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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Delilah Button

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Female Posts : 66
Ryo : 62500

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Delilah Button Empty
PostSubject: Delilah Button   Delilah Button EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 1:20 pm

Delilah Button Fjnsys

Delilah Button Whoare14

First Name: Delilah
Last Name: Button
Alias: -

Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 4'01''
Weight: 89 lbs.
Birthday: June 19th
Sexuality: Lesbian
Relationships: -

Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Gennin
Element: Earth, Wind
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu

Delilah Button Tellme11

Personality: Delilah is a very sweet girl, who always tries to help people out. She can seem a bit innocent at times, but the truth is she's got a very dirty mind, and is just good at keeping it to herself. Most of the time she ends up keeping all of her emotions and most of her thoughts to herself, not wanting to embarrass herself or alienate those that she spoke to. Delilah also happens to be a bit of a romantic type, but instead of being outwardly romantic and mushy to the girls she likes, she normally gets a bit shy and awkward, often fumbling around and acting very clumsy. The true romanticism is all kept locked away in her thoughts and dreams.

When she's out on missions she really doesn't change, as she rarely takes a situation too seriously. She's actually quite quick and clever, but this doesn't show much due to the fact that she's more often than not displaying herself in a calm, chilled-out manner, never acting too quickly but not really moving too slowly either, taking exactly the time needed for everything so she can appreciate and/or respect and learn from every moment.

Likes: Delilah likes alot of things, most of them mundane, some a bit dirty, but the main things are pretty easy to remember. She likes women, money, relaxing, candy, and chilled-out people, like her! Most of the other stuff is barely worth mentioning, so I'll just leave it at that.

Dislikes: Delilah actually dislikes very few things, due to her calm, friendly personality, but the few things she does dislike, she tries to avoid as much as possible. She mainly dislikes doing more work than necessary, people who are either rude or angry most of the time, people with mullets (no one is sure why, actually), and brightly colored, contrasting polka dots.

Motivation:  Deep down, all Delilah really wants out of life is respect, recognition, and love, but on the side she aspires to one day perfect her art of swordsmanship. As for recognition, she wants to become known as one of the strongest ninja in the lands, who will always fight for the weak and help those in need. Oh, and she also hopes to be a friend to all those who are friendless.

Fears:  Delilah fears 3 things. The first; dieing alone. She can't stand the thought of being alone, romantically, for her entire life. The second fear of hers happens to be losing a fight, for pretty obvious reason. Her third fear is alcoholic beverages. The reason for the last one is another unknown in her mind, but she just gets kinda freaked out by alcohol (drinking alcohol, that is).

Delilah Button Blood10


Bloodline Name: Meikai no shugo-sha

Bloodline Ability: Members of this clan are half-phantom and half-human. Although this is true, it also caused their Chakra pool to be completely removed from their body and deposited at a mysterious orb-like spirit of varying colour. The spirit orb can only be seen only by the members of the clan or someone who has seen death happen in front of their eyes. They have a very high level of concentration.

Genin, Chuunin:
During this level, they have to concentrate and absorb chakra from their spirit half. This makes it quite troublesome for those who want to be quick on their toes in battle. Although, they can use E~C rank jutsu’s with ease.

Sp. Jounin, Jounin, S-rank:
During this level, jutsu’s ranging from A~S rank will backfire on the caster if it involves chakra but to counter this disability members of the clan are able to merge with their spirit half for only 15 posts. Thus, letting them access Jutsu’s from A~S rank. Note that if the jutsu involves absorbing chakra from ones spirit half, it would require two posts for A~S rank unless stated. This can be used once per topic.

Below states the weapons that can be carried by the clan members. Note that the weapons are passed down from their forefathers (Explained in history).

Chastity – Increases jutsu damage by two fold.
Temperance – Dispels Genjutsu every two posts.
Kindness – Heals the user passively but at a small amount.
Charity – Has the ability to sap your life in return for an increase in power
Diligence – Able to continue a battle after being landed a critical hit
Patience – Increased focus, insight, foresight and senses.
Humility – Does not feel fear or pain when used.

Lust – Has the ability to sap life from the opponent to heal yourself.
Gluttony – Loves to drink blood, the more blood, the more power.
Envy – Has the ability to copy the shape and effects of other weapons but its strength is 80% of the original.
Greed – The more Ryo one has in hand, the more powerful the weapon
Sloth – The being of slowness can have a very slow movement but very high damage output
Wrath – Increase all stats by two times but at a cost of your sanity
Pride – Being as pride, it does not like other chakra except for its owner, thus it will push aside all other chakra.

