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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Senju, Tora

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PostSubject: Senju, Tora   Senju, Tora EmptyWed Nov 07, 2012 8:34 pm

Senju, Tora Untitled-1

Senju, Tora Whoare14

First Name: Tora
Last Name: Senju
Alias: The great Tiger, The great serpent, phantom The Reaper

Gender: male
Age: 16
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125
Birthday: December 1
Sexuality: straight
Relationships: Mother[deceased], father[deceased], new mother, new father, and several illegitimate children/ grand children

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Jonin
Element: Fire, Water, and Earth
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu

Senju, Tora Tellme11

Personality: Tora is smooth methodical and somewhat rude. He shows no respect to people he wants nothing from, or that have no chance in defeating him. He is harsh, serious, cool and calculated he rarely loses his cool and thus people are immediately either irritated by him or afraid of him. He get's excited when he meets an opponent that could beat him, and treats them uncharacteristically respectful as if he looks forward to fighting them.

He walks and talks like royalty there is an air of pure arrogance in his tone that pisses people off to no end. He acts as if he knows what's going on with everything and is very likely to shut down or ignore the talking of someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. Tora is extremely manipulative able to talk the average and above average person into almost anything

Likes: Tora is extremely flirtatious with women; in fact they are one of his vices. He uses his mental powers and skills to charm his way into any woman's (not able to resist his charms) pants. .Tora learned at a young age that strength is the most important thing for a person to have. Only the strong survive the weak all die. What Tora loves most of all is a good book. A good book can whisk him away to a distant land filled with pure happiness or to a place filled with evil and fear. He finds no matter what is going on he can still relax to a good book.

Dislikes: Tora despises filth he believes that the world is meant to be clean, and that mankind was put there for that specific reason. This hate is not restricted to dirt on the carpet either; often he will refer to specific people as filth or stains on the world . he believes that the world is chaotic by nature and therefore for someone to want to tame the world is both stupid and a waste of time. He believes that the world is full of wars for a reason population control and to get rid of stain. Tora hates weakness yet admits that it exists in everyone including himself. He believes to become stronger one must acknowledge and overcome weakness until they have perfected themselves.

Motivation: He is motivated by his love for money and power a lot of his choices are made from this love. He is also motivated by his fears to over come them he must get stronger... stronger than death it self. His final motivation is style he does nothing that is not interesting or awesome.

Fears: Tora fears death something that always seems to always be hanging over his shoulders. Whether it's someone elses death or one of his two near death experiences. He also fears failure twice now he's experienced pure failure when so close to his goals the thought of failure the third time gives him nightmares.

Senju, Tora Blood10


Bloodline Name: Mokuton

Bloodline Ability: Wood release

Location: Scattered

Clan History: The Senju clan descended from the younger of the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths who was born with the "body" of the Sage, inheriting his father's strength of will and physical energy and believed that love was the key to bringing peace to the world. The Sage grew to favour the ideals of his younger son over those of his older son, who believed that power alone was the true key to finding peace. Therefore, on his deathbed it was the younger of the two brothers that the Sage chose to name as his successor. The elder brother, bitter and hateful at having being denied what he felt was rightfully his to inherit, attacked his younger sibling. The Uchiha clan would descend from the elder brother, resulting in the bitter centuries-long rivalry between the Senju and the Uchiha.

he Senju clan gained their fame in the era before the founding of the hidden villages. Where other clans focused on mastering one particular skill, the Senju were prodigious in all skills, from ninjutsu, to taijutsu, to genjutsu. Because of this, they were as "the clan with a thousand skills" which gave them their name "Senju" (a thousand skills", or "a thousand hands").

The Senju's place at the top of the shinobi world was undisputed, but there was one clan that was able to stand up to them: the Uchiha clan. Whenever one country hired the Senju, their enemies would hire the Uchiha, and vice versa. This led to a rivalry between the two clans.

