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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Rain Uchiha

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Special Jounin

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Rain Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Rain Uchiha   Rain Uchiha EmptySun Nov 03, 2013 9:06 pm

Rain Uchiha Veil

Rain Uchiha Whoare14

First Name: Rain
Last Name: Uchiha
Alias: Rai - by family

Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6;1
Weight: 148
Birthday: April 26,
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Shippuugakure
Rank: Special Jounin
Element:  Fire, Wind, Water
Specialization: Genjustu, Ninjustu, Kenjustu

Rain Uchiha Tellme11

Rain is more of the free spirited of the Uchiha. While he still possesses the drive that is characterized with most Uchiha he doesn't let stress or serious things get to him. This may be a child like optimism or it may be a permanent trait. Rain is also highly intelligent and is aware that sometimes in life and battle that being smart is a good thing. However, Rain like most boys love adventure and fails to see the harm he can bring upon himself by his own actions. Rain dreams to be great one day if not to be the best warrior to make it as a fighter who will be the protector of the universe. Rain is also very in tune to the evils of the world as his upbringing was not the easiest. This makes him insusceptible to many things and possible could be a negative thing as he will not be able to see a friend if he came to him
He likes consistent and tough training; this stems from losing every his team mates too many times. He'd rather find the strength in himself to protect others than rely on another to do it for him. He likes the females that being a some-what top notch shinoni brings. Like many in a dangerous or some what glamorous profession comes with it the affection of groupies. He likes to read and a intelligent debate; he would prefer not to converse with those who can not hold a proper conversation.

He hates those who prey on the weak; this is because once he was weak himself. He hates weakness and greatly detest it in him often pushing himself in his weak areas. He dislikes an opponent not at his or her best. In the ninja world life and death are one in the same, so at least if he has to battle he'd rather each battle be a good one. He dislikes stupidity and too much silliness. Despite, his relative calm and easy going demeanor he is actually a very serious person. He dislikes loud noises when not on a mission or when on down time. He finds a sense of peace within sheer silence so it makes sense for him to dislike loud noises.

His motivation is for power but not for power's sake. It is his dream to protect those in his life because of the amount of lose he's already taking. Power is never gained without sacrifice and it is because of this that in contrast he attempts to keep people shut out emotionally. He is however hopeful that their will be someone that can change this key trait about him.

His greatest fear would be to become someone that turns his back on people who need help. He feels like the ninja world is growing farther and farther from protection to petty rivalries and fears the worse. Rain fears ever being completely powerless to protect himself or those he choses to protect. And he also fears that one day all of his experiences and training will be for nothing and that he'll die in obscurity/failure.

Rain Uchiha Blood10


Bloodline Name: Uchiha

Bloodline Ability: The first of the Sharingan's powers is being able to see the flow of chakra. The Sharingan can tell if a person is under a genjutsu because the person's chakra flow would be irregular.

The Sharingan's second-most prominent ability grants the user an incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognize genjutsu and different forms of chakra, though not to the same extent as the Byakugan. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements or mimic something like pencil movements. As the Sharingan evolves, gaining more tomoe seals, this ability extends to being able to track fast-moving objects before finally giving some amount of predictive capabilities to the user. However, even though the user may be able to see an attack or know it is coming, their body may not have time to react.

The Sharingan's third and most well-known ability is that it grants the user the ability to memorize any technique that he or she witnesses, apart from other kekkei genkai techniques. The user can memorize ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu with near perfect accuracy, allowing the user to use the techniques as their own, or even modify them to create their own new techniques. In order to reproduce a copied jutsu, however, one must have the necessary skill or ability to perform them. In addition to physical skill and kekkei genkai techniques, the Sharingan cannot reproduce jutsu dependent on other factors, such as summons that the user has not signed a contract with.

The Sharingan's final commonly-used ability is capable of inducing a unique brand of hypnosis that involves suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent through genjutsu cast by simple eye contact. More advanced Sharingan users can take the hypnosis ability even further to the point where a powerful summons or even Bijuu’s may be controlled. When this was used against summons and the Bijuu’s their eyes took on the tomoe pattern of the users' Sharingan while under hypnotic influence.

