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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Inuzuka Yui Done

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Posts : 13
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PostSubject: Inuzuka Yui Done   Inuzuka Yui Done EmptyFri May 09, 2014 1:58 am

Inuzuka Yui Done ReihaAmaya

Inuzuka Yui Done Whoare14

First Name: Yui
Last Name: Inuzuka
Alias: The Fanged One

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'9
Weight: 110 Lbs
Birthday: March 30th
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationships: None atm always looking

Affiliation: Tsukigakure no Sato
Rank: Jounin
Element(s): Katon

Inuzuka Yui Done Tellme11


She has a tough approach about people, she will consider you trash until you have proven yourself to her and will treat you as such. In her mind she feels she does not need to respect those who have not earned it, this can get her into fights at times but this is how she approaches others to keep herself from being tricked ever again. She can appear to be a bit of a rude woman, she is rather condescending she talks down to people quite often as she is strong and she knows it. When talking to other countries leaders she tones this down some, however she won’t become another nation’s lap dog nor will she be for a false peace, in her mind her country is destined to rule the entire shinobi world so she will remain neutral with others unless it is time to take them out.

In battle she is a beast, no other word can describe how she is in battle, she simply destroys her foes without any mercy. No matter the rank she won’t ever underestimate her opponent and will fight full force against anyone wanting to cross her path and battle. She feels some of the stupidest deaths are by underestimating a foe and dying due to a surprise to fight full force ensures you likely won’t be surprised. There is only one change in this she will not harm a civilian without shinobi training, she feels the people the civilians rule the land she is just their avatar of justice in the world.

As for another part of her life love she is very open to this, in fact she seeks to find her one mate, the one she will spend her entire life by. To her testing what she wants is okay but when she finally makes the choice she will remain only with her soul mate forever, until then she enjoys having fun and dating many people. Sex to her is just for pleasure until she finds her soul mate, it does not mean you love someone it is just a form of pleasure she greatly enjoys and she is open to both sexes she feels she should not limit the possibilities of her soul mate being a woman.

She has many likes one of the things she loves the most I writing, she writes memoirs often as well as writes books, she is a rather well known author in the shinobi world under her alias madam butterfly. She also enjoys singing it is something she does often when she feels happy, she once dreamed of becoming a singer before her shinobi life turned out the way it did removing any chance of that happening. She enjoys most forums of food one thing can be said despite her size she eats tons of food, food to her is like sex it pleasures her almost as much as sex eating good food. With that said she loves sex, and foreplay, those are amazing things and feel very nice, in her mind there is nothing wrong with enjoy such things.

She hates cowards, she cannot tolerate those who hide and run from battle, nothing is weaker than a shinobi who won’t fight be their comrades side. These types of people really irk her and she is quite clear when she says she hates them openly speaking her mind about cowards often. She also hates cats, maybe a bit of an odd connection to her clan but cats really piss her off, they are not obedient and do whatever they want to her such disrespectful creatures she be removed from the world. Another thing she hates is those who try to battle from the shadows those who hide themselves in battle to live. She cannot stand people who won’t fight face to face, they might not be cowards but she really dislikes those who won’t confront her.

Her main motivation is to turn her village and country into the dominant force in the world. She strives to achieve this by many means and will do anything she can to make this goal a reality. She also plans to unite her clan one day under one banner, to have her clan united under the banner of her country is her strongest desire, she feels spread out like they are they have become a joke clan but she plans to make them the powerhouse clan they once were under her banner.

Her biggest fear is death, this is why she pushes herself to fight at maximum levels at all times. She fears dying before she can unite her clan, before she can raise her country to the dominant powerhouse she seeks to her death is something she fears the most. She also fears she might not be strong enough, she keeps this fear hidden but it is often on her mind, can she be strong enough to get her goals done or will she fall like so many leaders before her. She fears she will lead her village down a path of ruin, this is a strong fear inside of her and a fear she feels could someday come true.

Inuzuka Yui Done Blood10


Bloodline Name: Ninken

Bloodline Ability:
The members are also given their own canine partner(s) when they reach a certain age. Thereafter, the shinobi and their dog(s) are practically inseparable. It would seem that due to the bond between an Inuzuka and their canine partner(s), their chakra is allowed to mix, and is shared between them, adding a feral appearance to the human partners, and makes a bond between them that affords them the use of the clan's collaboration jutsu, such as the Fang Passing Fang. The clan members are also able to communicate with canines even if unlike Kuromaru, the dogs cannot talk.

Location:  Kusamura

Clan History:  
The Inuzuka is known for their use of ninken as fighting companions and are easily identified by the distinctive red fang markings on their cheeks.

