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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Metarumasutā Hisame

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Female Posts : 734
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PostSubject: Metarumasutā Hisame   Metarumasutā Hisame EmptySun Jun 23, 2013 11:08 am

Metarumasutā Hisame 2s1vqdg

Metarumasutā Hisame Whoare14

First Name:  Hisame
Last Name: Metarumasutā
Alias: Gurētosuchīru - Great Steel Warlord, Fujimi Suchīru - Invulnerable Steel Shinobi

Gender:  Female
Age:  28
Height: 5 ft 7 inches
Weight: 138 lbs
Birthday: October 31
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationships: None

Affiliation: TsukigakureOuraboros
Rank:  Jounin
Element: Steel(鋼遁, Kōton), Earth(土遁, Doton)Fire(火遁, Katon)
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Nintaijutsu, Taijutsu

Metarumasutā Hisame Tellme11

Personality: Hisame is a cleaver and quick-witted young women, with a sharp tongue and a direct way of approaching things. She is not afraid to speak her mind and doesn't usually care as to whom she is speaking to. She usually is very solemn in nature and can even come across as very cold, cynical and most of all ruthless, especially on the battlefield. This has been a constant even during her youth, as she wanted nothing to do with the other children since they were not going to be any use to her. When it comes down to association, Hisame will generally keep to herself. She rarely finds the need for others and prefers to be left alone, that way she won't have to become attached to anyone or rely on anyone other than herself. This distancing is not the only thing that contributes towards Hisame's solitude though, as she is generally very solemn, pessimistic and sullen, in both behavior and views. A very common expression that is used by others that know her is that "she is as cold and emotionless as steel itself".

Though despite the usual damper mood of the young women, Hisame is actually a very strong and confident, especially when it involves her own abilities and judgment. Despite being very capable and then some on the battlefield, Hisame generally tried to avoid conflict when she can,not wanting to bother herself with the "headache" it would bring her. Even with this, it is known that Hisame takes great pride in her profession as a shinobi and being a member of the Metarumasutā Clan. In fact it is said that the only enjoyment that is seen from Hisame, that doesn't involve a sweet or a good book, is focused around her pride and love for her clan. This pride shows even more through her abilities and ranking within the clan, being the first to gain the title of Gurētosuchīru, since the purging of her clan, her Hagane kawa being the strongest recorded in clan history.

Intelligence is no missing factor when it comes down to this young women, nor is anger. Her direct nature and sharp tongue are evidence of this, as she will have no issue going off at someone who annoys or angers her, typically using her wits to not just insult them, but confuse them as well. Such arguments are not common of Hisame, unless her clan/abilities are insulted or an arrogant fool keeps prodding her. If things escalate enough she will even go as far as to killing the person, stating that "nuisances have to be dealt with accordingly, to prevent their  impudence from corrupting this world." It is this very ideal that gets Hisame in trouble from time to time.

Likes: It is known that Hisame is rather picky, though she does hold a few things to heart. The most obvious of sorts being her clan/clansmen. She also finds it humorous to watch fools try to attack through her Hagane kawa, though pointless battles do tend to give her a headache. When it comes down to other things, sweet pastries and candies are a small weakness for this young women, though she can't eat too many or it will cause her a stomach ache. Books and scrolls of interest, usually based around horror, mythology/folklore, or comedy, surprisingly, are other pleasures she partakes in. It is even noted that Hisame has a slight weak spot for young children, especially those who are orphaned, as she understands their pain, and despite her usually coldness, it is a fact that Hisame would one day like to have a family of her own, surely a feeling she obtained along the road of becoming a women.

Dislikes: It is no mystery that Hisame hates the heat, despite her homeland being Kazangakure. If someplace is too warm or has a lot of fire, she generally tried to stay away from it, knowing that it is a weakness to her Hagane kawa, as well as it usually just being a very uncomfortable atmosphere. She allows is not a fan of arrogant fools or anyone who insults her clan/abilities, as they tend to try all of her patience rather quickly or immediately  which in term can end with her getting into a bit of trouble. Lastly she doesn't enjoy being interrupted while reading, as she loses the "atmosphere that the story creates." This usually leads to her snapping at the person who interrupted her, followed by an insult before returning to her book. To a further note, Hisame also has a deep hatred for Shippuugakure, for the purge of her clan and destruction of her home, though it is not very common knowledge.

Motivation: Hisames main motivation comes from her desire to become stronger, so that one day she can enact revenge to those who tried to purge her clan, and killed her parents, her father being one of the Gurētosuchīru during the time of the purge. She also wants to one day bring her clan to it's former glory, in which it had worked so hard to obtain before.

