room or confinements without fail and will be lost at some point during the mission. You must find him and bring him back and just as you do, the parents will return.

Mission Title: House Cleaner
Difficulty: D
Location: -set-
Reward: 10,000
Objective: The elderly of the village have done a great deal for us and one has asked the village kage for help. An old man that looks as though he might fall over at any moment has asked for help cleaning his home. It is filled with dust, old papers and numerous bits of debris here and there. Your job will be to do as the old man asks and clean what he asks you to clean. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: He will ask you to take out the trash, pick up four different stacks of papers that are the size of a child, fold shirts, dust and make his bed.

Mission Title: Helping on the Farm
Difficulty: D
Location: -set-
Reward: 9,000
Objective: A farmer by the name of Joko is having problems with his farm. He seems to think that he may be in over his head with all the responsibility and his young age. He has asked for some additional help for the initial start of his farm and wishes for someone to aid him. If he is dissatisfied, he will not pay. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: You will have to till soil for the corn, pick the fruit, make a fence for the cattle, chop some firewood and dig a trench for the watering hole before the job is done, there is no time limit.

Mission Title: You are the Entertainment
Difficulty: D
Location: -set-
Reward: 9,900
Objective: A group of parents have gotten together and pulled their resources and put in a commission for the kage to send a ninja to play with their children. The children are amused by the jutsu's that ninja are able to use and find it entertaining. To the children, the skills are magical and it is your job to make sure they are happy. The parents are more than happy to see different dangerous jutsu but make sure to keep them in control, no one wants to loose a child and the happier the children are, the happier and generous the parents will be if you come through. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: During the course of the mission, a child will begin to cry and will need cheering up. Use different jutsu to entertain, be creative.

Mission Title: Delivery Service
Difficulty: D
Location: -set-
Reward: 9,100
Objective: A delivery man by the name of Gen has just opened a delivery service that could eventually be useful to the village and he needs help. Enough help that he has asked to have some help and has paid in advance. He thinks that with the use of a ninja could make the start of his business a big enough success that things will go smoothly after that. Your job is to help. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: You have to deliver a small box, five letters, a barrel of fish, a box of chocolates and a large stuffed teddy bear. They can be delivered in any order but be careful, prioritize. Some are more important than others.

Mission Title: Breaking a Sweat
Difficulty: D
Location: -set-
Reward: 8,000
Objective: A trainer isn't getting much business and needs help. You have been ordered to go see the trainer and help him with this problem. It might have to do with his extreme training regimen that you now have to endue. You have till the end of the day to complete the training or the reward is forfeit. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: If you have taijutsu as any of your specialties, you must do 5 sets of anything that gives the choice: 2 to 5 sets of 10 reps, 10 minutes of rope-jumping, Stretching: splits; with spread legs, extend your upper part of your body in front of you; stretching exercises for hamstrings; stretching exercises for your back; 2-5 sets of 20-50 pistol squats; 2-5 sets of 20-50 pull-ups; 2-5 sets of 20-50 push-ups; 2-5 sets of 10-50 diamond push ups; 2-5 sets of 2000-4000 punches and kicks to a sandbag or a wall.

Mission Title: Advertising the Market
Difficulty: D
Location: -set-
Reward: 10,000
Objective: A traveling merchant has come to your village and she has paid to have a ninja distribute flyers to any and all people that will take them. The flyer announces a fight of some sort between mystery opponents and that the date hasn't been set. The goal is simple, spread the flyers to as many people as you can within the course of the day. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: Most will take the flyer without much else but there is a woman who will down right refuse and cause a rucks of how much of a sham the entire ordeal is. You must convince them otherwise or run the risk of the merchant being unhappy and not giving you a reward.

Last edited by Lee Ketsueki on Fri May 03, 2013 5:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Missions!   Missions! EmptyFri May 03, 2013 4:51 am

State in these missions that they are repeatable and also state that, since they are broad enough in description, they can be completed in any village.
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PostSubject: Re: Missions!   Missions! EmptyFri May 03, 2013 5:45 am

Mission Title: Capture the Thief!
Difficulty: C
Location: -set-
Reward: 20,000 or 25,000
Objective: A thief has stolen a valuable item from the village. This item itself is useless but its age proves it's priceless to a faction village if they were to get their hands on it. You must catch this thief outside your village and stop him by all means. He is very skilled in Fire Style techniques and will use them to fight you. Your goal is the retrieval of the item and its safety at all costs. It is optional to take the thief in alive or not but the reward will increase if he is returned alive. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: The thief will begin to threaten to break the sword when he is about to lose. Think of a way to get the sword away from him before he does.

Mission Title: Investigate the Monster
Difficulty: C
Location: -set-
Reward: 19,000
Objective: The village sent payments to another country for protection. When these payments came under attack from a mysterious Monster, they contacted your village to help them stop it. The monster takes the form of a blob of what ever element(s) the user is proficient in [minus kekkei genkai]. The monster will attack with various jutsu of their element. It is your job to destroy this creature and save the people delivering the payment. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: The monster can only use two different jutsu and will resort to physical attacks when angered enough. It can only take so much of one element so attacking it with the same element will, at first, not effect it but its movements will begin to slow and leave more openings.

