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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Senju, Umeko

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Posts : 66
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Senju, Umeko  Empty
PostSubject: Senju, Umeko    Senju, Umeko  EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 12:20 pm

Senju, Umeko  Hyperdimension-neptunia-ep-6-seventhstyle-002-614x345

Senju, Umeko  Whoare14

First Name: Umeko
Last Name: Senju

Gender: Female
Age: 13
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Birthday: 18th April
Sexuality: Undecided
Relationships: -

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Genin
Element(s): Suiton, Doton
Specialization(s): Ninjutsu, Genjutsu

Senju, Umeko  Tellme11

Personality: Umeko is a determined young woman, who won't let anything stop her from achieving her goals. Despite the fear of potential death if she continues her development of her Mokuton skills, the girl goes on regardless. Even with everyone around her warning her against this course of action, she remain dilligent that she will be able to master her gift in time.

The girl is also about as stubborn as they come. If she's set her mind on something, there is no stopping her. This is evident in many of her activities through her life, from becoming a shinobi, to returning to training even after her accident.

Umeko truly wants to test herself, not to compare to anyone else, but just to see how far she can go. She does have a competitive nature, though this is more driven out of her desire to prove to herself, and those around her that she can master her own ability. If she happens to beat otherwise in this process, then that's just a nice bonus. That being said she will easily fall for a taunt, and feels the need to defend her honor.

She tends to be a rather kind girl, willing to help out those around her, especially those who are struggling or less skilled. Why not help everyone to become strong seems to be her motto when it comes to others.  She despises though who out others down though, and will quickly put them in their place if able.

Due to her constant training and striving for strength, this has given her a somewhat tomboy like nature. Usually Umeko doesn't mind this, but she does like to be treated like a girl sometimes as well. She still has many of the normal fantisies and daydreams of a young girl, but at the moment her training is the most important thing to her, the rest can wait until all that is done.

Likes: Umeko likes a lot of things, the typical girly cute things and the like. She has a strong love of nature and trees, but most especially the Sakura, or Cherry Blossom tree. Many of her techniques revolve around this tree, perhaps a genetic draw back to the settling place of her kin. Often she embraces te tomboy side to ensure nothing distracts her from her goals.

Sometimes the girl enjoys the company of others, especially in some sort of good hearted competition. Other times she is quite happy to be alone, one of her favourite activities being to train her skills. She is often found hard at work, trying to get better. She feels that others are sometimes scared of her due to her exessive work, and some times scary power.

Dislikes: Umeko hates being sick, or injured, anything that stops her being able to train. She also hates rules, and restrictions. She wants to be free and do whatever she wants. She also hates to see other picked on because of an apparent lack of skill. Combined with that, she hates others who boost of their skills, especially when they are doing it at the expensive of some other by putting them down, or their claims are unfounded. In the later case Umeko will only be too happy to point out this flaw.

The thing Umeko hates the most though, is the thought that there is something that she can't do, or want ever be able to accomplish. She won't give up without a fight, and will do everything in her power to prove everyone wrong, even herself.

Motivation: Umeko is driven mostly by her desire to master this power of Mokuton which nearly killed her. She wants to mold this force into something she can use. She wants to prove to everyone that she can do, especially herself. She wants to become the best Umeko that she can. She doesn't want to be better than others, just better than she was the day before, continually improving, and getting closer to her goal.

Fears: Her deepest fear is that she will lose to the power inside her, that she won't master her Mokuton, and will lose her life in the process. She fears that all her work will be for naught, and in the end it won't be enough when the time comes. She fears that she may become useless, and unable to grow anymore. She fears she'll reach a peak one day, and just decline from then on. Deep down she fears what will happen if she does achieve her goals, and wonders if she'll like the person she'd become.

Senju, Umeko  Blood10


Bloodline Name: Mokuton

Bloodline Ability: Mokuton Wood Style is an advanced nature kekkei genkai that combines earth and water-based chakra natures to create wood, or complete trees. This ability can also be used to create other aspects of trees, such as seeds or flowers. Wood Release techniques can be produced from anywhere, including the user's body, as the user's chakra is literally converted into a source of life. Wood Release Techniques Mokuton no Jutsu are commonly affiliated with the Snake seal. due to their many battles with the uchiha they have a natural resistance to genjutsu that reduces genjutsu used against them by 1 rank. The Mokuton jutsu is rather difficult to control and thus only chuunin and above are able to use it. members can choose not to have earth and water as elements but if they do not have them they will not be able to use wood style.

Location: Kusamuragakure no Sato

Clan History: The Senju clan descended from the younger of the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths who was born with the "body" of the Sage, inheriting his father's strength of will and physical energy and believed that love was the key to bringing peace to the world. The Sage grew to favor the ideals of his younger son over those of his older son, who believed that power alone was the true key to finding peace. Therefore, on his deathbed it was the younger of the two brothers that the Sage chose to name as his successor. The elder brother, bitter and hateful at having being denied what he felt was rightfully his to inherit, attacked his younger sibling. The Uchiha clan would descend from the elder brother, resulting in the bitter centuries-long rivalry between the Senju and the Uchiha.

