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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]

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Posts : 13
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The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] Empty
PostSubject: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptyFri Jun 27, 2014 5:21 am

Yui sighed it seemed it would be another long day she had spent most of her day studying some new ways to treat those who were injured. Granted half the injuries might be caused by her as she was very good at using her clan jutsu and people always seemed to underestimate her. Still it was not a terrible day as she placed the last book back in the library before looking around many people filled the halls. It was a nice change and a great thing to see, the village was always so active and alive.

"Wonder what I will do now, I have been so busy and really have not thought about what to do with the rest of the day."

She sat rubbing the head of Sekkiea her canine she always had her loyal friend and companion at her side. She only hoped her day would get more active or something good would happen, she had risen the ranks so fast to Jounin she had really never got to enjoy life much. Now she was often working her best to help others but it really left her no time for herself or her needs.
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Special Jounin

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The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptyFri Jun 27, 2014 5:45 am

At the moment Yuri was walking around her family's private training area look for a place to begin some training. The area seem to be around twenty feet wide give or take a foot. Yuri saw a large rock in the center of the clearing and decided to jump to it. The rock was wide enough for Yuri to sit on. Yuri got into the lotus position, sitting down with her legs cross and her feet are placed on the opposing thighs. Taking a deep breath, Yuri close her eyes as she start to mediate. Yuri's breathing slow down as she lowered her heart rate, relaxes her muscles and clear her mind of negative thoughts. Meditation is a common way for people in the Onmyoton clan to train. It allows greater insight into the mind and its inner works. Yuri use mediation as a way to come up with new ideas on how to use her bloodline or as a method to relax herself. As Yuri sat there on the rock she couldn't help but it but her perverted senses were going off.  Yuri open her eyes and grinned. "I sense a new female in the force, she hanging around the church area, I think. Thank you my Lord and Savior Jiraiya."

Yuri quickly got up and head towards the library. As Yuri step inside the library he eyes were instantly drawn to certain duo, a female that Yuri  haven't saw before and her pet canine, at least that what Yuri thought. "Hello there! I haven't seen you around her before. But then again, I spend most of time training and doing research." Yuri giggled a bit before she would call out as she move closer to the female and her canine slowly, she did not want her pet to attack her for approaching her owner to fast, Yuri remember the last time she went to cat owner, the little furball, claw her face up good. "Its been a pretty boring day so far, I mean I'm nearly done reading my Icha Icha novel." Yuri sighed a bit as she pull out her erotic novel and turn to the last chapter. "So how your day so far?" Yuri would smile sweetly at the woman and her canine, as she read the pages of her Icha novel.
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The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptyFri Jun 27, 2014 1:25 pm

Yui was lost in thought before she head a voice looking over toward the girl she certainly appeared interesting. She mentioned reading one of those romance novels causing Yui to laugh a bit she was pretty open with her perverted self if she could say that in the open. Yui gained a wide grin as she looked over her she was pretty good looking but the girl seemed cautious as Sekkiea would look at her but not attack. She asked how her day had been so far and that was easy to answer really boring and quiet she moved close to the girl staring into her eyes the fang marks on her cheeks showing she was a Inuzuka. They were not native to this village so it was rare to see a shinobi of this village that was one, it was a complicated and difficult history but she was happy in this village.

"The name is Inuzuka Yui and it is my please to meet you this here is Sekkiea she is my loyal canine and partner in crime. Interesting book you have there most people would be embarrassed to say what you did out loud so I will assume you are openly a pervert."

Sekkiea would have a sigh look on her face Yui was always so honest and never withheld her thoughts sometimes this was good and bad. It made it harder for her to have friends because they had to have very tough skin to handle dealing with her on a daily basis.

"Dont mind Yui she is just really honest and does not mean any harm if anything I would say she thinks you are attractive."