Mission Title: Protect the Cube
Difficulty: C
Location: -set-
Reward: 20,000
Objective: A village has sought help protecting their chakra enhancing artifact. When you travel to the village to assist, you will uncover a plot by passerby's to steal and use the artifact to sit equal with the Great Shinobi Countries by any means. It will be your job to find and protect the artifact from several ninja, all but one being of your level. You must protect the cube from the enemies. Either till help arrives, you drive them off or kill them all. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: Six of the ninja are novice at best and of the weaker element type to your own. The seventh is the stronger element type to your own but just under your skill. Use this to your advantage and remember, you can either draw out the fight and wait for backup or aim to kill your foes, it is up to you.

Mission Title: Protect the Ninja
Difficulty: C
Location: -set-
Reward: 18,000
Objective: You have been hired to protect a famed ninja, a young ninja leader of a small village, as he is returning to his home village. Few problems are seen during this mission as everything seems to be of an average setting. The village many wishes to send someone to guard the ninja to better the relations with his village and give him someone to talk too. But just because it is not supposed to have anything wrong, doesn't mean something can't, keep on your toes. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: Upon reaching the village entrance, you will soon after come under attack from missing-nins. Make sure to protect your charge and get him inside his village gates safely. No one will be there to help you so you have the choice of either getting him inside where he will be safe or kill the enemy ninja to end the threat yourself.

Mission Title: Find the Corpse Flower
Difficulty: C
Location: -set-
Reward: 20,000
Objective: Looking for other avenues to track down enemies, someone has suggested you hunt and find the Rafflesia arnoldii, the Corpse Flower. This is a rare flower which is a bodiless, stemless, leafless, rootless parasite, it requires a vine for nourishment and support. The flowers location is inside a forest where numerous Tetrastigma vines grow which are the main source of life for the flower. It has been narrowed down to a section of the forest and it is up to you to find it. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: When you find the Rafflesia arnoldii's habitat, rival ninja's from another village will also be trying to find it. You will eventually found the flower first, but you will be followed by a enemy ninja. You can either attempt to run away with the flower or kill the ninja before they can signal for reinforcements.

Mission Title: Find the Boar
Difficulty: C
Location: -set-
Reward: 19,000
Objective: There has been word outside the village of a massive boar running a muck and injuring villagers that travel into the wilds for food. The task has fallen onto you to find this animal and remove it from the forest, by either killing it or locking it up somehow, neither has any importance over the other. Though, keep on guard, the victims say this is no ordinary boar and you better watch yourself. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: The boar is not alone and in fact, is an entire pack of five overgrown boars. These boars coordinate attacks well with one another but easily pushed off balance and takes time to get back up. There is another boar, an infant at that, that comes out in the middle of the fighting to attack, completely useless in appearance and size, it poses no threat but the other boars become enraged upon seeing it and attack you in a more reckless manner.

Mission Title: The Deer
Difficulty: C
Location: -set-
Reward: 22,000
Objective: You have been sent out to retrieve an animal somewhere in the village during the night. The animal is a deer and you must catch it at all costs. You'd think this would be an easy mission but there are obstructions to this task. This deer belongs to a wealthy man and does not want the deer harmed in anyway. The man had the deer since it was small so he is very protective over it, a very special pet. This means that you can neither kill the deer or hurt it in anyway. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: You have till sunrise to bring the deer back to the man or he think it a lost cause. The deer is quick and in the beginning, you will only see slight glimpses and shadows of the deer. You can not hurt the deer or the reward is forfeit.

Mission Title: Market Full of Advertising
Difficulty: C
Location: -set-
Reward: 25,000
Objective: Must have completed the 'Advertising the Market' mission.
The traveling merchant is back once again and this time she wants to be more personal with her customers and has taken to the outskirts of the village and wants you personally as an escort. She plans on running into trouble on her way and wants you there for protection. She will stop periodically to speak with customers in which you will have to act as a lookout. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: There are four stops that need to be made. The first will go without incident. The second, the merchant will be attacked from an unseen kunai with the attacker fleeing. The third, the merchant will be attacked by two unknown ninja and you must either kill them or force them to flee. The last, the merchant will be kidnapped and you will have to save her without hurting her. Killing the enemy ninja is optional.
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PostSubject: Re: Missions!   Missions! EmptyFri May 03, 2013 7:45 am

Mission Title: Protect the Runner
Difficulty: B
Location: -set-
Reward: 49,000
Objective: You have been hired to protect a runner in an important race. He is to run in a race around the village outskirts with other runners. There has been word that the runner you are to protect is being targeted by a rival village. It is your job to stay out of sight and make sure that the runner completes the race, winner or not. His safety is top priority. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: Remember, you can not interfere with the race in anyway. The enemy will only attack from the shadows and its best for you to keep in the darkness and out of view while taking down your opponents.

