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 A Relic in the Ruins (open)

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Male Posts : 780
Ryo : 13750

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptySat Jul 05, 2014 9:44 pm

Deep within the jungle surrounding the village of Kusamura was a solitary glade of ancient trees, and locked within the trunks of these trees are the ruins of an ancient civilization, one whose name is lost in to the ages, whisked away by time. Amid these ruins shafts of sunlight streamed down, managing to penetrate the jungle due to the odd growing pattern of the glade, being forced to grow around the remnants of buildings and structures. This place was rarely tread, and it served as a reminder of mortality, that eventually time claims us all.

A man strode calmly through the ruins, alone. Only his footsteps breaking the silence of this ancient reminder. The man cast his gaze around this ancient place, drinking in the decay and ruination of what was once most likely a powerful and proud nation. He ran his hand along a pillar of ancient worked stone, small scratchings etched into it's surface, either from the claws of animals or tools used to etch long forgotten and worn away words, the figure knew not.

Three headbands resting around this mans neck, one for each of the villages he had been a member of, one of which, like the place he stood in, nothing more than ruins and rubble, long ago sent into oblivion. Andeddo stood in this place, feeling a deeper connection to the relics of the old world, for he himself was in fact one of these relics. He chuckled lightly at the thought, and he looked up into the trees overhead. He shut his eyes, and breathed deeply.

he let his hand slide down from the pillar, and continued to delve deeper into the past, exploring things most had not laid eyes upon in years, a feeling of deep seated calm settling upon the Seinin, and a tightness he had felt since his discovery of his miraculous situation seemed to lift from him. Andeddo walked to the center of the glade, and stood there, before slowly lowering himself into a sitting position, meditating in the peace and quiet of the past, his thoughts slowly drifting backwards in time, long before he had ever set foot into this place.
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Female Posts : 486
Ryo : 39350

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptySun Jul 06, 2014 7:16 pm

A shadowed figure moved swiftly and gracefully through the grounds. The place where names were forgotten, civilization drowned out by the silence, and a place of peace. The ruins. The figure simply walked, trying not to let the heart ache from the past memories. She knew that those memories could consume ones soul and that was something no one wanted. No one wanted to be housed by the darkness of sorrow, or to be clothed by pain. Though these feelings cloaked the woman's heart as she walked the ancient ruins of her current homeland.

The white wolf wanted nothing to do with any ruins. For they only reminded her of everything she lost. She cried a soft sound of pain, letting it be carried into the air. Though that was the only sound she made. She took a deep breath and allowed herself to be consumed by the sounds and smells of the world around her, earning a small smile from the woman. The woman, who went by Kira, moved gently through the ruins, running a hand over the wreckage. Her eyes calm as she looked over the markings of the ruined land. Though her silence, something she had came for had been broken.

At first the female thought of the sound as nothing more then the nature taking it's course. Though the more she listened the more the sounds turned into one of footsteps. Again the woman made a false accusation that a young one had followed her, making her moves silent as she followed the being. Though when her eyes fell upon the silence intruder, it was not her daughter but a male around her own age. Well the age she looked at least. The man seemed to be meditating, most likely looking for the same comfort and peace she had been wanting.  She turned away from the male, a trail of red hair following behind her. She would not be responsible for ruining the man's concentration. Though a memory had stopped her in her tracks.

The memory of young male, one that brought her sadness. There was no way he could ever be here once more. He seemed just like him that she first thought it was a figure of her mind. Though his scent was not the same, however it was similar. She shook her head and began walking again, not allowing herself to be stuck within a memory or a figure of her mind. Though she couldn't help but look back at him. Her blue eyes staring at him, watching from a slight distance.
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Ryo : 13750

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptySun Jul 06, 2014 7:57 pm

A sound, a thought, a feeling. That was all that it took for Andeddo to open his eyes. He had heard something, barely audible. Merely a soft footstep, coupled with a feeling of loss. His thoughts of course having wandered into his own history, his past, lingering upon those things he once held most dear, now gone and lifeless as his entire world was. Nothing was the same since his awakening, and nothing ever would be. Andeddo didn't move from his position, not right away. It wasn't until he felt the eyes on his back that he stirred.