Yui's face blushed as she looked down toward Sekkiea glaring at her she certainly knew how to get back at her. While it was true she did think this Yui was not exactly the type to outright say something like that, still she laughed a little bit nervously as she continued to stare at the girl.
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Special Jounin

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The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptyFri Jun 27, 2014 11:24 pm

Yuri frowned as she was called a pervert but for a different reason than most people would think, she have no problem people calling her perverted, she openly flaunt her perverseness shamelessly and if people have a had problem with it, well the Yuri really couldn't care less about it, in her mind those pervert hating people need to laid big time or find a nice man, women or even something in between or completely out there to make them happy. But the Inuzuka female in front of her didn't seem to mind one bit, she was honest if not blunt but Yuri didn't mind if fact she found it an attractive trait in a person but Yuri would mentally sigh, someone as attractive as Yui Inuzuka would mostly likely be married or straight! Yes, all the best women are usually straight or married, its the same thing with men, the good men are either gay or married too.  At least that what Yuri thought. After having her mental topic on the best type of partners, Yuri would cough to clear her throat as she shook her head at Yui with a look of disbelief.. "I'm not a pervert silly....I'm" Yuri would pause for dramatic effect and to look at Yui well endowed chest, the clothes she was wearing cling to her figure and show off her voluptuous body. Yuri made no attempt to hide the fact she was checking out the female's body, in fact she hope that Yui was doing the same thing.

To keep herself from getting to distract from introducing herself, Yuri slowly and with great reluctance had to pull her gaze away from Yui's chest as she started up in her face and right into her eyes. Usually Yuri didn't feel nervous around people but Yui was different and Yuri couldn't figure out why, when Yui started at her, she felt as if her eyes were looking at her very soul.  Yuri had a huge smile on her face, as she held up the peace sign."My sadly misinformed Yui, I am no mere pervert! I'm....Yuri Onmyoton, The Super Pervert, Faithful follower of Lord Jiraiya, The Hidden Moon Pervert or The Pervert Hidden in the Moon!" Yuri would nod sagely as she waited to see the react that Yui and her loyal companion Sekkiea would have after introducing herself. "Shoot I forgot to do a cool pose with my introduction, please forgive me my Lord and Savior Jiraiya." Yuri face palm herself as she turned the page in her Icha Icha novel and perversely giggled.

Now when she heard the canine talk, couldn't help but silently think the Sekkiea for saying that! Plus the blush on Yui face was cute, not that Yuri would said that out loud. That girl could mostly likely kick her ass if she wanted too. Yuri would playfully smirk at Sekkiea. "First its a pleasure to meet you both also. Second, don't worry about it, I get it all the time when I meet people, at least you too didn't ditch me right after. Some people are just so close minded when comes to certain issues." Then Yuri would look back at Yui with a friendly grin and with a slight blush on her face, Yuri didn't knew why was blushing, she been call attractive pently of times from men and women alike. "Thank you and if you don't mind me saying so..I find you very attractive. You just have this animal magnetism feel to you, and a look of ferociously mixed with femininity. I...." Yuri would just end her train of thought there as she fan herself with her book with a coy look. "So, What brings an Inuzuka to the Tsukigakure no Sato?" Yuri would ask in attempt to stop her perverted mind from thinking less than pure thoughts about Yui.
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The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptySat Jun 28, 2014 1:44 am

She listened as the girl first tired to say she was not a pervert but judging by the way she looked Yui up and down and the way she seemed nervous that was not true. Eventually she called herself the pervert master and she looked to Jiraya as her teacher odd and funny at the same time. She said people usually run from her but when she told Yui she was attractive her face turned a little red she was also really good looking as Yui rubbed her head.

"You look really good as well, oh if you were wondering I am singe as for the last part of what you said I am a Jounin here. I moved here as a young child with my parents so I am the only active Inuzuka in this village my father retired a while back."

She moved close to the girl sniffing her with her nose, she was excited causing Yui to smile and giggle a little she moved close so only the girl could hear her. She would see what sort of reaction the pervert would give to her words.

"I think we should talk more in private you smell excited as a Inuzuka can smell all sorts of body reactions to things."

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Special Jounin

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The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptySat Jun 28, 2014 2:20 am

Mentally, Yuri was jumping for joy when she found out that the Inuzuka female found her attractive but on the outside, Yuri kept her cool as she watched Yui would her head. She didn't want to seem overly eager or crazy. If she haven't done that already. "Your single? How did you know I was...erh ....That great...I mean how does a girl like you, not have someone by now." Yuri laughed nervsouly as closed her Icha Icha novel and put it back in her skirt pocket as she gave her total attention to the female in front of her. Hopefully Yuri wouldn't make to much of a fool of herself.

