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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Uchiha, Mitsuo

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Uchiha, Mitsuo Empty
PostSubject: Uchiha, Mitsuo   Uchiha, Mitsuo EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 2:13 am

Uchiha, Mitsuo 290px-Hei1

Uchiha, Mitsuo Whoare14

First Name:Mitsuo
Last Name:Uchiha

Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 5'10
Weight: 160 lbs
Birthday: april 11
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: N/A

Rank: Genin
Element: Futon, Raiton, Katon
Specialization: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu

Uchiha, Mitsuo Tellme11

Personality: Mitsuo is a confusing individual at times, out of combat Mitsuo is pretty relaxed and almost seems aloof, which allows him to blend in better and make him less of a target. Mitsuo uses his relaxed attitude to make people feel comfortable, which causes people to think of him as someone they can trust. He developed this personality trait after the death of his brother. When Mitsuo is engaged in combat he becomes ruthless and unrelenting when he is engaged in combat its like a switch is flipped. He will fight till he can't fight anymore, he even goes so far as complimenting a good hit as he smiles back at his opponent.

Likes: Mitsuo enjoys spending a lot of his time training with his fellow Uchiha, especially when they have their Sharingan. Mitsuo enjoys drinking tea and spicy foods, he developed the drinking tea habit after the death of his brother. When Mitsuo isn't training or doing missions, he enjoys reading and writing poetry.
Dislikes: Due to his constant training, Mitsuo dislikes being considered a hindrance due to injury. This usually causes him to push himself harder.  Mitsuo personally dislikes people who leave fights unfinished.  His sense of honor and love of the thrill of the fight tend to re-enforce this dislike. Mitsuo's biggest dislike is when he is treated differently because of his bloodline.  

Motivation: Ever since Mitsuo was old enough to stand and or fight, he would push himself to the extreme. Mitsuo wants to be the greatest Uchiha that there has ever been, this comes from his need to be the strongest so that he could stop things like the killing of his brother. Mitsuo wants to stop violence between families and villages, so that nothing like what happened to his brother would happen again. 

Fears: Mitsuo is afraid of being forgotten, since being a twin he was always afraid that his brother would over shadow him. After his father assisted in the killing of his brother this fear has intensified. Mitsuo for years after the death of his brother he was plagued with nightmares of being forgotten by everyone. Mitsuo is also afraid of legitimately getting close to someone, this came from the death of his mother and brother both people he was very close to.

Uchiha, Mitsuo Blood10


Bloodline Name: Sharingan

Bloodline Ability:The first of the Sharingan's powers is being able to see the flow of chakra. The Sharingan can tell if a person is under a genjutsu because the person's chakra flow would be irregular.

The Sharingan's second-most prominent ability grants the user an incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognize genjutsu and different forms of chakra, though not to the same extent as the Byakugan. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements or mimic something like pencil movements. As the Sharingan evolves, gaining more tomoe seals, this ability extends to being able to track fast-moving objects before finally giving some amount of predictive capabilities to the user. However, even though the user may be able to see an attack or know it is coming, their body may not have time to react.

The Sharingan's third and most well-known ability is that it grants the user the ability to memorize any technique that he or she witnesses, apart from other kekkei genkai techniques. The user can memorize ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu with near perfect accuracy, allowing the user to use the techniques as their own, or even modify them to create their own new techniques. In order to reproduce a copied jutsu, however, one must have the necessary skill or ability to perform them. In addition to physical skill and kekkei genkai techniques, the Sharingan cannot reproduce jutsu dependent on other factors, such as summons that the user has not signed a contract with.

The Sharingan's final commonly-used ability is capable of inducing a unique brand of hypnosis that involves suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent through genjutsu cast by simple eye contact. More advanced Sharingan users can take the hypnosis ability even further to the point where a powerful summons or even Bijuu’s may be controlled. When this was used against summons and the Bijuu’s their eyes took on the tomoe pattern of the users' Sharingan while under hypnotic influence.