The man looked over his left shoulder, blinking as he turned his head. He didn't notice anyone right away, so he stood up, scowling. He rested his hand on the hilt of Kusanagi, and then he spotted what he thought was just his mind playing tricks on him. What he saw was impossible, yet he saw it regardless, perhaps it was a trick of this place, perhaps he was dreaming. IT didn't matter, because it wasn't real. It couldn't possibly be real. Maybe she was just a Kusa villager with an uncanny resemblance, but there was no possible way that she was who he thought she was.

Andeddo took a step forward, realizing his body was trembling. He shut his eyes, and inhaled deeply, opening them again, half expecting this vision to be over, and that she would once more disappear into the depth of his mind. But when he opened his eyes again there she was, still standing exactly where she had been before he closed his eyes. Andeddo didn't know what to do now, his body fighting between two desires, two urges. Fight, or Flight, he could stand his ground and prove that this illusion was in fact an illusion created by this place from his own mind, or he could leave, just run from this place and not come back, despite the attraction to the ancient past he felt.

Andeddo's body was so tensed that he was beginning to shake. He let out a slow breath, and relaxed his muscles. He took another step forward, slowly approaching the one woman he never thought to see again, knowing that this cruel dream could never last. However, he had to go through with this, and maybe, just maybe, he would be able to move forwards afterwards, and leave his past behind him. "K-Kira? Is that you? It can't be..."
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Female Posts : 486
Ryo : 39350

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptySun Jul 06, 2014 11:26 pm

Eyes bored into her soul, pouring doubt and sorrow into the empty hole. His eyes stared at her but she knew it would never be true. The woman took a deep breath that seem to catch into her throat. It was as if the man drove a knife through her, piercing her airways with just a glance. His words cutting the though the very air she breathed.

Her heart pounded painfully against it's bone like prison. The pain reminded her that she was not asleep. But this all felt like a dream, a nightmare that she would never awaken from. He called upon her but his voice sounded distant. As if she had been surround by darkness and silence, this man suddenly gave her light and sound. It blinded her of reality and burned her ears to her surroundings.

She swallowed a lump that had formed, however the lump was more like a rock that someone had shoved down her throat and forced her to swallow. His name was foreign yet familiar as it slipped through her lips "Andeddo? You can't be real.." The woman closed her eyes, as if the figure will disappear. It was as he did to her but in her case it made the sting of tears hurt less.
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Male Posts : 780
Ryo : 13750

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 12:37 am

Seeing her had been too much, but hearing her talk was pure agony. Though this was laced with confusion. She thought he wasn't real, but why would a figment say such a thing. His eyes widened at the possibility that occurred to him. But it couldn't be possible. There was no way that she could be here after all this time, the odds were.... astounding to even consider. That they had both somehow survived the passing of time to this point, and that they were both here in this place, at the same time. It was like some divine being was directly intervening in their lives, pushing them together again.

He slowly walked towards Kira, his eyes shining with tears he refused to shed. It was so painful to see her standing there, but yet... so right that after all this time they should once again meet. It was a beautiful thing, and he would always remember this moment, where she came back into his life. He wanted to laugh, because now he knew without a doubt this wasn't in his head. He held his arms out towards her, tears finally leaking from his eyes. "I am real Kira, I'm very much real. I thought... I thought YOU weren't..."

This was impossible, but somehow happening. Andeddo had no words for the emotions welling up inside himself, and if ever asked about this event would never be able to properly describe it to anyone, not even himself.
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Female Posts : 486
Ryo : 39350

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 12:58 am

Ears instantly flatted to the woman's skull, pain digging into her chest like a thousand needles. Her eyes opened to meet the beautiful sight in front of her. Her heart wanted to leap from her chest and into his arms. But with a grip of her shirt then beating organ slowed. It was not him. The words relentlessly played in her head like a record with the replay button stuck. 'He's dead... He's dead.' It would not stop haunting her, her dreams, her sanity wasn't even safe from it's embrace. Even the harshness of death could not end the terrible misery.

