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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Katari Xeno

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Male Posts : 9
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Katari Xeno Empty
PostSubject: Katari Xeno   Katari Xeno EmptyWed Jun 10, 2015 2:19 pm


First Name: Katari "Raven"
Last Name: Xeno

Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 195 lbs
Birthday: 6/21
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Adopted family of ravens
Father: Omokarasu (Lord Raven)
Mother: Joseikarasu (Lady Raven)
Siblings (Youngest to Oldest): Supaikarasu (Spy Raven), Sukoshikarasu (Little Raven), Kuikkukarasu (Quick Raven), Kettokarasu (Brawling Raven)

No Friends, Romaces, Rivals, or Enemies yet

Affiliation: Hyougagakure
Rank: Genin
Element(s): Fuuton
Specialization(s): Taijutsu and Ninjutsu

Personality: When you first meet Katari, he’ll either be alone or training with other ninja. He's not shy or antisocial as some may think, but he enjoys having time to himself to reflect. He is naturally very clever, giving him the ability to analyze situations and turn them in his favor. This makes him seem very serious at most times. This sometimes becomes his flaw, as while analyzing a few details, he may become distracted and lose sight of everything else going on around him.He is determined to become a much greater shinobi, but not is strength. He would like to excel in speed and stealth, as these are the traits that he believes makes the best ninja.

When not alone, he's actually a very friendly, loyal person. He will never turn his back on anyone he cares about. He makes most of his friends through sparring and training, since this is how he uses most of his time. In conversation, he is known to make clever and sarcastic comments before thinking about the other person’s feelings until after the comment has been made. When with others, you can find him at a bar drinking chuhai or plum wine, as he likes sweet flavors. He acts very mature for his age. Due to this and his older, unshaven look, people often mistake him for a handsome middle-aged man.

In battle, his analytical nature remains prevalent. He often puts restraints on himself when fighting, but not to avoid damaging the opponent. He does this so that he could better adapt to unfavorable situations. Despite this, he will loosen all restraints in order to protect those he cares about. Due to his past, he has vowed to never abandon an ally, no matter what the costs may be. He prefers to not be seen, and to outspeed and outwit the opponent when necessary rather than to fight with raw strength.

Likes: Most Animals: Katari has always loved animals. He finds most of them to be incredibly loyal and caring, traits that he values above most others. He loves ravens above all other animals, as ravens raised him from childhood until he turned 18.

Fruity Foods and Drinks: Katari has always had a powerful sweet tooth. He loves fruits and fruit flavored drinks and candies.

Dislikes:  Cats, Snakes, and Vultures: These are the few animals that Katari finds to be disloyal and untrustworthy.

Strong alcohol: He believes that strong alcoholic drinks dim your wit and that there is no point to drinking them.

Cold Weather: The one thing that Katari dislikes about Hidden Glacier is how cold it always is. He grew up in the temperate Cherry Blossom country outskirts, so when he moved to live with his clan, it was very difficult to transition.

Motivation:  To become an ANBU: Since he joined Hyougagakure, he has always looked up to the ANBU. He has always wanted to be as stealthy and secretive as they have to be.

To protect loved ones: Katari made a vow to himself to never abandon those he cared about, so he constantly attempts to become a greater shinobi so that he can keep that vow.

To master his Kekkai Genkai: Since he learned of his heritage, he has always sought to learn more. He believes that the best way to learn of his heritage is to first learn his Bloodline Techniques.

Fears:  Genjutsu users: He fears that if Genjutsu is used on him, that he will lose his analytical ability and will turn on allies.

Drunkenness: He fears drunkenness because it can potentially have the same effect as Genjutsu. (He still will drink light alcoholic beverages, especially if they are fruity)

Bandits: He is afraid of slipping back into his old life, where he was treated as a slave.

