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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 Hyūga Heishi

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PostSubject: Hyūga Heishi   Hyūga Heishi EmptyMon Jun 23, 2014 5:14 am

Hyūga Heishi

Hyūga Heishi Heishi1-1

Hyūga Heishi Whoare14

First Name: Heishi

Last Name: Hyūga

Alias: The Iron Glare

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 6'0''

Weight: 75kg

Birthday: April 8

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Relationships: N/A

Affiliation: Tsukigakure

Rank: Jounin

Element(s): N/A

Specialization(s): Taijutsu

Hyūga Heishi Tellme11


Honour, Loyalty, and Class.

Heishi much like any other Hyūga; confident, proper, well spoken with a fair degree of hubris. However, he tends to be more polite and tactful in his interaction with others, particularly towards Hyūga of the Branch Family, which he praises for their dedication to the Main Family, and respects their dedication to their duty. Generally, he is quite serious, but is always mindful of the situation, and knows very well how to treat people depending on their emotions, and how to manipulate the situation. Because of this, many people view him as a pleasant person, most of the time. However, he possesses a lack of patience, and can get annoyed if made to wait for something, or someone. And when he does lose his temper, he is not one to be trifled with.

He is also very intelligent, and possesses a very dry wit, making him someone you do not want to get into a debate or argument with, or you’d end up with a brief comment leaving you feeling foolish. His sense of humour is best described as ‘British Humour’, dry and witty, rather than insulting and obvious. He is strong willed and very mindful of his surroundings. He is able to perceive things that most others cannot, and is able to tell a lot about a person by simply looking at him/her. His upper class upbringings have created a strain of hubris within him, and though he is generally a polite person, he tends to take his nobility a little too far on occasion. For lack of a better word, he is a ‘gentleman.’ However, he does take offence when people slander his nobility or his clan, and thus can lose his temper, and though he is not one for shouting, he can cast glares that send shivers down the spine of the person who has earned his ire, glares from his blank white eyes which have been reported to be quite frightening, while being cold and as hard as iron, which earned him his nickname 'the Iron Glare'.

From a combat standpoint, Heishi acts more like a samurai in battle rather than a traditional shinobi. This means he does not like to rely on tricks, subterfuge or dishonourable tactics when they are not necessary. He prefers to rely on his own abilities and skill in strait, direct personal combat, rather than laying traps or falling back on deception like most ninja. That being said, he is fully capable of using said shinobi strategies when he is forced to. Due to his forwardness in battle, he wears reinforced steel bracers which completely cover both his forearms which he uses to block and defend against bladed weapons in close combat. In battle, he is mindful, cautious not to underestimate his opponent, and is never too confident in his abilities and knows his limits, allowing him to fairly actually gage his opponent’s strength and potential thus allowing him to choose whether to engage or attempt retreat.

Nobility: Heishi likes everything that encompasses what it is to be noble. This could mean simply belonging to a noble family or clan. However, it also applies to deeds, good deeds which are often described as noble, and worthy of those who have the blood.

People with Class: Heishi likes people who know how to behave properly. People who are reserved, have been taught elocution, and have learned the social graces, regardless of their social background, proving that those people have sought to better themselves in the eyes of society.

Good Manners: Politeness is the crux of any good relationship. Heishi appreciates when people acknowledge a please, thank you and good day, even when they are not warranted. Asking permission for trivial things and honouring one's seniors, elders and masters.

Rudeness: There is one thing Heishi dislikes above all else; rudness. He believes in treating people how you would like to be treated, and being rude to someone, be it verbally, or by action is something he cannot stand.

Poor Grammar: Heishi is turned off by people who do not speak properly, be it through the use of slang, profanity, or even the incorrect use of grammar, and he will show no hesitation in correcting someone's speech, wanted or not.

Dishonourable Tactics: The traditional shinobi tactics of deception and manipulation are distasteful to Heishi. He believes that one's skill, ability, and intelligence should be what a shinobi should rely on, not tactics that many nobles would consider dishonourable.