"Your a Jonin? Amazing, as for myself I just been recently promoted to the rank of Special Jonin! Doing all those missions pays off at the end, maybe we can work together sometime, or spar, or you know just hang out if you want. Whatever you feel like." Yuri couldn't help but blushed even more when the Inuzuka female got closer to her and started to sniff her. Yuri poor old perverted mind, was having a million different ideas at the moment, one of them was thinking of just having the Inuzuka pounce on her and way her way with Yuri. Yuri blushed at that, she read to many novels about the battles like that. Another idea just want to feel those lips, which caused Yuri to chew on her lower lip for a moment. This woman remind her of her Sensei, but unlike her maybe Yuri would have an actual shot at wooing this female's heart.

"Private? Yeah lets go do that." Yuri nervously grinned, she wasn't sure if the girl was trying to teased her or what. Private usually means more mature activities between people. Now despite Yuri shameless perverseness and her massive knowledge of Icha, Yuri has never went all the way with someone before, how pitiful for a follower of Lord Jiraiya. Whatever the she was planning to do, only made Yuri smell more excited. "That famous sense of smell. I have forgotten all about that." Yuri giggled as she look around the area and sighed. "So, we can always go in the back of the building or maybe somewhere outside in a seduced...crap I mean secluded area." Yuri laughed as she rub the back of her head, if she was a lesser pervert she would have fainted by nosebleed by now.
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The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptySat Jun 28, 2014 7:28 pm

Yui smiled at the girls reaction it really was cute, she wondered if she had ever been with anyone before. She seemed to act like a virgin quite a bit, so she could only wonder. Yui herself had no been with anyone yet she just was able to play it off like she had better she mentioned doing mission or training together and that sounded fine she would not mind showing the girl the true power of the Inuzuka.

"I would not mind training with you or even hanging out but I ant some good alone quality time with you."

Yui moved close as she moved her mouth ever close to the girls ear before giving it a light nibble before backing up and giggling a little. She would motion for the girl to follow her as she made her way to a research room off from the rest of the building it was her own personal lab closing the door behind her and Yuri as well as Sekkiea that remained at her side. She moved close to the girl her hand lightly running along the front of her shirt before moving her fingers to the girls lips.

"I am going to take a wild guess and say you have not went all the way with someone before judging from the way you have reacted so far. I have a secret neither have I, but doesn't mean I cant tease like the best of them. However I don't do that I only do things like that if I am serious about the person and I cannot decide that with this sort of meeting so how about a date."

She would wait for her to reply as Yui had taken a liking to the girls personality, but she had to figure out if this was someone she could consider a soul mate or not. In her mind she wanted just the one person to be loyal to, someone she could give her all to and love for the rest of her life. Sekkiea was a bit surprised Yui asked her out that was rather bold for Yui as she blushed a bit when she said it, still she was the one being aggressive so far so she had to be the one to ask.
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Special Jounin

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The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptySun Jun 29, 2014 9:54 pm

Well, Yuri's mind was running wildly with thoughts, this girl was something else, after the sexy girl nibble on her ear, Yuri didn't knew what to expect of more like Yuri was pretty sure what this was leading too, it almost seem to good to be true. This cause Yuri to had mixed reactions, sure her perverted side was telling Yuri to go for it girl but Yuri more romantic side was telling her that this was wrong and moving way to fast.

Yuri was about to said something until she was silence by the higher ranking ninja finger.  Well she read Yuri like a book, everything she said was true, yes the biggest pervert in the hidden moon village was still a virgin, sure Yuri blushed a bit when the girl told her that but Yuri blush faded as the girl said she hasn't gone all the way either, which made Yuri relaxed and even more happily for unknown reason. And when the girl continued to talk, Yuri felt a even stronger connection to the person she just met. It seem like she was just a serious with relationships as Yuri was, maybe she is looing for a special someone just like Yuri was! Finally when the girl as Yuri out on a date, Yuri just had the biggest grinned on her face. It seem like the ball was in Yuri's court now and she couldn't mess this up. "Yui Inuzuka, I would love to take you out on a date! We can even start the date now. But first a cutie like yourself should receive a gift from their future girlfriend and maybe something even more." Yuri giggled a bit, sure when came to intercourse she was a nervous wreck around Yui, but when it came to just plain old romance, Yuri was confident, she was even bold enough to call herself Yui's future girlfriend. Now of course, Yuri was not going to give the girl her Icha Icha novel, Yuri love her Icha plus Yuri wanted to show the girl, a sample of what the Onmyoton bloodline can do.