The Senju clan, grew tired of the fighting, and a peace treaty was formed with the Uchiha clan. The two clans came together to stop fighting. The Senju settled in the Cherry Blossom Country, and the Uchiha moved to the Ocean Country. Due to thier lack of a basic kekkai genkai at the time the Senju clan all but disappeared the lines between them and other clans becoming dimmer and dimmer until eventually the clan dissapeared. An occational person can be found with these abilities but overall it's extremely rare for people to have any ability contained by the Senju clan, but it does happen and not just in thier original country several villages have claimed to have a ninja that holds these abilities.

Senju, Tora Histor11

Tora’s mother was a senju in Tsukigakure she held the full abilities of the founder Hashirama. Tora’s father was one of the former kages of Tsukigakure. Both were respected ninja who had "worked together" on several accations one night while working together... Tora was concieved out of wedlock. Tora's birth was both curse and a blessing for his father he was unable to retain his kageship due to the scandle this caused, but his son was extremely powerful he hoped he could manipulate his son into the next kage then rule through him. So, from day one He was one groomed to be the kage of Tsukigakure the true successor to his father. This put a lot of pressure on the young man, but he was up to the challenge.

Early life
Tora was sent to the finest tutors in the world these tutors taught him battle tactics how to use his abilities, and how to be kage. Overall, he didn't see much of his father or his mother, but he was determined to live up to, and eventually surpass his father’s reputation. So he trained hard mastering the tools of his bloodline limit to the point that he was well above anyone that graduated from the academy that year. His father saw his quick growth and was intending to use him as an enforcer, but he didn't count on what would happen in later years.

Tora was promoted to genin ranking, and like everyone else he was placed under a jonin’s tutelage along with 2 other students. His team was rather average, his teacher was a newbie just recently promoted, and his partners were comparably weak, but due to his care-free nature he would never complain. He trained with extreme determination wanting to become the kage his father had hoped he would be, at that time in his life he was a child trying to live up to his father’s high expectations.

Chunin exams
He and his team entered the chunin exams with confidence that he and his abilities would carry them to the finish. The team excelled through the written portion with ease, scoring the highest scores of anyone taking the test at the time. Things went sour during the scroll challenge; Tora guessed that it would be easier to attack a group that was going for the finish rather than search for a group. Tora’s team waited at the finish for a long time until finally a group of sand ninjas approached. He and his team fought the other ninja valiantly, and were brutally defeated and were left half dead right in front of the finish. This feeling of failure, the feeling of being so close yet being so far from the finish changed Tora. The team failed the exams, and Tora lost his determination.

Broken dreams
In his own mind a kage should be able to beat the chunin exams by failing he thought that he had let himself and his father down, so he just quit he quit caring he quit trying as hard. He was a genin with, no drive, no motivation, nothing to prove, no revenge to get. He was done he didn’t want to be kage any longer; he didn’t want to be a ninja anymore. He was done with Tsukigakure; he was done with fixing the alliance, he contemplated fleeing, but despite the loss of motivation he couldn’t bring himself to leave his home. He continued to do missions. He didn’t have the vigor he had before, but in its place there was a new focused precision, and cold ruthlessness. He was living for nothing but battle he lived to fight.

Idiana Tora
He became chunin extremely quickly after the exams, and used his time as a journeyman ninja to travel the world. Eventually he was given a mission to observe a group of pre-technology people; these people believed that they were protected from harm by a demon (Idaina tora) that resided with them. Eventually he was given a mission by his father a chance to join anbu and be granted the rank of special jonin. Tora’s mission was to observe them and learn their mannerisms, perks, and anything else that was interesting. Tora didn't want to do it, but his father seemed so excited the Tora couldn't say no.

He stayed with the people for years learning their ways and their strange martial arts styles. As time went on the people accepted him as one of their own. Tora began to love the people and the peace that the small village emitted. He felt a need to protect them they had become his family; suddenly he was filled with purpose new determination. He would protect the villagers with his life.