His name roughly translates to 'Honourable/Noble Soldier'. His goals in life reflect his name well. Although loyal to Tsukigakure, his ultimate loyalty is to the Hyūga Clan itself above all else. His goal in life is to further the name and causes of the Hyūga through his reputation, be it how well he is presented in social occasions, or through his skill in Jyuuken. Everything he is, is very carefully selected to further the reputation of the clan through his character and skill. Indeed, anything asked of him by senior members of the clan he dutifully attends to, regardless of the task.

Fears:  Failure in service to the Hyūga Clan. Heishi's wish to maintain the Clan's honour and integrity would be sullied by a failure in his duty. In the ideals of Bushido, failure to carry out one's task would bring shame upon him, and his clan, and that is what he worries about above all.

Hyūga Heishi Blood10

Hyūga (Main House)

Bloodline Name: Byakugan

Bloodline Ability:
The Hyūga are renowned for possessing the highly coveted Byakugan, a kekkei genkai feared for the great visual prowess that it grants its wielder. The first ability of the Byakugan gives the user a near 360º field of vision, except for one blind spot at the back of the neck above the third thoracic vertebra. The second ability is being able to see through solid objects, and can use a degree of telescopic sight. The distance and the degree of telescopic sight varies from person to person, and can be improved. However, the Byakugan cannot see through certain barriers, such as the Four Black Fog Battle Formation. The third and one of the greatest uses of the Byakugan is the ability to see chakra, its flow, as well as the chakra circulation system inside the body with great detail.

Members of the clan are instructed in the use of the Gentle Fist style, which uses the Byakugan to view the opponent's Chakra Pathway System and deal precise blows to disable and impede the flow of chakra. Due to training in this style, Hyūga clan members tend to have excellent chakra control. This is emphasised in techniques that utilise this chakra control, as well as the nuances of the Gentle Fist Art.

It is said that this clan possesses more than one kekkei genkai, one of which grants them the ability to expel chakra from every tenketsu in their body, allowing them to fully utilise chakra with attacks.

Location: Tsukigakure

Clan History:
The Hyūga clan is one of the five noble clans of Tsukigakure, the others being: Kyuketsuki, Hachurui, Ookami, and Metarumasuta. All members born into this clan possess the Byakugan, a kekkei genkai that gives them extended fields of vision and the ability to see through solid objects and even the chakra circulatory system, amongst other things, and expel chakra from any of the tenketsu in their body.

While not much is known of the clan's background, they are considered to be one of, if not currently, the most powerful clan in Tsukigakure. Their notoriety and prowess stretches far and wide, leading others to both praise and covet their abilities. During the latest Shinobi World War, an enemy-nin noted that they had a hard time against them during a previous war.

The clan is separated into two parts, the main house (Sōke) and the branch house (Bunke), a system that protects the secrets of the Byakugan from outsiders. The main house runs the family while the branch house protects it. The members of the branch house are branded with a cursed seal upon the third birthday of the heir to the main house. This seal gives the main house members absolute control over the branch members, because they can destroy the branch members' brain cells with a simple hand seal, or cause them great pain to punish them. This seal also makes sure the secret of the Hyūga's Byakugan is safe, because it seals the Byakugan after the wearer of the seal dies. Because they are essentially servants, simply because of their birth order or heritage, some branch house members are hostile to those of the main house.

Hyūga Heishi Histor11


Hyūga Heishi’s immediate family is very closely connected to the founding members of the clan, and is one of great respect within the Hyūga Clan, specifically the Main Branch of the family. Heishi’s father, Hyūga Heisuke in particular is honoured as one of the Clan’s most proficient users of the Jyuuken Taijutsu discipline, being one of the Clan’s prime instructors of Jyuuken to the younger members of family until they reach a point where they can start training themselves in its use and application. His mother, Hyūga Kuroyuri was too a respected Jyuuken expert, however that was primarily thanks to Hyūga Heisuke’s training after they had been wed.

When Heishi was born, though he did not understand the world around him, it was as if he already knew he was noble, and part of a ‘well to do’ family. He rarely cried or begged, and always behaved himself as a baby, as if he knew he had to set a standard for others who were not of the main branch of the clan. His schooling began when he was just three years of age, being taught by other members of the clan within the confines of the Hyūga Compound, in other words, ‘home school’. Even though he was young, he was able to grasp the basic concepts of mathematics, and linguistics, leaning to use of language and its proper application in life.