Inuzuka Yui Done Histor11

The beginning of this story is a forbidden love and how it can overcome any boundary including loyalties of a country. Yuis Mother was from Kura while her father was from the land of the moon. The two first met in a cooperative mission between the two nations her father was brash and arrogant but her mother could tell he was strong and kind as well. They finally realized the love and began to date, this however offered many complications the first being their nations were different. This was when they chose he would find a way to sneak out of the village and he finally found the chance on a recon mission for Kusa he vanished. He made his way to hidden moon where he had previously discussed with the Kage about entering the village. He was at first looked as a outsider but he soon fit in and was accepted by all in the village.

Her life began the way many do she was born to her mother and father and was raised as any child would be. Her father Ryu was a strict disciplinary and her mother was a soft and caring woman making her have both boundaries and kindness in her young life. Her parents noticed early on she seemed to have quite a strong ability for physical things, it was clear she would become a strong physical shinobi. She began to train with her father at age seven showing she had quite the talent and skill for battle, her instincts seemed to be very sharp and her speed at her age was something amazing. She was given her canine Sekkiea at age seven the two never seemed to be away from each other. She would consistently practice battle against her and work with her on synchronized attacks and battle strategies. Her father was nothing less than impressed on how fast she was, she was quite the speed demon making him have to actually try by the time she was eleven her only weakness seemed to be adding power to her blows. However learning the various Inuzuka techniques was helping with that, these moves not only added speed but power the faster you are as an Inuzuka the more destructive your techniques would be.

At eleven years old she was placed in the academy as she quickly shot up to the top a student not only was her physical skills good she seemed quite good at using medical jutsu as well, this made her senseis rather impressed she did lack great genjutsu control however she was not terribly weak against it. She finished her academy training at age twelve just one year and she was clearly at genin level if not stronger, she was placed on a squad with a man well known and powerful at taijutsu. The man’s name was Akura he was one of the more powerful taijutsu in all the lands, he began to train her in special lessons where he would push her to the brink of death to bring out her beastly nature, when she was pushed this hard her way of fighting changed, she became something else a monster, her strength and speed seemed to increase and she fought without mercy for anything or anyone. This did make her sensei worry some, she seemed to lose control when pushed this hard, he had to try to help her control this rage and power, the next two years he did just that slowly she began to gain control over her power and push to use it at all times.

She was soon placed in the Chuunin exams with the rest of her squad, they were quite confident in the ability to pass the exams with someone like Yui on their side they felt they could not loose however these exams would teach them a lesson they would never forget. No matter how strong on individual was if the team overall was weak they could have people die or the team could fall. They passed the written exams without much trouble however the next part of the exams proved to be troublesome. As they had to work as a team it was clear the team was hindering Yui's ability to go full out, having to slow herself and protect her squad was causing her to sustain injuries she would otherwise not have. As they continued they passed the next part of the exam but the monitors had already been talking the leadership she showed the willingness to sacrifice herself for others it showed clear signs of not only being a Chuunin but Jounin potential along with her clearly advanced ability in her jutsu use.

In the final part of the exam was where her skill clearly would be shown, with the one on one fight she began with demolishing opponent after opponent, the clear level of difference between her and her opponents was overwhelming. Whispers began among the genins she was a monster, many questioned whether they wanted to fight her but one boy seemed to simply smile about her, she was powerful and proud he would use her pride against her if he fought her. He was also dominating his opponents it was clear these two would battle for the top spot, as the final showdown seemed destined the two watch each other’s matches learning how each fought both not having touched their most powerful moves yet. As the two began to battle the onlookers were amazed that two genins could put on such a display the fierce and intense battle waged on for some time but it was becoming clear Yui was far more powerful than she had displayed so far, the closer he pushed her to her limit the more powerful she appeared to become. Fear began to set in his eyes, he soon realized what a difference in power there was she was a monster as she knocked him hard to the ground she spared him in the eyes her cold and violent stare watching his every action.

As she stopped her assaults due to him being on the ground she turned to walk away however the boy seemed to be feigning being down he was humiliated in his loss as he stood and quickly drove his blade through her back, she coughed some blood as she gripped the blade from the front the boy unable to pull the blade back out. She turned her eyes looking very different than before as she gripped the boys head in her hand her body changed it seemed like she was a werewolf as she quickly sliced her claws of her other hand through the boys neck his body dropping as the head remained in her hand. She had clearly killed him as she pulled the blade out of her body before changing back to normal dropping to the floor. She came close to death because of the strike but she lived, the officials were in an uproar over her killing the boy but the Kage pointed out the boy struck her after the match had been called and tried to kill her she had the right to take his life. When she awoke in the medical center she found out about her killing the boy but much to her surprise was her promotion not to Chuunin but straight to Jounin the power and level of skill she showed was far beyond what a Chuunin normally did not only that her leadership skills and her clear jutsu ability prompted them to raise her to the rank of Jounin at thirteen years old.

