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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)

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Special Jounin

Female Posts : 287
Ryo : 80000

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Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Left_bar_bleue200/200Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty_bar_bleue  (200/200)

Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty
PostSubject: Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)    Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  EmptyThu May 08, 2014 12:54 am

Yuri, the brand new Genin of Tsukigakure had decided to familiarize herself with the layout of her country. Despite being born and raise from the Hidden Moon Village, Yuri spent most of her life stuck inside the Onmyoton compound. The reason she barely saw the outside world was that her clan was secretive in nature and didn't too many people to learn about their bloodline ability call Onmyoton or Yin-Yang release. The power to create almost anything with a simple thought or genjutsu was a powerful ability. An power that the Sage of Six Paths himself had. If this power were to get into the wrongs hands, the consequences would be dire. Anyways let get back to Yuri.

As Yuri was wondering around the forest she ran into some of the local insects luckily none of the were blood suckers, so Yuri didn't had to worry about any unwanted bites. Yuri stop by an Anthill and for several minutes watch a colony of fire ants performing their duties, like hunting for food and making repairs to their nest. She enjoyed watch the tiny creatures work in perfect unison like a well oil machine or like a squad of ninjas. "Awesome" Yuri look at the ants for a few more seconds before she went deeper into the forest. Yuri walk into a small section of the forest that didn't have any trees growing in the area. The area seem to be around twenty feet wide give or take a foot. Yuri saw a large rock in the center of the clearing and decided to jump to it. The rock was wide enough for Yuri to sit on. Yuri got into the lotus position, sitting down with her legs cross and her feet are placed on the opposing thighs. Taking a deep breath, Yuri close her eyes as she start to mediate. Yuri's breathing slow down as she lowered her heart rate, relaxes her muscles and clear her mind of negative thoughts. Medtation is a common way for people in the Onmyoton clan train. It allows greater insight into the mind and its inner works. Yuri use mediation as a way to come up with new ideas on how to use her bloodline or as a method to relax herself. As Yuri sat there on the rock, focusing on how to improve herself, the faint footsteps of another person could be heard. It was hard to tell if the person was in hurry or not. Keeping her eyes close, Yuri could her the person getting closer to her. With a sighed, Yuri open up her left eye and look around the area. "I know someone is here. What do you need? Maybe I can help you? " Yuri said in clam and relax manner, to let the mysterious person know that she meant no harm. Even if Yuri want to cause harm, She knew that mere genin wasn't a large threat to most.
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Ryo : 14000

Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)    Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  EmptyThu May 08, 2014 2:17 am

He had been walking in a hurry, but not at an alarming rate; he was doing his best to get to Tsukigakure as quickly as possible. It was a matter of life and death for his people! Suddenly a voice rang out in his ears not twenty feet away, he had been so engrossed in his troublesome thoughts that he hadn't sensed the shinobi meditating not too far away. He jumped startled by her voice even though it was a soft voice asking him if he needed anything: in fact, he did.

He turned in her direction and noticed the young Genin, he didn't know she was a Genin: he wouldn't even know what a Genin was! Would the people of this village be so powerful that their children could sense his movements? Maybe even this small girl could be of help? Maybe not in a direct fight, but maybe she could move the hearts of the people in her village to get the air the messenger desired. He stopped several feet short of where the girl sat, enough of a distance to ensure he hadn't seemed hostile or had any other intentions; he bowed to her humbly and respectfully before standing again and introducing himself. Please, miss: my name is Miroku, I am a messenger from Heiwagakure. I have come to the large village named Tsukigakure seeking assistance for my village. Would you perhaps know the quickest way into your village?
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Special Jounin

Female Posts : 287
Ryo : 80000

Character sheet
Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Left_bar_bleue200/200Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty_bar_bleue  (200/200)

Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)    Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  EmptyThu May 08, 2014 2:38 am

It seem like the stranger was in a rush, So Yuri figure she get straight down to business."Ah. My name is Yuri ..... A ninja of Tsukigakure. Heiwagkure? I never heard of that village before. Can you tell me more about it?" Yuri figure she should keep her last and clan name a secret from the stranger named Miroku. It was better to safe than sorry, Miroku may look harmless about look can be misleading, Yuri knew this well since she practices the art of Genjutsu. "I know the quickest way my village. There a short cut through these woods. If you want I can even take you to see our Kage?" The young Onmyoton, close her eyes for a brief moment before she open them again and smile at Miroku. Yuri stood and and bowed respectfully to Miroku before she leapt off the rock, landing on both of feet.  Yuri then point her left hand towards the west. "There a narrow path past this clearing, that cuts directly through the forest and leads straight into my village of Tsukigakure. You shouldn't get lost, there a huge tower that can be seen from the path. This is where the leader of our village works at. Do you want me to guide you or do you think you can get there by yourself?" Yuri ask as she kept her distance from the man. She didn't want to scare him off. Yuri was curious about this man and his village. Her curious was growing larger by the second. Looking up at the sky, Yuri would what this meeting could lead to.
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Posts : 28
Ryo : 14000

Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)    Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  EmptyThu May 08, 2014 3:05 am

This girl wanted to know more about Miroku's village; good or bad, he couldn't deem yet. All he could do was explain to her what he knew to be safe information that he kage had allowed him to tell the other villages. He immediately began to walk rapidly towards the path that the girl had pointed out to him, he motioned to her with his hand as he continued down the path. I thank you for aiding me in reaching Tsukigakure, if you like to know more about my village, then please follow me as I make my way into your village.

