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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Kyusoku 'Deddo' Zeppeki

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Posts : 12
Ryo : 5350

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PostSubject: Kyusoku 'Deddo' Zeppeki   Kyusoku 'Deddo' Zeppeki EmptyThu Jun 16, 2011 1:15 am

Kyusoku 'Deddo' Zeppeki 1205419827_mexyKakuzu
Yes, he is stitched up like that

Tell me something about yourself.
Ninja Application


First Name: Kyusoku 'Deddo'
Last Name: Zepekki
Alias: Deddo
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Height: 6'6
Weight: 156
Birthday: February 12th
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: Sister - Kyra Zeppeki
Cousin - Anaguma Zeppeki
Affiliation: Sabakugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Doton, Suiton
Specialization: Ijutsu, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu

Personal v2

Personality: Kyusoku is a very proud teenage boy. He does not hide himself despite his faults. He has learned to love himself despite his appearance, but is still a little self-concious about it. He has mostly gotten over the side affects of his disease, but the hurt will never go away. Instead of letting it make him into a hateful person he took a different path, treasuring everything beautiful an becoming an honest good person. He also flaunts his disease, like a blessing sometimes, he has no shame in it.

Likes: Beautiful things, Life, Purpose

Dislikes: Vain people

Motivation: Living life as a good person

Fears: Even though it is no longer possible, his disease returning.

Clan Information

Clan name Zeppeki

Bloodline Name: Farao no chi

Bloodline Ability: The ability of this clan is a direct link with their gods, who grant them their special abilities. Each member of the clan worships one god above all others, and that god gives that clan member there elements. The list is as follows:

-Set: Raiton, Katon, Fuuton
-Anubis: Katon, Doton, Fuuton
-Bastet: Raiton, Doton, Suiton
-Osiris: Doton, Suiton, Raiton
-Sekhmet: Katon, Fuuton, Doton
-Nephyths: Suiton, Fuuton
-Horus: Fuuton, Raiton
-Ra: Katon, Fuuton
-Nut: Fuuton, Suiton
-Geb: Doton, Suiton

Each clan member is also born with a nonfunctioning eye, left or right, it matters not. On this pure white useless eye is the symbol of the god that that member worships most. Once a member has a symbol they can not switch to a different god. All clan members have the same specializations; Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu.

The true ability of the clan is that they are able to call upon the Gods, and manifest them in their own bodies for limited periods of time. During this time all clan jutsu are fifty percent more powerful, while they become twenty-five percent increased physically. This only lasts for eight posts, and can be used only once per topic.

Each God also grants boosts to whomever is linked to them. Each God gives a different boost, the list is as follows:

Set: All worshippers of Set have heightened reflexes. They are heightened by 2x.
Anubis: All worshippers of Anubis are able to absorb the memories of the recently departed.
Bastet: All worshippers of Bastet gain a fifty percent increase in hearing.
Osiris: All worhsippers of Osiris never tire.
Sekhmet: All worshppers of Sekhmet are natural twice as agile as most.
Nephyths: All worshippers of Nephyths can move through the water twice as easily and fluidly as most.
Horus: All worshippers of Horus are naturally able to ignore any injury received in battle, and are very good strategists.
Ra: All Worshippers of Ra seem to give off a source of light, making it extremely difficult to look at them directly, as well they can adapt instantly to any change in the level of lighting in their surroundings.
Nut: All worshippers of Nut are able to jump twice as high, and twice as far, as most others. Also take twice as long to land, seeming to hover slowly back toward the earth.
Geb: All worshippers of Geb are naturally twice as durable, and twice as strong.

Location: Sabakugakure

Clan History: The clan started out as a small nomadic family who lived off of what the desert in which they resided provided. They never stayed in one place too long, always moving about the desert, treating nature with the greatest respect. They were unique, due to their religion, which consisted of hundreds of different gods, each one being a personification of an element or object. The clan made many shrines to these gods, praising their powers. They even had a group men devoted to the worship of their gods; their preists.

The clan grew over time, slowly progressing into a small villages worth of people. They finally were forced to settle into a permanent settlement, unable to move about with so many people. They built large shrines to the gods, building idols of them to worship. The clan was happy with their lot in life, giving the gods many sacrifices to keep them favourable. The clan lived this way for not a handful of years, before the famine came.

The famine demolished the clan's pastures, killing off all of their cattle, causing many of the clan to die off. The high priest began to pray to the gods, asking for their aid, praying to them, hoping that they would send them food, or a way out, some way to survive. No answer was forth coming, the gods were silent, for many days. The high preist began to fast, making all of the priests under him follow his lead, allowing the ordinary people of the clan larger portions of their dwindling food supplies.

For a week he fasted, then that night, he recieved a vision, a dream as he sat in the shrine, chanting. The gods showed him a valley, a valley so lush, so green that it hurt the eyes to look upon for too long. A winding slash of blue crisscrossed through the center of the valley, providing the much needed water that provided life out in the dessert. The high priest was shown a safe path to the valley, he awoke from his dream, and spread the good news telling the entire clan of his dream.

The next day they had packed everything they could gather, and began to head towards the safe path the gods showed to the high priest, the Nile river, which lead directly into the valley. So the clan set forth, heading off for this new land that was to be their own, in order to start their new lives. Many more died on the two day journey to the river, but five infants were born, within days of each other. Though these five children all shared a birth defect. Each one of them was born with only one working eye. The other was dead and milky white.

The high priest prayed to the gods, asking them about this strange defect, and again the gods gave him a vision. They appeared to him, telling him of the power of the path of the Shinobi, of the power of chakra, and how they themselves could access this power. The Gods went on to explain that the children who were just born would be able to learn elemental chakra, though only if they devoted themselves to one god above all others. The dead eyes were a sacrifice to the gods for this power they had been granted.

