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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Yogiri, Daisuke

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PostSubject: Yogiri, Daisuke   Yogiri, Daisuke EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 8:42 pm

Yogiri, Daisuke TahFr7a


First Name: Daisuke
Last Name: Yogiri

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 144 lbs
Birthday: November 16th
Sexuality: Hetero
Relationships: Family Tree

Affiliation: Shipuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element(s): Fire & Lightning
Specialization(s): Nin, Tai, & Ken


Personality: Daisuke’s personality is complex. On the outside, he seems very brash, crude, rude, and uncaring of anything in the world around him. Some might jump to the conclusion that he only cares about himself, only desires to be alone and generally dislikes the concept of being happy. Being alone will be viewed as a self-imposed predicament he has placed upon himself, and in the long run, it will take a great deal of effort to truly learn the why behind all of these things. Daisuke has a complicated split in his true personality.

Known only within his own mind as Kyouinu, is the inflated sense of fear and inadequacy. Kyouinu, basically meaning whimpering dog, is the name given to him by the other portions of his personality as one of the means of which to define and criticize himself. Daisuke likes to talk big, act tough, and generally keep people at a distance. It is actually his fears in control of this, and though he may claim to be tough, he will find a way to back out of things and avoid danger because of this part of him. However, just because he talks big does not mean he will always find a way to back out, because not always is Kyouinu in charge of Daisuke’s mind.

Kouryu is the name given to the second most predominant psyche. Meaning Fearsome Dragon, this is the suppressed rage and anger of his younger years. It is typically Kouryu that demeans and chides Kyouinu, and when Daisuke gets overly enraged, Kouryu will take over Daisuke’s body, subverting that fear filled part of himself in lieu of a fear inducing side. It is when Kouryu is in charge that those boasted acts of violence are actually carried out. He may not end up killing his target while Kouryu is in charge, but there will be plenty of mayhem and destruction left in his wake.

Kenonore, or Wily Serpent, is a third side of Daisuke’s personality. Sometimes confused with Kyouinu, Kenonore does tend to avoid combat, though not because of his fear. However, it is in fact that on top of suppressing his rage, Daisuke became so filled with fear that he stopped thinking things through. He became so afraid his only response was to hide, and so he stopped looking at things objectively. Suppressed thought is only half of this part of him, as the rest is modeled after the less than reputable mother’s half of his family and their fascination with snakes. For this reason, there are two counts against Kenonore as to the reasons for Kyouinu’s dislike of this part of his personality. He dislikes the prospect of being considered one of them.

Though these personalities argue practically every second of every day within the confines of Daisuke’s mind, his outward personality is more of a blending of all these personalities, instead of individually displaying themselves to the outside world at random. This has alluded himself some presence in the village without them thinking him absolutely crazy, however it is a running joke that one day Daisuke will still manage to convince the village of his lunacy.

Likes: There is little that Daisuke actually likes. Booze, women, drugs, and surviving are pretty much his sole desires, while searching for and finding his sister is his sole goal in life. He likes his sister, of course, viewing her as the only one who cares about him, and thus, the only one he should care about. Deep down, the idea of love and friendship are a great desire of his, and he would like the idea of having friends and a lover, but beyond the measures of the physical, he does not let himself get close to anyone.

Dislikes:  There is a boat load of things he dislikes, however. He dislikes his own family, save his sister. He dislikes people who believe he should trust them simply because they say he can. He dislikes people who abuse others, and foremost of all, he dislikes people who take away another person’s ability to choose for themselves. As a general rule, this has led to a general distaste for all things genjutsu. He has practiced in relieving his mind of such effects, and would surprisingly help anyone that wanted to learn such as well.

Motivation:  Surviving in life and finding his sister are his only drives in life. Everything else is pointless in his eyes.

Fears:  After a life subjugated to the fears he endured under his father’s ‘care,’ little else could frighten him. But as is true with all human beings, no one can live without any fear at all. At the time, his chief fear is the idea that his sister is dead, and not only that, but at his own hands. Thus, any genjutsu that attempts to convince him of this would be crippling.