Fears: Hisames biggest fear is that one day her Hagane kawa will be completely outmatched, it being her most prized achievement and ability. She also greatly fears strong fire jutsu in combat, for obvious reasons of it being the weakness to her Hagane kawa. Another haunting fear is that one day her actions lead to the once again purging of her clan, instead of its salvation. Her last and by far oddest fear is large/deep bodies of water. This is due to an incident from her past, that makes her afraid of being trapped or pulled under the water and drowning within the abyss.

Metarumasutā Hisame Blood10


Bloodline Name: Suchīrurirīsu - Steel Release

Bloodline Ability: Steel Release: The Steel Release (鋼遁, KōtonViz "Steel Style") is an advanced chakra nature kekkei genkai that utilizes the Earth(土遁, Doton) element and the Fire((火遁, Katon) element, under a very dense chakra. This allows the user to use various Steel(鋼遁, Kōton) based techniques typically with a Earth(土遁, Doton) based technique, as well as turning their own body into an virtually indestructible black metal. This is called the Hagane kawa Technique.

Location: Kazangakure, Tsukigakure

Clan History: Clan History

Metarumasutā Hisame Histor11

Chapter One: Birth

On October 31st, within the village of Kazangakure, approximately 212 years after Seiryu's arrival, a young girl was born into the Metarumasutā clan and her name was Hisame. This new born Metarumasutā would have hard times a head of her though, as would all of the Metarumasutā, as times were hard with the segregation between the clan and the rest of Kazangakure. Hisame was far too young to understand any of this though, since a newly born wouldn't even be able to walk or talk, let alone understand the concept of political power struggles. Such topics wouldn't even reach her as she started to grow, the world being a complete mystery to the girl other than her parents, oblivious to everything other than their love. Despite what was bound to happen, Hisame was born into a very strong branch of the Metarumasutā clan, being the daughter of one of the four Gurētosuchīru, it would be apparent that great things could be expected of her. Though for a parent, anything of their child would be a great accomplishment at the age. Crawling, standing, stumbling footsteps that would soon turn into walking, even sounds being slowly formed into simple words such as mom, dad, dog, anything would be enough to fill them with joy, and this would just be within the first year of the girls life, but I digress, let's continue with the story shall we?

The first few years of Hisames life would be typical and easy ones, even though things would get harder and more threatening around her in this time frame. By the time she was almost three years old, things would go from bad to worse and from worse to life threatening. It was during this time that the tension between Kazangakure and Shippuugakure would reach it's climax and war would break out. War was never a good thing for anyone, especially a young child. Hisame, being a rather smart girl, even at three years old, would ask her mother as to why everyone was so angry all the time, so scared, so sad. Her mother, not wanting to expose her daughter to such things like war and genocide, would simply tell her that they were just having a bad day. Hisame knew that was a lie though, for everyday was a bad day around them. 

Chapter Two: The Purge, Destruction of Kazangakure

It was by this point that the destruction of Kazangakure was finally here. Being too weak to fend off the invading Shippuu shinobi, many fell back to the reaches of the village. The same came of those of the Metarumasutā clan, as their numbers decreased with every attack. This was a point of great confusion for Hisame, as she had no idea why her mother was packing up some of their things. All she got was a "We have to leave.", from her mother. Little did the girl know that she would find out the real reason very soon, after her father came home, covered in the blood of the enemy shinobi. He helped them finish packing and for the last time, he would hold them and tell them he loved them. As the young girl hugged her father and mother, she had a feeling deep within her. Hisame, now barely three years old, knew that after that day, she would never get to see her father again, and with tears running down her face, she watched as her father and home would get smaller and smaller in the distance as they left the village.

Chapter Three: A new Home, Welcome to Tsukigakure

It would surprise Hisame how many people escaped from the destroyed, burning remains of Kazangakure. The group of surviving Metarumasutā members would meet up and join those of Kazangakure who had also made it to safety. Tensions aside, for they all had nothing left, other than each other. The group continued walking for a while, unsure as to where to go at first. Some considered Nadare, but the idea was tossed away since it was most likely be the next target of war. After a few snowballing of ideas, it came down to Tsukigakure being the place for them to try to take refuge. Hisame, being far too young to contribute anything, simply did as she was told and continued walking alongside her mother. The travel was a long and difficult one. Some died on the way, due to either injuries they had suffered or just lack of will to continue. Others went off on their own, most of them shinobi who did, though very few of them would make it once found by Shippuu shinobi. Despite what anyone had said or how much of a hopeless journey it seemed, sooner enough, they made it to Tsukigakure.