"Now, I know besides my book I didn't brought anything but I don't have to, all I need is my brain" Yuri would place two of fingers on her forehead  before she would hold out her left hand in front of the girl. "I know what the Inuzuka can do but do you know about the Onmyoton Bloodline?" As Yuri waited for a reply, Yuri would gather a mixture of black and white charka in her left hand, the charka was shape in swirling ball the was the size of Yuri's hand. "I can control the elements of Inton and Yoton, or better know as Yin and Yang elements.  Inton is the black charka and the Yoton is white. Now I can fuse both of these elements together in order to form the Onmyoton or Yin-Yang Release and with Yin-Yang Release." Yuri paused as she look down at the mass of charka in her hand, soon the ball was taking the shape of what seem like a small bouquet of flowers of some sort. "This ability allows us Onmyoton to create objects through mental thought or Genjutsus itself. Such things include but not limited to non-elemental attacks, golems, weapons, armor, clones & landscape. I still have much to learned about my ability but for now, this should do." Yuri remained silent as she focus on the ball of charka in her hands, the bouquet of flowers became more detail, as the green stems and leaves form, and soon, the black petals of the flower came into existence taking the shape of a rose. It Yuri a few minutes before, six fully form black rose appear in her left hand. Now as Yui would noticed, the roses that Yuri made were exactly like actual roses beside the odd color, the smell, texture and size.  "These are for you. Love." Yuri then nervously handed Yui the black roses, if she wanted them. "Are you hungry, I know the perfect place to eat at?"
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PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptySun Jun 29, 2014 10:52 pm

She wondered what this girl would do as she waited and she hear her mention a gift Yui did not really need gifts but she would not refuse whatever it ended up being. She waited as the girl mentioned her clan she did not know much about them but she was sure it had something to do with Genjutsu. Yui was not exactly good at that sort of stuff but she understood the general concept, she watched as flowers began to form it was pretty amazing actually. She felt the rose before spelling it they smelled and felt as real as a normal flower her senses could not even tell the difference pretty incredible clan she had. She heard her mention my love causing Yui's face to blush some, she would not really be used to that yet. When she mentioned eating Yui was hungry and she had a food place in mind which was good.

"I would love to eat with you somewhere, just make sure they offer a lot of food due to my training I eat a lot more than the average person does. I know it does not seem like it with my figure but I can really put away the food in a surprising amount. "

She would wait for her to tell Yui as she moved closer to the girl moving her lips to the girls neck giving it a light kiss as she waited. She really did seem like a fun one to be around as Yui moved back giggling a little, Yui had quite the playful side to her. Sekkiea looked and shook her head Yui was having to much fun with this but she sensed something about Yui she was interested in this girl. Sekkiea had been around hr for a long time and she could tell something was different in the way Yui was acting.
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Special Jounin

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The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptyMon Jun 30, 2014 12:58 am

Yuri couldn't help but nervously chuckled at the Inuzuka female's mention of having a large appetite! Yuri wasn't really shock at the idea, sure the female didn't look like a overweight slob who did nothing but eat. No the Inuzuka female had a figure that made Yuri's mouth water. The women of hidden moon despite their small, petite and/or curvy figures are known to have super human appetites with bottomless pits for a stomach. Mentally, Yuri could hear her wallet crying like a baby, Yuri was already low on ryo due to her constantly inventing and training new styles of genjutsu. Now of course she wouldn't mention any of this to the lovely female in front of her. Yuri always had her sexy and perverted jutsu to fall on, if she couldn't afford their meal, both men and women alike have fallen prey to her Icha Icha style of combat.

"Trust me, the place I have in mind will offer you all the food you can eat and then some. My...lo...I mean cutie. Uh Sweetheart." Yuri wanted to said my love again but she noticed how the female react to the name, Yuri guess it was way to earlier to use that word with the female, they just met! Even if they were going a date the same day. Yuri couldn't help but feel a bit flustered when she was kiss on the neck, this girl was certainly playful and a tease but at the same time she made Yuri's heart beat faster. This made Yuri slightly worry and even a bit fearful, the first woman Yuri had a crush on act somewhat similar to the female in front of her. The woman was even more of a tease than the Inuzuka if you can even imaged that. This woman play with Yuri heart before she crush it into tiny pieces, quite coldly in Yuri biased opinion. Yuri mentally sighed and hope it happen a second time.