Dazai Clan

Bloodline Name: Ryūissei 'Dragon Voice'.

Bloodline Ability: The ability to focus chakra into their vocal cords and project jutsu into a vocalization. All members have ninjutsu primary and have the elements Fuuton, Katon and Raiton.

Location:  Hyouga

Clan History:  The Dazai began long ago with a main who had been raised by dragons, and taught their language. They taught him how to use chakra to transform jutsu into shouts using his voice. He and his people prospered for many years after his death and managed to live in harmony with the dragons. However, after many years, a small group of dragons betrayed the Dazai for they believed that their language should only be resevered for dragons. They were annihilated with only few survivors left. This small group of Dazai moved to Hyouga and settled there. The next generation was no longer able to speak the language of the dragons and where therefore left alone by them. The only thing they had left was the ability to use chakra to transform jutsu into shouts.


The Yogiri Family and Koishiiki Family were at odds all the time. Though the Hiyaga had been long time friends of the Yogiri, the Hiyaga married their son to the Koishiiki daughter, thus making them enemies. Like the Hiyaga and Koishiiki families, the Yogiri had once been a part of Hyougagakure, and it was only around Daisuke's great-grandparents time that they fled Hyougagakure and made their way elsewhere, eventually settling in Shipuugakure. However, both families had their dirty dealings, and had never been long in their home villages, which brought to them numerous incidents of forced flight from their villages. Even now, some of the Yogiri family are considered rogue and not part of Shipuugakure either. Daisuke was born of a second attempt at peace between the families, when Kosuke Yogiri married Keiko Hiyaga in order to forge some kind of peace, so that the matter of confrontation with the villages could be handled.

All would have seemed to be resolved, until Daisuke was born. Daisuke was the youngest of five children, and it was with his birth that his mother died. His father took it upon himself to lay full blame for her death on Daisuke, and was resolved never to love this child. Daisuke was treated with verbal and physical abuse his whole life, and though he had spoken out against his father, as soon as he was able, it was only short-lived as such brought further rebuke and even more pain. Amidst it all, Kiyomi, Daisuke's only sister, sought to show him care and compassion. She did what she could to give him what he could not receive without a mother, only for rebuke and pain to be given her way as well. It was nothing new to her, for her skill with ninjutsu was lacking, something their father felt was a matter of pride in the Yogiri family. She did no where near as well as any of her brothers, and so she was deemed pathetic and useless. Daisuke remained quiet, to avoid the pain as best he could, but at the age of 8, when his sister was 14, he witnessed something he could not ignore.

For a few years, he had suppressed his anger, and on that night, it arose within him like a flame. In a fit of rage, power awoke within him, and though he had only learned by watching in silence, and practicing on his own, he let loose the power of fire within the basement of the family home. Only with a careful use of wind chakra was Kiyomi able to control the fire and move it away from herself and Daisuke. It was in that night, they believed their father and brothers to be dead. However, this did not mean their freedom. Assured the village would put the two in an orphanage, where there would be no assurance they would wind up with the same family in the future, and thus never see each other again, they resolved to go off on their own, and live by themselves. In time, Kiyomi became a genin, and used her village tasks and secret tasks of her own, to make money in order to support herself and Daisuke, and in time, Daisuke too accompanied her on the more shady of her tasks. In time, she'd encourage him to go into the Academy, so he could one day become a Genin as well, and be sent on missions.

Daisuke took part in these missions for her sake. The village did not care, in his mind. They offered nothing to support their livlihood. They were by themselves, without any parents, without any guidance, and without any teaching. Soon, Kiyomi was off on more and more missions, and Daisuke felt more and more alone waiting for her return. Till one day, she didn't. There was no confirmation she was dead, simply that she never returned. In time, Daisuke came into contact with his father, and in a rage, Daisuke chased after him, sure that he had kidnapped Kiyomi. In an unrivaled feat, in the northern regions of Hurricane Country, where a structure designed to look like a Dragon resided. In that building, Daisuke had his final confrontation with and finally killed his father and brothers. However, his sister was nowhere to be found.