To no surprise, news of the fall of Kazangakure had made it to Tsuki, and thanks to patrolling Tsuki shinobi, so did the arrival of the survivors. Due to this, when they arrived, there was already a camp and support set up for them. They were all very happy to be accepted so eagerly by the small village, Hisame being no different, now exhausted and hungry like most others. Within the following days, they slowly started to find residence. For those of the Metarumasutā, this would be much easier, since they had great possibilities for Tsuki with their cooperation. The clan eagerly accepted, now getting a new home, safety, jobs and most of all a chance to start again. From that point on, the Metarumasutā did everything they could do for the village of Tsuki. They crafted weapons for them, help build structures and homes for themselves and the other survivors. They would help the village grow as much as they could, working hard to make their due. This would take a few years to fully establish, and during that time, as everyone does, Hisame got older. Though she was still too young to contribute to anything yet, she did her best to adapt and live, though the haunting memory of the destruction of her home would still be with her.

Chapter Four: The Life of a Shinobi, Hisame joins the Academy  

With the passing years, Hisame would finally be able to start making her own choices for her future. By the age of six she had already taken an interest in the shinobi, especially of those of her clan, often hearing stories throughout her youth, mostly about her father. This lead her to want to become one herself, at first due to the inspiration from the tales of her fathers strength and later out of the desire for revenge. This desire first developed when a group of shinobi, composed of former Kazans and Metarumasutās, traveled to the ruins of Kazangakure, to check the end result. When they returned, one of the things they returned with was the damaged remains of Hisame's fathers armor, along with the other three Gurētosuchīrus armors. This merely confirmed their suspicions that he was killed, which riddled the girl and her mother with grief, a grief that would cause Hisames mother to grow rather ill.

Once Hisame turned seven, the first thing she did was join the academy in Tsuki. She wanted more than anything to become a strong shinobi, so that she could fulfill her desires. She had already received some minor training from her clansmen, mostly involving their clans abilities and techniques.  Though these would be out of the girls grasp at that time, they would later be her greatest strengths. So with her goal set, Hisame worked hard at becoming a shinobi. She made sure to get good grades while at the academy and learn as much as she could from the Metarumasutā shinobi when she could. This would lead to Hisame becoming to top of her class within no time and later to her graduation at the age of ten. With that she would move on to the rank of Genin.

Chapter Five: The Rank of Genin, Squads and Missions

With the advancement to Genin, Hisame would finally get a taste of what being a shinobi really entailed. She was quickly assigned to a squad and a sensei and would shortly after, start going on missions and going through training. The missions she went on were rather simple, which annoyed her to a degree since it didn't really profit her much, however, for a small village like Tsukigakure, there really wouldn't be much of an option, especially for genin. Despite the small time missions, the training she received, both from her sensei and the Metarumasutā, were a great help to her advancement and preparation to move on up the ranks. For if she wanted to becomea strong shinobi she would have to pass the chunnin exams when they rolled around. Though it would be a while before that happened, so Hisame and her team would be able to work on their teamwork and abilities substantially.

During this phase of heavy training, Hisame started to really grasp the ability to use some of her clans techniques, Hagane kawa more specifically. As she got more and more used to using her kekkei genkai, it would become apparent to her clansmen just how capable and strong she would become as she got older. As a child who had only just recently grasp onto her abilities, Hisame possessed an incredibly powerful Hagane kawa. She wasn't able to make it cover her entire body at that time, but she was able to create the black metal rather quickly, which would prove to be just as useful for her, especially come the exams. However, tensions rose between other villages, it would turn out that the chunnin exams would end up being prolonged. This became assured when war would end up breaking out between Nadare and Shippuu. With the villages locked in battle, there would be no held event that would require such an open amount of trust and vulnerability. This would probably end up being for the better, due to the fact that Hisame was rather young and something like the chunnin exams would end up being rather dangerous, despite her talent. Tsuki, still being a smaller village, would also be fine with the extended wait, for it would give them more time to focus on their expansion.