The Senju clan gained their fame in the era before the founding of the hidden villages. Where other clans focused on mastering one particular skill, the Senju were prodigious in all skills, from ninjutsu, to taijutsu, to genjutsu. Because of this, they were "the clan with a thousand skills" which gave them their name "Senju" (a thousand skills", or "a thousand hands").

The Senju's place at the top of the shinobi world was undisputed, but there was one clan that was able to stand up to them: the Uchiha clan. Whenever one country hired the Senju, their enemies would hire the Uchiha, and vice versa. This led to a rivalry between the two clans.

The Senju clan, grew tired of the fighting, and a peace treaty was formed with the Uchiha clan.  The two clans came together to stop fighting. The Senju settled in the Cherry Blossom Country, and the Uchiha moved to the Ocean Country. Due to their lack of a basic kekkai genkai at the time the Senju clan all but disappeared the lines between them and other clans becoming dimmer and dimmer until eventually the clan disappeared. An occasional person can be found with these abilities but overall it's extremely rare for people to have any ability contained by the Senju clan, but it does happen and not just in their original country several villages have claimed to have a ninja that holds these abilities.

Senju, Umeko  Histor11

History: Since the Senju originally settled in Kusamuragakure, the clan has since spread, and blended greatly with many of the other citizens of that great village, and have even spread beyond it. One small pocket of these clan members wounded up in Tsukigakure many years later, though their alignment to the clan was in name only. It had been generations since any they knew had been born with the gift of Mokuton, and most of this small group knew little of their once great clan's past.

Enter Umeko, child of one of them men from this group, with another villager of Tsukigakure. As an infant she seemed fine, even through her early childhood everything was normal. At about the age of nine the girl was already shown clear signs she'd make an excellent shinobi, so her parents agreed to let her enter the village academy. Neither of her parents had been shinobi, both seeking more mercantile type professions, though it was clear they’d get nothing like that from their daughter. They did hope in some degree it was just a childhood phase, but seriously doubted this.

Once in the Academy, the girl began to excel straight away, her teachers amazed that already she was starting to get a handle on not one, but two elements, Suiton and Doton. Interested in her natural skill, her teachers enquired to her parents about the source of such skill, they expected to find talented parents only to be left quite confused. However they did learn of her Senju heritage, one of the teachers having learnt a little of the clans history, even knowing that once they had a skill known a Mokuton.

Pondering on this for a while, the teacher oversaw his student’s development, wondering if this powerful ability had resurfaced once again in the girl. Secretly he began to train her, wondering if he could bring out such a gift in her. For a while there was no success, the teacher had no idea how to teach a skill he did not know, and Umeko had no idea what he was even trying to do. It was due to such training that the incident happened. One day during one of these training sessions Umeko did the impossible, she blended Suiton and Doton to make Mokuton. At first it was truly wonderful, the girl created a beautiful tree, a Sakura reminiscent of her clan’s original settling place. However the girl was not ready for such a skill, nor was she instructed in it properly. The power chakra started to overtake her, her own creation turning on her, trying to consume her body.

Luckily her teacher was able to step in, and save her just in time, though the incident left her scarred for a long time. Once her parents, and over instructors learnt what had been happening, the teacher responsible was chastised severely, and the girl pulled from the Academy. After a long recovery the Umeko desired to return to the Academy, though her parents wouldn't allow it, fearing a repeat of the fateful incident. However as the girl aged and recovered more, she began to train her skills again in secret. She thought made if she could first master her other skills, she'd be able to control her Mokuton the next time she tried. This continued for some time until her parents discovered by chance her actions.

Fearing that she was more likely to endanger herself like this, they allowed her to return to the academy, on the condition she was not to try and use her clan's nature again. They also kept a closer eye on her studies, as well as her teachers, as did the academy. In the meantime the family tried to search more about their past, thinking perhaps they could find someone to help their daughter in the future.

Eventually at the age of 13, Umeko was well advanced from her studies, and the academy simply couldn't contain her any more. Nor would she let them, as she was itching to become a genin like her friends, and further develop her skills. She was determined to master this skill she'd been given, and this was the only way to do so, to move on and continue to grow.

RP Sample:  

Senju, Umeko  Extra10

Source: Alt of Saburo

Face Claim: IF, Hyperdimension Neptunia

Senju, Umeko  Accept10

Last edited by iamapotatorawr on Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Senju, Umeko  Left_bar_bleue480/480Senju, Umeko  Empty_bar_bleue  (480/480)

Senju, Umeko  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Umeko    Senju, Umeko  EmptyThu Jul 03, 2014 2:24 am

Senju, Umeko  1946821682 all of this color O___O. Anyways though, Aliases are for B ranks and up, so get that removed or whatever. Otherwise though It's Approved.
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Senju, Umeko  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Umeko    Senju, Umeko  EmptyThu Jul 03, 2014 2:27 am

Removed, I didn't want it to be part of her yet anyway. :P Just didn't know if I had to put it there for future reference. Sorry. XD
Also I regret the colour, but too lazy to remove it now. :P
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Male Posts : 1341
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Senju, Umeko  Left_bar_bleue480/480Senju, Umeko  Empty_bar_bleue  (480/480)

Senju, Umeko  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Umeko    Senju, Umeko  EmptyThu Jul 03, 2014 2:30 am

Officially Approved, have fun in Tsukigakure.
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