However, above his schooling came the teaching of his Clan’s history, as well as how to act as a proper Hyūga of the main family, taught of his Noble birth, and how he was set above all others who were not of the main family, and that the branch family of the Hyūga would never hesitate to sacrifice themselves to save him, as well as other members of the main family. He was also taught how to act as a gentleman, how to be polite, and to respect others, no matter their birth or upbringing. He quickly grasped, and embraced his nobility, often flaunting it in front of children of the Branch family, which was the introduction of his arrogant streak.

After reaching the age of 7, he was taught the more complex forms of mathematics and was introduced to other concepts, such as science, history, literature, and the history of the great Shinobi countries instead of just that of the clan, beginning his interest in the Shinobi, and particularly, the uniqueness of Hyūga shinobi, able to use the soft palmed Taijutsu where no others could, and so, on top of his education, his father began to open him to the Jyuuken discipline. Before Heisuke would teach Heishi to fight, he (and was also his belief in training others), prompted him to first be able to use the Byakugan with ease, and after a few short days of practice, Heishi for the first time successfully activate his Byakugan, and soon after had control of his 360 degree vision, as well as other benefits such as sensing other’s chakra systems, as well as the ability to focus on or through things that would normally blind or block vision of people without the Byakugan, such as glare, smoke, and solid objects. He was then taught the basic stance of Jyuuken, and began in training with the more basic of the soft palm techniques and styles. This would give him a head start for his academy days, having an edge above other students. However, his extended time at home, rather than at a normal school caused him to be standoffish towards people he did not know, and more and more became a very private person, only sharing his true nature, likes and dislikes with his mother and father.

When he first attended the academy, as he was exposed to many other people who were not Hyūga, he became less standoffish and began to find it easier to interact with his fellow students, though granted, due to his family they were somewhat weary of him. But, thanks to his Jyuuken training in the control of chakra, he quickly grasped the basic Shinobi techniques such as the throwing of weapons, creating clones, transformation into disguises, replacement techniques, and the concepts of the Shinobi and the ideas behind stealth, deception and assassination. However, through his time at the academy, he continued to be trained by his father in the art of Jyuuken, and began learning more advanced techniques, and indeed, was taught the more advanced stance of Jyuuken users.

Unfortunately, this extra study of Jyuuken deprived him of socialising much with class mates, and when he did, though he did his best to be polite as he had been taught, they often closed off to him due to his somewhat arrogant personality. However, it did develop a sense of respect from other Hyūga, who praised his wish to become a Jyuuken master one day. The extra time also forced him to somewhat forsake Genjutsu and Ninjutsu more than the forms of Taijutsu, however, this did not stop him graduating at the top of his class, and was awarded his first shinobi rank of Genin, and gifted the Shinobi forehead protector with a black band which he wears around his arm like an armband, symbolising his position as a Shinobi.

He was soon posted to a team with two other Genin. One was a young blond haired girl called Naomi, a long ranged Ninjutsu specialist, the other was Tamura, a quiet well kept boy and a user of Genjutsu. He soon realised while they trained that he was at a disadvantage. Due to his focus on Jyuuken, he had nowhere near the skill in Ninjutsu to deal with long ranged attacks and mind manipulation unless it was something that affected sight. Though they could not hold a candle to him in close combat, he struggled to deal with his team mates at range when training. That said however, as each specialised in a different discipline, it made them a very affective team, as their abilities combined covered almost all situations. Though he helped his team mates train, he rarely trained his own Taijutsu with them either because he felt due to their lack of ability in Taijutsu, they didn't offer the challenge he desired to increase his skill quickly enough, or that they may find his skill intimidating and set him apart from their other friends. He instead would go back to his father, a master of Jyuuken. It is during this time, Heishi came up with an original Jyuuken technique, one which combined the ideas of the Kaiten, with the Eight Trigram, Strikes techniques; Hakke: Shouen Rin (Divine Wheel Palmstrike). It was quite an achievement, as there were not many Hyūga in the clans history to develop techniques outside the core Jyuuken abilities, especially considering his age at the time. During his time as a Genin, he completed 65 D rank missions, 6 C rank missions and 1 B rank mission. He spent two years as a Genin, before attempting the Chuunin exam with his team. As a team they worked very well, but during the one on one duels, each had trouble due to their specialisation. However, after a fierce competition, each one got through the exam successfully. After the examination, he was periodically separated from his team, and given assignments involving intelligence gathering and surveillance in the border regions of the country, a role of security and border protection more than anything else.