His steps seemed slow and each pained her more. One, then another, followed by another. It was until the man was close enough to touch that her mind finally wrapped around the idea that he had survived. There, on his arm, was the proof. That's when her sanity and her resistance shattered to the ruin's ground. Her body lurching forward.

Kira had not meant to rush into the man's arms. She meant to turn and run into the same civilization so she never saw the figment again. To hold her precious daughter close and simply drown in the young one's scent until she thought of nothing else. But she didn't. Her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, her head in his chest. The sting finally subdued when the tears flowed like a gentle stream down her cheeks. "You really are here. But how..how is any of this possible?"

With heavy reluctance, Kira had pulled back from Andeddo. She used the back of her hand to wipe the tears that she held in for all of eternity. Though a gentle smile appeared upon her lips. Even though it was barely noticeable. Her hand placed gently on his cheek, the thumb rubbing circles against the skin "oh how much I missed you?"
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Male Posts : 780
Ryo : 13750

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 1:30 am

Feeling Kira against his chest again brought back of flood of memories and emotions. Things that he had long since thought he would never feel again, things that would forever be only a memory. He shut his eyes, and wrapped his arms around Kira, drinking in this moment. She felt exactly as he remembered, though she seemed tense still, as if she still couldn't believe this was all real. He lay a hand on the back of her head, still overwhelmed himself by this revelation. He could feel her tears soaking into his shirt, damp against his skin. He vowed then that never again would she cry because of him. "I don't know how this is possible, the odds are certainly against it, but I don't care. I never thought I would see you again. I thought you were dead!"

He just held her to his chest, until she pulled back to wipe her tears from her face. Andeddo quickly did the same, running his forearm across his eyes, his heart racing. Pure joy shot through his entire being. This place had brought back to him the one person he had longed for, the one person who he had thought long since lost to him. But old wounds opened again. Things that needed to be settled, but that could wait.

Andeddo cupped the hand placed onto his cheek, and smiled back at Kira. It seemed like such a normal thing, that they be together like this, that caused the ordeal to feel so surreal. It was like they had never been apart, except for the arching hole in his heart, a hole that was now filling in. "And I've missed you, more than you can possibly know. This... This is incredible."
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Female Posts : 486
Ryo : 39350

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 1:50 am

It felt like nothing else. Having the man she thought she lost, embracing her. She had only dreamed it be possible to lay eyes upon him. And here he was embracing her as if their lives depended on it. Her head shook as her breathing returned to normal, but it felt as if her entire world came crumbling at once "I know the feeling. I came back only to hear that you had be killed. When I hear that, I.. I couldn't even live with myself anymore." The words coaxed only more tears from her red eyes. She smiled sadly as the tears again slowly leaked from the corners. She blinked the rest away, not wanting their reunion to be of only pain.

The woman nodded but spoke no words, she couldn't. This would be a memory that not even words could capture. It was beyond words, beyond anything the mind could wrap itself around. The lost was found, the broken slowly healed. The place where her heart once lived beat as if it had never stopped. She looked away for a moment then back at him "Andeddo... I'm.. I'm so sorry. It was all my fault. I never meant to hurt you." She whispered gently though she still held fear that the words would be just air to him. Bite surely he would know that she never did mean to hurt him.

Sorrow and anger transformed into passion but not without regret. She had brought more pain to those around her then she had as a child. It cause great nations to fight, and people to lose their lives. Though she knew somewhere that she had nothing to do with what the men had conspired behind her. She instantly shook the negativity from her and looked at him "past is past. Andeddo what have you been doing all these years?" It's was obvious by her broken voice that she was still bound by the chains of her past. But for the sake of him and for the sake of herself, she would hide those bonds and try to repair others.
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Male Posts : 780
Ryo : 13750

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Left_bar_bleue330/330A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty_bar_bleue  (330/330)

A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 9:21 pm

Andeddo felt his heart crack open, hearing the words she spoke, knowing now that his presumed death had hurt her, had nearly made her give up on living. Andeddo clenched his hands into fists. The blame fell neatly on those not here, and who could never be brought to justice, having long since faded to dust and ash. It was an unfair reality, but one that Andeddo had grown used to. He inhaled Kira's scent deeply, then smiled lightly. "Everything's fine now, somehow we're both still alive. And we've found one another again. No one will hurt you again like that, I swear it."

