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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Kyuri Aseti

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Kyuri Aseti
Kyuri Aseti
Male Posts : 10
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PostSubject: Kyuri Aseti   Kyuri Aseti EmptySun Mar 06, 2011 5:36 am

Kyuri Aseti Bandagebyblackcatshoote

[21:48:40] Lili Valentine : Name him Kyuri Aseti the kitten slayer!
Ninja Application


First Name: Kyuri
Last Name:  Aseti
Alias: the kitten slayer!
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: March 5th
Sexuality: Gay
Relationships: -
Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Water, Earth, Fire
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu

Personal v2

Personality: Kyuri is mostly a shy person. He won't actively go out to talk to a person. He usually keeps to himself and has goals that he will always attempt to accomplish. He is always going out to complete these goals, so he'll never be seen in a single place being alone for too long.

However, when he gets to know someone, he tends to like them much more. That is, as long as they're not a cat person or intolerable. He is a bit delusional at times, but makes up for it by having very close bonds with his friends.

When in a relationship, he tends to be extremely jealous of anyone around his significant other. He is always a bit paranoid and usually needs much convincing before he believes anything they say. To this date, he's failed in 2 relationships that could've ended happier.

Likes: Kyuri loves puppies. Of course he does. I mean, he slays kittens, of course he's going to love something that dislikes them almost as much as he does.

Dislikes: Kyuri dislikes Kittens with a passion. He will do his best to utterly destroy any kitten he comes across. It doesn't matte the situation he's in, the kitten will get the priority.

Motivation: Kittens.

Fears: That humans will have to eventually suffer from the wrath of the infinitely many evil kittens in the world.

Clan Information

Clan name  None

Bloodline Name: Shikigami no Mai

Bloodline Ability: Paper Manipulation
The people of this clan are generally known to be able to manipulate paper, create paper, become paper. People of this clan can make paper into a lethal weapon. It also seems that when they become paper, they also become ageless as a result. People of this clan are immortal towards age, so they cannot die like that. Paper is Strong to Water and Weak to Oil.

Location:   Scattered

Clan History:   This clan never started as a noble family or a couple of supreme shinobi who ruled the land or anything like that. It started as two people, a brother and a sister, who ran a library together. They found knowledge to be a sacred treasure and guarded it with their lives. However, they weren't actually shinobi, so they had to learn the basics of combat. Realizing that they weren't adept at combat, they thought of the irony... of using their treasure to combat enemies. By utilizing simple manipulation of wind chakra they ironically both had, they learned to fight using paper. These two went on to get married (to different people) and have kids. Each one taught their children how to use this style from the first moment they could cross their arms and stand. This tradition was passed along for generations, and eventually it came to the modern day. The people of this clan, or bloodline really, have actually over the generations, become so adept at paper manipulation that it evolved into what it is today with advanced attacks.


History: Kyuri's birth was nothing spectacular, he was born and that was the end of it. As he grew he noticed that for some strange reason he had a disliking of any kind of felines. When they were pets, he would keep them away. When they were in the wild, he would put them down. This strange dislike grew to the point that he would end up killing any kittens he would come across.

Kyuri often got missions that brought him into the jungle to get rid of nuisance animals. He liked these kinds of missions best because then he could go out and look for other felines that inhabited the jungles and kill them. Tigers were tough fighters, but even as Genin he learned quickly how to deal with a wild animals like them.

Kyuri has two ex-boyfriends. He still loves both of them, but one he feels the need to get over. Maybe it's a good thing that this one lives in another village. The other still loves him, but still lives quite far from where he lives, diminishing most visits possible. He mostly just wishes he could be with someone and be happy. It hardly ends up being that way, so he's come to doubt love in general now.

RP Sample:   The Blue Moon was beginning to rise, signaling the end of all late night activities. Soon, the Evil Moon would rise, bringing about the jealousy of all who love. The animals would go wild, the humans would kill. There was no time to lose. Everyone was to be in their homes, and asleep by the time the Passionate Moon was up. Those who ignore this law was to be persecuted by the Royals, which almost always ended in death. This night was nearly like every other night, but with only one problem. The late night drinkers became a little too drunk, and was now stalking the streets.
The Moon that was rising had a light blue color to it. It was a beautiful view if it hadn't been a warning that if anyone was left awake would die in the next few hours. The Royals had deemed it law to be asleep by the time the Blue Moon came up. Children were exempt if they awoke in the night, they had no fears of the Evil Moon. Children had never done anything bad that has caused jealousy.
One drunkly man had been going door-to-door, asking to get inside before the Evil Moon would come up. Of course, no one wanted a drunk inside their house, and he was left wandering the streets, when it began to climb into the sky. The sky was a battleground, the blue warping with the green halfway through the sky. Those directly below found it a fascinating site, if they hadn't already been asleep. The Evil Moon would win, as there was no calmness to support the Blue Moon. The Blue would go down, as it would every night, and the sky would light up with a bright green. There were no clouds in the sky, making every white surface seem green.
The city was black, the lights were out, and nearly everyone was asleep. There were few still awake by the time this Moon was up. Those that were awake, were to be dealt with in the morning without trial. The Royals were strict, and all-powerful. They kept a close, mind's eye on all of their subjects within the Kingdom. This is the way it has always been, as the civilization has advanced, as the civilization has suffered. Exempt from the mind reading were the Royals, and their subjects that were directly below them. This included only the Royal Assassin. Having being born on the same year as the Prince, they were the same age. This way, neither would outlive each other...

The King paused from his reading. “Find the author of this book and assassinate him. He knows too much.” The King was being merciless. Had the Queen found the book, the death would be slow and painful. “Your Majesty?” The Assassin asked, waiting for a confirmation. The Assassin was kneeling with his head lowered for respect to the King. “Yes, do it quickly. Before the Queen finds out about this; she's busy collecting Energy at the moment and can't be bothered with the Observations tonight.” The King opened his eyes and looked to where the Assassin once knelt. A light gust of wind blew dust around the spot where he was present. The King lightly smiled, knowing the deed would be done soon. Though externally he seemed happy, his inner self was malicious and wished for more pain to come to the simple author. While his conscious mind was dealing with the problems before him, his unconscious was Observing. This was the true power of the Royalty.
The Assassin's loyalty was unquestionable. Though he seemed like he doubted the King's decisions, he did them as he was told. No one seems to know him at all, due to his silent nature.
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PostSubject: Re: Kyuri Aseti   Kyuri Aseti EmptySun Mar 06, 2011 2:58 pm

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