Will of the Wind

Bloodline Name: Art of the Sky God

Bloodline Ability: The Arts of the Sky God allow the user to enhance the sky with jutsu, and utilize techniques with such things as enhanced winds generated from the sky above. The user can also gather wind from the sky within his mouth, then exhale them towards his opposition

Location:  Hyougagakure

Clan History:  The Will of the Wind first assembled centuries ago, though the clan itself was very scarcely populated. A woman by the name of Cheria assumed one night, while the wind blew violently, that she had witnessed the sight of a dragon; the first presumably in Shinobi History. Upon making eye contact with the dragon, the dragon took a glimpse of Cheria, then landed gracefully aside her. It is said that the dragon raised its paw, and asked Cheria to raise her right hand, in response. As the two touched, the dragon disappeared, and Cheria died instantaneously. Seven years later, a wind identical to the one that blew before the now-deceased Cheria covered Hyougakure. Some men and women chased after this wind, and once the wind stopped, these men and women were bedazzled; Cheria had been reborn! She first-appeared as a dragon-incarnate, with clear dragonscales along her body, though other strange occurrences followed. All of the clouds above gathered above this single area, and in a single minute, the clouds had been absorbed by this reincarnated Cheria; nine of them. During the next three years after this event, Cheria was found with nine new children. These children adapted from her ability, and later gained a special form of Fuuton; one that could manipulate the sky. These children, along with the men and women who witnessed the special event renowned Cheria as the "Sky God". Time had passed since the entitlement of the Sky God, and before you knew it, plenty of shinobi were learning jutsu after her. Centuries have now passed, and to further promote the Sky God Cheria, the Will of the Wind has been formed. The Will of the Wind wishes to harness every power the Sky God held, and enhance these powers, creating the best of Fuuton techniques ever known to mankind.

History: Katari's young childhood was difficult to say the least. At birth, his parents abandoned him in the frozen tundra outskirts. His parents, Hazo and Hina, were conspirators against the Kage in Hyougagakure. They didn't want their child to live with their troubled, so they hoped he'd die in the tundra. However, a group of traveling bandits found and raised him into a slave. They charged him with the deadliest and most dangerous duties, such as raiding coal mines and robbing gang bosses. He'd been forced to mature much faster than other children his age. The band of bandits was led by a hairy middle-aged man who goes by name Nox. Nox was very abusive toward Katari. He often beat Katari and called him a no-good, unwanted child that even Death rejected. When Katari was five years old, a new member joined the bandits. His name was Kyouga Uchiha. A few weeks after his arrival, Kyouga assisted in Katari's escape. They'd arrived in the outskirts of the Cherry Blossom country. Night had fallen and Kyouga was on watch, so he awoke Katari and snuck him far away from the bandits. Kyouga then put on a mask that he'd later recognize as an ANBU mask and headed back to deal with the bandits.

Katari was then left to wander around until he was found by a raven a month later. This raven was very small and it seemed to be very young. He followed the raven to its nest, where he discovered 5 other ravens: one being slightly larger than the one he'd first encountered, Two being very large, and two being massive. The largest raven then introduced itself, as it had the ability to speak. He bellowed in an earth-shattering deep voice, "I am Omokarasu, Lord of the House of Ravens. Beside me is my companion, Joseikarasu. My son Sukoshikarasu never alerted me of company. What is your name and why are you in my presence?" This instilled such a great level of fear into Katari that he'd wet himself. He timidly stated, "I am Katari Xeno. Since my birth I have been a slave of a bandit horde, but I was saved by a man who joined the group. I think I am five years old. I just need a safe place to sleep." Omokarasu and Joseikarasu conversed for a long time before the lord spoke again. "This nest has been protected from the greatest shinobi by a powerful Genjutsu. You will be safe here. We will train you to survive until I feel that you're ready. Then I will find a home for you. But first go to the river nearby and wash up. Training will start promptly in the morning."

The first few months of training were very tough. They'd taught him how to harness wind chakra. Then in the next years, they supplemented that training with knowledge of how to fight in hand-to-hand combat. This training is what he developed his Taijutsu style, Raven's Dance. When he turned 12, they began to teach him basic ninjutsu. When he turned 18, Omokarasu deemed him ready to leave the nest. The family then traveled for years seeking his clan. When he was 21, he and the raven family were approaching the gate of Hyougagakure when they were attacked by guards. Omokarasu and Jiseikarasu were able to hold off the guards but Katari's abnormal speed and strength and use of powerful Fuuton caught the eyes of the Will of the Wind clan, prompting them to halt the battle. They then claimed Katari's as theirs and told the guards to back off. After a few tests and some schooling, Katari was admitted into Hyougagakure as a Genin.