The hypnotic ability coupled with the other aspects of the Sharingan, can make the user appear as if they can "see the future". First, the user must perfectly mimic every move their opponent makes and possibly their thoughts and words through careful observation. Then, they suggest an action to the opponent such as hand seals for a jutsu that the opponent and Sharingan user already know and copy that. With these things done, the user can complete the action even before the opponent does, possibly using the Sharingan's genjutsu to confuse or delay them. As with other genjutsu, genjutsu cast by the Sharingan are capable of putting an opponent to sleep, inducing paralysis, replaying memories to someone else, or creating various illusions to deceive someone. The potency of the Sharingan's illusion is dependent on the user's knowledge and skill with implementing genjutsu.

Although the Sharingan consumes the user's chakra while active, the chakra levels that the user must exert is so insignificant that they can keep it active constantly. However, when a Sharingan is transplanted to a non-Uchiha, the chakra drain is significant, leading them to cover it up when not in use, to stop the drain.

The Mangekyō Sharingan gives the user access to several powerful techniques, including the powerful fire jutsu Amaterasu and the almost unbreakable genjutsu Tsukuyomi. The Mangekyō Sharingan erodes the eyesight of its users, eventually causing blindness, which can be prevented by obtaining another pair of Mangekyō Sharingan from a sibling. The new Sharingan is dubbed the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan

Location:  Shippugakure

Clan History:  The Uchiha clan descended from the elder of the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths. The elder brother inherited the Sage's "eyes", powerful chakra and spiritual abilities. When it came time for the Sage to choose a successor, he questioned the two on what course of action they would follow to bring order to the world. The elder believed that might was the way to bring peace, while the younger believed love was the way. The Sage favored the ideal of the younger brother, and therefore designated the younger as his successor, causing the elder to be filled with jealousy and hatefulness. From the younger son descended the Senju clan who would be the eternal rivals of the Uchiha.

Before the founding of the ninja villages, the Uchiha were one of the many mercenary clans for hire. Because of their Sharingan, the Uchiha clan came to be known as one of the two strongest clans, the other being the Senju clan. As time passed the Uchiha grew stronger, conquering whatever clans they came upon, such that, whenever the Uchiha clan was hired for a job, the opposing side would hire the Senju, and vice versa.

The Senju clan, grew tired of the endless fighting, and approached the Uchiha clan with a peace treaty. The leader at that time feared that an alliance would lead the Uchiha to ruin, but his clan disagreed, and he was forced to accept. The two clans came together to stop fighting. The Senju settled in the Cherry Blossom Country, and the Uchiha moved to the Ocean Country to reside on its various islands. What happens next will depend on the generations to come.

Rain Uchiha Histor11

Pre-Academy Arc:
Most stories start of with a happy family, though not for the story of Rain's birth. Born to a female warrior and a Uchiha, she lost her life in the birth of her son. Rain's father tried as hard as he could but he had his own set of problems. Namely a couple of Bounty hunters that had it out for him, for a good part of his infancy they were moving around from place to place. Rain was a wild child often wondering off and unintentionally starting problems for others who happened to be around. Or simply being too hyper and breaking stuff whenever he grew angry. However most of this was typical boy growth so his father understood but grew grimmer because of his own trouble.

Things were alright until the Bounty hunters finally caught up to them. There were no need for words, they simply squared off attacking Rain's father. His father was crippled trying to protect Rain and face off with multiple foes. Overall, it overwhelmed him and he quickly met a rather gruesome fate. The murderers held no mercy for Rain either, though they didn't kill him they sold him to some thugs in the city. With that Rain belonged to a Slaver named Xarbo, and Xarbo held plans for his numerous slaves. A huge tournament of his own but this was for the black market and these games were to the death. Kids versus Kids was how the tournament would run. Naturally the underworld held little sympathy for the slaves and their plight.

