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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Hikaru Takashi

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Hikaru Takashi
Hikaru Takashi
Female Posts : 21
Ryo : 1500

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PostSubject: Hikaru Takashi   Hikaru Takashi EmptyTue Aug 06, 2013 3:03 pm

Hikaru Takashi Large

Hikaru Takashi Whoare14

First Name: Hikaru
Last Name: Takashi
(Would like to mostly be known as "Nui")

Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5'3
Weight: 51kgs
Birthday: September 12
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Hyougakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Lightning
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu 

Hikaru Takashi Tellme11

Personality: Nui (Well indeed that is her name, that is what she is known as.) is a young girl who's weakness is clumsiness, however she never gives up and always does her best at everything even if means more than enough hard work. Although she may look as serious, there are multiple times she is full of joy. But Nui has a determined mind, when it comes down to battles, and hand to hand combat. Nui could be very shy at times, courageous, somewhat funny, smart and helpful. Easily moved, emotional but tries to hide it as much as she possibly could. Always gets back upon her feet. She stays focused and is a hard worker. Doesn't let anyone or anything stand in her way of being a great and successful shinobi. Thinks of others before herself. Could get very evil if you ever were to attempt to anger her.

Shes an unique kind of girl who has a wide ranged personality. She has the usual sarcastic side to her, but she also has a good sense of how to use her manners. Every now and again she'll get the urge to be the center of attention, but she mostly likes to sit back and observe. Nui can be quite the charmer too(somewhat of a sexual kind of theme), though sometimes it's unintentional. She is very trustworthy and respectable of others. Even though she has the tensity to be kind she also sometimes could be the kind of girl to pick a fight, but if she feels threatened, expect her to go into protective mode. Both of herself and the ones she loves and cares about.

Although, there's a side to her that isn't pretty. Because of what she is, she tends to become something else. Especially when she's...angry. There's a dark side to her that few know, and her past also plays a toll in it. She's gotten better at keeping that side hidden.
In all, Nui has a many-sided personality; both good and unpleasant.

Likes: Because Nui is the type of person who had lack of joy in her childhood, she likes cheering up others along with fortune-telling, and reading fairytales because she herself, write short novels. As her brother told her when she was young, that in order to be successful she must'n give up so another thing that she likes is studying and working hard. As of food, she likes to eat ( especially melonpan). She'd probably love you forever if you bought her a life supply. Being around others gives her motivation. Nui has her most prized possession which is a cherry blossom designed scarf that was given to her as a child by her brother happily granting the name 'Nui'. As a shinobi, going on missions, and spying is gratefully fun.  

Dislikes: Nui honestly hates many things that she feel would affect her mentally. Bugs especially because they look horrifying to her, and if someone decides to pull pranks on her it isn't in her time of need when she is mostly easily annoyed by smaller things. Most of the time the many things that she dislike doesn't much affect her but the texture of anything slimy she'd freak out maybe even throw a punch if she felt something like that on her body, and one of the mains of her dislikes is others calling her by the name of "Hikaru". If someone were to ever call her by that name, let's just say that you might want to start heading your way toward the other direction.  

Motivation: The feeling of being able to help others/ friends.  

Fears: Fear, itself. 

Hikaru Takashi Blood10

Bloodline Name: N/A

Bloodline Ability: N/A

Location: N/A  

Clan History: N/A  

Hikaru Takashi Histor11

History: Growing up was very different for Nui, since she often struggled with accepting who she was.
It was constant hard work whether she liked it or not. Nui's father kept his shadow over her since the day she was born. No matter how much work she put into all her efforts to please his expectations, all in return she gets discouragement and hate that range emotionally and physically. Nothing but her mother and brother only watch as her father throw her into the darkest pits of hell. Little as she was, it didn't matter to her father. If Nui done something that looked wrong to him, he'd tie her by her wrists with a thick rope and hang her over a river until she plead weakness, that she will always remain weak and never go as far. "If you continue to struggle, all you'll ever do is give yourself a rapid death. Nothing more that you'll ever be than Hikaru Takashi the hopeless little girl who can't even throw a simple kunai! And I say this, I will not repeat it. You..are..a disgrace to this family..Hikaru..I hate all that you do. And with the lack of skill you behold..you'll die at this rate, a week from now, tomorrow, or..maybe even today." From that moment on, Nui hated her father, she hated her name. Her father continued to push her more and more each and every day. Hours and hours of training yet still, Nui couldn't throw a kunai. With this, her father was very disappointed and angered. He soon gave up on training her.

Nui knew that her days as shinobi was over. There was no doubt that when her father gave up on her, she had given up on herself as well. The next few days, Nui had been only reading and writing about battle in her short novels of shinobi. Surprisingly, her knowledge of the ninja way made her story writing more easier than ever. You would believe that she wouldn't know not a single thing about being a shinobi. As Nui, kept at her writing she stopped going to the academy and instantly quit all of her training. Her mother began to doubt her as well as her father did. No one paid attention to her and all she'd ever do is write more and more. Soon her writing look to seem as if they were made into three books. Her writing was so addictive that she stayed in her room for hours, and even days. Many begin to wonder of her disappearance at the academy however, her brother, mother and father knew of this but did not bother. And since her mother and father kept at it with missions, only her brother and herself remain in the household. Kenichi started to think of what happened to Nui. He hated to see her give up so soon, since their mother and father gave up on her. Although Kenichi didn't want to intrude he felt the need to so, he entered her room for the first time in 2 weeks. Nui was laid upon the hard wooden floor, her body seemed weak and all there were was the loose papers and pens every where. There was no light that came through the windows and the room was filled with darkness. Frightened by Nui's appearance, Kenichi took her in his arms and rushed her to the hospital.