Mission Title: Spy for a Spy
Difficulty: B
Location: -set-
Reward: 55,000
Objective: You are going to be sent out on a mission where your ninja skills are put to the test. You must not be seen during this mission and killing is only used as a last resort. The village has found out that not to far from the boarder, there will be a meeting between village missing-nin about an attempted assassination on the kage of the village. It is up to you too listen in and find out where they will be getting in and if you have a traitor admits the village and then report back to the village. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: During the middle of your spying, you will make a noise and it will attract unwanted attention by one of the enemy shinobi and you will have to hide from him whilst still listening to the enemy. You can either kill the shinobi but risk not getting the full amount of information, hide well enough so that you are not noticed or cast a genjutsu on him so he doesn't find anything.

Mission Title: Assassinate the Shinobi
Difficulty: B
Location: -set-
Reward: 50,000
Objective: Word has been sent out that a villager will be delivering a vital piece of information to a neighboring village. This is a lie. The villager is holding nothing but a bundle of worthless papers but is acting as a target for an assassin. The assassin is of unknown origin and that is why you must shadow the target and wait for the assassin to strike or strike before the assassin can. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: The enemy assassin is skilled in stealth and will attack the target. They will try 4-6 times before the final attack where they will block the path of the villager and force a confrontation. You must keep to the shadows till then, after the assassin shows up, you are free to confront and kill them or bring them back for interrogation, either one is acceptable.

Mission Title: Undercover Agent
Difficulty: B
Location: -set-
Reward: 59,000
Objective: You have been given a mission to pose an informant for your village. You will have important documents that you will need to protect as you take them to a secure location somewhere outside the village. Word of your travel has leaked so expect trouble along the way and be ready for anything. Make sure that you deliver the information to the contact and do not read the contents under any circumstances. Kill anyone that attacks you. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: You can be attacked numerous times or by a large group before reaching your destination. Whilst fighting these enemies, one will get their hands on the documents and you must retrieve it at all costs.

Mission Title: In Cepti On
Difficulty: B
Location: -set-
Reward: 53,000
Objective: You have been given a single envelope with important and vital information and are told to leave the village till given further orders. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: You have been told prior that this envelope holds false information that is meant for enemy eyes. The mission brief was vague at best so that the true information does not get out. The information about the letter being important has been greatly exaggerated and then leaked to the public. You will surely be attacked and have to defend yourself. Make the fight convincing but in the end, let the enemy get there hands on the envelope and let them live. Killing them is not an option unless you are attacked by more than one. One must live and flee.

Mission Title: One that Doesn't Belong
Difficulty: B
Location: -set-
Reward: 40,000
Objective: You are to head out to location in the wilderness where you will met with a group of five people, three females and two males. You are to escort this group to the village outskirts but not into the village. Four of these people are enemy ninja that wish to infiltrate the village and you are to stop them. It is up to you to figure out which are innocent and which one is being held captive. Good luck. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: Anyone could be the captive but four are enemy ninja. You must ask questions or make statements about your village that would cause a fake to give a wrong answer or blow their cover. You can kill them at anytime but you have to make sure that the hostage lives so it is best to wait till you are outside the village wall before attacking. They will go down easy as the enemy only has the use of a single kunai.

Mission Title: Triple Trouble
Difficulty: B
Location: -set-
Reward: 59,000
Objective: You have been given a mission, along with a two others. This mission is different for each participant. You will be given an important package that your team will have to deliver to a buyer that is a few miles from the village. There is a traitor on the team and you must find out who it is before the package is delivered. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: There is a traitor and it is one of your teammates, it is up to you to figure out which one it is. The buyer is a spy for an enemy village and will try to kill you once they get the package. The package is a fake and rigged with a powerful Fire Jutsu, the 'Great Dragon Fire Jutsu' that will make sure he pays with his betrayal with his life and the life of any associated with them. So that means you have to make sure the buyer lives with the package and force them to flee. You can kill the traitor or let them leave with the buyer, their life will end either way.

Mission Title: When the Market Does the Advertising
Difficulty: B
Location: -set-
Reward: 55,000
Objective: Must have completed the 'Market Full of Advertising' mission.
The traveling merchant has once again come calling, this time for a bit more than normal. The flyers and customers she was talking with were about a fight between shinobi and you are one of the lucky participants. You will be fighting one on one or two on two if you can find a partner. This fight is not meant to be to the death but if things go to far, no one will stop you but this is mainly for entertainment purposes. This mission is repeatable and can be completed in any village.

Other: The opponent(s) you will be fighting against are stronger in the areas you specialize in and of the same clan you are (if you are in one and if your clan is extinct, they excel in your weakness'). Fight smart and look for openings and remember, you don't have to kill your opponent to win, simply put them down.
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PostSubject: Re: Missions!   Missions! EmptyFri May 03, 2013 6:12 pm

All approved. I'll post them all up a.s.a.p.
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