At first Rain had it easy, he was required to clean up the field which sometimes held mass fights and be Xarbo's personal servant. Errands and cleaning up was easier than the fighting the other older slaves had to do. However, things changed when Rain grew to be 7 by that age he was replaced and sent to fight for his life. On his first fight, he was set against a 13 year old brawler named Ryan who held years of experience on Rain. The fight easily went Ryan's way and Rain was beat down barely alive when Ryan decided to spare him and not kill him. Before he passed out he remember Ryan telling him one thing. Only The Strong Survive. Barely awake as his Sharingan first activated at that time before losing himself to sleep.

Rain woke up sore in his cell, memories rushing around his mind but all of them cloudy. He seemed dried blood all of him, and remembered hearing that he wasn't supposed to survive. Remembering the teen's words gave him drive. Rain even though he was very sore and weak began training reliving his fight with Ryan. Trying to see what he could had did better, he had no experience in fighting but he also remembered his father and how strong he was. Rain would not sleep and only meditate at night keeping his mind ready and strong. He wasn't book smart as he held no formal education besides the basics, but he was still very smart. And now he had his Sharingan activated which meant that he would have a chance at this point. However, he was not given a chance to show off his new feats as Hunter Nin quickly found out and shut it down, now the young orphan was returned to the village.

Academy Arc:
Being self trained he already possessed well passed the requirements of the academy. However some of the basics still were above him, normally he would use too much chakra on a justu. He had to learn how to guage his own chakra usage, as well as learn a general education as well. Furthermore, he had to hold himself back while in the academy because he was used to fights being life or death. It took him a while to acclimate to his new surroundings but he was far from an outcast. Most were merely interested in him because of his off shoot looks and his very different upbringing. More to the point, the fact that he didn't let it hold him back or down. He was actually happy for those experiences as they showed him what he needed to survive. And more importantly, the more battles he was in the more he began to crave battle.

Genin Arc:
Life started off as a Genin better for Rain, he was disciples under another fellow Uchiha. His visual prowess was far above Rain's but that only gave Rain a goal to aim for. Training sessions was never easy for Rain, having a team and with his own skills made sure that Rain was never given an easy time. As time went on he grew into his own visual skills as well as his physical and mental skill. Often having to stand out and lead whenever there leader was preoccupied, his Jounin leader was a man named Raizo Uchiha. Under his tutelage, Rain found a purpose within having strength. It was the mere fact that no matter how strong Rain became, he could always grow stronger than that.

Rain showed his strength on the many missions they took. The Hokage did not play games with his team, sending them on the harder missions. From the young age of 13, C ranked missions were nothing new to him. And as time progressed B ranked missions were made available as well. Raizo's team was looked at the golden team, and it would stay that way until late in his training. As the years flew back, Rain bloomed into a more powerful and cocky ninja often showing his powers in flashy ways or overly dramatic ways. It was simply him enjoying his advantages, however this all changes when Rain was close to his 18th birthday. They were on an A-ranked mission to track down a dangerous missing ninja, when they were ambushed by an apparent gang of missing nin.

At first things were going well for him until one of the missing nin started to utilize his vast elemental talents on his team. His teammates were the first two to fall but not without taking out his goons. Leaving it up to Raizo and Rain to take down the missing ninja, at the end Raizo sacrificed himself by being impaled by the ninja's blades but only for Rain to unleash his Phoenix fire style justu to kill the missing ninja. With a heavy heart and a messed up mind Rain had to return to the leaf. Mission successful but in the end did it matter? He had lost a father figure and trainer, friends and family for the sake of someone else's protection. What this showed him is that he had to grow stronger, but this time he would gain attachments instead he would grow stronger for himself and his own needs. The ninja who knew him saw the drastic change in personality, some call it him growing up while others worried over the young orphan.

Chuunin Exam:
When it came time for his Chuunin exam, Rain showed off his new found independent strength. And while others preached of comradeship, Rain knew only pain and isolation. This hardened his heart and in his battles he didn't hold back from the preliminaries to the very end. In fact, in his isolation and ruthless caused him to almost kill many of his competitors. If it was not for his one moment of charity, his last foe would have died in his hands. Though that was over with, when the foe pulled a cheap trick and take Rain out by exploding himself with a tag. Rain's foresight and sharingan helped him narrowly escape his own death but this finally brought about his master second tomoe.