"You don't have to worry about watering them or giving them sunlight. They won't die. The will simply fade away into nothingness as if they never existed. Anyway I know your hungry so let get out of here!"Yuri would gestured to the girl and her dog to follow her. As they walk, Yuri would put her hand in the Inuzuka female's hand, holding hands with her as they walk to the place Yuri had in mind. It would take some time before they get there so Yuri decided she would simply ask the female some questions to kill some time. "So Yui. What is your ninja way? And why did you decided to become a ninja" Yuri would sweetly smile at the girl as they walk through the park, the wind was slightly chilly as it blew.  The park was surprisingly  empty besides for a few kids paying tag in the distance, Yuri  sighed a bit, she would like a family of her own someday.
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PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptyMon Jun 30, 2014 1:10 pm

She heard her mention she had a place in mind with lots of food that made Yui druel a bit as one of her favorite things to do was eat delicious food. She noticed she said sweet heart instead od my love guess she though Yui did not like it that was not exactly the case. She was just not used to anyone calling her that, still Yuri showed politeness which made her glad. The flowers it seemed would just vanish they did not die which was sort of nice as least they would not leave behind a mess, Yuri's next question was a good one as she asked Yui's ninja way. That was a complicated question as everyone's reasons were different but she would not be scared to say her reason.

"My ninja way is to protect the village and the ones I love at all costs, as for why I became a ninja I guess I wanted to follow in my parents footsteps and protect the village I love."

She smiled as she continued to follow Yuri to wherever they would be eating at, she wondered what Yuri's ninja way was. She really thought good things of Yuri so far she would see how the date would go before choosing to mark her as a potential life partner. To her this meant a lot as she would only look for one person for her entire life and maybe just maybe this girl was the one for her.
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Special Jounin

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PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptyMon Jun 30, 2014 10:39 pm

As Yuri listened to Yui's talk about her ninja way, Yuri smiled only got wider, her ninja way and reasons was so similar to hers it was heartwarming. Yuri hope that she could impressed Yui on this date for a chance to take her out again. Little by Little, as Yuri learned more about Yui the more she like her.

"Its glad to see such a selfish ninja. Your ninja way is noble and honorable. To protect the ones your loves with your own life, if only more ninja were like that but sadly most ninja seek fame, glory and/or power." Yuri sighed a bit, as she gently squeeze Yui's hand and move closer to her, Yuri was somewhat cold because of the cool breeze, her schoolgirl outfit didn't offer much warmth. "I bet you want to know my ninja way. I use the motto; "I'm fuel by passion and driven by love. Love breeds strength." Yuri paused a bit, some people find her motto silly or misguided but to Yuri it was truly important to her. Yuri was sure Yui wouldn't think any less of her "A true strength of person isn't revealed until they have to protect someone.  My reason of for becoming a ninja is simple. I want to grow strong enough to protect the family I dream of having someday. Despite my perversion and pervert antics., I do dream about having wife and maybe having a kid or two! Of course if only my wife wants any and if does want kids I vow to find way to have kids without the need of third party source. Yuri have a look of pure determination on face as she spoke about her dream, she does tend to get passionate on the subject. But soon Yuri's face return to its normal clam and carefree expression. Soon the both of them would be out of the park as Yuri lead Yui to one of the more richer and busier parts of the village. Yuri held Yui hand the whole way and looked back at her a few times as she lead her through the busy streets of Tsukigakure: several strangers turned curious and shameful eyes on the two girls holding hands in public, others nodded approvingly and some even made lewd jokes that weren't at all quiet. Yuri didn't pay them any mind, her sole focus was on Yui and Yui alone, if anyone tried to come in between Yuri and Yui, Yuri would give them hell. "So how are your parents?"