Chapter Six: The Rank of Chunnin, Exam or Not

Within a years laps time, the conflict would escalate greatly between the two villages and not too long after that, Hyouga would come to the assist of their allies and declare war on Nadare as well. This would lead to more conflict between the villages, which as time passed, became very one sided. After only two years of tension and war, Nadare would lose the war and their place among the major villages. This would bring a brief peace to the land. Hisame, now a full fledged and experienced chunnin, by means of progression through all the genin material that Tsuki could offer, could have cared less about the continuation or resolve of the conflict, especially since she was fine with either of the warring villages being destroyed. To that day she remembered how Shippuugakure destroyed her home and slaughtered her clansmen. She also was aware that Nadare, who was in an alliance with Kazangakure, failed to help them when they were attacked by Shippuu. So really it would have made her ecstatic to hear either of the two or both being destroyed. It did irk her a little though, that due to the war, she never did get to participate within an actual chunnin exam, but the tests that Tsuki performed was a good enough substitute she figured. After all, she didn't want to still be a genin at the age of twenty, when she was now almost at the rank of Jounin.

Hisame enjoyed the chunnin life style much more than she did when she was a genin. Her missions actually would provide a bit of challenge from time to time and she had a much larger range to choose from. She even could accept teaching assignments at the academy, which she would do when it was needed of her. She also made a great deal of progress with her abilities wit her kekkei genkai. By that point her defensive capabilities were pretty renown through the village and her offensive abilities were pretty potent also. There was no doubt that she would be granted the title of jounin pretty soon, with her reputation and marks. The village itself was becoming rather large also, though on its own, becoming a major village would still require a lot of work and time. This wasn't an issue though, as they were in no rush to draw attention to themselves.

Chapter Seven: The Rank of Jounin; More War Breaks Out

The time of peace within the land would end up being a short one, for not to long after, an abrupt war between Shippuu and Boufuu broke out. This was a rather odd occurrence, which left many clueless and concerned. With so much war happening between the villages in such a short laps of time, many wondered who would be next. Tsuki however, still being pretty off the radar, decided to take advantage of the conflict. This is where the Metarumasutā would come into play. With their skill of crafting and handling metal, they were charged with the mass production of weapons, in which Tsuki would then sell to the warring villages. This would pay off with a good pay day for the village, as well for the Metarumasutā. Hisame, now a strong and contributing member of the clan, assisted with the production and even the transportation and safe delivery of the product. It would be these very missions that would grant Hisame her rank of Jounin, being how dangerous they were and how high the tension in the land was. Despite this, the young women had no issues with anything that stood in her way, being as skilled and experienced as she was by that time. She had even been able to really observe some of the other villages, as well as mark a name for herself.

It had already been a known fact that Hisame, being a member of the Metarumasutā, had very powerful defensive techniques and skills within her arsenal. However, her Hagane kawa was so powerful compared to the rest of her clan, that she could defeat just about any opponent she went up against during that time, without even being wounded. It was this very rumor, which was more fact then fiction, that gave her the name of Fujimi Suchīru or the Invulnerable Steel Shinobi. Hisame embraced the title and made it her own, continuing to give it life by never receiving a wound while on the battlefield. This fueled her pride and confidence even more when it came down to her abilities, especially when it came down to her Hagane kawa. She had certainly became a powerful shinobi, though she still had much more to accomplish before she would be satisfied. The same would go for Tsukigakure as well.

Chapter Eight: Tsukigakure Grows, The title of Gurētosuchīru

As the war continued on, Tsuki had managed to expand in wealth and territory so much that it had became a major village. This would mean a lot to the citizens and especial the Metarumasutā, being one of the great contributors to the growth of the village. With such an achievement being made, the clan received a greater piece of territory within Tsukigakure, to call their own and become one of the bigger clans within the village. With the clan on its way to greatness once again, Hisame was bestowed the title of Gurētosuchīru and was given her fathers armor, now repaired and better than ever. This was Hisames chance; she would finally be able to rebuild her clan and bring it to its former glory, maybe even surpass it. There was still one thing that Hisame knew she had to do though. She knew that retribution needed to be fulfilled for the death of her father, clansmen and former home. However she knew she wouldn't be able to take revenge against Shippuugakure all by herself and she knew the clan and Tsuki were not strong enough to wage war against them. So for the time being she would wait, until the time was right.

Chapter Nine: The War Ends, What is Ouraboros?