Chunin Era:
After being promoted to a chuunin; Rain began to be allowed solo missions as well as small leadership positions. He spent months hammering away at missions after missions secretly working so had to avenge his friend's death by being stronger. Rain was placed under a master who would help refine Rain's fighting & melee prowess. Things started off well Rain being a quick student picking up on his own sloppy habits and working to train them away. His sensei wise & powerful always keeping Rain on his toes and using his wits it was the perfect match for the teen, he for weeks would leave Rain without permission to use justu only using kinjustu to hone his skill. This made missions harder but would ultimately pay off for the young ninja that growing into some thing. Things for once seemed better but this should have been an alert for Rain things were about to get much worse.

While on a mission they were ambushed by some wanted ninja, Rain fought valiantly but was no match for the stronger ninja. He was soon captured being hauled off to their base while his sensei still battled their leader. They seemed to travel for miles Rain being restraint and dehydrated the whole time until finally they stopped at a cave they said would lead to Wind Country. As they set up camp, more of them appeared showing that they were actually a settlement within the cave. They seemed to be waiting for something, at first Rain thought dimly that they were waiting for their leader. But to Rain's amazement it was his sensei, his sharingan being in a form Rain had never seen before. He moved but this time it was faster than Rain ever seen before. Blades clashed and men fell as his sensei brought about a symphony of death around Rain. Freeing Rain, they both began to fight off the horde of ninja but as more kept coming things started to turn for the worse. With swift and decisive maneuvering Rain's sensei cleared a path for them; but upon reaching the exit his master sighing saying this was it for him and that he would hold them off for Rain and for him to return to the village.

Rain not being able to lose someone else protested but was pushed away before being sealed off by his sensei. Rain swallowed his pain and dashed off to the woods, but something within him couldn't let him let the story end like this. Sending word back to the village by shadow clone, he set off to avenge his master. He stayed within those woods training himself amongst the wild life and his new enemies making a lot of close calls but becoming stronger after each one. His sensei sacrifice would be avenged by Rain's own two hands and Rain was sure of that. After two years of intense training and nipping at the enemies forces Rain hosted his own attack, two years wiser, stronger, and faster Rain made work of the ninjas. Hosting a calling for blood & revenge Rain at moments forgot of his own body taking sever injuries at times to defeat the ninjas. At the end of night, Rain drowned in blood emerged from cave with his third tomoe finally active.

RP Sample:  
"Nah ma, my first day was hell. I think I just barely escaped from being fired cause some wacko wants to break into boss lady's office and kark."

"Baby don't stress that. Do you know how many jobs I've had in my life time raising you? Just relax; you got yourself a nice high paying job with benefits? Come on I know you'll make me proud."

"You knooooow, but look. . . . Are you still cooking sunday night?"

"Don't I cook every sunday boy." she said chuckling in the phone.

"Yo Mom, I love you I'm about to walk in to the job ya feel me?"

"One love Kush"

"One." Kush said before hanging up his commlink.

The air was thick with various fumes and industrious smells that fueled the growing city. He stood a mere speck compared to the vastness of the Omega Towers. Currently, he was across the street doing what he does best, which is being extremely and almost excessively high holding a joint to his lips. Sure, vaporization was what the young cats preferred but Kush was an old school type of spirit.

With a final exhale he would flick his joint harmlessly away, before looking down to adjust his clothes. Noticing an ash stain on his shirt, he licked his thumb using it to wipe away the stain before it set. He checked himself against the glass of the building and saw that he was dressed to impress. But in a refined way to where it showed that it was merely normal for him to dress with such flair. As he walked inside the towers, he was in the lobby area that hosted two female attendants; who were in truth trained killers as last minute defense which spoke volumes for their skill.

Kush stopped for a moment taking off his RayBand glasses before gazing at the one on the left. She had a tone yet supple body with a near perfect skin complexion of honey tone. She hosted tattoos that seemed like underneath could rival his own, she caught him looking but he didn't stop a scary man would look away. A smart man knew that if she met such look it meant approach. Just don't be weird and ya know stare shawty down. That was the easiest way to be labeled a potential creep by a lady.