This is when she faced the hardest challenge of her life, a old friend had arrived in the village and approached her house she had one goal in mind she was going to beat Yui this time in the rap battle for the golden taco. She had lost the last time to Yui but this time she would show her how much better her rap skills had come, she began to knock hon her door as she went to answer smiling seeing the girl it seemed the time had come she wanted to get the golden taco back from Yui. She invited the girl inside and motioned to take a seat on the coach they would have to discuss when and where this battle would take place. Not to mention the terms for the loser of the match, Yui smiled as she remembered what she had made Iasha do before. When Yui beat her she made her wear a french maid outfit and maid her wear kitty ears serving her a meal at a public restaurant.

"This time I will beat you Yui I will make you pay for the last time how could you make me do that."

She scoffed at Yui making Yui laugh a bit this really was a priceless time for her. She had such a tough exam but now she could have a lot of fun with her long time friend. The question is what place she had the perfect idea they would do it right in the middle of the village the loser would have to Meow like a cat and follow the other around for the rest of the day.

"How about the loser meows like a cat and follows the other around the rest of the day."

Iasha nodded in agreement as Yui would motion for her to follow, she was totally going to enjoy this. She had a cheap plan to win basically her plan would involve removing the other girls clothing so she would be to embarrassed to rap anything. She cant win a rap battle if she doesn't rap after all. As they both made it to the center Yui would go first being she won the last round a smile crossing her face. Her rap would be garbage but it did not mater Iasha was going to lose no matter what because she was going to use underhanded tactics.

"You cant rap over me with those sideways teeth, hell I bet you could cut stone with those. You hair is so greasy I can use it to skate across the sand."

The crowd laughed a little as it was a terrible rap but her plan would work as the girl went to say a line Yui moved insanely fast grabbing and ripping her clothing off instantly. She began to try to cover her naked body as she screamed out and no rap left her mouth. Yui had one by default as she held the golden taco close to herself she would now have a kitty for the rest of the day. She handed the girl her clothing back as she glared at Yui before laughing a bit it was a good plan.

"You win clearly I must admit nice plan, that rap was terrible though... cant believe I lost to that. Oh well guess now I have to be your cat but do not forget I will challenge you again someday."

Yui smiled as her friend now had her clothing on but as per the lost bet she moved to Yui's side rubbing on her leg before meowing loudly her face flushed red as Yui began to laugh this was indeed a great day. She would have her friend follow her around the rest of the day anywhere she went but the two had a good bond and a strong friendship. Yui was sad to see her friend leave the village again but someday they would meet again and when that day came they would battle for the taco once more. Yui would plot the next cheap trick to win or maybe she would actually rap her either way she was glad she had Iasha as a friend.

She was soon given a squad of her own to watch over as she began to train the genin she enjoyed this, despite at first her team doubting her they saw her powerful skills and soon followed without question. She also at this time began expanding on her knowledge of her medical skills, she seemed to pick up this very easily maybe due to the fact she often merged with her canine and had a great understanding of synchronizing chakra with another person or creature.

Her squad soon appeared ready for the exam as they prepared for the exam she thought them many things one of the keys was to control oneself in battle. As this might seem odd due to her past she knew keeping her composure is what was needed to show her genins having a level head was a better choice than violence. Another thing was becoming clear because of her skills and her showing of her power she had the Kage noticed her and asked to speak to her personally. What he had to say shocked her, he wanted her to become the Kage after his death at first she denied the position but he explained she had the talent and ability to protect the village and move it in a way to become a strong nation once again. He saw the rising power and he clearly understood her monster side in battle, she would be a perfect replacement for him when he retired she had the power and she could come talk to him and ask advice if she felt overwhelmed being so young her pride would not get the best of her.

Her squad would be ready for the exam soon as they entered the arena it roared loudly the amazing audience would help her team pump up. This would be the test to see if any would become a chuunin, it would be interesting for sure but she had high hopes. As the matches began they seemed to have no issues doing to squads part as the worked together amazingly and were able to end it with the top score in the exam . The individual part would be the harder part as it would test each one of her genin's fighting ability. The first match went as expected it was her top genin and he executed the match exactly how he needed easily destroying the less experienced genin. The second match was much closer with her genin barely coming out but the third was disappointing as she got crushed but it was clear the person she faced was one of the top three genin there. By the end of the day it was down to her top genin and the man that crushed her third genin. The match was action packed in the end her genin barely lost but she was happy with his performance. In the end he was promoted to Chuunin the other two would have to wait another day but they did well overall. She would take them all out and give them dinner giving her best regards to the one that had become a chuunin. The other two would have to keep trying this was a good day for her as her hard work had paid off a great deal.