The peace however was not meant to last he was called back home, his mission was complete. He told black ops captain (his father) all about the village, its resources, and people. His father in turn relayed the message to the kage. Tora attempted to get an extension of his time there, but he was denied he was getting too close. His father was forced to give the sad news that Tora suspended and forced to stay in the village for an entire year. After a year passed he was allowed to travel again the first place he traveled to was the small village.

The village was a ghost of what it was before Tora left; he asked the people what happened and they told him that shortly after he left the village was attacked by a group of men who were trying to wipe them out and take their land. Tora was outraged and returned to the village to confront the kage. However, the kage had nothing to do with the killings; in fact he had never even heard of the villagers. That’s when things clicked; who gave Tora the mission? Who did he tell about the village? Who suspended him in the kage's name? His father (if you didn’t already know), he begged the kage to allow him to handle this himself, and his request was granted.

The great tiger
Tora went back to the village as fast as possible knowing that the people were in mortal danger he managed to make it back before his father did and he prepared. He made the villagers hide then he made something to symbolize the people their pain and their vengeance. He used the drawings of the clan’s demon, red grass, and pieces of their destroyed statues to create a mask. When his father and his men reached the village they were not met with defenseless villagers they were met with Idaina tora (the great tiger) the village’s demon in the flesh.

Tora fought like a demon he let out all of his frustrations, he let out his feelings of failure, he let out his hatred for the people who mocked him, and he let out all of the sadness he felt for leaving the villagers when they needed him. By the time he dropped the last man he was covered in blood and surrounded by organs. He stared down his father the two of them knew that only one of them would walk out of there alive. It was destined from the day of Tora’s birth; the clash razed what was left of the village; every time it looked like Tora’s father would come out on top Tora would continue to fight not giving up. By the end Tora and his father were exhausted and seconds away from collapsing. His father asked him why he refused to quit, why he wouldn't’ stay down. Tora replied simply “because I am the great tiger and I must protect my people” Tora wailed a primal scream that allowed all of the villagers to know that the demon was protecting them then charged at his father for the last time impaling him on his own blade and taking his father’s legacy and consuming it with his own; that day the great tiger of Tsukigakure was born.

Tora returned to the village with the rest of the villagers, and asked the kage to allow the people to reside in the village. The kage agreed due to the fact that their destruction was her fault. For his valiance power and for saving those people Tora was granted a jonin position in the village. The villagers have become their own clan, and have no wish to leave Tsukigakure, ever.

Tora was one of the kage's top jonin able to complete any mission no matter how difficult, once the kage finally retired Tora was the first to be nominated, but because of his youth(15) he was denied the position at the time. for 4 years the kage spot bounced from one member to another, whether it was by death murder or early retirement. Eventually Tora was tired of it the council refused to help solve the situation, and each kage was more incompetent than the last. He was going to step up and he was going to fix the villages problem. Shortly after the newest kage's demise he tricked the council members into joining a fake clan meeting. Then proceeded to slaughter every man in the room painting the room and himself in crimson.
He didn't stay in the village to see how it all panned out, but he did fool himself into thinking that it would be better than before.

The Great serpent
Tora spent some time as a brutal boxer competing in illegal rings and honing his skills eventually he was hired as a body guard for a major gang leader. As time went on he became an enforcer killing and "sending messages" as needed. Eventually he took his leave of the gang, and started working for other organizations for top dollar jobs. Ironically he has become exactly what the senju originally were; mercenaries. Tora's name became known world wide not as the great tiger but as the great serpent(namely because of his treacherous ways and because of the Snake hand seal being common for his jutsu). He hates this nickname and will kill if called by it. He spend most of his time traveling looking at the world and meeting its people. He often visits Kumo strictly for his mothers sake, but as time goes on those visits besome few and far in between.