The hypnotic ability coupled with the other aspects of the Sharingan, can make the user appear as if they can "see the future". First, the user must perfectly mimic every move their opponent makes and possibly their thoughts and words through careful observation. Then, they suggest an action to the opponent such as hand seals for a jutsu that the opponent and Sharingan user already know and copy that. With these things done, the user can complete the action even before the opponent does, possibly using the Sharingan's genjutsu to confuse or delay them. As with other genjutsu, genjutsu cast by the Sharingan are capable of putting an opponent to sleep, inducing paralysis, replaying memories to someone else, or creating various illusions to deceive someone. The potency of the Sharingan's illusion is dependent on the user's knowledge and skill with implementing genjutsu.

Location: Shippu

Clan History: The Uchiha clan descended from the elder of the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths. The elder brother inherited the Sage's "eyes", powerful chakra and spiritual abilities. When it came time for the Sage to choose a successor, he questioned the two on what course of action they would follow to bring order to the world. The elder believed that might was the way to bring peace, while the younger believed love was the way. The Sage favored the ideal of the younger brother, and therefore designated the younger as his successor, causing the elder to be filled with jealousy and hatefulness. From the younger son descended the Senju clan who would be the eternal rivals of the Uchiha.

Before the founding of the ninja villages, the Uchiha were one of the many mercenary clans for hire. Because of their Sharingan, the Uchiha clan came to be known as one of the two strongest clans, the other being the Senju clan. As time passed the Uchiha grew stronger, conquering whatever clans they came upon, such that, whenever the Uchiha clan was hired for a job, the opposing side would hire the Senju, and vice versa.

The Senju clan, grew tired of the endless fighting, and approached the Uchiha clan with a peace treaty. The leader at that time feared that an alliance would lead the Uchiha to ruin, but his clan disagreed, and he was forced to accept. The two clans came together to stop fighting. The Senju settled in the Cherry Blossom Country, and the Uchiha moved to the Ocean Country to reside on its various islands. What happens next will depend on the generations to come.

Uchiha, Mitsuo Histor11

Birth to age 5:
Mitsuo was born with a twin brother Eiji, as they grew older the two brothers competed against each other in everything. At age 5 the brothers were pitted against each other for the first time in a Taijutsu Match, Mitsuo won the match beating his brother hands down.

Age 5 to 7:
Each year after that first match, his father would pit Mitsuo and Eiji against each other.  Mitsuo excelled in basic Ninjutsu and basic Genjutsu as his brother excelled in Fuuinjutsu and Kenjutsu. As each match approached Mitsuo and Eiji would grow further apart, his father though proud in both of his boys would praise Mitsuo and punish Eiji. Mitsuo would continue to push further than his brother until they entered the academy at age 8.

Age 8 to 12:
Mitsuo would excel in the Academy and much to the surprise of his instructors refused an early graduation due to his twin brother who was barely making it.  For the next 3 years Mitsuo stayed with his brother to help him through his courses, the sparing matches continued and were more frequent with Mitsuo coming out on top each time and Eiji being punished more harshly.  At age 12 the brothers would both graduate from the academy Mitsuo being close to the top of his class, while Eiji being closer to the bottom.  A few days pass after Mitsuo and Eiji became Genin and their father would call them for one last match...

Age 12-16:
Mitsuo was the first to arrive at the area where his father, Eiji and himself met repeatedly over the course of his childhood as Eiji and his father arrived his father explained to them how this match would be the last one.  Mitsuo looked at his brother as his father explained to them that this final match would be to the death, that only one of them would be worthy to be his heir and that this was the only way to decide, his father also hoped that the Sharingan would appear in one of his boys if not both making the winner a "true" Uchiha. As the fight began the brothers slowly tested each other, but as Mitsuo began to take the upper hand Eiji unleashed on him a torrent of attacks almost beating Mitsuo. As Eiji rushed toward Mitsuo he lost his balance from exhaustion, Mitsuo slowly approached his brother grabbing Eiji's sword Mitsuo held it to his brother's throat. Their father walked next to Mitsuo and told him to kill his brother, Mitsuo hesitated slightly looking at his twin and then to his father.  Eiji laid on the ground pleading his brother to not kill him their father yelled at Mitsuo to finish his brother. Mitsuo pleaded with his father to let his brother live that Eiji didn't need to die since he already lost, their father grabbed Mitsuo's hand and pushed the blade into his brother's throat killing him.  Mitsuo retreated into himself for the next 4 years taking missions here and there, he adapted his brother's personality using it to keep his brother alive.