Two years later, Daisuke is no where closer to finding out where his sister has disappeared to, and the village has declared that she is dead. Her name resides upon a memorial within the village grounds, and Daisuke often spends his time before it, staring at her name. He is convinced, however, that she is not dead, despite how much the voices inside his mind chastise him. He refuses to believe that he is responsible for her death. Much of what had happened that night in the basement of his home was a mystery to him, the actions of his released anger wiped from memory. And in that dragon hideout, he let go to his anger once more, and is unclear about all the actions that followed in his fight with his father. Could he really be sure, even now, that his father was dead?

In the two years after that final confrontation, he returned to training and life as a Genin in Shipuugakure. He cared for nothing in the village, but as he had once done, he would do again. Missions were carried out to earn the money he would need to find his sister. His own wellbeing was of no concern now, if he could not find her.

RP Sample:
In the training grounds, Daisuke stood before a sparring block, delivering blocks, kicks, punches, and generally practicing his form before the post. With eyes narrowed half-way, he ignored the pain of repeatedly hitting the thick wooden post, for he had other things to worry about; things like the bickering in his head.

No matter how much you train, you can't undo your mistakes, chided Kenonore.

Forget undoing mistakes, he won't even get stronger. He's pathetic! He's weak! declared Kouryu.

At least he's smarter than you, Baka ryu.

Kono hebi!

Daisuke snarled, striking the post more firmly, ignoring the scars building upon his knuckles, the wood scraping through even the bandages about his hands. The pain was ignored though, and he continued. Not exactly the smart thing to do, as little slivers of wood dug in. Finally, he couldn't brave the pain, as a splinter dug in deep. With a snarl, he backed away, and marched off to the side. In his pack, with his spare kunai and shuriken, he had a tweezer, and so he braved the pain once more, to dig that little bit of wood out.

A total idiot, see? Still say he's smarter than me?

Perhaps not. Perhaps he's only as dumb as you.


"Damare!!!" Daisuke bellowed, in the same instant he finally managed to grasp that wood sliver and yank it right out. Blood sprayed from his knuckles, and he cringed in the same moment. Of course, it also brought a few odd glances from others a few feet away, also training on the same grounds. Daisuke kept his eyes averted from them.

Letting the splinter drop to the ground, he packed his things up, and began to wander off, so he could wash off and rebandage his hands. Though his face was wrinkled in frustration and anger, laughter echoed within his head.

Baka chibi!! A-hahah! You'll convince them yet, of just how crazy you are...

Kusoyarou... Daisuke murmured within his own mind.


Source: Naruto Nexus Ad, alternate character of Hajiru

Face Claim: Tamahome, Fushigi Yuugi


Last edited by Daisuke Yogiri on Sat Dec 20, 2014 11:28 pm; edited 15 times in total
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Yogiri, Daisuke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yogiri, Daisuke   Yogiri, Daisuke EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 9:34 pm

Please make sure you put the images in where they are supposed to go. They are part of the application for organization purposes, so the sections are easier to see. Thank you!
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Yogiri, Daisuke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yogiri, Daisuke   Yogiri, Daisuke EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 10:12 pm

Umm... everything is copy & pasted from the template. I changed nothing about where the images are.
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Yogiri, Daisuke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yogiri, Daisuke   Yogiri, Daisuke EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 5:50 am

Did you copy/paste from the code at the bottom?
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Yogiri, Daisuke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yogiri, Daisuke   Yogiri, Daisuke EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 4:32 pm

code at the bottom? I copy and pasted from the thread marked character template, same as I did for Hajiru.
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Yogiri, Daisuke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yogiri, Daisuke   Yogiri, Daisuke EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 10:36 pm

Alias: Jet Kuroi- Only Spc Jounin & higher may have Alias'
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Yogiri, Daisuke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yogiri, Daisuke   Yogiri, Daisuke EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 11:30 pm

alright, umm, it's gone. Though it's a part of the back story, not his ninja work. Will just use it in references.
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Yogiri, Daisuke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yogiri, Daisuke   Yogiri, Daisuke EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 11:35 pm

Approved, you can work on your statstics now :)
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