RP Sample:  Worthless. Reject. No good. The world could be so cruel. Katari Xeno felt as if he was one of the sad victims of the world's cruel humor. He sat in the mine crying for his mother, but then the realization that his mother was not coming made him cry even more. Why did mommy leave me? Why did she let me live with these devils? Suddenly, he heard footsteps hard enough to bend steel. Katari looked back and saw the horrific image of his boss, Nox. "Why the heck are you sitting here crying? You're supposed to be making me rich you worthless little boy. All you are are a no good reject. Sometimes you make me wonder why I kept you for five years. I shouldn't have even picked you up off of the ice!" He then proceeded to beat the child with his whip. "Now get back to work, scumbag!" Katari held in his tears as much as possible. He didn't want his tears, black as charcoal from mining, to stain his only good shirt. When he was finished, he felt as if ants were crawling down his throat. Suddenly, another bandit appeared before him, as if coming out of nowhere. He'd almost wet himself until he saw who it was. "Don't move a muscle. If I don't treat you right now, you will die from the poisonous gases." It was Kyouga Uchiha, who'd been like a guardian over Katari for the short time he'd been with us. He'd put his hands onto Katari's chest and suddenly, Katari felt a strong presence that was more than just his hands. Air began to leave his body while new air was entering his body. His fear escalated, but knowing that Kyouga would never hurt Katari, he remained still. "I'm done here. Now we'd better hurry. We need to make it to Cherry Blossom country by nightfall." The walk was terribly tiresome. Katari's knees were ready to give in when Nox announced their arrival. Katari instantly fell asleep. After what felt like an hour, Katari was awoken by Kyouga. "I'm going to get you out of here, but we don't have much time." Katari was too tired to question Kyouga, so he went along. They ran until they found a large, beautiful cherry blossom. It was larger and more radiant than the rest and it smelled of springtime. Katari turned around to thank Kyouga. At this moment, Kyouga was wearing a white mask that resembled a gecko's head. "Why are you wearing that mask? And where are you going?" "You are but a child, so I will not place onto you the burden of knowing of this mask's meaning, but I am leaving to take care of the group of bandits that I have been tracking for weeks. Goodbye, Katari." Kyouga vanished before Katari could say goodbye. Katari had no clue what to do next, but he did know that he wanted to be a great man like Kyouga one day.

Source: Google Search

Face Claim: Corvo Attano - Dishonored

Last edited by Katari on Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:50 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Male Posts : 1341
Ryo : 328713

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Katari Xeno Left_bar_bleue480/480Katari Xeno Empty_bar_bleue  (480/480)

Katari Xeno Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katari Xeno   Katari Xeno EmptyThu Jun 11, 2015 11:49 am

Ello, name's Xavier and I'll be looking over your character app.
  • Firstly, I would like to request you put your image into a spoiler.
  • Alias' are reserved for higher ranks. If it's a nickname or family name just put it behind the first name as Katari "Raven".
  • Nintaijutsu is it's own specialization so by splitting it into Ninjutsu and Taijutsu you will not be able to utilize any Nintaijutsu until you earn enough exp to gain it, just a note.
  • Source is how you found this place.

Other than that this app seems up to par.
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Male Posts : 9
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Katari Xeno Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katari Xeno   Katari Xeno EmptyThu Jun 11, 2015 12:54 pm

I made the necessary edits, but I'd like to keep the split because I feel it would be interesting to rp out training to learn Nintaijusu.
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Male Posts : 1341
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Katari Xeno Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katari Xeno   Katari Xeno EmptyThu Jun 11, 2015 4:02 pm

You sir have my approval, congrats. You may now move onto your statistics and then your jutsu.
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