Age 16-18:
As Mitsuo reached his 16th birthday his father started to groom him to be his successor, Mitsuo kept his brother's sword and engraved his name onto the blade. The next two years Mitsuo would take on missions and when he wasn't on a mission he would be training with his father, who disapproved of Mitsuo carrying his brother's sword all the time.  Mitsuo would continue to train in taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, he never really excelled in Kenjutsu but took it up so that he could honor his brother.  When Mitsuo reached the age of 18 he killed his father in his sleep one year after the death of his brother and four months after his mother's death.

RP Sample:
Mitsuo looked around the arena over the years he had gotten use to it, but something felt wrong about this time. As Mitsuo waited for his father and brother to arrive he sat down and meditated, feeling like he was being watched Mitsuo opened his eyes to see his father sitting in a large chair on the middle edge of the arena. Mitsuo looked up and saw his brother Eiji...

Eiji, you know you won't beat me

Eiji stared at Mitsuo and started to laugh, Mitsuo looked to his father who stood up and approached the boys. As their father spoke both Mitsuo and Eiji looked at him with all of their attention...

Mitsuo, Eiji this will be the last time I will make you two fight each other, this fight will be to the death

As their father's words hit Mitsuo and Eiji the two brothers looked at each other and in shock back at their father, Mitsuo was the first to speak...

Father, you can't be serious...we could never kill each other we are brothers

Mitsuo you will fight your brother or you will die

As their father finished talking Mitsuo saw Eiji move to draw his sword, Mitsuo  went on the offensive delivering several kicks and punches at his brother knocking him back making it so that he couldn't draw his sword.  As the two brothers continued to fight each other Mitsuo broke off....

Eiji, I know why you're doing this, you want father to praise you but you can not win, if we both stop and refuse to fight no one has to die

Eiji didn't respond, he drew his sword and rushed toward Mitsuo forcing him into a defending himself, Mitsuo was able to dodge some of the attacks but was cut several times. The fight continued with the brothers trading blows till once again the attacks were broken off but this time it was Eiji, the brothers stared at each other knowing that this would be the deciding factor, this would be the last attack. Mitsuo prepared himself for his brothers attack and as Eiji rushed forward he lost his balance due to exhaustion and fell his sword sliding out of his hands and toward Mitsuo's feet.  Mitsuo picked up the sword and held it to his brother's throat. Their father walked next to Mitsuo and told him to kill his brother, Mitsuo hesitated slightly looking at his twin and then to his father.  Eiji laid on the ground pleading his brother to not kill him their father yelled at Mitsuo to finish his brother. Mitsuo pleaded with his father to let his brother live that Eiji didn't need to die since he already lost, their father grabbed Mitsuo's hand and pushed the blade into his brother's throat killing him.  

Uchiha, Mitsuo Extra10

Source: bleach dynasty

Face Claim: http://darkerthanblack.wikia.com/wiki/Hei

Uchiha, Mitsuo Accept10

Last edited by ShinishiNamba on Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:34 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Uchiha, Mitsuo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uchiha, Mitsuo   Uchiha, Mitsuo EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 1:28 am

Alias is for B-Rank+ shinobi, please remove this.

You're only allowed three specialties.

Personality, likes, dislikes, motivation and fears need to be about a paragraph long each and not in the form of a list.

Please fix these and once you have bump the app.
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PostSubject: Re: Uchiha, Mitsuo   Uchiha, Mitsuo EmptyFri Jul 26, 2013 7:58 am


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PostSubject: Re: Uchiha, Mitsuo   Uchiha, Mitsuo EmptyFri Jul 26, 2013 9:35 pm

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Uchiha, Mitsuo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uchiha, Mitsuo   Uchiha, Mitsuo EmptySat Jul 27, 2013 8:05 am


Uchiha, Mitsuo Bravo
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PostSubject: Re: Uchiha, Mitsuo   Uchiha, Mitsuo EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:46 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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