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 Raijin Masamune

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Male Posts : 20
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Raijin Masamune Left_bar_bleue105/105Raijin Masamune Empty_bar_bleue  (105/105)

Raijin Masamune Empty
PostSubject: Raijin Masamune   Raijin Masamune EmptyTue May 13, 2014 12:32 pm

Raijin Masamune Koujaku_render_by_shizusally-d6ahaaq

Raijin Masamune Whoare14

First Name: Raijin
Last Name: Masamune
Alias: Not Earned Yet

Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lbs
Birthday: August 19
Sexuality: Bisexual -- Heavy Hetero Lean
Relationships: --

Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: Genin
Element(s): Lightning (RAI), Fire (KAT), Wind (FUU)
Specialization(s): Kusarigamajutsu (KGJ), Genjutsu (GEN), Ninjutsu (NIN)

Raijin Masamune Tellme11

Personality: Up front, Raijin is a ladies man, having a knack for getting even the most uppity of women to swoon over him with but a few words. He's highly perverted, always looking for the next one-night stand to take full advantage of. At least that's what he'd have you think. While he certainly does get to sleep around, it is usually the ladies who don't call him, in that sense. Oft times, Rai is looking for a relationship in the wrong places. It doesn't bug him any, though. After all, a key that can unlock any door is a pretty great key.

Staying true to this aforementioned quirk, he definitely has a way with words. He can truly spout Shakespearean jargon with the best of them, as well as appeal to people's senses, both physically and figuratively. It's a wonder why he isn't a salesman, really. He can definitely appear to be a deep thinker, using his vast vocabulary to woo even the philosophers of the world with his 'thoughts'. When in doubt he can even speak in haiku at people, that usually makes him appear deep.

Of course, there's no way in hell a 16 year old guy is going to go around wearing the facade of a philosopher. How he generally plays up his looks is to first off, always show off his chest and abs, even going as far as to wear a rather ridiculous shirt to do so. Secondly, he never runs out of things to say, but rarely speaks, for the sake of appearing mysterious. Finally, he will always act before he speaks if appropriate. Pairing this with his way with words, he can use his sway over people to rally troops.

Then theres the Rai you get to know when you hang out with him. He's a completely sociable fellow. One would wonder why he doesn't just act like this normally, in fact it's far more pleasant and comfortable to be near than he badass public persona. He will speak more freely, offer compliments to quality cooking, and even gossip about stuff. When asked why he appears so badass in public, he will say it is because people will hire a ninja who is mysterious and cool, even if they aren't necessarily good people. So he's adopted a mysterious persona for business purposes.

Love is a thing Raijin strives for, the young badass is always on the lookout for a good relationship. As a young romantic he hopes to wed his true love by the time he's a jounin, however judging by his poor choice of location for finding said true love, he'll likely be without that for a long, long time. Unless he wisens up, that is. As a lover, Raijin knows how to treat a woman with respect, compassion, and thoughtfulness. Half because that's a part of his badass persona (Mr. Torgue says there is nothing more badass than treating a woman with respect!), and half because it's pretty much common sense.

This, entire thing about romance is pretty much moot if he falls for a guy, of course. Raijin puts on the ploy of looking like a badass womanizer, and would like to believe himself that he is one. However, he falls in love with personalities more than bodies, because he's not shallow. However falling for a guy is far different from getting with a girl. He'll first develop feelings for them after a few weeks, then deny those feelings for months, because he wants to believe he's a ladies man, before he accepts them.

Once romantic relationship is established, he is completely loyal and faithful to the OTP. He will happily throw himself into the flames of hell itself for the sake of the other person.  After all, they are his true love until proven otherwise. He expects the same thing from his love as well, so it should be alright. Of course any unfaithfulness in the form of cheating, insulting him behind his back, or general betrayal will ruin it without question. No conversations about it, once he learns about such betrayal, he will cut it off there.

Then is the combat Rai. Rai in a fight is possibly the most impressive display of skill and ninja tactics one will see in the Narutoverse. Especially for his given rank. While he is proficient at Kusarigama, he isn't afraid to rely on smoke and mirrors to defeat a foe. This basically means he is willing to fight with everything he knows, every time. He is not afraid to take risky moves, like attempting an incomplete technique, in order to show off what skill he has.

This standing, he is a mid-ranged fighter primarily, with a focus on crowd control, his favorite weapon being an Okinawan Kusarigama, a kusarigama with sickles on either end of the chain. Adding reality-obscuring genjutsu, and damage-enhancing ninjutsu into the mix, he is actually a fairly devastating combatant even for people who normally beat people of his rank. Not to say he'd win against them or anything, but he definitely isn't just another Genin.