Tora spends most of his time honing his own powers becoming stronger and faster than the average ninja. He has been consumed with this search for power and although he tells himself it's for protection. Once again he knows in his heart that he doesn't do what he does for protection he does it because he wants to, he kills because, he wants too he steals because he wants to, and he is rouge because he wants to be. As time goes on he becomes less of a soldier and henchman and starts forming his own plans that he executes to perfection. Only time will tell if his plans lead him down the path of light or further into the darkness. For a while he he remained dormant waiting for something interesting to happen.

Tora eventually woke from his uncaring state. He realized that now was the time to wake up; the world would be thrown into chaos soon, and Then Tora could start enacting his own plans. Chaos would rise and through all of this he would collect the bounties of every Idiot that surfaced and refused to help him. He was going to paint the world in red and take all of the secrets it held. Including the seven swords of the mist, the legendary sharingan, the legendary riningan, Sage chakra, and anything else that tickles his fancy. He had chosen the path off darkness and is running with it. So the wheels are spinning, the ball is rolling only time would tell if Tora's plan would work.

So close yet so far
Tora's plan was so close he had fooled everyone he was the a kage he held sage power. Hell he even had the sharingan, and no one even knew. He could now take over the world and tell the world how foolish it was. However, there was a trump card he had not counted on a lone ninja who had figured out his plans this ninja confronted Tora in all his glory the young ninja used a jutsu that literally ripped Tora's soul out of his body an threw it into the world. The great tiger was dead before his time had even started. Once again he had failed right before his success and this time it was very unlikely that he would be able to adapt.

Tora was a vengeful spirit he haunted his home for a long time scareing away anyone who dared even run into the place. Eventually as if fate itself had struck teenage boy and his family entered the house with an exorcist they attepted to remove the evil spirit from the home, so that they could inhabit it at first Tora was fearful afraid of true death but as the lady started he realized it was a scam until she pulled out a strnge object that seemed to enhance his powers. Super chargd he flew around the room destroying everything until he flew into the boy with a scream the boy was changed. His slick black hair turned pure snowy white and spiked out in several directions, his brown eyes turned grey as death, and Tora's power and will were now in the eakilings body. Tora was back and the boy... well his crying can be heard in that mansion to this day.

He's back
Tora brain washed the family with a powerful genjutsu, he didn't have all of his original powers, but he still had his biological ones. The family enrolled him into the ninja academy none of the students or teachers were ready for him to appear not as strong as he already was he realized that he hadn't realized who he wanted to be until later in his life the first time, but now he had a brand new start; he could become the most powerful ninja in his youth, and by the time he was middle aged he would already have the key to immortality. He reached jonin ranking as his body reached about 16 years of age.

Fear The Reaper
Through years of killing and inspiring fear among the nations he has become known throughout the world as The Reaper of Tsukigakure. If you saw him your number was up and you were done for. Tora's plan have slowed down as he has matured, but only time will tell if he has fully abandoned his plans.

RP Sample:
A post from one of my Saga characters:

Senju, Tora Extra10

Source: advertisement

Face Claim: google artist

Senju, Tora Accept10

Last edited by Tora on Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:07 pm; edited 9 times in total
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Kenta Saitama
Kenta Saitama
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Senju, Tora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Tora   Senju, Tora EmptyThu Nov 08, 2012 12:16 am

You have fields which, lets say, you have missed. Please fill in all of these and bump when edited.
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Senju, Tora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Tora   Senju, Tora EmptyThu Nov 08, 2012 3:38 am

yeah i messed that up; done bump.
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Kenta Saitama
Kenta Saitama
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Senju, Tora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Tora   Senju, Tora EmptyThu Nov 08, 2012 6:59 pm

Rename the topic to just your character name please.
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Senju, Tora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Tora   Senju, Tora EmptyThu Nov 08, 2012 7:07 pm

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Kenta Saitama
Kenta Saitama
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Senju, Tora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Tora   Senju, Tora EmptySat Nov 10, 2012 8:25 am

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Senju, Tora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Tora   Senju, Tora EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 12:00 am

Approved, just don't mention your clan until it gets approved.
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