Location:  Scattered

Clan History:  Long ago, war broke out. Countless lives lost in the blood stained grounds, bodies rotting, souls left unrest. Scarlet flames swirl in wake, devouring anything in its path. Merciless. Unforgiving. It comes after each battle. It’s fate? To cleanse! It’s desire? To give peace to those who have passed on.

In truth the clan was just scattered bits of nomadic people. They have no intension nor relation to what happened to the outside world. They preferred to throw everything not normal to them and live in peace as they travelled from place to place, gaining knowledge on much of the geography of the world, not to mention some well hidden ancient temples, shires and hideouts. They also have wide knowledge over many rumours, myths and legends that held were around at that time.

Among every mystery, one of them stood out the most. The legend of the temple of judgement, Tamashī no handan. Although, none of the seven members founding members of the clan went there as of yet, the legend spread like a virus, unrelenting, ever putting people in a trance state of desire. Everyone thought it was salvation and eternal bliss that will be found inside but the clan founders stayed away, fearful that the corruption will get to them.

Alas, they couldn’t escape the fate that which the temple already predicted. Soon, all of the ten leaders and their families meet at the temple. The famed mystery of the temple of black and white. One side it was rotting with darkness, malice and sin, the other with pureness, clarity and virtue. Stunning it was, but something or someone stood out. A certain elderly caretaker, stood to greet them. Unknowingly, their life had already been changed when they first came to know about the temple.

Time passed and each of the founding members changed, their families were told to wait for them far away, at the nearby river they all meet. Soon a ritual started, the caretaker revealed to be an immortal lady named Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, her job to get people to help her judge the living and send souls to their final resting place. She granted each of them a power they will never forget. Separate souls representing seven colours, their heirs having the colours of their respecting souls and weapons each depicting a vice and a virtue. Their goal was simple; to help people leave behind regrets and finally leave the world in peace.

Shocked by their predicament, each of them went down the path and the only way to move on was forward, but slowly, each member found themselves ever tied to this path. Unable to run away. “The truth is that peace is always within..” Shikieiki said before the seven founding members left the temple and it will forever stay the same as time goes on for eternity.

Delilah Button Histor11

History:  Now, let's just start off by saying that, honestly, it can't be easy getting by in a jungle full of monsters and all that, when you were born without a chakra system. I'm sure we can all agree on that, and that's where a lot of young Delilah's problems were. Growing up in Kusamuragakure, she didn't really get by in her training very well until she fully became accustomed to the way her abilities worked, so often times she would go out into the jungle and try to train to get stronger on her own, so she would be more helpful and hopefully gain the respect of her peers one day.

She was sort of a black sheep, as she was often alienated by other kids simply because she just wasn't quite as good as them at ninja techniques and all that, and when she fought back she either hurt them, or wound up getting hurt herself, and she found she didn't really take a liking to either of these turnouts. So, over the years as she trained diligently to become a gennin, she did her best to ignore those who would bully or annoy or her for their own fun, and tried all the time to help those in need and practice more and more outside of the village.

It wasn't long before she got a reputation for being laid-back and just generally a cool person, and the bullying stopped. Now with hardened focus and determination, sure that she was well on her way to earning respect, she trained even more every day, until she was extremely proficient in combat, where her physical abilities lacked she made up for it in quick thinking and tricky movements. Soon, she was simply left alone by all those around her, and at first she thought she had earned their respect, but in time she discovered it was more out of either fear or just boredom. Half of them were afraid of what she would do, with how manically she trained day in and day out by now, and the other half were just tired of paying any attention to her at all.

Now, she has finally graduated and become a gennin, and she tries hard every day to be friendly and open to all those around her, trying to get them to realize that she isn't some anti-social freak only concerned with fighting; knowing that the only path to the respect she wanted would be through both power and friendship, rather than her initial notion of straight, raw strength and talent in combat. She needed to make friends, go on missions to get stronger, find love, and experience life, leading her to where she is now, looking hopefully towards the future with her newly-forged view and personality.

After only a short time being a Kusamura gennin, Delilah decided that she needed a change of pace, and environment. She wanted to go work for a different village, which made sense for her style of thinking, if only slightly. If she was going to take things on from an entirely new angle, why not start from a new village as well? It would give her a chance to be around people who had no pre-existing view of her, and get away from the people who would not budge in their thinking that she was just some freak.