Likes: Flirting With Ladies, Showing Off, Home Cooking (particularly good home cooking)

Dislikes: Awkward Situations, Being Upstaged (not to a violent degree, but it visibly depresses him), Bad Jokes

Motivation: Nothing in particular, perhaps blood heritage. Maybe he's just bloodthirsty. He was raised to be a ninja from day one.

Fears: Fear Itself, the thought of something particularly scary is what scares him. Yet nothing in the world currently known in particular has as much of an effect on him as the creepy air of fear itself. So essentially he would stare down a T-Rex, but the moment he's in a particularly haunted house and finds just an empty room with nothing particularly scary about it, he'd shit bricks.

Raijin Masamune Blood10


Bloodline Name: N/A

Bloodline Ability: N/A

Location: N/A

Clan History: N/A 

Raijin Masamune Histor11

History: It's hard to define a point in Raijin's life where he was a happy guy in truth. Hell, months in the womb were spent on the battlefield, his mother refusing to not continue her carreer as a ninja just because some baby was taking up refuge in her stomach. Actually Raijin got his name from the title of the ninja that his mom finished off when she went into labor. Fresh from the womb he was spanked, and he cried. His mother hated that about him from day one. Raijin is what happens when a militaristic wife and a super submissive yet badass husband raise a kid.

From the moment he could crawl, he learned stealth techniques. From the moment he could walk he learned to run with the grace of a ninja. He was not meant for a normal life, he was eating with a fork and knife by age 2, and could kill birds with a shuriken by age 3. His social skills greatly lacked for the first 5 years of his life, before he was entered into a normal school. It was here he learned how inept at being a person he was. Raijin was officially given his first nickname in first grade at age 6, going primarily by Rai from then on.

The young prodigy would learn that not every kid was raised like he was, he learned that some kids had luxuries they didn't earn or craft with their own two hands. He learned that some kids couldn't kill an anaconda with their bare hands. He was the odd one out in almost everything, too good at just about every area he needed to be good in except for the area where he made friends. Some kids called Rai the Raibot, in reference to his monotone voice and his supernatural physical capabilities.

Soon though, he made his first friend. A guy named Genji Yakasha. He was a total people-pleaser as far as his overall aura went. Around 8 years of age, Genji had mastered the art of people, and was looking to share what he knew with a guy just like Rai. Rai and Gen would soon enter the Ninja Academy together, and were bros through the whole experience. They'd get into trouble together, train together, and taught each other what they knew. Genji and Rai practically switched purposes in life by doing this, though. Genji was pumped to finally know how to be a ninja, and Rai was capable of making friends and playing people like an upright base with words.

This was a recipe for disaster, of course. After graduation some 3 years later, Rai and Gen were placed on the same team, along with a third team mate who didn't really matter too much in the eyes of history. The young prodigy and his best friend were pretty much an inseparable duo, even making the best of teamwork. However, the tragedy that befell them, was that Genji was sent on a solo scouting mission. He didn't return.

See this was to be expected, as the scouting mission was pretty much a suicide mission anyways and Genji pretty much volunteered himself for it. However the tragedy was that Raijin had fallen in love with Genji, and intended to tell him when he returned. After he'd heard the news, Rai went to a really dark place in life. He no longer went on missions and was eventually placed on leave until he got over his slump.

His depression left him not hungry, though more like not eating. He lost a lot of weight and was probably the saddest sight you'd ever seen. Rai couldn't even be moved by his mother, who was known for her ability to get troops rallied. Rai was unable to move on entirely, however around age 15, he'd decided to try and eat normally again, and he'd attempt to become social, like Genji would have wanted.

Finding a pleasure in living the life Genji had offered him with the lessons on how to be a person, he would take a new lease on life, and at age 16, he would take up the mantle of Shinobi once again. Finally happy, he seeks the meaning of life in the life Genji and he had made. Raijin Masamune was a ninja, and a ladies man.

RP Sample:  
"Hey Oliver! Guess what little buddy~"
"Oh no... Is it my turn to patrol?"
"Boy is it~"


Oliver was currently stationed in Loguetown, a particularly crime-ridden, yet marine infested town. The area was practically divided into half and half with the splotchy control areas between marine control and pirate control. Over the past few days, the hapless recruit had been sent on patrols around Loguetown once or twice a day, to make sure pirates were in check, which scared the ever-loving shit out of him, since he was particularly puny for the area.

