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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Chishio, Shinkan

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Male Posts : 17
Ryo : 2000

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Chishio, Shinkan  Empty
PostSubject: Chishio, Shinkan    Chishio, Shinkan  EmptyThu May 29, 2014 10:15 pm

Chishio, Shinkan  Rock212

Chishio, Shinkan  Whoare14

First Name:Shinkan
Last Name:Chishio
Alias: N/A

Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6'1
Weight: 178 lbs
Birthday: 5th of March
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: Single

Affiliation: Tsukigakure no Sato
Rank: Gennin
Element(s): Blood, Fire, Earth
Specialization(s):  NIN, TAI, FUI

Chishio, Shinkan  Tellme11

Personality: Shinkan much like every Chishio ever born has one of the shortest tempers in the entire village and can be easily set off by anything. This of course makes the villagers scared to convey a conversation with him since they don't want to accidentally tick him off. Due to this Shinkan is a bit of a social outcast when it comes to interacting with others and often prefers to not talk to anyone. The only time he will willingly talk to another person is if they are also a shinobi and that's only if they approach him (though there are a few exceptions). Shinkan is also a very serious man, while he might show a bit of humor once and a while his seriousness while stick to him like glue. The one time anyone has seen a not serious Shinkan is when he gets ticked off. However deep down inside he has that sensitive side every Chishio has but has almost never showed it.

Likes: Shinkan likes a number of things one of the biggest being meat, he loves to eat meat of any kind when ever given the chance. He also likes to be alone most of the time if he can be. He also enjoy's hot and spicy food, the spicier the better. He also enjoys training and going on missions.
One abnormal thing he enjoys doing is bathing in blood, which seems weird to most but to him with the fact he can absorb it into his body slowly thanks to his Kekkei Genkai, it's just a normal human function.

Dislikes:  Shinkan hates it when other try and pry on other peoples lives like its their own and those who underestimate him. He also can't stand salad, sure he will eat vegetables and fruit but a salad is not going into his stomach he rather go without bathing in blood for a month. He also finds sweets rather disgusting unless it is somehow a form of sweet meat.

Motivation:  Shinkan's main motivation is to become the head of his clan and to make the Chishio clan well known and feared and reform steer it away from the civilian side of life. This motivates him every day in training and missions to do his best, since he beleives that he must be as strong as he can to accomplish his goals. On top of that he wants to make his mother and father proud of him.

Fears:  Shinkan only has three big fear in his life. One death who isn't afraid of death. Two Not accomplishing his goal. Three not making his mother and father proud of him.

Chishio, Shinkan  Blood10

Chishio Clan

Bloodline Name: Futtou Chi (Boiling Blood)

Bloodline Ability: Futtou Chi allows the user to boil their own blood within their body and then use in attacks. They boil there blood by sending Katon chakra within their bodies to heat up the blood. They use blood they stored in special glands that are not active in the circulatory system located around their chakra pathways the biggest of the glands being postioned right next to their tenketsu points for boiling their blood. These glands have their owns veins each that connect to the circulatory system and to their skin where they branch out into even smaller veins that run to tiny pours that cover their entire body in great number that are specially used to release the boiled blood through their skin instead of sweat like normal pours. This causes all Chishio's to have the smell of blood all over their bodies since it is hard to get the smell of the blood they release through the pours out. If they run out of blood in those glands they can draw it from their circulatory system if needed though it causes them to fatigue faster by doing so. This can also been done in reverse order by transferring blood from the glands to the circulatory system if in dire need of it. Since due to the Futtou Chi all Chishio's are O+ blood type they can adsorb others blood through their own wounds to replace lost blood or refill their glands without having to produce themselves however absorbing the blood takes a long time and can't be properly done in battle and they can only absorb loose blood on the battle field.

Location:  Tsukigakure no Sato

Clan History:  No one really knows when the Chishio Clan ofically started but it is confirmed it was founded within the last 200 years or so. Records on the clan have been mostly lost with the exception of their Clan Jutsu scrolls and scrolls on their Bloodline Limit. This is due to the fact that the Chishio Clan is very small and most of their members while still passing down their clan's jutsu and bloodline skills have adopted the civilian side of life with the exception of a few. However those few were either killed very early or didn't become very well or good due to not training as often. It is also known that the clan is prone to making many enemy's as most member have a very short temper. Despite the short temper however Chishio's are very sensitive with relationships and believe a couple should only be together if they love on other and never for political or personal gain. Just recently the clan has begun turning back to being a full shinobi clan once more and more ninja are expected to come from their clan.