Andeddo's brow creased as Kira looked away from him, though only for a moment. The look on her face when she turned back though nearly broke his heart anew. The guilt and shame written upon her features tore at his soul. He cupped her chin gently in his hand, and turned her face up towards his, meeting her gaze with his own. He didn't speak for the longest time. then when he did, it was but two simple words. "I know." With that said he pulled Kira back into his arms, holding her tightly to his chest once again.

Long ago he blamed her, but eventually his anger and hatred shifted, and landed on the proper target, the man who had originally stolen her heart from him, using her love against Andeddo, wounding him by taking her. That man never cared for Kira's feelings, only his own sense of self importance and power. Andeddo had been a threat to that power, and so he used every weapon in his arsenal to wound the man, and it had worked. Though Andeddo thought to himself, where was he now? That man was long since dead, and Andeddo and Kira lived on, and were once more united.

Andeddo heard the words, and could sense the desire behind them, to move beyond the past, despite how it still haunted both of them. Andeddo would let the conversation slip into something harmless, and trivial. "Well the only reason I'm alive was due to being placed into a form of stasis by a dying friend. Then I slept for many many years. Since I woke up in the ruins of my village, I've been travelling, and searching for somewhere to call home. Eventually I settled in Kusamuragakure. But I'm more interested in how you survived all these years?"
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Female Posts : 486
Ryo : 39350

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Left_bar_bleue250/250A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 9:48 pm

The words he spoke were like a glass of cold water in the desert, like honey to her. He had believed that she had not meant to cause harm to him in away way. Her eyes glistened list love once more as the man wrapped his arms around her. A small sniffle of a sound surrounded her ears as she hesitantly placed her arms around his waist.

The very few words he spoke, brought the woman nearly to her knees with relief. Though he gave her a crutch by speaking of a lesser topic. He spoke about how he was saved and how he had lived. It seems the were lucky enough to have the friends they did. When the questioning turned her way, her eyes downcasted again. She never spoke about her experience with anyone, ever. Her eyes held back the tears as the words slipped from her lips, but each tasted like gasoline to the tongue. "When I knew what was going on. I went..rouge I guess you could say. I got involved with things I wasn't proud of but soon would pay with my life. My father's friend who took care of me as a child risked his life and placed a jutsu that stopped my heart and slept for a long time. When I awoke, I knew nothing anymore. What I loved was gone and a new day in it's place."

It nearly crushed her speaking of her difficulties. Though a small smile did flash as she thought of another experience she had "I met a very special person that helped me through. Because of our hardships we decided to move here. " she said thinking about a certain redhaired girl. If it wasn't for the lovely child that saved her life and showed her a world that she never knew existed.

Blood ties were severed a long time ago, but a new and stronger bond held through anything that was thrown. Kira and Aiko, would be tighter then blood. Her eyes lifted to his as a deeper more caring smile fell upon her. Her eyes filled with the love of a mother, something she never dreamed of happening.
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Ryo : 13750

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 10:24 pm

Andeddo noticed Kira's initial hesitation to return the embrace, and was unsure of the reasoning behind it, but it didn't matter. She did in fact return the gesture, so he cared not for the momentary lapse, most likely caused by remnants of the shock of this meeting.

Andeddo realized almost immediately that he had touched upon a delicate subject with Kira, as she shifted her gaze away from him again, once more looking at the ground at their feet. He didn't understand, until she explained, very vaguely, how she fell in with the wrong crowd, and how due to his supposed death she left the village they had once been a part of, a long time ago. Honestly thinking about it now, it seemed almost impossible that the villages they knew from their past lives would even still be standing, but they were, and the pair now inhabited them. It was a strange thought, but it gave him an ounce of comfort, thinking that at least something from their past lingered on, much like they themselves did.