Finally Yuri stopped leading Yui around and looked at the building in front of them; it was an older restaurant, it was the same one where Yuri's sensei and first crush took Yuri. Yuri kept herself from thinking negative thoughts as she would open the door for Yui. "After you Sweetheart" Once they were both inside Yuri would walk up to person at a counter as Yuri made a payment, usually Yuri didn't spend this much money but today it was for a good cause. After that they had butler escort led them up two floors of the large place.  They stopped at a set of large thick double doors, the butler opened them both together and bowed politely to allow them inside. He followed briefly after and motioned for them to sit at a small and cozy table- the table was round. The butler would give both of them menus as he waited for them to order. Yuri pull out a chair for Yui and grinned at her but Yuri would sit down. "This place offer anything you could think of! Plus their meals tend to be on the larger size!"
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The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 2:27 am

She listened as Yuri seemed to like her way of the ninja, it seemed Yuri's way was as good and noble as her own. Despite her perverted side it seemed she did try to help others and protect her family the best she could. She mentioned a true strength being when someone went to protect another she could agree with that for sure. She also knew you needed your own self strength to handle that responsibility. She heard her mention having a wife and kids through some other way than a third party as a medical shinobi she had been working on a way to convert female sperm into one that could impregnate another woman. It was not mastered yet but given some time she was sure she could find a way to do this. She asked how her parents were and Yui looked a little sad her father had passed away three months ago and her mothers health was declining fast as well, it seemed she was dying from heart break.

"My... family my father died three months ago and my mother is likely going to die from a lack of will to live. There is nothing medically I can do for her she does not want to live so her body is slowly dying."

Yui looked rather sad before she mentioned the place was right ahead, she was glad she could eat to get her mind off of what was just discussed. She opened the door for Yui and pulled her chair out making her blush slightly she was not used to being treated this way but it felt nice. She mentioned to order anything as Yui looked at the menu spotting five delicious sounding dinners before putting the menu down, she really felt she needed some sake as well.

"I would like one hamburger platter a number one,four,eight and twelve special as well. Can I also get some sake I feel the need to clear my mind a bit, I am unsure what she wants to order."

She waited for Yuri to order she wondered if she could afford to feed Yui this sort of meal, however she felt it would be fine. If anything she could afford herself, she was just glad to be having a meal with such a beautiful girl, it made her blush as some naughty thoughts crossed her mind.
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The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat]   The First Meeting[Yuri/invite only; no combat] EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 10:19 pm

When Yuri saw the sad look Yui had on face about her parents, Yuri mentally slapped herself it seem like this was a sad and sensitive topic for the Inuzuka female. Unlike Yui, both of Yuri's parents were healthy and alive, Yuri was a strict as ever and constantly berates Yuri for her perverted tendencies as if he has room to talk, He father was the one to name Yuri after a character in a erotic adult novel. At least her father was okay with Yuri's homosexually, he didn't have to worry about boys trying to get into her daughter pants. As for Yuri's mother, she seem disappointed that Yuri hasn't took up medical ninjutsu.  Its wasn't that Yuri had no interest in medical ninjutsu, it just that Yuri really prefer using genjutsu above all else and didn't see the need to learn a field of study even if it would help her greatly and diversity her move set.

Yuri was debating on rather to comment on her family, on one hand if she didn't said anything it could come off as rude or Yui might think Yuri was heartless or something. But if Yuri did said something she might permanently ruined the mood of the whole date. Two choices, which one was the better option, after weighing the pros and cons of the two outcomes, Yuri deiced to not comment on her parents for now. Yuri couldn't help but lightly giggle at the blush Yui had on her face when she open the door for her and pulled her chair for her, maybe she wasn't use this kind of treatment. Yuri just shook her head, she would shower Yui in affection and kindness if they became an couple.

When Yui orderd her meal, Yuri jaw open slightly and nervously laughed. "Hah, you were joking when you said you have a large appetite." Yuri already paid for everything on this date so they were good. When Yui ordered some sake, Yuri was speechless, she never drank sake and made it goal to not have any, that stuff kills brain cells. Yuri hoped that Yui didn't drink to much. "I will just have the chicken nugget platter and some sweet and sour sauce to dip them in. As for a drink, I just have a glass of pink lemonade my good sir" The bluter nodded to the both of them as her written down their orders and left the room to get them.

As they waited for their food, Yuri would try to get Yui better. "So Sweetheart? Tell me has anybody ever treat you this nice on a date before? If your enjoy our date I promise that I will make our dates something to remember. Do you have any favorite hobbies or activities that you like to do. Maybe we can do them together." Yuri was nervously this was the first time she ever been on a date herself, so she wasn't too sure about what to do but Yuri was confident that everything was going well at the moment.
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