They gods also told the high priest that his generation would be unable to learn to use chakra, but that each child from now on would be born with only one working eye, and that future generations would have the ability to use chakra. Shortly after this vision the clan set off again on their journey through the desert, towards the lush greenery that was to be their new home. The high priest never saw it, as he died shortly after his second vision from the gods. His finaly act was to promote his right hand to high priest.

By the time the clan reached the valley their numbers had been halved, though many of the surviving women were pregnant, and each of them knew that their children would be born with this odd defect, for the high priest had told the clan of his second vision, before he died. The surviving members of the clan were frail and starving, many of them suffering from malnutrition. Luckily for them fruits, vegetables, and animals were in great abundance in this valley.

once more the clan settled down, their month long trek through the desert finished. Slowly the elders of the clan who had survived began to receive strange messages in their dreams, and awoke with odd knowledge; the knowledge of a shinobi. They had been instructed to teach the young children the way, teach them the essential skills of a ninja. Slowly more and more of the clan gained this knowledge, and were able to create an academy, to teach the youth of the village how to be a shinobi.

Years later the clan has once again returned to the size of a village, now with a strong bond with their gods, all members missing one eye. The clan now knew of the shinobi villages, especially of the closest, Sabakugakure. They did not pose a threat to the village, so the two had a tentative peace, neither attacked the other, though they would not assist each other either. The two villages have been this way for a while, in a stale mate. Until the new leader of the clan, one Anaguma Zeppeki, has tried to do the unthinkable, he is trying to make an alliance with the village. Only the future will tell what happens to those who dwell in the lush green valley known as Egypt.


History: Kyusoku was born five years late his sister, and like her he was born outside a hospital, but was soon sent there. He was a weak child, sickly and barely able to do anything. Not even a year after his birth, his disease became evident. His body was deteriorating, quickly dying on him. Cells died faster than they grew and for years he was unable to leave hospital care. Nurses and doctors keeping him barely alive. After a while though his body seemed to grow stronger, as if it was fighting the disease. He grew and he grew fast, as if his cells caught up rapidly and couldn't stop. By the age of seven he was back in the hospital bed again and was near dead.

Then in a miracle, the disease stopped killing him. It was still evident and he needed the stitches to hold his body together but he knew he could no longer die from it. He was saved, by his new found patron god Geb. He felt rejuvinated and despite his disability found himself stronger than most people, more durable. His family cried with joy when he came home home by himself and when he saw his sister in the academy he knew that was what he would do.

His first years at the academy were his first years doing anything, but he loved living so much he ignored all the insults at first. Then they began to take a toll and he covered himself up. Though with heart felt words from his close friends, the support from his family, even though they had split, the love of his sister, and the clenched fist of his close friend Ana protecting him at every turn.

Academically he was average in intelligence, but excelled at medical ninjutsu, especially offensive forms of it. Weapon forms and ninjutsu came after, but despite his great strength he was not a good fighter hand to hand. He knew basic stuff, but that was it. It was a friendly competition between his natural talent with Ijutsu and his sisters apprentenceship with the village specialist. After his graduation though at the age of twelve, he was able to keep on par with her even without the help.

After his graduation though he was huge, and his health had stayed steady, but the faults from his disease never healed. He learned to love his appearence and his love for his sister was immense, she raised him. Not his mother and father, but he understood their plights.

He did gain a cool nickname though, one that his sister always called him. Deddo, he embraced it. Kyosuko Deddo. The wandering zombie of the sand.

RP Sample: James spun around and plunged his blade through a Neo-shadow. The pure size and weight of of the sword rending it in half. The sword itself digging deep into the ground itself. He felt a weight on his back and a sharp pain as a shadow dug it's claws into his shoulder. He reached around to rip it off of him but it was to small and nimble and he could not grab it. Growling angrily as it dug it's claws into him again he spun around and rammed his back into the sword. Pushing it's head through the decapitation hole and dropping. Killing it.

Standing up he looked ahead of himself at the man with a blank stare and a shadow on his shoulder. This man was the reason James was here, a hit. He was hired by some pompus idiot to kill this man 'till he was dead. James thought it was easy until he found out this guy had an array of heartless helping him.

Idiots. James was a drunkard and he knew better than to give your heart to the heartless. Still, work was to be done. Seven other shadows were spawned, making eight and a fatso. Great. Something James cannot easily kill. He hoped Solomon showed up soon. A heartless jumped and he grabbed it by the neck, slicing it's head off with his sword. Doing that to two more then ripiing his sword out of the ground and killing the rest in one big hit. He jumped straight up and over a charge from a fatso, slicing across it's back and making a deep gash, but not stopping it. He slashed again, but it had turned around and it bounced off his stomach. James rolled under a swing of it's arm and reached upwards, catching it's head in one of his decapitation holes and pulling, cutting it's head off and luckily killing it. He was lucky this time, but no time to waste.

He jumped back and grabbed the man, plunging his sword into the ground and shoving hsi head into one of the holes. The man struggled but James held him there with his boot. " A prayer for your soul you dirty bastard! " He pushed down and in a snap and a bloody mess cut the man's head off. Leaving his head to roll and his body to slump on opposite sides of the sword.

Source: Hitori Riezin
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Kyusoku 'Deddo' Zeppeki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyusoku 'Deddo' Zeppeki   Kyusoku 'Deddo' Zeppeki EmptySun Jun 19, 2011 10:38 pm

This may not be my job, but no one else is doing it. Your app looks fine for genin, approved, your free to Rp, but don't mention your clan IC until it is approved.
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