It took several weeks of bugging the leaders of Kusamura, but eventually they allowed her to leave for Boufuugakure, allowing her to start her new life in the village hidden among the storms. Maybe here she'll find what she has been looking for.

RP Sample:  ((This is from a fairy tail RP site that I used to go to.))

Chou, much like Chorus, was also very excited to be in Hosenka. She had only ever heard of the great spa town in stories from tourists, and now she had made her way there herself. It would no doubt be a wonderful experience, and as she walked through the huddled masses of people, she reflected on what she may do in this place. Go to the hot springs, get a massage, maybe a make over. The possibilities in this place were practically endless. Chou was there on her own for many reasons, one of which was that she liked the peace of it all, and she even kept her bow unstrung while she was here unless it were to be taken away. She was being very cooperative with all of the staff in Hosenka spa, which they seemed to like. It was also nice to have her pretty face in attendance, despite her looking to be the size of a child. Chou herself had no problem going into the spa naked, she actually liked it when people looked in this case, because it made her feel desirable. Due to the 'huddled masses' being actually rather small compared to what Chou had heard of, she was a bit surprised at how peaceful it was here. Chou began walking around the town just like Chorus, as if destiny was forcing them to meet somehow, or at least that's what Chou would have said.

Chou walked next to Chorus, but neither of them seemed to really notice eachother. They were at a reasonable distance to not bump into eachother, and too far to start any reasonable conversation. Chou had similar thoughts to Chorus, thinking that it would be wonderful to live here, and Chou also sampled the various foods and such, tasting all the treats that the place had to offer. As Chorus was drawn to the goldfish scooping game, so was Chou, but Chou's luck at the game was considerably higher. With slow, graceful movements, she plucked one fish out, and then another as she saw that Chorus was having a tough time of it. She got the two fish in seperate bags and handed one to Chorus, before walking off without a word. She was a kind and generous person like that, always willing to help those who need it. A few hours later, Chou was relaxing in the hot springs of the very inn that Chorus had decided to visit. She was in the corner of the springs, making herself very scarce. It would be nigh impossible to notice her before getting in.

Chou had arrived at the inn earlier and payed for a room to stay in, and had left everything in her room like Chorus would do later on. She only took a moment to admire the pleasant room, and then made her way down to the hot springs, smiling and humming gently as she looked only off-handedly at the artwork in the building. She was more interested in the wonderful hot springs. Chou had been in the hot spring for a few hours and, so, people had looked at her body rather... Thoroughly. They seemed to be staring at her, and every time she opened her eyes to look at the people she gave them a smile and a small wave. Nothing really happened though, and soon everyone cleared out and left Chou to relax on her own, naked in the springs. She was staring up at the sky when...

... Chorus walked out into the open air, ready to slip into the hot spring now that she believed that noone was there. She stopped for a moment to admire the design of the springs themselves, and then she started to head in. She somehow managed to notice Chou there, but Chou was clearly not looking at her, as she was too busy admiring the night sky, but she soon heard the water sloshing as someone got in and looked over at Chorus, smiling and waving softly at the fair young girl now entering the spring. She liked the girl's soft, cute appearance, and she realized that this was the girl from the goldfish game that she had played. She decided to start moving over towards Chorus, giggling a bit at how shy she seemed to be. "Hey there. I remember you... What's your name, cutie?" She asked in a friendly, gentle sounding voice as she was now right up next to the girl, standing up in the water. Her entire, milky white body was visible, glistening in the starlight. It was near perfection, and the heart shaped belly button piercing was also visible at this point.

Delilah Button Extra10

Source: Fuji Kawahira

Face Claim: Original

Delilah Button Accept10

Last edited by Delilah on Wed May 21, 2014 7:24 am; edited 4 times in total
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Delilah Button Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delilah Button   Delilah Button EmptyThu Jun 20, 2013 2:55 am

This looks good to me. Go ahead and make your two clan items.

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Delilah Button Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delilah Button   Delilah Button EmptyWed May 21, 2014 3:29 am

I believe this is ready for re-approval, or whatever. :3
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Delilah Button Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delilah Button   Delilah Button EmptyWed May 21, 2014 3:52 am

Upon user request, changes have been allowed, per change of interests.
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Delilah Button Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delilah Button   Delilah Button EmptyWed May 21, 2014 7:32 am

This is a bump. It is here to mention that I have changed my character's village, and made a small addition to her history.

Thusly the bump has ended.
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Delilah Button Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delilah Button   Delilah Button EmptyWed May 21, 2014 7:37 am

Look good. Edits approved and your character is re-approved. I'll change you color.
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