No doubt, the girl would follow and he would explain to her what he could on the way.My village has been concealed from view or contact by the other villages for a very long time: recently the barrier that protected us from the outside world has been removed and now we are defenseless to plunderers and bandits. I am on my way to your village to request your shinobi's assistance in protecting my peaceful people.
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Special Jounin

Female Posts : 287
Ryo : 80000

Character sheet
Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Left_bar_bleue200/200Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty_bar_bleue  (200/200)

Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)    Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  EmptyThu May 08, 2014 3:26 am

Yuri didn't have to be told twice and follow Miroku down the path. "No problem. As a ninja of Tsukigakure, it my duty and job to help those in need." Yuri said as caught up to Miroku and start walk beside him on his left and a few inches behind him, walking at the same pace he was. Yuri stood slightly behind him so that she would have an easier time to react, just in case he might try something. Miroku hasn't done anything to Yuri that she view him as a threat, Yuri was merely being cautious and thinking ahead. Yuri remained silent as they continue to walk down the path. They didn't seem to hold any dangers.  Yuri was about to said something until Miroku started to talk about his village. Yuri instantly shut her mouth and listen to everything Miroku had to say, making a mental note of it.

"Your village must had been powerful to be able to concealed itself and stay hidden from the other villages." Yuri wonder how they made the barrier to protect the village , Yuri thought she could ask Miroku but quickly dismissed the thought. It was highly unlikely that he would reveal that much information to her. "Do have any idea who or what removed the barrier that protected your village?" Yuri look forward and could see the Kage's tower off in the distance. The two of them didn't have much far to go before they reach the village. "I will do everything in my power to rid your village of the plunderers and bandits. Is there anything else that I should know about your village that you is able and willing to share?" Yuri was trying to gather as much information as she without pressing her luck. The better inform she was, the more help she could be to Miroku and Heiwagkure.
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Posts : 28
Ryo : 14000

Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)    Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  EmptyThu May 08, 2014 3:49 am

She was eager to help, that could be a good thing! Or a bad thing if he misjudged her character merely by her looks- he couldn't be sure these days, the world was not as he knew it. She followed close behind him but at a safe distance to react- this was as much of an indicator that she didn't trust him as much as he didn't trust her... it seemed that mistrust was still a common thing in the shinobi world- the old books his ancestor's had written about strife in the world and constant war was still all too real for these villages. Aligning his village with any of them could be a provocative action if he didn't ensure a promise from every village to help. Last thing he wanted was a war with his village as the spoils for the winner. Truthfully we are not powerful, we used to be before a great calamity struck our lands and forced us to seal ourselves away from the outside world. I do not know how, but somehow our seal has been removed and chaos is descending upon us.

There was much concern etched in his voice as he spoke and his movements were ever-increasing as he saw the tower draw closer. Soon they would arrive at the base of the tower and hopefully he would be allowed in to see their kage. Well, we are not really an interesting people: we don't use other elements like you, we only use Light element. It is mostly a healing practice, we are a peaceful village after all- very few weapons are in our village and most of them are decorations.
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Special Jounin

Female Posts : 287
Ryo : 80000

Character sheet
Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Left_bar_bleue200/200Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty_bar_bleue  (200/200)

Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)    Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  EmptyThu May 08, 2014 4:12 am

Yuri didn't interpret Miroku as he continued to talk, Yuri was absorbing all the information she was learning. Yuri kept had an emotionless look to her as she processing the information and storing the information away for later. Yuri noticed that she seem a bit too eager to help, which could be misread as a bad signal. Luckily for Miroku, Yuri simply wanted to do her duty as an ninja and help those in need.  As the reach the end of path and walks towards the base of the tower. Yuri eyes widen as he mention that his people didn't use the normal elements like her. Yuri increasingly become more curious about his village.

Yuri thought about if she reveal her full name to Miroku, maybe his village had some insight into her clan. "Interesting but this may shock you but I don't use normal elements like most ninja in my village. In fact we may more in common. I shouldn't tell you this. But since you are willing to share so much. I can do the same in return." Yuri paused for a moment. She was taking a gamble revealing so much information to Miroku but it was risk she was willing to take, my she could make him trust her more. "My full name is Yuri Onmyoton. I'm have the ability to use Yin-Yang release. I can control both the elements of Yoton and Inton. " It clear the Yuri was nervous about revealing that much about herself to person she hardly knew but it was fair that she gave him more information about herself. Her clan could find out about it and label her a threat that needed to be terminated.
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Posts : 28
Ryo : 14000

Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)    Messenger from an unknown land. (Solo, Plot EVent?)  EmptyThu May 08, 2014 4:50 am

Miroku nearly fumbled in his rapid movement towards the village as the girl revealed her unique combination of elements. It seemed to him that she was somewhat uncomfortable with telling him, so he decided he would keep it a secret- she had trusted him enough to tell him... now it was his turn to keep her secret ad trust she would help him and not hurt his village.You have a very interesting combination of elements, Miss. That is right up there near the Sage of the Six Paths: I assume you have a special bloodline with such an extraordinary gift. I bet they hide all sorts of information from the masses, mostly to protect themselves huh..

He had a deep insight to the workngs of elements such as light and darkness and how much they affected other things.. how important they were, so naturally it seemed right for a world of war to hide such important things from even their closest allies. Though that amount of secrecy was a double-edged sword. He somewhat pitied the girl, likely to be betrayed by her own clan as much as killed by anyone else. He shook the idea from his head and noticed that they were nearly at the tower's entrance now. He stopped short and rested for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief. Again I must thank you for helping me find this place, if possible- I would like it if you were able to come to my village and help my people. If you'll excuse me now, I will be going to talk to your kage.

He conversed with her a few more words, shook hands with the girl and wished her luck and offered possible explanations for her elements back at his village. Afterwards he turned to the tower and convinced the shinobi guarding it to let him through on urgent ambassador business.

Yuri is now allowed to partake in the plot missions.
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