Chishio, Shinkan  Histor11

History:  Shinkan's mother Rin and father Oyu are some of the few Chishio's that decided to become shinobi in the clan. When his father Oyu heard his wife was pregnant he practically had a heart attack... no literally he almost died from a heart attack. However besides the sudden health issue the couple was happy as could be. The simple fact they would have a child to teach how to be a ninja was just the biggest blessing they could think of.When the child was born they named him Shinkan after Oyo's deceased grandfather. They decided they would begin to teach him as soon as he could read and write since they wanted him to get a head start so he could progress at a faster pace.

Shinkan learned to read and write when he was four and his parents started teaching him from that day forward. However until he was six they only taught him "bookwork" as they called it which was nothing more than the basic things everyone should know how to do such as simple math, grammar, spelling, etc. Shinkan learned at a fast pace, for a four year old at least and soaked everything up like a sponge. By the time he was six and about to enter the academy his parents decided that his body was developed enough to begin training with his bloodline and started training him how to use it a week before the academy started.

Throughout his academy day's his parents trained him everyday how to use his bloodline and many other skills that he would need as a ninja. They always taught him things the academy doesn't teach so that they wouldn't waste their time teaching him anything he will learn at the academy when they could teach him something more useful. At the same time Shinkan started to become a social outcast since most of the other children were now scared of him after he beat the snot out of a brat who called him a few names and sent him to the hospital. He didn't really care though he didn't like any of the other kids anyways.

Then finally the day he had been waiting for all of his life came the day he would graduate from the academy. He past the test with flying colors thanks to the extra training his parents had been giving him everyday. When he go his headband he ran home and showed his parents who couldn't be more proud. Since that day when he saw how proud his parents he wanted to make them proud of him even more and it became one of his biggest motivations.

RP Sample:  Shinkan was heading towards his class room at the academy once again like he did everyday. Only difference was that he was arriving a bit later than he normally did. In fact if his mother hadn't woke him up after noticing his alarm clock didn't go off this morning he might still be in bed asleep. His mother wasn't exactly fond of the fact that the reason it didn't go off was because he forgot to set it the night before. He thanked Kami then that it wasn't enough to make her mad. The last time he did he literally couldn't sit for a week without a cushion, the sheer thought of how she caused caused him to shiver. However it wasn't his fault he forgot to set the alarm clock last night... well it was but he was exhausted after his training with the bloodline and just passed out on his bed so it wasn't entirely his fault, or at least that's what he lead himself to believe. He continued to think about and trying to convince himself it wasn't his fault at all and failed to notice his classmate poke it head out the door and then close it rather quickly. He walked up to the door and began to open it and noticed it was a lot quieter than it normally in his class. He shook it off and decided to just open the door and walk in like normal. Just was he opened the door and stepped in however a bucket somehow placed above the door full of water fell onto his head soaking him in water. The entire class started laughing at his misfortune from the prank. He simply stood their for a minute with a suprised expression before suddenly yelling at the top of his lungs "WHO THE HELL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!" The entire class was startled by his sudden outburst, while no one in the class knew him too well they all knew he had never acted like this. "M-m-m-m-me I d-did."Said the boy closet to him the grin he had on his face from the sucess of his prank on the Chishio boy before his sudden outburt. Shinkan being royally ticked at the boy still tried to control his anger, not to try and stop him from hurting his class mate he was gonna beat the living crap out of this kid but knowing how bad a Chishio can get when ticked off thanks to his mother, he wanted to at least make sure he didn't murder him in sheer anger. "SO IT WAS YOU?! WELL MIND EXPLAINING TO ME WHY THE HELL YOU DID IT?"By this point he already had grabbed his classmate by the collar and had him up against the wall while trying to keep his bloodline under control despite his anger at the moment. "B-b-because I-I thou-thought it w-wo-would be f-funny."His classmate replied about to pee his pants in fear of Shinkan. "FUNNY? FUNNY! YOU THINK THAT'S FUNNY HUH? REALLY? OK THEN HOW IS THIS FOR FUNNY"!As he said this he began to cock his fist back to punch the boy straight in the face. Then just as he stopped talking he sent his fist flying hitting the boy straight in the nose with a *BAM* leaving the boy with a bloody and most likely broken nose. After seeing his handy work Shinkan dropped the boy and stormed out of the class room too cool down and not let his anger get the best of him.

Chishio, Shinkan  Extra10

Source: Ad on Naruto Saga

Face Claim: Rock from Black Lagoon

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Chishio, Shinkan  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chishio, Shinkan    Chishio, Shinkan  EmptyFri May 30, 2014 12:08 am

Alright, this is good to go. Welcome to the world of Naruto Legacy.
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