Not too long after Tsukigakure rose to power, the war between Shippu and Boufuu changed. With the victory leaning towards Shippuu with the death of the Fourth Kanetsukage, a strange development occurred with Shippuugakure. The discovery of them being tricked by the group known as Ouraboros, which lead to the war with Boufuu, caused an upheaval within the village and the disappearance of the Umikage. This lead to the overall end of the war itself, as well as any ties between the two villages. This news would reach Tsuki rather quickly, being a benefactor of weapon two villages at the time. More importantly, the news would reach Hisame, who was the current leader of the Metarumasutā clan. She knew that with all the chaos running through Shippuu and the over all weakness of its power due to constant war over the years, that now would be a perfect time to attack them. However she still wouldn't be able to do it ob her own. This being the case she brought to idea to the leaders of Tsukigakure, explaining to them the benefits of taking advantage of the times. The leaders were shocked of the women's proposition and after much thought denied it. They stated that with Tsukigakure still establishing its borders and power as a major village, it would be unwise to start a war with Shippuu. There was also the fact that they were still in an alliance with Hyouga and a war against the two would be disastrous. Hisame, who greatly disagreed with their decision, decided to try to find another way to obtain her goal. The elders, not so trusting of the women anymore, seeing her protest of the matter, would keep watch over Hisame, as well as the Metarumasutā clan.

Things would remain quite for a while. The fear of war faded with the passing year and the villages would start to focus on re-establishing their strength. Tsukigakure would continue to establish their strength, and Hisame, torn and unable to take any form of action, toiled in despair. She worked hard to keep the Metarumasutā clan growing though, despite her feelings. The village watched over them carefully, making sure that Hisame didn't try to do anything rash like a coup d'état of the village. Alas, Hisame was not about to place her clan at risk just because of her desire for revenge. So instead she just focused on what would be best for them as a whole, while she herself looked for a way to increase her own ability. She also decided to possibly look into the group known as the Ouraboros, though her research would be greatly disrupted,due to the surveillance that was placed over her, as well as the very little that was known of the group period.

Chapter Ten: The Race for the Bijuu, Hisame joins Ouraboros

Once again, the peace of the land would become disrupted, though this time not by war. An attack on Shippuu by the Nibi, which ended up with it being sealed, added a new possibility of strength to the village. A much needed asset with how weak it had become due to the Ouraboros incident. This causes an unwariness within the other villages, especially Tsukigakure. Which causes a massive hunt for the bijuu, to balance the stage of power among the villages. Hisame, greatly unhappy about the idea of Shippuu gain some of its power back, as makes an attempt to lead the hunt to finding Tsukigakure a bijuu. However, the elders of the village stepped in, telling her that she could not look for the bijuu herself, to once again try to lessen the chance of her staging a coup d'état by obtaining the bijuu for her clan. Hisame, insulted but over all unable to do anything about the situation, complies with the elders and pulls the Metarumasutā out of the hunt for the bijuu. 

With the search for the bijuu being relatively unsuccessful, the villages start to place more effort into increasing their strength, in case more war breaks out. Tsuki, still being a young major village, does the same, which causes the surveillance on Hisame to lift. Finally able to progress towards her desires, Hisame starts to search for the bijuu in secret, to prevent the village from losing even more trust in her and endangering her clan. She also starts to increase her research on the Ouraboros as well, to see if she could possibly use them to fulfill her goals. Unfortunately she makes very little progress on the matter. After a few years, the search for the bijuu lessen a bit, as peace settles in a bit more. Hisame however, desperate to obtain more power to achieve her goal, gets far more rash with her search of both the Ouraboros and the bijuu. Before her efforts really provide her with anything concrete, the village discovers her actions and tries to subdue her. marked as a traitor a great possible threat to the well being of the village, Hisame is forced to flee the village and her clan. With rumors that she managed to hear about Ouraboros, Hisame escapes and heads to Kazangakure, in hopes to find the Ouraboros base that she hears exist there.

RP Sample:


Metarumasutā Hisame Extra10

Source: The Internet

Face Claim: Metarumasutā Hisame 

Metarumasutā Hisame Accept10

Last edited by Risenheart on Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Metarumasutā Hisame Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metarumasutā Hisame   Metarumasutā Hisame EmptyThu Jun 27, 2013 8:01 am

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Metarumasutā Hisame Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metarumasutā Hisame   Metarumasutā Hisame EmptyMon Jul 01, 2013 11:16 am

Wonderful history. Bravo. Only thing that seemed to not be needed was "Hisame, being the strongest and most famous member of their ranks" so if you take that tidbit out, it is perfecto.

Also, make sure you take out the WIP in your title. :3
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Metarumasutā Hisame Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metarumasutā Hisame   Metarumasutā Hisame EmptyMon Jul 01, 2013 7:42 pm

Completely missed the WiP in the title. Though I took it out ages ago. XD

Took out that little bit, as it did seem rather unneeded. 

Ready for Approval! :D
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Metarumasutā Hisame Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metarumasutā Hisame   Metarumasutā Hisame EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 4:20 pm

Congratulations, you're now a member of Ouraborus.
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