RP Sample:  
This was the story of her brutal battle in the chuunin exams this bloody and vicious fight would leave anyone who witnessed it shocked as well as to never forget the name Inuzuka Yui.

Yui looked over at the boy, she smiled he seemed to be quite strong a worthy opponent finally as the crowd roared in anticipation for the match the other shinobi leaders as well as the genins all wondering which of these powerhouses would win the fight. Yui curled her lip up showing her fangs to the boy with Sekkiea growling standing at her side, both the boy and her had smiles on their faces as she quickly moved toward the boy almost appearing to vanish before one could refocus on her she was on all fours moving at insane and intense speeds around the boy as she made her first move the boy managed to just barely block her attack his eyes widened she was no joke for sure as he planted his feet blocking and pushing her back with his blade sending her sliding back before she appeared to vanish once more. This time her strike managed to land her claws ripping across the boys arm leaving several cuts across his arm, as she jumped back placing his fingers to his mouth forming a fireball launching it toward the girl. She quickly planted her feet and began to spin moving to the left at the last moment as a blur passed the boy, he smiled she was certainly a talented fighter her speed was a problem for the boy, he was scared she was a freak of nature no genin should be this strong yet here she was her power and aura so strong it was overwhelming the boy.

As Yui and toy boy continued to battle she could feel she was clearly the superior in this fight as she continued to tap more and more into her strength. Her blowing landing sharper and harder on the boy, it was like a cat toying with a mouse. This was too much fun as she began to laugh.

“I thought I had finally found a worthy opponent but in the end you are all bite no bark, I can completely and utterly destroy you if I so desired but I want to whittle away your pride to never raise your hand against me again. “

The boys eyes narrowed as he tried time after time to stab her but continued to miss, she weaved around the blows laughing the entire time, he was so pathetic this was how strong a genin was supposed to be she was not sure but he felt so weak compared to herself. Finally she had grown tired of him as she quickly moved toward the boy lowering her body close to the ground before vaulting a kick directly into his chin from below, she launched herself into the air above the boy before dropping her foot into the boy’s body vaulting him into the ground she had used her vaulting comet on the boy as he struggled to stand before falling to his knees again. The observers had seen enough calling the match in Yui's favor she sighed as she landed looking over at Sekkiea it seemed the two did not need to use her most powerful abilities. She brushed her hair with her hand turning toward the boy before shaking her head and walking away, however the rage finally boiled over as he quickly flashed toward Yui his sword driving into her back. Yui felt the cold steel cut into her body as the tip punctured out her front, she grabbed the blade with her hand making it impossible for the boy to grab the blade again. She turned toward the boy her eyes changing she was now pissed beyond control as she began to merge with Sekkiea her body began to change her form growing as she now changed into what appeared to be a half beast half human, this form was her true strength. It worked much like another Inuzuka jutsu however this one allowed her to fight more like her human self as she gripped the boys head she would say one last thing before taking his life.

“A coward is always a coward but you injured me so I will now kill you. “

Her claws swept quickly across the boys neck as his head and body separated his body fell to the ground with her holding his head before she released it. His blood spraying across her fur and covering her body, she had one last thing to do before she went back to normal she gripped the blade and ripped it out of her back throwing it to the ground before she shifted back to normal. She looked down and laughed it was quite a bad injury she might not survive this but she destroyed the coward and now had a deep seeded hatred for those who fought like cowards. She fell to the ground as the medical team rushed over to her, it was clear the boy was dead as they simply removed his corpse, she was rushed to the medical center where she underwent hours of surgery. Several days later she awoke staring at her sensei's face, he simply smiled and rubbed her head, she was such a strong girl she would someday pass him in skill he could see that.

“They cleared you of any wrong doing, the Kage defended your actions not only that I have some good news you are hereby promoted to the rank of Jounin be proud. “

As a tear fell from her eye she smiled she had done it but she was a jounin now it was one hell of a shock but no way she would not accept she had a goal for her country and that was to become the leader of this village, and to unite her clan under one banner.

Inuzuka Yui Done Extra10

Source: Another naruto forum had link

Face Claim: Motoko Kusanagi

Inuzuka Yui Done Accept10
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Inuzuka Yui Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka Yui Done   Inuzuka Yui Done EmptyFri Jun 27, 2014 12:19 am

I think I need to bump thank you
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Inuzuka Yui Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inuzuka Yui Done   Inuzuka Yui Done EmptyFri Jun 27, 2014 12:55 am

Okay, you're good to go. Approved.
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