He'd butted heads with several scary pirate individuals in the past couple of days, and managed to scrape by on the skin of his teeth in all cases, just narrowly escaping imminent injury. The supervising Chief Petty officer in charge of him was practically looking for a reason to send Oliver on indefinite leave, sending him on patrols into the dangerous parts of town in hopes of him getting hurt enough to be released. Apparently it's because of a laundry error that caused the Chief to now be forced to wear periwinkle-colored undergarments all the time, which actually wasn't Oliver's fault, the Chief forgot to separate his blue neckerchief from his underwear, and this totally wrecked his whole collection.

Whatever the case, this time was a sure thing. The weakling in a sailor suit was to patrol a bar in pirate territory, which was known to be controlled by a gang of pirates, known as the 'Cerberus Alliance' which essentially consisted of 3 pirate captains who were drinking buddies locally and they coordinate their crews to control about 20% of the area in Loguetown themselves. This was their favorite bar, 'Nothing's Freehouse'. They collected half the bartender's tips, and half the bar's profits as 'protection money' and essentially kicked the ever-loving shit out of any marine that tried to do anything about them.

Oliver walked through the dark streets of pirate territory, where even the citizens didn't dare walk if they didn't need to. He had the orders of getting the pirate gang out of the Freehouse, or he was fired. Now that was a lot to put on his plate, but this was essentially the surefire way to tell a marine he was fired, without needing a good reason to fire him like insubordination. The rather pitiful and small individual was not about to get himself fired, he figured that he simply needed to succeed where none had before.

He was going over the dossier on the captains in the area, all wanted for battering marine soldiers mercilessly, and damage to governemnt property, about 2 million bounty on each of them. Very tame for the area. However that was still a higher bounty than Oliver was able to handle. He was weighed down by enough handcuffs to collect all three crews of pirates, as well as his standard issue sword, which was shiny now, due to being forced to polish it about 5 times per day, because Oliver's chief is an unforgiving jerk.

The first pirate captain, John 'Bulls Eye' Jackson was not only a wicked mean morganeer captain who mercilessly battered anyone who opposed him, but was also the local champion at darts, and a master knife-thrower, known for a couple of murders at his home island where he filled someone with enough knives to make them something of a porcupine. The marksman king of the region can throw knives so accurately he can even accurately perform tricks, one his more famous ones being the move where he drops multiple knives and roundhouse kicks them into multiple targets to take them out. Wanted dead or alive for 2.5 million beri for killing marine soldiers.

The second pirate captain is a neutralist, Adam 'Jerkass' Ray. He's only technically a pirate, an is known for having a moral code which is questionable at best. Known for using illegal drugs, he's sort of a rebel to the end, known for outright hating anyone who dares give him an order. The Jerkass epithet comes from this one time when a marine asked him to pass him the beer he'd ordered, but being a total jerk, Adam drank the entire mug of beer, bashed the mug over the marine's head, saying 'don't order me around' and then taking his wallet. He doesn't have a lot of training, but his raw natural talent for beating people shitless is a local legend. Wanted alive with a 2 million beri bounty for 'wanton battery, destruction of government property, destruction of private property, 7 unpaid bar tabs, and generally being a bad person'

The third pirate captain is just a heavy drinker, named something like, Leeroy 'Or Something' Jenkins. At least that's what people think, he speaks in a slur most of the time, and has never appropriately introduced himself. One could guess where his epithet comes from. His specialization appears to be a Devil fruit, which places him in a constant state of inebriation for some reason, but allows him to intoxicate people with a touch as if they'd downed a bottle jägermeister an hour ago for a few minutes, making him a dangerous foe. Why he drinks so much is unknown. He's wanted dead or alive with a 1.5 million bounty for public intoxication, and aggravated battery of government officials under the influence.

The hapless marine would gulp as he read the briefing on these people. Knowing his time was almost up as he would walk up to the bar, reading the sign overhead, with a broken and danging capital N, the 'Nothing's Freehouse', Oliver would slide the dossiers into his pocket. "I'm coming for you, Cerberus," he would whisper to himself.

Color Codes
Oliver = #216b76

Raijin Masamune Extra10

Source: It's Shoji!

Face Claim: Koujaku from DRAMAtical Murder

Raijin Masamune Accept10
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Raijin Masamune Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raijin Masamune   Raijin Masamune EmptyWed May 14, 2014 12:40 am

Looks good Raijin.

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Raijin Masamune Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raijin Masamune   Raijin Masamune EmptyWed May 14, 2014 6:21 pm

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