As she met his eye, he walked over slowly enjoying the time walking to see how her dress flattered every curve on her body that screamed the type of sin that would make a man weak. She smiled in an almost cocky way seeing that he would pursue her, her graced her back with a smile that also stemmed from sheer confidence and knowing he knew what to say.

"And what makes you think you can just approach me Mr. Kush?"

Kush laughed slightly before swaying slightly to the left before saying.

"You would have sent me different signals Miss lady." He said casually as it were a known fact.

She seemed to appraise him for a moment, her lips pursing as if too speak but she isn't quick of tongue.

"Maybe your right? But who knows?" She said smiling at him as if he already had her but words vastly contrasting that. Soon her actions did as well as she seemingly turned around and begun to walk off but as he noticed the way she walked told her to pursue.

As he stepped after her he said "I do. You wanna see if I got enough to earn your time, but your body already telling me I do. If I'm wrong just tell me, but if I'm not ima call you sometime." And with that he began to walk towards the elevators, before he even got close he heard her began to call out her number to which he quickly took down but waste no time going to work.

Or so he thought anyways. "Kark how am I already an hour late for work." He nearly ran down the hallways toward his station before realizing he'd end up drawing attention unless he acted as if he had already been here. So with a stroll he made his way through the various and numerous that would leave you with a slightly violated feeling clearance procedures, he began to walk toward his office arriving on his hallway.

Rain Uchiha Extra10

Source: An artist from photobucket made the picture.

Face Claim: Veil - photobucket artist.

Rain Uchiha Accept10

Last edited by Rain The Uchiha on Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:24 am; edited 3 times in total
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Rain Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rain Uchiha   Rain Uchiha EmptySun Nov 03, 2013 9:19 pm

Hey, Rain! Welcome to the site! I'm gonna be reviewing your character app so let's just get right to it:

  • To be a Special Jōnin, you have to apply for the rank in THIS TOPIC and wait for approval before you can deem yourself a Special Jōnin.
  • Under affiliation, please use the names of the cities instead of countries. Since you are talking about the Ocean Country (Or Hurricane Village), I think you're thinking of Shippugakure. So, put Shippugakure in place of Ocean Country, please.
  • Your likes, dislikes, motivation, and fears must all be in paragraph form. And delve a little deeper into them while you're at it. Why does he like the things he does, or fear the things he fears?
  • For your clan, you must fill out everything from YOUR CLANS TOPIC. So under Bloodline Ability, for example, you have to copy those paragraphs about the Sharingan and past them onto the section in your app, and do that for Clan History, too.
  • Under source... Are you saying you found this site on Photobucket or you found your picture on Photobucket?

Well, that seems to be it! Fix everything and bump the topic once your done so you can be right on approved! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
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Rain Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rain Uchiha   Rain Uchiha EmptySun Nov 03, 2013 10:13 pm

Fixed ! :)
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Rain Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rain Uchiha   Rain Uchiha EmptyMon Nov 04, 2013 1:52 am

Motivations and fears still need to be elaborated upon. Why does she fear losing those she loves? Is it because of events in her past? Give us little details like that for both of those sections. Everything else looks good. Bump when you've made corrections.

PS: The source is: how you found our site (through google, our advertisement, etc.).
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Rain Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rain Uchiha   Rain Uchiha EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 7:16 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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Rain Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rain Uchiha   Rain Uchiha EmptyWed Mar 19, 2014 1:21 am

Fixed the application as requested.
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Rain Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rain Uchiha   Rain Uchiha EmptyWed Mar 19, 2014 1:45 am

Motives and Fears need to be about a paragraph in length. Few more sentences and they'll be good. Also, if you could please fix your character image at the top, that would be great.

Bump when changes are made. :)
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Rain Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rain Uchiha   Rain Uchiha EmptyWed Mar 19, 2014 2:25 am

Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump It Up !
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Rain Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rain Uchiha   Rain Uchiha EmptyWed Mar 19, 2014 5:33 am

Rain Uchiha Approv10
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Rain Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rain Uchiha   Rain Uchiha Empty

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