And he understood that feeling of loss, of awakening to a world familiar, and yet forever changed merely by the passing of time. Time was a cruel force sometimes, and yet, time is the greatest healer of all. Andeddo sighed, and smiled lightly. Though this would soon disappear as she spoke once more, this time mentioning a person special to her, and how that person helped her through the difficulty of adjusting to this new world. Andeddo's arms dropped, and his heart clenched painfully in his chest. From the glow about her, and the way she spoke it seemed to him that she had moved on, and that he was just a ghost from her past, unwanted and unneeded. He cleared his throat, and stepped back. "It's good that you found someone to help you like that. My luck was never that good."

Andeddo then thought of his new pupil, and how he would react if he ever heard about that. Andeddo rolled his eyes at the thought, of course he would be slighted, Raijin was a proud man, and thought of himself as a badass, and would always see himself in that light. Andeddo felt like an intruder suddenly, a relic from Kira's past, long since lost and replaced. He sighed lightly, and a deep melancholy took hold of him.
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Female Posts : 486
Ryo : 39350

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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 10:42 pm

An intruder remained still, with a deadly silence that would never be heard from the two that their eyes gazed upon. Hatred caressed the young eyes, someone had stepped in their place, holding the woman's heart. It made the bystander cringe slightly as they could not hear the words of love but only saw sadness in those blue eyes. It was a familiar sadness. And they knew it was because of the man she spoke to. Forrest eyes glared from behind the shadows of the pillars, soon she would move but until then she stood outside of hearing range, just watching.

The wolf eared woman was indeed shocked at the matter. How he could still be in her arms. However her past had haunted her for many nights, things she was not proud of doing. Though his smile made everything she had to deal with a little more worth it. Though the smile she loved disappeared as the third person was mentioned. She did not understand how he could be upset by what she had said. She nodded and smiled "I am lucky. I was in the deepest hole possible. If it wasn't- I don't even want to think about it. But surely you have someone you care about right?" Her voice was hopeful and filled with light. She wanted to share the joy of Aiko with him, but didn't know if it was the right time or not. Besides the child was shy and did not trust anyone. The girl had nightmares that Kira would soon forget her and be replaced with another, no matter how untrue the wolf had told her that was.

She placed a hand on the side of the man's cheek, cupping it "is something wrong Andeddo?" Her voice was again broke, hurt an pain flowing in her veins. She wondered why he had pulled away from her. It wasn't until a while later that her mind grasped onto why he distanced himself. Kira gave her famous toothy grin "Andeddo I never meant another lover. Nothing like that."
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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 10:58 pm

A small chill crept over Andeddo, one he always felt when he knew he was being watched. It didn't matter, nothing mattered anymore. Andeddo sank into himself, and barely registered anything around him. His eyes focused on Kira, the one love in his life, as he felt that that too was slipping from him, as her life no longer needed him in it. This thought brought a new meaning to her previous shock at seeing him alive. Not because she still loved him, but because she had moved on, and all he did was reopen old wounds that would be better left to heal and close.

When Kira smiled and tried to make the situation lighter again his face took on a small, fake, yet convincing, smile. He nodded as she spoke. He was happy for her, in a way, he wanted the best for her, even if the best didn't include his presence in her life. She said how that person brought her from a deep pit, and essentially how they saved her life. Andeddo's hands clenched tightly into fists at his sides, but no other motion occurred, and he stood stock still, his voice monotone as he replied. "Nothing like what you seem to have, though I have a new student, who in a way is helping me back into the world."

HE resisted giving into the hand placed against his cheek, though it pained him to do so. He didn't doubt that she could feel him trembling from the touch. It was painful for her to be this close, and yet still feel so far out of his reach. It was a torture worse than any he had imagined in his countless decades of sleep. She asked if everything was okay, and all he could do was nod slightly, not trusting himself to speak, for fear of what he might say.

After a few moments Kira gave him a grin of hers he remembered well, and his eyes widened as she spoke, and he broke down, visibly slumping as he gave into her touch. "Forgive me for a fool. But... if not a lover, then... what?"