During one such mission however, he was confronted  by two unmarked operatives who were attempting to infiltrate the Death Country on the north western border. Inevitably a battle ensued. To his luck, both were Taijutsu users, and despite his being outnumbered he managed to hold them off. One of the assailants drew a short blade and used it with deadly accuracy. Heishi was wounded, having received a puncture wound to his left side. Despite his physical pain, he forced the two operatives to retreat, at which point, he withdrew to Tsukigakure for medical attention. Soon after, having stood his ground alone, and outnumbered, he was granted the rank of Special Jounin due to his skill and strength of character. He continued to work tirelessly until he came close to mastering Jyuuken Taijutsu, and trains constantly to keep those skills in tip top condition. He continued a distinguished career, completing 10 B rank missions, 7 A rank missions and 3 S rank missions. He was highly praised for his work in these.

There is one event however that could be argued to be the defining event of his life. Only after a couple of weeks of becoming a Jounin, a tragedy occurred within the clan. Heishi, late at night heard a loud thump from within the compound. He left his room, in the direction of the sound, as if something heavy had been thrown on the floor. He came to a door of the clan's Archive, which contained a great deal of knowledge, and the clan's protected secrets such as the written instruction of Jyuuken techniques, which were known only by Hyūga Jyuuken masters, and certainly no one outside the clan. The door was slightly ajar. On edge, he slowly slid the unlocked door open, to find his cousin and Branch member Hyūga Hanekawa, laying on the ground, tightly clutching her chest, as if in excruciating pain. Heishi ran up to her. She had clearly received a very accurate, very deadly Jyuuken strike. Among her gasps of pain, she managed to tell Heishi what had happened. Hyūga Hiamune, a fairly senior member of the main family who often came into disagreement with the clan's head had stolen confidential documents pertaining to Jyuuken techniques and more importantly, the Byakugan. To think, such a senior member of the clan was capable of such treachery, that he would almost kill one of his family to steal that family's secrets. It was unforgivable. Hanekawa fell unconscious, and Heishi quickly ran out the compound, and used his own Byakugan to search for clues as to where Hiamune had gone. He sensed his chakra essence heading north, and he quickly set off after him. He eventually caught up with him close to the northern borders of the country. Hiamune said nothing, and charged towards Heishi with a cold look in his eyes. Hiamune may have been his senior, but he was not the Jyuuken expert that Heishi was and was quickly killed when Heishi, in an rage had forcefully struck and sealed the tenketsu near Hiamune's heart. Heishi returned the secrets to the clan, but his mind was torn. To think that someone in the clan, let alone a senior member of the main family was capable of this, and almost killing Hanekawa in the process. Heishi vowed that he would dedicate his life in service to the clan, not only to preserve the clan's honour in the eyes of the other noble clans, but to make sure such events were never to happen again on his watch.