After four days in the hospital, Nui finally recovered. It was told that she had starved herself and because the lack of exercise and movement her body had to be still. The doctor said that her legs and feet will not be able to move anywhere. Her arms are not going to be as functional. And again, it was clear she was not going to be a shinobi ever in her lifetime. When Nui got out of the hospital she had to learn how to walk and move her arms again. She, instead of spending her days writing had to spend her days learning how to use her body again. Kenichi, her brother, assist her throughout it all. From simple walking, and hand movement. "What...is going to happen to me? .." Nui asked in sadness and sorrow. Kenichi couldn't reply. It wasn't the greatest time to tell her that she couldn't attempt to train herself and that she was excluded out of the academy. Although Kenichi wanted to, he just couldn't give up on her yet. He denied what the doctors said and ignored what his father had told. Once Nui fully recovered, and learned how to use her body again Kenichi told her that she should put her writing to the side and go out more. And that, she did.

It's been two months since Nui's recovery and it was around the time of war. When war came at it's rage, Nui last seen her parents at the age of 13. Her mother and father was sent into battle and was never seen ever since. Although it was clear that both of her parents were dead, throughout the years no one has ever spoke of the two. And even so, Nui is left with a mystery that she carries upon herself til this very day. Nui had been taken into care by her older brother, Kenichi Takashi. When living under the roof of her older brother he promised himself that his little sister will become a great shinobi no matter what time it took or the sacrifices that had to be made. Nui trained more than ever before and actually got better at throwing kunais. Her brother decided to enter Nui back into the academy. And she graduated. Kenichi was proud, his training was a success. Nui was on her way to becoming the great shinobi she dreamed. (Nui's official native name is Hikaru Takashi but her brother gave her the name Nui.)

RP Sample: (A memory: "How Nui got her name.")

It's been 6 weeks, 4 days, 12 minutes, and 58 seconds since the war and still not one single knock or the creaking sound the door would make when someone had entered. Though, the slightest bit of noise only were the pure sound of trees that swayed as the wind blew. For days Hikaru had been sitting in front of the door, staring blankly at it, waiting for her parents return it was almost as if she had nothing else to live for. Even though her hatred for her father weakens her there was always something she did thank him for.

Suddenly, there was a creak but it didn't come from the front door because also there appeared to be footsteps. When the footsteps came to a stop, there was a sigh. "Hikaru..how long will it be before I have to drag you back to bed? It's the middle of the night for heaven sake.." Kenichi exclaimed, crossing his arms. Hikaru didn't reply. "Well?.." he asked. Hikaru then took a stand, but continued to face toward the door. "Why don't you just leave me alone.." she said, with a somewhat annoyed tone. "Wh-..?" before Kenichi could speak again she interrupted, "I said.... leave me alone!" she quickly turned, and launched an attack toward him with a kunai. "What the hell!?" he called out in surprise, grabbing her wrist and blocking her attack. "What is wrong with you? Are you nuts?! You could hurt someone with this, you know you are barely able to hold these." he continued to yell, as he did she sniffled almost allowing herself to cry.

"A-..huh?" he looked over to her interrupted again, with an worried expression. "Is that all you...and father do is harass me about what...I can't do..? Is that...it?.." she said, sniffling and crying. "Th-that's not what I wanted to-" he begin to speak, then interrupted once more "You're just like father!" she yelled out with eyes full of tears, trying to pull away from his grip. "Always telling me that I can't do anything..that I'm a disgrace to this family! That I will never be nothing! And to wish that I'd die, that I was never even born.." she said, in sorrow. "That is a damn lie Hikaru and you know it!" he exclaimed, tightening his grip on her wrist. A silence came upon the two as they looked at each other. Kenichi then proceeded to let her wrist go, seeing the pain she had in her eyes. "Look, I'm sorry..I didn't mean to yell at you..okay? I-I just..I hate the fact that you think father and I are the same. We are not. We're two different people..and I know exactly what you're going through...I've been there before..I had it even worst because I was a boy." he slightly chuckled, kneeling down to her height. "As crazy this may sound, mother and father aren't returning any sooner. You shouldn't shed a single tear, no doubt they are only salted water. Show no emotion, no fear. Even with this..this scarf." He spoke in a soft and calm tone, wrapping the scarf around her neck. "It shall never leave your side even if you do not wear it, you promise me this. You won't let nothing or no one stand in your way of succeeding Nui." he gave a faint smile.

"I promise..but Nui? That's a funny name..." she giggled. "Why'd you call me Nui, big brother?.." she asked looking up at him. "Well let's just say, you deserved to be called something that has more meaning to it than 'Hikaru'. It's something different..I want you to grow up as Nui. A strong shinobi who doesn't give up and isn't under the name of what father called an disgrace." he continued to smile, patting her head. "Wait, brother..who is Nui?" she asked.

"Nui is..you.." he responded.

Face Claim: weheartit.com

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PostSubject: Re: Hikaru Takashi   Hikaru Takashi EmptySat Aug 10, 2013 9:13 am

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