Now that he had overcome this obstacle actual curiousity found it's way into him, and he truly was interested in who could have possibly created such a powerful bond with Kira, with his Kira, and yet was not a replacement for Andeddo himself. What sort of relationship did these two have. He still felt like an idiot for jumping to conclusions, but he also felt justified for the conclusions he had made.

Last edited by Andeddo on Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ryo : 39350

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PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 11:20 pm

The girl's movements were slow, careful, watching her prey with eyes that resembled the older woman. She stepped lightly, making no sound as her body moved forward. The man had so easily crept into her territory and he would need to pay for such crimes. So she used her newly found skills and moved from shadow to shadow, encased in darkness with only emerald eyes to be acknowledged. Now she was finally able to see them both clearly.

Blue eyes blinked repeatedly, for the words seeped into her. Another smiled appeared as the man spoke about a student. So the powerful Andeddo has taken up a pupil "that sounds wonderful! How is he or she doing?" She had purposely missed the first part and focused on his student. How time had flown. It seemed only a few days that they had been students. But now the harsh reality sat, they were not children anymore and those lives were gone.

Kira was about to finally speak about her most precious pride and joy. The love she held for the small child. That is until it was broke by a sound. It was small but there. It seemed someone was watching them, making her tensed. If her senses had not been filled with him and only him, she would have sensed the intruders presences or the faint words of 'doggie sticks' but alas she did not. Her only intention was not to find the identity but instantly place herself in a mode. Protective mode. A mode that made her eyes flash as she turned in the direction of the sound. Though she did not make a move towards in, but instead towards Andeddo "I don't think we're the only ones here."

Her teased stature only tensed more when a familiar scent came dashing at her like a ton of bricks. This certain scent made her growl with irritable annoyance. Disobey is the first word that popped into her mind, knowing the scent instantly as if her own blood. But she said not a word, trying to think of ways to coax the hidden figure from it's place.
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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyTue Jul 15, 2014 6:20 pm

Andeddo continued to ignore the sensation of being watched, though now he was more alert, and his hand crept to his sword's hilt, and his eyes darted cautiously from side to side. He didn't make any sudden movement that might tip off the one watching them, but neither did he relax. He was still paying attention to Kira herself, of course, but he had broadened his senses to the environment around them. Off in a bush he saw the gleam of reflected light, which could have merely been a pool of water, however Andeddo chose to believe it to be a pair of eyes.

Andeddo focussed again on Kira, smiling lightly as the conversation changed to Raijin. "He's doing well, he's a real... man's man, if you understand what I mean. He likes his parties, his women, etc. But I honestly think he has what it takes to become a great shinobi." Andeddo couldn't hide the pride completely in his tone, as some managed to sneak through into his words. But why shouldn't he take pride in his pupil?

Kira was not the only one to hear the sound, and both Andeddo and Kira's eyes snapped in the direction it emanated from. Andeddo's brow creased, as it happened to be exactly where he had seen the reflected light earlier, and he smirked lightly. This person was not nearly on the level required to take them on, Kira's heightened wolf senses were far to acute for someone to sneak up on the couple, and Andeddo's skills weren't lacking either. He nodded at Kira as she spoke. "It would appear that way. Were you followed, by any chance?"

He knew no one would follow him, no one besides Raijin really even interacted with the reclusive man, though Andeddo smiled wryly, having a feeling that was going to change now that he and Kira had once more found each other. He slide the first inch of his blade from it's sheath, ready to draw at a moment's notice, and nodded at Kira, stepping to the right. He would go at the bush from one side, and hope that she would catch on, and take the exposed left side. This person had made a foolish mistake, and Andeddo intended to show them the error of their ways.

He smiled at Kira, remembering the good old days, and how this felt so right and natural, that they should fight at each others sides. He was eager to see how well they still worked together after such a long time apart.
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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyTue Jul 15, 2014 7:14 pm

Kira laughed as he spoke about his pupil, obviously proud of him. She nodded in understanding "Of course I understand. He sounds...delightful. No under your hand, I have no doubt that he can amount to anything." She held her famous smile, the one he told her he loved so much. She never thought he would take someone in, it was refreshing.