Perhaps one of his highest accolades was his participation in an international Taijutsu tournament. Due to his skill in Jyuken, the clan had entered him in the tournament as their representative, and considering his natural dedication to the clan itself, he was the natural choice. The tournament had a total of fifty competitors which were a cross section of all the shinobi countries. Indeed, some of the competitors representing certain clans in the competition had little Taijutsu experience, but had those clans not been represented, they would have lost face. It was being held in Tsukigakure, who's turn it was to host the tournament. The opening ceremony was grand, full of pomp and pride of all the nations competing. Shinobi often doing things in the dark and in the shadows rarely had an opportunity to openly display their abilities, and this tournament was one of the few making it extremely popular among the noble clans. Upon commencement of the tournament, Heishi worked his way up the competition ladder, defeating opponent after opponent at his rank level, which was at this stage as a junior Jounin. He reached the semi-finals, at which point he faced someone from a relatively unknown clan, who specialised in one hand blade weapons. He used a blunted sword, and Heishi, with only his Jyuken was at a disadvantage in reach. Their battle was intense. His opponent was an aggressive attacked, always pressing forward, trying to prevent Heishi from going on the offensive himself. Heishi had to parry using his steel bracers more than anything else. But the attacker grew less and less focused as he hurriedly slashed his sword again and again. The briefest of openings was presented, and Heishi took it. In an instant, he thrust a single Jyuken strike at his opponent's chest, with the word's 'Hasangeki!' It was a rare Jyuken technique which thrust his opponent back into a wall, while collapsing a number of his tenketsu. It was a victory. The final was very different. His opponent this time had no clan, and his strategy surrounded finding blind spots and gaps in defence, of which Heishi and the Byakugan had very few. The battle that ensued was far more calculated than the last. Rather than a flurry of berserker type attacks, this man sought to bring a close to the fight with very timely single attacks. He however could not find an opening through the Byakugan, until, by luck he found the single blind spot, directly behind his head, and struck forth with a devastating attack. Unfortunately, Heishi knew about his one blind spot, but waited, allowing him to believe it was over. At the final second, Heishi dodged to the right, his opponent still driving forward with speed thrust past him, causing him to loose his balance. In a flash, Heishi dropped into a stance the Hyuga knew well, and while his opponent struggled to regain his footing, Heishi quickly delivered his 64 strikes with deadly accuracy. His opponent fell unconscious, and Heishi stood victorious in the Special Jounin grade, and took his place among the other victorious competitors from the Genin to Jounin competition. His victory he dedicated to the clan, saying that it had been their instruction, and the use of the Byakugan which had allowed such a victory. Because of this, Heishi was given the option of attempting the Jounin course early in his career, which he subsequently, passed.

Now, though still young has much experience as a Shinobi. His use of Jyuuken is so advanced, there are only a few within the clan who can compete with his skill, of course excluding Jyuuken instructors and the heads of both family branches. Due to his specialization and mastery in Jyuuken, he is in high demand for both surveillance missions and patrols in which close combat is likely to occur. He is well respected among the Hyūga, as well as general populace. His future is uncertain.

During his career, he has experienced some major drawbacks. Due to his complete focus on Jyuuken, and as a consequence Taijutsu, his Ninjutsu and Genjutsu ability are sorely lacking and as such, he 'needs' a team with the other specialties to compensate for his lack of ability in those areas. Indeed, his focus on 'clan' business has left him isolated in the population from a social standpoint, leaving him with few close friends outside his clan. It is important to point out, and one might notice throughout his history, though people know about his skill and social grace, they know little about  Heishi himself. He is a very private person, making the facets of his personality which are hidden behind an exterior wall of nobility, unknown to everyone, even those within the clan. Perhaps one day someone can gain his confidence to truly get to know him, but in the two decades of his life, no one has.

RP Sample:  

Hyūga Heishi Extra10

Source: Google Search

Face Claim: Naruto Original Character Image

Hyūga Heishi Accept10

Last edited by Heishi on Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:08 am; edited 5 times in total
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Hyūga Heishi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyūga Heishi   Hyūga Heishi EmptyMon Jun 23, 2014 5:55 am

Okay, just a few things.

  1. In your specializations, just state Taijutsu. :)

  2. Your likes and dislikes need to be typed out in complete sentences.

  3. And actually, that's it so post a bump when you have fixed it up. Arigatou, Heishi!
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Hyūga Heishi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyūga Heishi   Hyūga Heishi EmptyWed Jun 25, 2014 3:03 pm

It appears this app has been fixed, though a bump was not made. Due to this, this app's changes have not been brought to our attention completely.

The only thing I ask is that your fears be longer, like the others in said category. This was something that should have been stated with the first grading as well, so sorry to make you have to go back and add a little more. Once this is done, post a bump stating such and I'll stamp you and all that good stuff.
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Hyūga Heishi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyūga Heishi   Hyūga Heishi EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 2:10 am

Sorry about that, I had assumed I had to use the 'bump thread' to bump rather than posting here. Apologies for the confusion. I have extended the 'fears' section to include a bit more detail. Please let me know if there is anything else that needs to be addressed.
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Hyūga Heishi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyūga Heishi   Hyūga Heishi EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 3:33 am

Looks good.

Hyūga Heishi Approved_zps6da77187
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