Their attention turned to the newcomer. Her ears twitched with each sound that filled them, not missing his words. She turned her attnetion to Andeddo "I'm not actually sure. although I have a feeling I was." Her voice turned to that of warning, warning the person that it was not a good idea at all. Her eyes narrowed with slight disappointment that their catching up was ruined but nodded to him as she walked the other way. She extended her fingers, claws at the ready but the closer she got, the less she thought of the person as a threat.

The wolf finally got close enough to sniff at the bush and growled lowly. Her eyes snapped to the shine of a blade. Her eyes widen as she instantly reached out, putting herself between him and the bush. Her eyes were hard and cold, as a wolf mother would be protecting a pup from a hunter. She growled another warning "Andeddo dont. Leave this to me." She warned before turning her attention to the hidden mass "now you can come out. He's not going to hurt you. Besides your not supposed to be here." She spoke gently but firmly. Soon a child appeared. Her green eyes holding fear, but not because of the man, but her own mother's punishment.

The girl ran and wrapped her arms around Kira "are you mad at me, Mommy?" She asked in the cutest voice possible. Kira laughed and picked up the girl with ease "of course not. But I do however want you to meet someone." She turned slightly to face Andeddo, earning a smile from the child "Andeddo, this is Aiko. My adopted daugter." She set Aiko down and gently pushed her to her love "Ai be nice and say hello." Tough this earned a small pout from the child as she whispered a shy hello.
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A Relic in the Ruins (open) Left_bar_bleue330/330A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty_bar_bleue  (330/330)

A Relic in the Ruins (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Relic in the Ruins (open)   A Relic in the Ruins (open) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 5:08 pm

Andeddo smiled as Kira spoke well about Raijin, despite how she had never met the boy. Andeddo already felt a strong kinship with the lad, having shared many similar experiences in their past. Admittedly Andeddo now had one less thing in common with the boy, since his long lost love had just returned to his life. He wondered briefly about how His pupil would react to meeting Kira, and mentally chuckled at that introduction. A small smirk overtook his features from the thought.

Though when Kira answered his other question, the one about being followed Andeddo scowled. She wasn't entirely sure, but had a feeling she might have been, and that made him think she knew who this person was that was watching them from the bush. Though she moved in tandem with him, each circling to the opposite side of the bush from one another. He smiled lightly at Kira, not overly concerned that their reunion had been cut short by an interloper. Andeddo watched Kira's bodily reactions, saw how the closer she got, the less tensed and prepared to pounce she became. This was odd in Andeddo's mind, but not a major problem, since it had probably been some time since last Kira fought.

And as such Andeddo intended to take matters into his own hands, though as he drew his blade slightly Kira interposed herself between him and the bush, growling at him. The Gray Maned Wolf paused, an eyebrow arching as she stared him down. A look in her eyes he had never seen before, and he had to admit, it was rather intimidating. He nodded, and slid Kusanagi back into it's sheath, but didn't remove his hand from the hilt of the blade. He watched her turn back to the bush, and tell whoever was hiding within that they could come out, and that he wouldn't hurt them. Andeddo glanced at Kira, sidestepping around her and backing away, to appear less of a threat.

Moments later a little girl left the bush, and Andeddo's hand dropped from his sword, eyes growing wide. He felt sick to his stomach at even having considered attacking this little one. He could see the fear in her eyes, though oddly it was aimed at Kira, and not himself. In an instant Andeddo understood. This was the person Kira had been speaking of before, the one who had helped her back into the world. His point being proven as accurate when the little girl ran up to Kira and embraced her, wrapping her child arms around Kira's legs.

Andeddo smiled lightly, watching Kira effortlessly heft the young one into her arms. He listened as they conversed, before being introduced to the little girl. He smiled lightly at her, and then crouched slightly, so that they were at eye level to one another. "Hello Aiko, it's nice to meet you. I trust you've been taking good care of this one, making sure she stays out of trouble." Andeddo glanced up at Kira, grinning wolfishly at her.
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